Index of Proceedings

37th Parliament, 1st Session (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002) Current Session

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Y | Z

Index complete to Meeting No. 56


Adamec, Robert (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 35:0845-55, 0930, 0940-50, 1000, 1010, 1050-1130, 1140-55
Adams, Peter (Lib.--Peterborough)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 09:1635-45
Airth, Cathy (Health Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 05:1625-30, 1640, 1705-10
Alexander, Professor Bruce (Individual Presentation; Simon Fraser University)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 14:1115-30, 1150, 1220-25
Allard, Carole-Marie (Lib.--Laval East)(Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1635-40; 05:1705-10; 06:1950-55; 09:1615; 13:1705, 1725-30; 20:1605-10, 1725, 1735; 28:1625; 30:1640-50; 31:1655, 1710; 34:1000-05, 1105, 1115-20, 1140; 35:1055, 1105; 39:1610-15; 49:1650; 52:1050-55, 1225; 54:1055-1100; 55:1625-30; 56:1035, 1045, 1155-1200
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1540-45
Allen, Ron (RCMP)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1420-25, 1505, 1515, 1525, 1540, 1550, 1600-05
Armitage, Blair (Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 08:1550, 1615, 1640
Armitage, Lyell (Regina Health District)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 46:0915-20, 1005, 1015-20, 1030-40, 1120, 1130-35, 1155
Avery, Charlaine (Abbotsford Addiction Centre)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1705-10


Bachand, André (PC--Richmond--Arthabaska; PC/DR Coalition--Richmond--Arthabaska as of September 13, 2001 until April 9, 2002; PC--Richmond--Arthabaska as of April 10, 2002)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 05:1630-35; 08:1620-30
Baird, Donna (Seaview Addictions Services Society)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 15:1600-10, 1640-55, 1710
Balian, Raffi (Illicit Drug Users Union of Toronto)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 25:1155-1240, 1250
Barnes, Kofi (Toronto Drug Treatment Court)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1605
Barnum, Rick (Ontario Provincial Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 38:1550, 1610-20, 1650, 1710-20
Beauchesne, Line (University of Ottawa)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 30:1535-1620, 1630-1715
Beaudin, Gary (White Buffalo Youth Lodge)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 46:0940-55, 1010, 1025-40, 1055, 1120-30, 1140-55
Bell, Linda (Bellwood Total Health Centre)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 26:1415-20, 1505, 1530-35, 1550, 1610-20
Bellerose, Doug (Métis Indian Town Alcohol Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 45:1335-40, 1415, 1425-30, 1445, 1500-05
Benson, Allen (Native Counselling Services of Alberta)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 45:1340-50, 1410, 1425, 1435, 1445-50, 1500, 1510
Bentall, Lynda (International Drug Education and Awareness Society (IDEAS))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 16:1210-35
Bergeron, Stéphane (BQ--Verchères--Les-Patriotes)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 40:1605, 1615
Bernstein, Joyce (City of Toronto)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 25:0935-45, 1000, 1015-35, 1055-1100, 1110-25, 1140
Bertrand, Robert (Lib.--Pontiac--Gatineau--Labelle)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 08:1655-1705
Betteridge, Glenn (Canadian HIV-AIDS Legal Network)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 24:0935-50, 1040-45
Bigras, Bernard (BQ--Rosemont--Petite-Patrie)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 06:1925-35; 08:1600-05, 1640, 1705; 52:1015, 1025, 1200-05
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1545
Birtig, George (Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1450
Black, Shaun (Government of Nova Scotia)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 37:0915-20, 0930-45, 1030-45, 1055, 1105-30, 1140
Blanshard, William (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 48:0905-10, 0950-55, 1015, 1025-40
Boehm, Helmut (Wagner Hills Farm)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1645-50
Boniface, Gwen (Ontario Provincial Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 38:1535-1600, 1630-40, 1700
Booth, Courtland (Toronto Police Services)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1530, 1555
Borody, John (Canadian Executive Council on Addictions)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 56:0945-50, 1015, 1040, 1100, 1110-20, 1130, 1145-50, 1210
Bouchard, Carole (Health Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 05:1640, 1720-25
Bourgeois, Steve (Toronto East Downtown Neighbourhood Alliance)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1605
Boyd, Michael J. (Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 42:1545-55, 1620, 1640, 1700-05, 1715-20, 1735
Brittain, David (Office of the Auditor General of Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 20:1545, 1555-1620, 1630, 1640-1710, 1720-25
Brown, David (Addictions Foundation of Manitoba)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 48:1110-1205
Brunemeyer, Naomi (B.C. Persons With AIDS Society)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:0945-55, 1025, 1040, 1100-05
Buchholz, Blair (Calder Centre)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 47:1410-20, 1445-55, 1505, 1520-45, 1555-1630
Busson, Superintendent Carl (Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 15:1410-15, 1500-05


Callard, Cynthia (Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 31:1615, 1630-55, 1705-20
Campbell, Dr. Larry (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 14:1053-1110, 1145-50, 1200-10, 1220
Carruthers, Doug (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 43:1620, 1635-1725
Cavalieri, Walter (Canadian Harm Reduction Network)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 24:0840-55, 1005-15, 1035, 1045
Chafe, Carol (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use; 20:1735
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535
⇒⇒Election, deliberations, 01:1535
Clark, Wayne (Talbot House)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 34:0905-10, 0940, 1000-10, 1020, 1030, 1045, 1100-10
Collin, Chantal (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 26:1720; 28:1605; 39:1650
⇒⇒Budget, draft budget, in camera meeting, No. 7
Connolly, Mark (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1533-1725
Conway, Coleen (Prescription Monitoring Program of Nova Scotia)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 55:1450-1500, 1540, 1555, 1605, 1615-20
Cooney, Peter (Health Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 28:1545-1600, 1655, 1705-20
Cormier, Terry (Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 53:1610-1710
Côté, Yvan (Montreal Urban Community Police Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 13:1645, 1716-20
Crichton, Michael (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1620-25, 1710
Crime see Drugs, non-medical use
Crow, Earl (Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:0923, 1035-40, 1055, 1115


Darke, Andrew (Purdue Pharma)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 52:1115-30, 1150, 1200-05, 1220-25, 1240
Davies, Libby (NDP--Vancouver East)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1615-20, 1640-45, 1720-25; 04:1915-20, 1930-35, 1950-55; 08:1610-20; 09:1610-15; 13:1605, 1620, 1630-40; 14:0955-1005, 1025, 1155-1205; 15:1505-15, 1530, 1645-55; 16:0940-50, 1000-05, 1025-35, 1050, 1135-45, 1225-30; 17:1025-30, 1100, 1200-10, 1305-10; 20:1600-05, 1635-40, 1725, 1735; 22:1030-35, 1045, 1125, 1150; 23:1530-35, 1605; 24:1010, 1025-30, 1045; 34:0945-1000, 1055-1105; 35:0955, 1005, 1020, 1030, 1135; 36:1000-05, 1205-10; 38:1625-35, 1715-20; 50:1645-55, 1720-25
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1545
De Jong, Uultsje (Abbotsford Detox and Youth Rehab Steering Committee)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1510-15, 1530-35
De-Riggi, Angelo (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 13:1546-50, 1605-15, 1625-45, 1655, 1705, 1720-40
Dell, Dr. Colleen Anne (Canadian Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 09:1550-1600, 1620-25, 1635-45, 1655-1710
Dewar, Faye (Boyle Street Co-op)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 44:1120, 1145, 1155, 1215, 1225-30
Ditchfield, Deputy Chief Peter (Organized Crime Agency of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 15:1405-10, 1455-1500, 1525
Divisions, recorded
⇒⇒⇒Mishandling of private member's bill, decriminilization of cannabis, Keith Martin, M. (Ménard), ruled out of order, 40:1600
⇒⇒⇒⇒Appeal (Ménard), negatived, 40:1600
Doucette, Staff Sergeant Chuck (Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 15:1542-55, 1640, 1655-1705
Druce, Toby (Seaton House)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 24:0925, 1000, 1015-25, 1035-45
Drugs, non-medical use
⇒⇒Underlying or relating factors
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 10, 19, 21, 32, 33, 41
⇒⇒⇒Study, 03:1533; 04:1836; 05:1535; 06:1836; 08:1536; 09:1534; 11:1542; 12:1533; 13:1546; 14:0907; 15:1404; 16:0916; 17:0923; 18:1448; 20:1537; 22:0917; 23:1405; 24:0840; 25:0905; 26:1400; 27:1525; 28:1530; 29:1540; 30:1535; 31:1615; 34:0840; 35:0840; 36:0840; 37:0905; 38:1535; 39:1535; 40:1535; 42:1545; 43:1435; 44:0840; 45:1330; 46:0905; 47:1405; 48:0900; 49:1535; 50:1540; 51:1540; 52:0935; 53:1440; 54:0940; 55:1415; 56:0945
Dueck, Brian (Saskatoon City Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 48:0925-30, 0950-1005, 1020-35, 1045
Dykeman, Margaret (AIDS New Brunswick)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 36:1125-30, 1200-05, 1215, 1225-40, 1255, 1305


Elbers, Morris (Ontario Provincial Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 38:1540, 1550, 1635-40
Engele, Jerome (Saskatoon City Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 48:0935-40, 0955-1005, 1015, 1040
Erickson, Patricia (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 22:0920-25, 1020, 1035, 1050, 1100, 1130-35, 1150
Evans, Frank (Ontario Medical Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 26:1440-50, 1505-10, 1520-30, 1540-45, 1605-10, 1620


Fallu, Jean-Sébastien (Groupe de recherche et d'intervention psychosociale de Montréal)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 51:1540-45, 1635, 1645, 1715-20, 1735-40
Fantino, Julian (Toronto Police Services)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1410-15, 1500, 1510-15, 1525, 1555-1605
Farrell, Dennis (Vancouver Board of Trade)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:1137-55, 1205-10, 1225-30
Faulkner, Howard (Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 44:0905-10, 0950-55, 1015-40
Ferguson, Christy (Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 31:1620-35, 1645-1700, 1710
Ferguson, George (Mayor of Abbotsford, BC)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1600-05, 1620-25
Field, Joanne (Abbotsford School Board District)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1550-55, 1615, 1625-30
Finnerty, Murray (Canadian Executive Council on Addictions)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 56:0955-1005, 1020, 1030-35, 1055, 1105, 1135-1205
Flagel, Brian (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 15:1445-50, 1505, 1525
Flynn, Paul (Legislative Assembly, Government of the UK)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 27:1525-1630
Foster, Deborah (HIV Edmonton)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 44:1115-20, 1145, 1205, 1220-25, 1240
Frenette, Michel (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 36:0855-0900, 0940-45, 0955-1010, 1025, 1035, 1045
Fried, Peter (Carleton University)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 50:1540-50, 1610-40, 1650-1700, 1710-15, 1725
Fry, Hon. Hedy (Lib.--Vancouver Centre; Secretary of State (Multiculturalism)(Status of Women) until January 15, 2002)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 20:1550-1600, 1710-20, 1735; 22:1115, 1205; 23:1555-1600; 24:1045; 26:1555-1605, 1700-05; 28:1640-50, 1710-20; 29:1625-35, 1700-05; 31:1650-55, 1710-15; 35:1010, 1020; 36:1015-20, 1255-1305; 37:1040-50; 40:1555, 1650; 42:1645, 1655, 1710, 1725-30; 49:1625-35, 1655; 54:1110-15; 55:1535; 56:1130, 1205-10
Future business
⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 2


Gadsby, Joan (International Benzodiazephine Awareness Network)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 16:1200-10, 1230-35
Gallagher, Mike (Miramichi Police Force)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 36:0910-15, 0945-50, 1010, 1020, 1035-40
Gibbons, Rick (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 34:0915-20, 0940-45, 1000, 1010-15, 1050, 1135
Gibson, Chris (Seaton House)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 24:0925-35, 0955-1000, 1020, 1040-45
Gomber, Dr. Jody (Health Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 05:1535-1730
Gourlay, Douglas (Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of Toronto)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 26:1435, 1500, 1515-30, 1540-45, 1600, 1615-20
Graham, John (Charles J. Andrew Youth Restoration Centre)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 37:0915, 1000, 1045-55, 1135-40
Gunn, Kate (HIV Edmonton)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 44:1105-15, 1150, 1210, 1240


Hamilton, Jamie (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1455-1500, 1525-35
Harb, Mac (Lib.--Ottawa Centre)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1645-55; 04:1920-30; 05:1650-1700; 30:1630-35, 1715; 38:1645-50; 50:1655-1705; 51:1630, 1640-45
Harrington, Gerry (Nonprescription Drug Manufacturers Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 53:1440-1545
Hayden, Glen (Canadian Police Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 42:1605-15, 1640-45, 1655, 1720, 1740
Heed, Inspector Kash (Vancouver Police Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 15:1425-55, 1510-25
Heinrichs, Marcyne (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1555-1600
Hickey, Peter (College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 55:1430-45, 1525, 1535-40, 1555, 1605-10, 1625
Hossack, Nick (Health Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 28:1530-45, 1605-1705, 1720
How, Ernie (Addictions Services - Outpatient)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 47:1425-50, 1500-05, 1520-1600, 1610, 1620, 1630
Howett, Larry (John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 15:1555-1600, 1640-45, 1700-05
Hutchinson, Jim (Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police; Ontario Provincial Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 38:1605, 1615-25, 1635-50, 1700-05, 1720-25; 42:1625, 1655, 1705-10, 1735


Jancsek, Jim (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 43:1625-30, 1640, 1650, 1700-05, 1715-25
Johnson, Marcia (Capital Health Authority)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 43:1450-55, 1510, 1525, 1535-45, 1555-1610
Jovey, Roman (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 52:1155, 1205-20, 1230-35


Keirstead, Peter (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 36:0905, 0945, 1020, 1030, 1045-50
Kelly, Dianne (York County Court House, Province of New Brunswick)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 36:0905, 0950, 1005-10, 1020-25, 1040
Kendel, Dennis (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 55:1505-20, 1530-1630
Kennedy, Paul E. (Solicitor General Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 12:1533-1720
Keravel, Julie (Correctional Service of Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 06:1930-35, 2015, 2025-30
Kerr, Thomas (AIDS Vancouver)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:1020-25, 1040-45, 1055-1100


Landolt, Gwendolyn (REAL Women of Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 49:1535-50, 1605-55
Landry, Kathy (Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 44:0915-20, 0950-55, 1005, 1025, 1040
Lane, Sandra (Saskatoon District Health)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 46:0930-35, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1045-50, 1120-25, 1135, 1155
Larder, Rosco (Halifax Regional Police Drug Unit)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 36:0920-30, 0950, 1010-20, 1030-40, 1050
Larsen, Dana (Cannabis Culture Magazine)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1450, 1515-25, 1535
LeBlanc, Dominic (Lib.--Beauséjour--Petitcodiac)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 04:1945-50; 11:1640-50; 15:1515-25; 16:0955-1005, 1035-40, 1150-55, 1230; 17:1045-50, 1210-15, 1315-25; 18:1525-30, 1620-25; 20:1645-50; 28:1635-40; 36:1010-15, 1235-40; 38:1625; 43:1510-20, 1530, 1605, 1630-40, 1650-55, 1725; 44:0945-1000, 1010, 1135-40, 1150-55; 45:1405-20, 1435, 1450; 46:1035-40; 47:1515-20, 1600-05; 51:1650-1700
Lee, Derek (Lib.--Scarborough--Rouge River; Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of the Government in the House of Commons until September 12, 2001)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1620-30; 04:1950-55; 05:1715-20; 06:2005-15, 2025; 08:1630-40; 11:1625-35, 1700-05; 12:1625-35, 1710-20; 13:1645-55, 1705; 20:1620-25, 1720; 22:1045, 1200; 23:1410, 1540-50; 24:1005, 1045; 25:1025-35, 1130-35, 1240; 26:1540-45, 1615-20, 1705-10; 27:1605-15, 1625; 28:1615-25, 1650-55; 29:1615-25, 1640-45, 1655, 1710; 30:1635-40, 1710-15; 35:1020, 1030, 1040, 1155; 36:1035-40, 1240-45; 37:0935, 1055, 1105-30; 38:1640-45; 39:1615-20, 1640; 40:1550, 1605-10, 1616, 1655; 42:1635, 1655-1710, 1730; 49:1635; 51:1630, 1715-20; 52:1035-40, 1210-20; 53:1505-15, 1530-40, 1645-1700, 1710; 54:1030-40; 55:1540-50, 1615-20; 56:1105-15, 1210
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535-45
Lerat, Cory (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 48:0910, 1010, 1035
Lesser, Chief Superintendent R.G. (Bob) (Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 06:1836-1910, 1920-2030
Lipsett, Beth (Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 44:1125-35, 1145, 1200, 1215-20, 1235-40
Livingston, Ann (Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:1300-15
Logue, Bill (Larson House)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 47:1420, 1440-1540, 1550-55, 1605, 1615-25
Long, Dennis (Breakaway)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 25:0920-25, 0950-55, 1010-20, 1035, 1050, 1105-25, 1140
Luthra, Devinder (Narconon Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 49:1605-10
Lynch, Gillian (Health Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 54:1020-25, 1035, 1045-1105, 1115
Lyster, Lindsay (British Columbia Civil Liberties Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:1235-45, 1315-30


MacIsaac, Cindy (Direction 180)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 37:1025-30, 1045, 1055, 1105-10, 1130-35
Mackenzie, Chief Constable Ian (Abbotsford Police Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 15:1415-25, 1500, 1520
MacPherson, Donald (City of Vancouver)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 16:0916-1055
Mangham, Dr. Colin (Prevention Source B.C.)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 14:0920-25, 0950, 1010-15, 1025-30
Marra, Bill (Federation of Canadian Municipalities)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 39:1535-1650
Marsh, David (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 24:0855-0900, 0955-1010, 1025-35, 1045
Martin, Keith (CA--Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 40:1616-1700
Masching, Renée (Healing Our Nations)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 36:1115-20, 1200, 1215, 1235-45, 1305
May, Jeff (National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 52:0940, 1005, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1055
McCorrister, Blair (Winnipeg Police Service)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 48:0940, 0950-1005, 1045
McIver, Maureen (Health and Social Services (Prince Edward Island))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 34:0840-0855, 0930, 0940, 0950, 1000-35, 1055-1105, 1115-30
McKay, Des (Abbotsford School Board District; W.J. Mouat Secondary School)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1550-55, 1625-30
McKenzie, Marc (Illicit Drug User Union of Toronto)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 25:1215-25, 1235, 1250
McKim, William (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 35:0900-10, 0930-50, 1000-05, 1015-30, 1055-1100, 1115, 1135, 1145-55
McKinnon, Kevin (Health and Social Services (Prince Edward Island))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 34:0900-05, 0955-1010, 1030-35, 1045, 1100, 1115, 1130-35
McLaughlin, Michael (Office of the Auditor General of Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 20:1535-45, 1605-10, 1625-35, 1650, 1700-15, 1725-30
McLean, Dr. Mark (Canadian Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use; Vancouver/Richmond Health Board)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 16:1117-55
McMahon, Fred (Fraser Institute)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 14:1110-15, 1150-55, 1210-20
McPherson, Wanda (Operation Springboard)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 25:0950, 1005, 1045-50, 1105, 1115
Meier, Shawn (Native Addictions Services Society)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 45:1355-1405, 1420, 1430-40, 1455-1505
Melnychuk, Brad (Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE Canada))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 49:1550-1605, 1615, 1625, 1645-50
Ménard, Réal (BQ--Hochelaga--Maisonneuve)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1605-10; 04:1905-10; 08:1640-50; 09:1605-10, 1625-35; 12:1535, 1610-20, 1650-55; 23:1510-25; 25:1005-10, 1020, 1115-25, 1225-30; 26:1520-30, 1700; 27:1555, 1605; 28:1610-15, 1630-35; 29:1610-15; 30:1620, 1630, 1650-55, 1705, 1720; 31:1640-50; 35:0940-55, 1110, 1120-30; 36:0945-55, 1215-30; 37:0950, 1030-40, 1120; 38:1615-25; 39:1535, 1600-10; 40:1535-1616, 1640-45; 42:1620-30; 46:0940, 0955, 1015-30, 1205; 47:1450-1500, 1540-55; 48:1005-25, 1145-55, 1225; 49:1535, 1615-25, 1655; 50:1625-40; 51:1630-40, 1730, 1740; 53:1455-1500, 1540, 1635-45; 54:1020-30, 1100-10; 56:1025, 1120-30
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535-50
Michaelson, Croft (Justice Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 04:1850-1915, 1925-2000; 23:1605
Michols, Dann (Health Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 54:0940-1055, 1105-35
Milette, Delaine (Abbotsford Police Victims Services)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1605-10
Miller, Julie-Ann (St. Albert Association for People with Disabilities)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 44:0845-0900, 0950, 1000, 1015, 1035
Millson, Peggy (University of Toronto)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 22:1005-10, 1045, 1120, 1135
Morissette, Carole (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 51:1600-15, 1630, 1645-55, 1720-30, 1740
Murray, Ken (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 34:0920-30, 0945-55, 1005, 1015, 1025, 1035, 1050, 1100, 1120, 1135


Nallanayagam, Koshala (Prisoners' HIV/AIDS Support Action Network)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 24:0900-05, 0920, 1035-45
Naymark, Mike (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1605
Neufeld, Barry (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1650-55, 1720
Neves, Janet (Federation of Canadian Municipalities)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 39:1555, 1605, 1630
Niebudek, Mike (Canadian Police Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 42:1600-30, 1640, 1655, 1705-20, 1735
Nolin, Hon. Senator Pierre Claude (PC--De Salaberry)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 08:1536-1720


O'Briain, Warren (AIDS Vancouver)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:0955-1015, 1035, 1055, 1120
Organization meeting
⇒⇒Deliberations, 01:1535
Oscapella, Eugene (Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy and Harm Reduction Network)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 29:1540-1710
O'Shaughnessy, Dr. Michael (Centre for Excellence on HIV, University of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 14:1135-40, 1155, 1205-10, 1225-30
Owen, Hon. Stephen (Lib.--Vancouver Quadra; ParliamentarySecretary to Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada as of September 13, 2001; Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification)(Indian Affairs and Northern Development) as of January 15, 2002)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 13:1645, 1655-1705, 1716-20; 14:1005-10, 1030-35, 1210-15, 1230
Oxner, Kathy (Pacifica Treatment Centre)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 15:1625-35, 1700, 1710


Paglia, Remo (Operation Springboard)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 25:0915, 0950, 1000-05, 1115, 1125
Parker, John (National Training Centre for Self-Protection and Functional Fitness)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1655-1705
Patriquen, Mike (Marijuana Party of Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 35:0915-40, 0955, 1005, 1105, 1120-30, 1155
Pelletier, Michel (Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 42:1625, 1635, 1645, 1735
Perron, Michel (Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 09:1534-50, 1600-1710; 56:0945, 1025-35, 1045, 1055-1100, 1120, 1130-40, 1155, 1210, 1220
Pilon, Marilyn (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 29:1705; 43:1725
Pittman, Signy (Halton Regional Police Services)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1430-35, 1540-55, 1605
Poulin, Christiane (Dalhousie University)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 36:1135-55, 1205-10, 1220-25, 1250-55, 1305
Powell, Ross (Faith Alive Ministries)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 46:0910-15, 0955-1000, 1055, 1155
Power, Barry (Canadian Pharmacists Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 52:0950-55, 1010-15, 1025, 1035-40, 1100
Primeau, Pierre (Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 13:1546-1705, 1716, 1725-45


Raymond, Kathryn (Purdue Pharma)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 52:1130-45, 1200, 1240
Reeves, Mary (Abbotsford Downtown Business Area)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1543-50, 1615
Reist, Dan (Kaiser Foundation)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 14:0907-20, 0950, 1000-10, 1025-30
Remis, Robert (University of Toronto)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 22:0955-1000, 1045, 1055-1100, 1120, 1135, 1150
Riley, Diane (Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy and Harm Reduction Network)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 22:0940-50, 1020-35, 1050, 1100-05, 1125, 1140, 1150, 1200-05
Rowe, Andy (Full Circle Life Recovery Strategy)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1638-45, 1715-20


Saada, Jacques (Lib.--Brossard--La Prairie)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1700-10; 04:1910, 1935-45; 05:1635-45; 06:1930-40, 1955
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535-45
Saint-Denis, Paul (Justice Department)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 04:1836-50, 1905-20, 1930-40, 1950-2000
Sanderson, Ellen (Rocky Mountain House Native Friendship Centre)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 45:1330, 1410-15, 1430, 1440, 1500-05
Sansfaçon, Dr. Daniel (Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 08:1550, 1630, 1650, 1700-20
Sawka, Ed (Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 43:1500, 1520-55, 1605
Schechter, Dr. Martin (Individual Presentation; University of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 14:1130-35, 1150, 1200-10, 1225
Scherrer, Hélène (Lib.--Louis-Hébert)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 08:1630, 1640, 1710-15
Seeley, Terri-Lee (Campbell Valley Women's Centre)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1450-55, 1535-40
Sergnese, Elio (Caritas)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 25:0930, 1020, 1055, 1130-40
Single, Dr. Eric W. (Individual Presentation; University of Toronto)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 11:1542-1725
Skanes, Jim (Royal Canadian Mounted Police Coastal Watch Program)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 36:0850, 0935-40, 1015, 1035, 1045
Skelton, Carol (CA--Saskatoon--Rosetown--Biggar)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1630-35; 46:1005-10, 1115-30; 47:1440-50, 1525-40, 1630; 48:0945-1000, 1135-45, 1210, 1225, 1240
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535
Smith, Patrick (Canadian Excecutive Council on Addiction)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 56:1015, 1030, 1040-55, 1110-15, 1125, 1140-1220
Sneiderman, Barney (University of Manitoba)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 50:1550-1605, 1620-25, 1635-40, 1650-55, 1705-10, 1720-25
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 51:1540-45, 1600, 1615, 1630, 1640-50, 1700-40
Somers, Dr. Julian (Individual Presentation; University of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 14:0935-45, 0955, 1015-20, 1030-35
Sorenson, Kevin (CA--Crowfoot)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 05:1645-50; 06:1940-45, 2025-30; 08:1550-1600; 09:1645-1700, 1710; 11:1635-40, 1715-25; 12:1635-50; 13:1620-30; 20:1610, 1620, 1710; 27:1545-55, 1625; 30:1605-15; 34:0900, 1010-20, 1120-25; 36:1025-30, 1250-55, 1305; 37:0945, 1050-55, 1130; 38:1600, 1610, 1705-10; 39:1620-30, 1650; 40:1655-1700; 42:1630-40; 49:1640-45; 51:1545; 52:1220-25; 53:1445; 54:1040-50; 55:1620; 56:1050-1100, 1200-05
Sowden, Diane (Children of the Street Society)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1500-10, 1525-35
St-Jacques, Diane (Lib.--Shefford)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1605
St-Jacques, Hélène (Queen East Business Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1605
St-Julien, Guy (Lib.--Abitibi--Baie James--Nunavik)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 40:1555, 1615
Steeves, Margaret (Queen East Business Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1605
Steinmann, Art (Alcohol-Drug Education Services)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 15:1610-25, 1650, 1705
Stepanuik, Shelley (Canadian Pharmacists Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 52:1000-20, 1030-35, 1045-50, 1100
Stevens, Bill (Waterloo Regional Police Services)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1440-45, 1520-25, 1535, 1555, 1605
Studies and inquiries
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, underlying or relating factors
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 10, 19, 21, 32, 33, 41
⇒⇒⇒Study, 03:1533; 04:1836; 05:1535; 06:1836; 08:1536; 09:1534; 11:1542; 12:1533; 13:1546; 14:0907; 15:1404; 16:0916; 17:0923; 18:1448; 20:1537; 22:0917; 23:1405; 24:0840; 25:0905; 26:1400; 27:1525; 28:1530; 29:1540; 30:1535; 31:1615; 34:0840; 35:0840; 36:0840; 37:0905; 38:1535; 39:1535; 40:1535; 42:1545; 43:1435; 44:0840; 45:1330; 46:0905; 47:1405; 48:0900; 49:1535; 50:1540; 51:1540; 52:0935; 53:1440; 54:0940; 55:1415; 56:0945
Sullivan, Howie (SANE Sharp Advice Needle Exchange)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 36:1105-10, 1155, 1210, 1230, 1245


Talvio, Les (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 18:1710-15
Tate, Dean (Salvation Army Harbour Light Centre)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 26:1425-30, 1535, 1550, 1615
Taylor, Brian (College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C.)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 55:1415-25, 1445, 1520, 1530-35, 1545-1600, 1610, 1620-25
Taylor, H. Alex (Western Safety and Disability Management)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 48:1210-45
Taylor, Marliss (Streetworks)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 44:1055-1100, 1140, 1150-55, 1210, 1220-30
Toller, Ross (Correctional Service of Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 06:1836, 1910-15, 1925-30, 1945, 2000-05, 2015-20
Torgunrud, Rick (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 48:0915, 0945-50, 1045
Torigian, Matt (Waterloo Regional Police Services)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1505, 1545-50, 1605
Torsney, Paddy (Lib.--Burlington)(Chair)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1533, 1545-55, 1605-1700, 1710-25; 04:1836, 1850-55, 1905-20, 1930-35, 1945-2000; 05:1535, 1620, 1630-35, 1645-50, 1700-30; 06:1836, 1900, 1910-2005, 2015-35; 08:1536, 1550, 1600, 1610, 1620, 1630, 1640-55, 1705-10, 1720; 09:1534, 1605, 1615, 1625, 1635, 1645-1710; 11:1542, 1615, 1625, 1635-40, 1650, 1700, 1710-25; 12:1533-35, 1600, 1610, 1625, 1635, 1650-1720;13:1546, 1600, 1620-30, 1640-45, 1655, 1705-10, 1716, 1725, 1735-45; 14:0907, 0920-25, 0935, 0945, 0955-1039, 1053, 1110-15, 1130-55, 1205-30; 15:1404-15, 1425, 1445-1505, 1515-31, 1542, 1555-1600, 1610, 1620-25, 1635-1710; 16:0916, 0925, 0935-40, 0950-1015, 1025-59, 1117, 1130-35, 1145-1200, 1210, 1220-35;17:0923-30, 0945, 0955, 1010-1123, 1137, 1150-1200, 1210-35, 1245, 1300-05, 1315-30; 18:1448-1500, 1510-43, 1550-1638, 1645-55, 1705-20; 20:1535-40, 1550-1610, 1620, 1630-35, 1645-1705, 1710, 1720-35; 22:0915-20, 0930, 0940, 0955, 1005, 1015, 1030-35, 1045-1105, 1112, 1120-50, 1200-05; 23:1405-10, 1420, 1430, 1440, 1450-1515, 1525-1605; 24:0840, 0855-0900, 0920, 0935, 0945-1045; 25:0905-10, 0920, 0930, 0950-1020, 1035, 1041-1105, 1115-25, 1135-50, 1210-15, 1225, 1235-40, 1250; 26:1400, 1410, 1425, 1435-40, 1455-1500, 1510-55, 1605-20, 1630-35, 1645, 1655-1725; 27:1525, 1545-55, 1605, 1615-30; 28:1530, 1540, 1550, 1605-15, 1625-40, 1650-1720; 29:1540, 1555, 1610-15, 1625, 1640, 1650, 1700-10; 30:1535, 1605, 1615-20, 1630-40, 1650, 1700-20; 31:1620-30, 1640, 1650-1720; 34:0840, 0900-10, 0920, 0930-35, 0945, 0955-1140; 35:0840, 0900, 0915, 0925-30, 0940-1000, 1010, 1020, 1040-1200; 36:0840-45, 0855, 0905-10, 0920, 0935-50, 1000, 1010-50, 1101, 1115-25, 1135-40, 1155-1215, 1225-55, 1305-10; 37:0905, 0915-20, 0930-50, 1030-55, 1110-40; 38:1535-40, 1600, 1615, 1625, 1635-45, 1655-1725; 39:1535-40, 1550, 1600, 1610-20, 1630-50; 40:1535, 1550-1616, 1635-1700; 42:1545, 1600-05, 1620, 1630-45, 1710-20, 1730-40; 43:1435, 1450, 1500, 1510, 1520-1613, 1625-30, 1640-50, 1700-25; 44:0840, 0905, 0915, 0925, 0940-1000, 1015-40, 1050, 1105, 1120-25, 1135, 1145-50, 1200, 1210-40; 45:1330-40, 1355, 1405-1515; 46:0905, 0915, 0925, 0935-40, 0955-1000, 1010-20, 1030-45, 1055-1100, 1113, 1120, 1130-1205; 47:1405, 1420-25, 1440-1530, 1540-1630; 48:0900, 0910-25, 0935-45, 1000-50, 1106-10, 1135, 1145, 1155-1210, 1220-45; 49:1535, 1550, 1600-25, 1635-55; 50:1540, 1550, 1600, 1610, 1625, 1635-45, 1655, 1705-25; 52:0935-40, 0950, 1005, 1015, 1035, 1045-1105, 1114, 1145, 1200, 1210, 1220-40; 53:1440-45, 1455, 1505, 1515-30, 1540-45, 1610, 1620, 1635, 1645, 1700-15; 54:0940, 1005-10, 1020-30, 1040, 1050-1100, 1110-20, 1130-35; 55:1415, 1430, 1445-50, 1500, 1520, 1535-40, 1550-1630; 56:0945, 1010, 1025, 1035, 1045-55, 1105, 1115-20, 1130-1220
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535-50
Turvey, John (Downtown Eastside Youth Activities Society)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:0930-45, 1010-20, 1030-35, 1045-55, 1105-15
Tyndall, Dr. Mark (Individual Presentation; University of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 14:0925-35, 0950-1005, 1015-20


Valeri, Tony (Lib.--Stoney Creek)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535, 1550
Vamos, Peter (Centre de réadaptation Le Portage)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 51:1545-55, 1645, 1700-05, 1725
Van Steelandt, Keith (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 48:0920, 0950, 1045


Walker, James (Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 31:1615, 1635-40, 1650-1720
Walter, Thia (Life is Not Enough Society (LINES))
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:1245-1315
Watson, Henry (Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1450, 1510
Webb, Madelyn (Toronto East Downtown Neighbourhood Association)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 23:1605
Wells, Barbara (National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 52:0940-50, 1005, 1015-20, 1035, 1105
White, Randy (CA--Langley--Abbotsford)(Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 03:1555-1605, 1655-1700, 1725; 05:1620-30, 1700-05, 1725-30; 06:1855, 1915-25, 2000-05; 09:1615-25, 1655-1700; 11:1615-25, 1650-1700, 1710, 1725; 12:1600-10; 14:0945-50, 1020-25, 1145; 15:1450, 1525-30, 1635-45; 16:0925-35, 1015-20, 1050-55, 1130-35, 1155, 1220-25; 17:1010-15, 1150-1200, 1305, 1320; 18:1450, 1520-25, 1535, 1615-20, 1630-35, 1715-20; 20:1540-50, 1650-55; 22:1020-30, 1145-50; 23:1500-05; 24:0950-55, 1005-10; 25:0950-1000, 1105-15, 1215-25; 26:1455-1505, 1645-55; 28:1605-10, 1625; 29:1555-1605, 1640, 1655; 31:1615, 1630-40, 1650, 1705-10, 1720; 34:0930, 0940-45, 1035, 1045-55; 35:0845, 0925-30, 0940, 1110, 1120; 36:0935-45, 1155-1205; 37:0915, 0930-45, 1025-30; 39:1550-55, 1645-50; 40:1635-40; 49:1600-05; 50:1610-25, 1720-25; 52:0945, 1005-15, 1145-55; 53:1515-20, 1620-35; 54:1010-20, 1125-30; 55:1520-35; 56:1010-15, 1055, 1145-50
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1535-40
White, Robert (Nonprescription Drug Manufacturers Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 53:1445-50, 1510-30
Wilbee, Jeff (Alcohol and Drug Recovery Association of Ontario)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 26:1635-1725
Wild, Cameron (University of Alberta)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 43:1440-45, 1515-35, 1545, 1555-1605
Williams, Debra (DARE Evaluation Committee of Alberta)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 44:0940-45, 1030
Wilson, Dean (Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:0923-30, 1015, 1030, 1045, 1055, 1115-20
Wood, Cathy (Aventa)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 44:0925-35, 0945-50, 1000, 1010, 1035


Young, Alan (York University)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 22:0930-35, 1035, 1045, 1100, 1125, 1140, 1150-55, 1205
Young, Glenn (Vancouver Board of Trade)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 17:1140-45, 1200, 1210-30


Zoccolillo, Mark (McGill University)
⇒⇒Drugs, non-medical use, 51:1615, 1630-45, 1700, 1710-20, 1735-40