Index of Proceedings

37th Parliament, 2nd Session (September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003) Current Session

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z

Index complete to meeting No. 43


⇒⇒Canadian Forces members, memory, moment of silence, observing, Minutes of meeting No. 36
Anders, Rob (CA--Calgary West)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 28:0930-35, 1005, 1025, 1040-45; 29:0955, 1005, 1045
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1640-45, 1720-25
Axworthy, Lloyd (Liu Institute for Global Issues)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 29:0915-35, 1000-25, 1035-45, 1055


Bachand, Claude (BQ--Saint-Jean)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:0950-55, 1040, 1050; 9:0955; 10:0935-40, 0955, 1015; 11:0930-40, 1000-05, 1035; 12:0955-1000, 1030-35; 13:0945-50, 1040; 14:0935-40, 1010-15, 1035; 15:0940-45; 16:0940-45, 1020-25, 1050-55; 17:1010-15, 1050-55; 18:0930-35, 0955-1000, 1020, 1040-45; 19:0950-55, 1020; 20:0935; 22:0915, 0945, 1015-20; 23:0935-40, 1010, 1040-50; 31:0930-35; 32:1005-10; 34:1145, 1155, 1210-15, 1225-30; 35:1105, 1130, 1140, 1210, 1230; 39:1130-35, 1215-25; 40:1130, 1140-45, 1235; 42:1200, 1220-25
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 4:1555-1600, 1635, 1705-10; 5:1550-55, 1640-55; 6:1605-10, 1640-45, 1700; 41:1115, 1130-45
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1125-45, 1210
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, 27:0920-25
⇒⇒National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35), 30:1545-50, 1615
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1600, 1610, 1655; 21:1630-35, 1720
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0915-35; 7:0920, 0930; 10:1055, 1105; 36:1115
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1150, 1240-45
Bagnell, Larry (Lib.--Yukon)
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1205
Bailey, Roy (CA--Souris--Moose Mountain)
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1115-20, 1135, 1150, 1205-10
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0910, 0945
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1550-55
Baldwin, Susan (Procedural Clerk)
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1145
Beattie, Clayton (Canadian Institute of International Affairs)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 26:1005, 1050
Benjamin, Martin (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 39:1125, 1140
Benoit, Leon (CA--Lakeland)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:0910, 0930-35; 10:0920-25; 11:0915-20, 1020-25; 12:0940-45, 1020-25, 1050-55; 13:0930, 0940; 14:0920-25, 1020-25, 1045-50; 15:1020-30; 16:0920-30, 1010-15, 1040-45; 18:0915-20, 1030-35, 1050-55; 20:0920-35, 0945-1000; 22:0905-10, 0935-40, 1010-15, 1025-40; 23:0920-25, 1035-40; 31:0915-20, 0955-1010, 1025, 1045; 32:0950
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1555-1605, 1650, 1705-30; 4:1535-40, 1625-30, 1655-1700, 1715-25; 5:1535-45, 1630-35; 6:1550-55
⇒⇒National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35), 30:1600-15
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1545-55; 21:1615-20, 1710, 1730
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0905-40, 0950-55; 10:1050-1105
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1620, 1640-45
Bercuson, David (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 22:0900-1055
Bertrand, Robert (Lib.--Pontiac--Gatineau--Labelle)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 28:0955, 1020; 35:1120-25; 39:1135, 1155, 1225; 40:1135, 1200, 1235; 42:1215-20, 1255
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1635-40; 5:1600-05; 6:1615-20, 1700-05; 41:1135-55
⇒⇒Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 37:1155
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, 27:0930
⇒⇒National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35), 30:1600
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1640
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0925-30
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 36:1100
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1615-20, 1645; 43:1230-40
Bills referred
⇒⇒C-31.\Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)--Minister of Veterans Affairs (Pagtakhan)
⇒⇒C-35.\National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges)-- Minister of National Defence (McCallum)
⇒⇒C-37.\Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)--Minister of National Defence (McCallum)
⇒⇒C-50.\Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)-- Minister of Veterans Affairs (Pagtakhan)
Blaikie, Bill (NDP--Winnipeg--Transcona)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 9:0940, 1010-15; 13:1005-10; 14:0950-55; 15:0950-55; 20:0915-20, 0940-50, 1005; 22:0930-35, 0955-1000; 23:0950-55; 39:1140-45; 40:1155-1200
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1135-50, 1200-15
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 21:1640-45
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0930-35
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 36:1115
Bloodworth, Margaret (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1655; 21:1640, 1700, 1730
Bruce, Verna (Veterans Affairs Department)
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1650, 1700
Buck, Ron (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 14:0905-1055
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 5:1530-1655


Cadorette, José (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0905-10
Calder, Kenneth (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 10:0910-1040
Campbell, Lloyd C. (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 13:0905-1100
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 6:1530-1705
Canada-United States defence cooperation
⇒⇒Study, 8:0910-1105; 9:0910-1055; 10:0910-1045; 11:0905-1055; 12:0905-1100; 13:0905-1100; 14:0905-1055; 15:0915-1100; 16:0910-1055; 17:0910-1055; 18:0910-1100; 19:0915-1100; 20:0915-1010; 22:0900-1055; 23:0905-1055; 26:0910-1055; 28:0920-1100; 29:0915-1100; 31:0905-1050; 32:0910-1100; 34:1105-1235; 35:1105-1245; 39:1105-1240; 40:1010, 1115-1225; 42:1150-1300
Canadian Armed Forces
⇒⇒Ombudsman, briefing session, study, 41:1105-55; 42:1150
⇒⇒⇒Report, recommendations, Unfair Deductions from SISIP Payments to Former CF Members, study, report to House, seventh, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Readiness, budgetary issues, study, 3:1540-1730; 4:1535-1725; 5:1530-1655; 6:1530-1710
Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37)--Minister of National Defence (McCallum)
⇒⇒Study, 37:1105-20, 1150-1210
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, fourth, Minutes of meeting No. 37
Chair, election see Procedure and Committee business
Champagne, J.A.G. (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 42:1205, 1220, 1245, 1255
Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50)--Minister of Veterans Affairs (Pagtakhan)
⇒⇒Study, 38:1105-1215
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, fifth, Minutes of meeting No. 38
⇒⇒⇒Veterans Independence Program (VIP), benefits, surviving spouses, extension, report to House, sixth, Minutes of meeting No. 38
Cohen, Richard (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 34:1105-1235
Colwell, L.J. (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 37:1105-15, 1150-1205
Crandall, Angela (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 36:1100, 1107


Daigle, Pierre (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 39:1130-35, 1150-1200, 1225
Dawson, Michael (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 16:0925, 0935, 0945, 1000, 1020-25, 1035, 1050-55
Deschamps, Diane (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 7:0930
Divisions, recorded
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, Minutes of meeting No. 1
Dufour, André (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35), 30:1540-1600, 1610


Edmonds, Robert (Canadian Institute of International Affairs)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 26:1025-30, 1055
Elderkin, Doug (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35), 30:1555, 1605-10
Erkebaev, Abdygany (Legislative Assembly, Kyrgyz Republic)
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, 27:0925-1040
Estimates see National Defence Department; Veterans Affairs Department
Evraire, Richard (Conference of Defence Associations)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 35:1105-45, 1155-1210, 1220-30, 1240-45
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1540-1700, 1715-30


Ferguson, Brian (Veterans Affairs Department)
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0915, 0940
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1600-05, 1615, 1625, 1650-1700
Fergusson, James (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 28:0920-1000, 1010-35, 1045-55
Forcier, J.C.J.Y. (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 14:0905, 0925
Fulford, Dwight (Canadian Institute of International Affairs)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 26:1050
Future business see Procedure and Committee business


Gallant, Cheryl (CA--Renfrew--Nipissing--Pembroke)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 9:0940-50, 1025-35; 10:1005; 11:0950-55, 1045; 13:1030; 14:1000-05; 15:0925-30; 17:0955-1000, 1040-45; 18:0945-50; 19:0930-40, 1005, 1030-35, 1045, 1055; 23:1025-30; 26:0930-35, 1005, 1015, 1045-50; 31:0945-50; 32:1045-50; 34:1200-05; 35:1115, 1200-05, 1225; 39:1155-1200
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 41:1145-50
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, 27:0920, 1005-10, 1040-45
⇒⇒National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35), 30:1550-1600, 1610
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0905, 0915-30, 0940, 0955; 7:0920, 0930; 10:1055; 36:1100, 1110
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1220, 1230
Gleeson, Patrick (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35), 30:1555-1615
Godfrey, John (Lib.--Don Valley West)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 29:1005-10, 1035
Granatstein, Jack (Council for Canadian Security in the 21st Century)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 11:0905-1055
Greenaway, Keith (Canadian Institute of International Affairs)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 26:0945, 1000-05, 1045
Grey, Deborah (CA--Edmonton North)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 10:1035-45; 11:1015; 18:1005-15
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 41:1115-25, 1145-55
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1645-50
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 10:1055; 36:1125
Grose, Ivan (Lib.--Oshawa)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:1050; 9:1030; 10:1020-25; 11:0940-45, 1040-45; 12:1025, 1035-45, 1100; 13:1035-40; 15:0945-50; 16:1025-30; 17:1035-40; 22:0910, 0940, 0950-55, 1005, 1040-45; 35:1150-55, 1210, 1225
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 41:1140-45
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1105-30, 1155, 1210
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 21:1650-55, 1715-20
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 7:0920, 0930; 36:1115
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1635, 1650
Guptill, Bryson (Veterans Affairs Department)
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1150-1210


Harlick, James (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 19:0915-1100
Henault, Raymond R. (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1555, 1615, 1640
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1205, 1250
Hill, Jay (CA--Prince George--Peace River)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 34:1125-35; 39:1110-20, 1215, 1225-40; 40:1130-35, 1230-40; 42:1200-05, 1240-1300
⇒⇒Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 37:1105-15, 1150-1210
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 36:1100, 1107, 1120-25
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1130-40, 1255-1300
Honouring the Pledge: Ensuring Quality Long-term Care for Veterans see Reports to House--Third
Hughes, Arthur H. (Multinational Force and Observers)
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1540


Jeffery, M.K. (Mike) (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 18:0910-1055
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 4:1535-1630, 1640-1725
Jockel, Joseph (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 31:0905-1050
Judges see National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35)


Kirkwood, David (Canadian Institute of International Affairs)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 26:0955, 1005
Koerner, Wolf (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 10:1100
Kyrgyz Republic
⇒⇒Delegation, meeting, 27:0915-1045
Kyrgyzstan see instead Kyrgyz Republic


Lalonde, Francine (BQ--Mercier)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 29:0915, 1010, 1055
LeBlanc, Dominic (Lib.--Beauséjour--Petitcodiac)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:1020; 11:1005-10; 13:1010-15; 15:1015-20, 1035-40; 19:0955; 20:0945-50; 23:0945-50, 1040; 26:0935-40, 1035, 1045; 40:1225, 1235
⇒⇒Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 37:1200, 1210
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, 27:0930, 1040
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 36:1110-15
Leggat, John (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 17:0910-15, 0925-40, 0950-1000, 1010-55
Lindsey, George (Canadian Institute of International Affairs)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 26:0910-40, 0950-1010, 1020-55


Maddison, Greg R. (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 42:1150-1300
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 21:1655-1700, 1710-20
Marchand, Victor (Veterans Review & Appeal Board)
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1630
Marin, André (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 41:1105, 1120-50
Marsh, Howard (Conference of Defence Associations)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 35:1115, 1200-05, 1220, 1230, 1240
McCallum, Hon. John (Lib.--Markham; Minister of National Defence)
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1530, 1550-1600-35, 1645-1700; 21:1605-1725
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1110-40, 1150-1200, 1210-50, 1300-05
McDonough, Alexa (NDP--Halifax)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 29:1030
McGuire, Joe (Lib.--Egmont)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:1000-05, 1050-1100; 9:1015-25, 1040; 10:0955, 1010; 11:0945, 0955-1000, 1050; 12:1010-20, 1050, 1100; 13:0940-45, 1000, 1055; 14:0940-45, 1005-10, 1050-55; 15:1000-05; 16:0945-50, 1045; 17:1015-20; 18:0940, 1000; 20:0935; 22:0920-25; 23:0955-1000, 1020; 31:0920-30; 32:1040; 34:1155; 39:1120-25, 1235-40; 40:1145-55, 1225-35
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1645-50; 4:1630; 5:1625-30; 6:1625-30
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1120-25
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, 27:0925
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1650-55; 21:1620, 1630, 1700-05, 1725
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0920-25, 0950; 7:0930; 10:1050, 1100; 36:1115
Military judges see National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35)
Moen, Ingar (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 17:0955, 1020, 1040
Monette, Rodney (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1140, 1235-40


National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35)--Minister of National Defence (McCallum)
⇒⇒Study, 30:1540-1615
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, second, Minutes of meeting No. 30
National Defence Department
⇒⇒Briefing session, 2:1530-1700
⇒⇒Estimates, 2003-2004, Main, study, 21:1605-1730
Neville, Anita (Lib.--Winnipeg South Centre)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:1055; 9:1050; 10:1000-05; 11:1015-20; 13:0955-1000; 16:1015; 28:0940-45; 31:0950-55; 34:1205-10; 42:1210-15
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 21:1635-40
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 10:1050, 1100-05
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1140
Nikita, John (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0930, 0940


O'Brien, Lawrence (Lib.--Labrador)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 9:1005-10; 10:0925-40, 1020, 1030-35; 11:0925-30, 1005, 1030, 1050; 12:0950-55, 1045-50; 13:1025, 1045-50; 16:1005-10
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 10:1100-05
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1145, 1200
O'Reilly, John (Lib.--Haliburton--Victoria--Brock)
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 4:1600; 5:1635
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0905-10, 0935, 0950-55
Organization meeting see Procedure and Committee business


Pagtakhan, Hon. Rey (Lib.--Winnipeg North--St. Paul; Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development)
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0905, 0915-50
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1535-45, 1555-1705
Pellerin, Alain (Conference of Defence Associations)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 35:1120-30, 1215, 1235-40
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1600-15, 1625-1730
Pennie, K.R. (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 39:1105-30, 1140-1240
Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31)--Minister of Veterans Affairs (Pagtakhan)
⇒⇒Study, 25:0905-50
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, first, Minutes of meeting No. 25
Peric, Janko (Lib.--Cambridge)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:1035-40
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1620-25
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1610-15
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 36:1120
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1155
Plamondon, Louis (BQ--Bas-Richelieu--Nicolet--Bécancour)
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0915-20
Polanyi, John (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 29:0935-55, 1010, 1030, 1040, 1055
Pratt, David (Lib.--Nepean--Carleton) (Chair)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:0910, 0930, 0940, 0950-1000, 1010-20, 1030-40, 1050-1105; 9:0940, 0950-55, 1005-15, 1025-55; 10:0910, 0920-25, 0935-40, 0950-1045; 11:0905, 0915, 0925-30, 0940-1005, 1015-55; 12:0905, 0940, 0950-55, 1005-10, 1020-35, 1045-1100; 13:0930, 0940-45, 0955-1015, 1025-1100; 14:0905, 0920-25, 0935-40, 0950-1005, 1015-55; 15:0915-50, 1000-1100; 16:0910, 0920, 0930, 0940-45, 0955-1055; 17:0910, 0950, 1000, 1010-15, 1025-55; 18:0910-15, 0925-1005, 1015-1100; 19:0915, 0930, 0940, 0950-55, 1005-10, 1020-1100; 20:0915-20, 0935-1010; 22:1015-25, 1035-55; 23:0905, 0920-1010, 1020-40, 1050-55; 26:0910, 0925-35, 0945, 0955-1005, 1015-35, 1045-55; 28:0920, 0930-55, 1005, 1020-30, 1040-45, 1100; 29:0915, 0935, 0955, 1005-10, 1020-35, 1045-1100; 31:0905, 0915-20, 0930-35, 0945-1050; 32:0910, 0950, 1000-05, 1020, 1030-35, 1050, 1100; 34:1105, 1125, 1135-45, 1155-1225; 35:1105-15; 40:1010, 1130-45, 1155-1205, 1215-40; 42:1150, 1200, 1210-40, 1250-1300
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1540, 1555, 1605, 1615-25, 1635-1730; 4:1535-45, 1555-1655, 1705-15, 1725; 5:1530-50, 1630-55; 6:1530, 1550-1605, 1615-30; 41:1105, 1115, 1125-55
⇒⇒Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 37:1105-20, 1150-1215
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1105, 1115-1215
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, 27:0915, 0930, 0955, 1005-15, 1025, 1035-45
⇒⇒National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35), 30:1540-1600, 1610-15
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1530, 1545-1600, 1610-1700; 21:1605, 1615-20, 1630-40, 1650-1700, 1710-30
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0905-15, 0925-50
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0910-55; 7:0920, 0930-35; 10:1045-1105; 36:1107-25
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1535, 1550-1605, 1615-1705; 43:1110, 1130-1205, 1215-20, 1230, 1240-1305
Price, David (Lib.--Compton--Stanstead) (Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:0940-45; 9:0910, 0950-55, 1030-35; 14:0925-30, 0955-1000, 1010-20; 15:0930-40, 1030-35; 16:0930-40, 1030-40, 1050; 17:1000-05, 1045-50; 18:0925-30, 0950-55, 1015-25; 19:0940-50, 1010-15, 1025, 1035-45; 20:0955-1000; 23:0930-35, 1005-10, 1030; 31:0935-45, 1020-25; 32:1000-05, 1020-25, 1045; 34:1135-40, 1215, 1230-35; 35:1120, 1130, 1140, 1150, 1200-45; 39:1105-10, 1120, 1130-45, 1155, 1205-15, 1225, 1235-40
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 4:1545, 1640-45, 1705; 5:1545-1610, 1620-25; 6:1555-1605, 1640-50, 1700-10; 41:1125-30, 1145
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, 27:0925, 1015-20
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1555-1600
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0915
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0910, 0920, 0930-35, 0950; 7:0920
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1215-20, 1245-50
Procedure and Committee business
⇒⇒Chair, election, Minutes of meetings No. 1; No. 36
⇒⇒Division, recorded, Minutes of meeting No. 1
⇒⇒Future business, 7:0920-35; 36:1105-25; 37:1210-15; 38:1215; 40:1130, 1225-40
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 2
⇒⇒Minute of silence, observing, Minutes of meeting No. 36
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 1:0905-55; 36:1100-05
⇒⇒⇒Divisions, recorded, Minutes of meeting No. 1
⇒⇒Routine business, 10:1045-1105
⇒⇒Subcommittee, establishing, Minutes of meeting No. 1
Provenzano, Carmen (Lib.--Sault Ste. Marie)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0915


Recorded divisions see instead Divisions, recorded
Remuneration of military judges see National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35)
Reports to House
⇒⇒First, Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), Minutes of meeting No. 25
⇒⇒Second, National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35), Minutes of meeting no. 30
⇒⇒Third, Veterans, long-term care, Honouring the Pledge: Ensuring Quality Long-term Care for Veterans, Minutes of meeting No. 33
⇒⇒Fourth, Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), Minutes of meeting No. 37
⇒⇒Fifth, Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), Minutes of meeting No. 38
⇒⇒Sixth, Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), Veterans Independence Program (VIP), benefits, surviving spouses, extension, Minutes of meeting No. 38
⇒⇒Seventh, Canadian Armed Forces, Ombudsman, report, recommendations, Unfair Deductions from SISIP Payments to Former CF Members, Minutes of meeting No. 42
Ritz, Gerry (CA--Battlefords--Lloydminster)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 23:1000-05
Rochette, Claude (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 37:1110-15
Rossignol, Michel (Library of Parliament)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 7:0920, 0930
Routine business see Procedure and Committee business
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act, Pension Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31) see instead Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31)
Rudd, David (Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 12:0905-1100
Rudner, Martin (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:0910-1035, 1045-1100


Sauvageau, Benoît (BQ--Repentigny)
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 41:1130-35
Seaborn, Blair (Canadian Institute of International Affairs)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 26:0955, 1015
Shadwick, Martin (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 32:0910-1030, 1040-1100
Sinclair, Jill (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 16:0910-15, 0925-1015, 1025-55
Slack, Michael (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 23:1015, 1045
Sokolsky, Joel (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 9:0910-1055
Stagg, Jack (Veterans Affairs Department)
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1125-30, 1200-10
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1605, 1635, 1645, 1655
Staples, Steven (Polaris Institute)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 15:0915-1100
Stoffer, Peter (NDP--Sackville--Musquodoboit Valley--Eastern Shore)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:1010-15, 1105
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1540, 1615-20, 1630, 1650; 5:1605-10, 1620, 1650; 6:1620-25, 1640, 1650, 1705
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1615-20
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0905, 0915-25, 0940-55; 7:0920, 0930
⇒⇒Afghanistan, Canadian Forces members, memory, moment of silence, observing, Minutes of meeting No. 36
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:0910-1105; 9:0910-1055; 10:0910-1045; 11:0905-1055; 12:0905-1100; 13:0905-1100; 14:0905-1055; 15:0915-1100; 16:0910-1055; 17:0910-1055; 18:0910-1100; 19:0915-1100; 20:0915-1010; 22:0900-1055; 23:0905-1055; 26:0910-1055; 28:0920-1100; 29:0915-1100; 31:0905-1050; 32:0910-1100; 34:1105-1235; 35:1105-1245; 39:1105-1240; 40:1010, 1115-1225; 42:1150-1300
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces
⇒⇒⇒Ombudsman, briefing session, 41:1105-55; 42:1150
⇒⇒⇒Readiness, budgetary issues, 3:1540-1730; 4:1535-1725; 5:1530-1655; 6:1530-1710
⇒⇒Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 37:1105-20, 1150-1210
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1105-1215
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, delegation, meeting, 27:0915-1045
⇒⇒National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges) (Bill C-35), 30:1540-1615
⇒⇒National Defence Department
⇒⇒⇒Briefing session, 2:1530-1700
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2003-2004, Main, 21:1605-1730
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0905-50
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2003-2004, Main, study, 24:1535-1705
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2003-2004, Supplementary (A), 43:1110-1305
⇒⇒Veterans, long-term care, Veterans Affairs Subcommittee, report, in camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 33
Subcommittees see Veterans Affairs Subcommittee
Summers, Ken (Naval Officers' Association of Vancouver Island)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 40:1115-1220
Sutherland, Brian (Veterans Affairs Department)
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0940-45


Tonks, Alan (Lib.--York South--Weston)
⇒⇒Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 37:1115
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1155-1200
Tremblay, Suzanne (BQ--Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0910, 0925-40


Unfair Deductions from SISIP Payments to Former CF Members see Report to House--Seventh
United States see Canada-United States defence cooperation


Veterans Affairs Department
⇒⇒Estimates, 2003-2004, Main, study, 24:1535-1705
⇒⇒Estimates, 2003-2004, Supplementary (A), study, 43:1110-1305
Veterans Affairs Subcommittee
⇒⇒Establishing, Minutes of meeting No. 1
⇒⇒See also Veterans, long-term care
Veterans Independence Program (VIP) see Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50)--Study--Veterans Independence Program
Veterans, long-term care
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Subcommittee, report, study, in camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 33
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, third, Honouring the Pledge: Ensuring Quality Long-term Care for Veterans, Minutes of meeting No. 33
VIP see Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50)--Study--Veterans Independence Program
Votes in Committee see instead Divisions, recorded


Walker, Robert (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 17:0955-1005, 1030, 1050
Wayne, Elsie (PC--Saint John) (Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 8:1030-35; 10:0950-1000, 1025-30; 12:1005-10, 1045; 13:0905, 1015-20, 1050-1100; 15:0925, 0945, 1005, 1035-40; 16:0955, 1005, 1035; 17:1025-30; 20:0915-20, 0955, 1005-10; 22:0900-20, 0930-1010, 1020-25, 1045-50; 26:0945, 0955, 1030-35; 28:0945-50; 32:0950, 1030-35; 35:1105, 1130-40; 39:1140-55; 42:1225-30
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1625-30, 1700-05; 4:1605-15, 1645-50; 5:1610-20; 6:1630-40, 1650-1705
⇒⇒Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 37:1155
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1135, 1150-55, 1210-15
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, 27:0920, 1000-05
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1630-35; 21:1655-1700
⇒⇒Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-31), 25:0935-40
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0905-15, 0930-35, 0945-50; 7:0920, 0930; 10:1050-55, 1105
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1610-15, 1630-35, 1700; 43:1205
Williams, Alan (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 23:0905-1010, 1020-55
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 43:1215, 1230, 1240-50, 1305
Williams, Rick (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Canada-United States defence cooperation, 10:0945, 1005, 1025, 1035-45
Wood, Bob (Lib.--Nipissing)
⇒⇒Canadian Armed Forces, 3:1605-15, 1710, 1725; 4:1615-25, 1650-55, 1705; 5:1610, 1620-25
⇒⇒Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 38:1135-40
⇒⇒Kyrgyz Republic, 27:0925, 1025-30
⇒⇒National Defence Department, 2:1625-30
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 1:0930-35, 0945-50; 10:1045-50; 36:1100
⇒⇒Veterans Affairs Department, 24:1600-05, 1625-30, 1645-50