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CIMM Committee News Release

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For Immediate Release

OTTAWA, April 6, 2001 -- Joe Fontana, MP (London North Centre), Chair of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration today announced that the Committee will begin its process of public consultations across Canada with respect to Bill C-11, An Act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are displaced, persecuted or in danger..

The hearings will take place as follows:

April 30 -- Vancouver
Delta Pacific Resort & Conference Centre
(Richmond, BC)

May 1st -- Winnipeg
Fairmont Winnipeg Hotel
(formerly The Lombard)
Note: In Winnipeg witnesses from Edmonton and Regina will be heard via Videoconference

May 2 and 3 -- Toronto
Ramada Plaza Hotel Toronto Airport East
(1677 Wilson Avenue)

May 4 -- Montreal
Renaissance Hôtel du Parc

Note: In Montreal witnesses from Halifax will be heard via Videoconference

Those persons wishing to address the Committee, either through a written submission or by making a request to appear, may do so by fax or by e-mail to the Clerk of the Committee as indicated below. Individuals who have already done so will be contacted in the near future should they be scheduled to appear.

E-mail =

Fax = (613) 947-0307

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