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[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]

Thursday, June 13, 1996



The Chairman: Good morning everyone.

Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(d), we are resuming consideration of the request dated June 5th, 1996, signed by four members of the Committee pursuant to Standing Order 106(3) for a meeting in relation to Chapter 1 of the May 1996 Report of the Auditor General on Family Trusts.

Before giving Mr. Tremblay the floor, I would like to point out that you have been called to this meeting pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(d), should someone want to deem the notice of meeting out of order, probably because 48 hours notice was not given, as stipulated in Standing Order 106(3). This meeting is being held pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(d).

Mr. Tremblay, you have the floor.

Mr. Tremblay (Rosemont): I would like to amend the motion to take into account the adjournment which we were the victims of at the last meeting.

I move that the Chair of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts convene a meeting of the Committee on Tuesday, June 18, 1996 at 3 p.m., with Mr. Gravel, Deputy Minister of Revenue Canada, as a witness, for the purpose of studying the transfer of family trusts raised in Chapter 1 of the Report of the Auditor General.

The Chair: Mr. Tremblay, that is a new motion, not an amended one. Since it is now 11 a.m. on Thursday June 13th, the motion you tabled June 11th is null and void and I will consider you to have moved the new motion.

Mr. Paradis (Brome-Missisquoi): Mr. Chairman, I would like to comment on the admissibility of the motion. In our humble opinion, this motion is out of order. The motion was adopted, and we already agreed in committee that we would examine the matter as soon as the House resumes in the Fall.

The Chairman: Mr. Paradis, if one were to follow your interpretation, one might think that the motion stating that the Committee shall meet in September might also be out of order, since the Committee said on May 8, that it would consider family trusts as soon as possible. So one could say that the intent of the motion of May 8 was not respected.

Mr. Tremblay: I would like to put a motion to the Liberal majority. As they represent the majority, Mr. Chairman, I move that they accept this motion. I'm going to ask for a vote right away, and that will solve the problem.


The Chairman: I would add, Mr. Paradis, that during the meeting of June 11th, no one deemed that the motion moved for Thursday June 13th at 9 a.m. was out of order. For the same reasons, I consider this one in order. I just asked that you vote on it, and the matter will be settled.

Mr. Paradis: Mr. Chairman, I myself raised the fact that the motion was out of order during that meeting. Mr. Chairman, I wrapped up my comments by saying that we considered the motion out of order.

The Chairman: My decision is that it is not out of order. The Committee can appeal my decision by way of a vote.

All those in favour of my decision will please raise their hands.

All those opposed will please raise their hands.


Mr. Hopkins (Renfrew - Nipissing - Pembroke): On a point of order, may we have in writing a statement outlining why this motion is in order, on what grounds this has been ruled on? Would you give each member of the committee a written statement of the reason for the ruling that it is in order?

The Chairman: Signed by the chairman?

Mr. Hopkins: Sure. It's so we'll know on what grounds you are basing your judgment.

The Chairman: Okay. I will provide it in a better form.


What do we do now?

Mr. Tremblay: If there are no further motions, we can leave.

The Chairman: The Committee is adjourned to the call of the Chair.

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