The Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology studies and reports on legislation, the activities and spending of Industry Canada and its portfolio members, and other issues related to industry and technology capability; scientific research and development; telecommunications policy; investment, trade, small business and tourism; and rules and services that support the effective operation of the marketplace.
42nd Parliament, 1st Session (December 3, 2015 - September 11, 2019) Latest Session

Summary of Work

42nd Parliament, 1st Session

The Committee undertook over
33 studies and activities
categorized as follows:
9Studies related to Estimates
9Self-Initiated Studies
6Studies initiated by other orders of reference from the House
Following these studies, the Committee presented
18 reports
to the House, including:
2following studies related to Bills
7following studies related to Estimates
5following Self-Initiated Studies
4following studies initiated by other orders of reference from the House
0 related to Activities work
To do so, the Committee held
168 meetings

Committee Members

As of September 11, 2019
