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(Meeting No. 7)


The Special Joint Committee on a Code of Conduct met in camera at 4:03 o'clock p.m. this day, in Room 253-D, Centre Block, the Joint Chairs, Senator Donald H. Oliver and Peter Milliken, presiding.

Representing the Senate: The Honourable Senators Peter Bosa, Consiglio Di Nino and Donald H. Oliver.

Representing the House of Commons: Mark Assad, Ken Epp, Bonnie Hickey , Peter Milliken, Rey D. Pagtakhan, Suzanne Tremblay, Harry Verran and Derek Wells.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Margaret Young, Research Officer.

Pursuant to the Orders of Reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, March 21, 1996, and by the House of Commons on Tuesday, March 12, 1996, the Committee resumed consideration of a code of conduct for Senators and Members of the House of Commons (See Minutes of Proceedings dated Tuesday, April 23, 1996, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1)

After debate, on motion of Suzanne Trembley, it was agreed,--That, in relation to the Orders of Reference adopted by the Senate on March 21, 1996 and on June 19, 1996, and by the House of Commons on March 12, 1996 and June 19, 1996, the reporting date of the special Joint Committee on a code of conduct be extended to Friday, December 13, 1996.

--That, if the House is not sitting when the final report of the Committee is completed, the report be deposited with the Clerk of the House of Commons and shall thereupon be deemed to have been presented to the House of Commons;

--That, a message be sent to the Senate requesting that House to unite with this House for these purposes; and

--That the co-Chairs report to their respective House accordingly.

After debate, it was agreed,--That a Sub-Committee be stuck to prepare a Draft Report composed of the co-Chairs, Senator Di Nino, Mac Harb, Rey Pagtakhan, Suzanne Tremblay and Ken Epp.

At 4:13 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Marie Carrière

Committee Clerk

(Meeting No. 8)

The Special Joint Committee on a Code of Conduct met in camera at 9:20 o'clock a.m. this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Joint Chairs, Senator Donald H. Oliver and Peter Milliken, presiding.

Representing the Senate: The Honourable Senators Consiglio Di Nino and Donald H. Oliver.

Representing the House of Commons: Michel Bellehumeur, Ken Epp, Bob Kilger, François Langlois, Glen McKinnon, Peter Milliken, Alex Shepherd, Suzanne Tremblay, Derek Wells and Paul Zed.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Margaret Young and Jamie Robertson, Research Officers.

Pursuant to the Orders of Reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, March 21, 1996, and by the House of Commons on Tuesday, March 12, 1996, consideration of a code of conduct for Senators and Members of the House of Commons (See Minutes of Proceedings dated Tuesday, April 23, 1996, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1)

The Joint Committee resumed consideration of a draft report.

At 9:47 o'clock a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

(Meeting No. 9)

The Special Joint Committee on a Code of Conduct met at 11:07 o'clock a.m. this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Joint Chairs, Senator Donald H. Oliver and Peter Milliken, presiding.

Representing the Senate: The Honourable Senators Donald H. Oliver and Mira Spivak.

Representing the House of Commons: Bernie Collins, Ken Epp, René Laurin, John Loney, Glen McKinnon, Peter Milliken, Rey Pagtakhan, Carolyn Parrish, Alex Shepherd and Paul Zed.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Margaret Young and Jamie Robertson, Research Officers.

Witness: From the Office of the Privacy Commissioner: Bruce Philips, Privacy Commissioner.

Pursuant to the Orders of Reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, March 21, 1996, and by the House of Commons on Tuesday, March 12, 1996, consideration of a code of conduct for Senators and Members of the House of Commons. (See Minutes of Proceedings dated Tuesday, April 23, 1996, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1.)

Bruce Philips made an opening statement and answered questions.

At 11:40 o'clock a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

(Meeting No. 10)

The Special Joint Committee on a Code of Conduct met at 3:35 o'clock p.m. this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Joint Chairs, Senator Donald H. Oliver and Peter Milliken, presiding.

Representing the Senate: The Honourable Senators Peter Bosa, Consiglio Di Nino and Donald H. Oliver.

Representing the House of Commons: Marlene Catterall, Ken Epp, Mac Harb, Bob Kilger, Preston Manning, Peter Milliken, Alex Shepherd, Suzanne Tremblay and Paul Zed.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Margaret Young and Jamie Robertson, Research Officers.

Witness: From the Office of the Ethics Counsellor: Howard Wilson, Ethics Counsellor.

Pursuant to the Orders of Reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, March 21, 1996, and by the House of Commons on Tuesday, March 12, 1996, consideration of a code of conduct for Senators and Members of the House of Commons (See Minutes of Proceedings dated Tuesday, April 23, 1996, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1.)

Howard Wilson made an opening statement and answered questions.

At 4:48 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

(Meeting No. 11)

The Special Joint Committee on a Code of Conduct met in camera at 3:40 o'clock p.m. this day, in Room 237-C, Centre Block, the Joint Chairs, Senator Donald H. Oliver and Peter Milliken, presiding.

Representing the Senate: The Honourable Senators Peter Bosa, Donald H. Oliver and Mira Spivak.

Representing the House of Commons: Marlene Catterall, Ken Epp, Bob Kilger, Peter Milliken, Rey Pagtakhan and Suzanne Tremblay.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Jamie Robertson and Margaret Young, Research Officers.

Pursuant to the Orders of Reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, March 21, 1996, and by the House of Commons on Tuesday, March 12, 1996, consideration of a code of conduct for Senators and Members of the House of Commons. (See Minutes of Proceedings dated Tuesday, April 23, 1996, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1.)

The Joint Committee resumed consideration of a draft report.

At 5:17 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

(Meeting No. 12)

The Special Joint Committee on a Code of Conduct met in camera at 9:44 o'clock a.m. this day, in Room 237-C, Centre Block, the Joint Chairs, Senator Donald H. Oliver and Peter Milliken, presiding.

Representing the Senate: The Honourable Senators Peter Bosa and Donald H. Oliver.

Representing the House of Commons: Murray Calder, Ken Epp, Mac Harb, Bob Kilger, Gar Knutson, Gurbax Malhi, Peter Milliken and Suzanne Tremblay.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Jamie Robertson and Margaret Young, Research Officers.

Pursuant to the Orders of Reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, March 21, 1996, and by the House of Commons on Tuesday, March 12, 1996, consideration of a code of conduct for Senators and Members of the House of Commons. (See Minutes of Proceedings dated Tuesday, April 23, 1996, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1).

The Joint Committee resumed consideration of a draft report.

At 10:54 o'clock a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

(Meeting No. 13)

The Special Joint Committee on a Code of Conduct met in camera at 8:40 o'clock a.m. this day, in Room 269, West Block, the Joint Chairs, Senator Donald H. Oliver and Peter Milliken, presiding.

Representing the Senate: The Honourable Senators Peter Bosa, Consiglio Di Nino and Donald H. Oliver.

Representing the House of Commons: Bonnie Hickey, Ken Epp, Bob Kilger, François Langlois, Peter Milliken and Paul Zed.

Other Member present: Marlene Catterall.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Jamie Robertson and Margaret Young, Research Officers.

Pursuant to the Orders of Reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, March 21, 1996, and by the House of Commons on Tuesday, March 12, 1996, consideration of a code of conduct for Senators and Members of the House of Commons (See Minutes of Proceedings dated Tuesday, April 23, 1996, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1).

The Joint Committee resumed consideration of a draft report.

At 10:38 o'clock a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

(Meeting No. 14)

The Special Joint Committee on a Code of Conduct met in camera at 9:42 o'clock a.m. this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Joint Chair, Peter Milliken, presiding.

Representing the Senate: The Honourable Senators Peter Bosa, Consiglio Di Nino and Mira Spivak.

Representing the House of Commons: Ken Epp, Bonnie Hickey, Gar Knutson, François Langlois, Peter Milliken, Lawrence O'Brien, Janko Peric, Geoff Regan and Tom Wappel.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Jamie Robertson and Margaret Young, Research Officers.

Pursuant to the Orders of Reference adopted by the Senate on Thursday, March 21, 1996, and by the House of Commons on Tuesday, March 12, 1996, consideration of a code of conduct for Senators and Members of the House of Commons (See Minutes of Proceedings dated Tuesday, April 23, 1996, Issue No. 1, Meeting No. 1).

The Joint Committee resumed consideration of a draft report.

It was agreed,--That the draft report, as amended, be concurred in.

It was agreed,--That the dissenting opinion of the Bloc Québécois be appended to the report.

ORDERED,--That the Chairs be authorized to present the Report to their respective Houses.

At 10:17 o'clock a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Ellen Savage

Joint Clerk of the Committee

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