Index of Proceedings

36th Parliament, 2nd Session (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000) Current Session

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Y | Z

Index complete to Meeting No. 66


Adams, David C. (Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association)
⇒⇒Productivity, 28:0920-35, 0945-50, 1000-05, 1015-25
Aerospace see Space station (aerospace)
Agreement concerning Cooperation on the Civil International Space Station see Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4)
Arpin, Michel (Specialty and Premium Television Association; Radiomutuel)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:1025-30, 1105, 1135-50
Auditor General Report (1999)
⇒⇒Chapter 19 see Innovation


Bailie, Gerald (Canadian Tourism Commission)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 57:1555, 1610, 1620-30
Baker, Hon. George S. (Lib.--Gander--Grand Falls; Minister ofVeterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) until Oct. 17, 2000)
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 41:1632-1715
Baldwin, Dr. John (Statistics Canada)
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:0904-25, 1000-05, 1015-25, 1035-40, 1050-1105
Banigan, John M. (Industry Department)
⇒⇒Productivity, 05:0905-1015, 1025-40
Barutciski, Milos (Canadian Council for International Business)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 50:0935-1040
Bellehumeur, Michel (BQ--Berthier--Montcalm)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 32:0950-1000; 37:0930, 1000-05
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 60:1140, 1150-55; 61:1615, 1655-1715; 62:1541
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 60:1050
Berg-Dick, Paul (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Productivity, 05:0920-25, 0935, 0955, 1015-20, 1030-35
Bernier, Gilles (PC--Tobique--Mactaquac)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 31:0945-55; 32:0940-45; 37:0935-45, 1010, 1125-35
Bills referred
⇒⇒C-4.\Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act--Minister of Industry (Manley)
⇒⇒C-5.\Canadian Tourism Commission Act--Minister of Industry (Manley)
⇒⇒C-229.\Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)--Redman
⇒⇒C-276.\Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)--Gallaway
Blais, Jean-Pierre (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC))
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:1120-25, 1135
Bocking, Mike (Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 52:1105-10, 1125-35
Brassard, Daniel (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1125
Breitkreuz, Garry (Ref.--Yorkton--Melville; CA--Yorkton--Melville as of March 27, 2000)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:0925-30
Brien, Pierre (BQ--Témiscamingue)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 31:0930-40
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 57:1550-1600, 1610-15, 1625-30; 58:1555-1605, 1620-25, 1645; 59:0940-50, 1005-20, 1045-50, 1110-35; 60:1115-55, 1240; 61:1535-1600, 1610-15, 1622-30, 1645-1705
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:0950-55, 1020-30, 1040
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:0940-45, 1005, 1045-50, 1115-25, 1135-40; 15:0915-20, 0935-55; 16:1120-30, 1245-50; 17:1800; 24:0940-45
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:0940-45, 1040-45; 45:1545
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 14:1545-50; 21:0935-45, 1010
⇒⇒Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), 45:1645-50
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 41:1605-10
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0930; 65:0945-50, 1015-20, 1035-40
⇒⇒Productivity, 03:1620-25; 10:1000; 19:1005-10
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 30:1045-50; 56:0935-40; 60:0950-1000
Brison, Scott (PC--Kings--Hants; resigned July 24, 2000)
⇒⇒Productivity, 08:1035-45
Brochu, Lynda (Canadian Bankers' Association)
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 60:0910-15, 0935-45, 1005-20, 1040, 1050
Brzustowski, Dr. Thomas A. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC))
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 41:1550-1615, 1625
⇒⇒Productivity, 29:1530-1635
Byrne, Gerry (Lib.--Humber--St. Barbe--Baie Verte)
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 41:1645-50


Cairns, Peter (Shipbuilding Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 18:0905-20, 0940-55, 1005, 1130-40
Calhoun, Rolf (Canadian Association of Retired Persons)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 32:0920-30, 0955, 1010
Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229)--Redman
⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 39
⇒⇒Study, 31:0902; 32:0902; 37:0910
Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
⇒⇒Study, 57:1539; 58:1539; 59:0902; 60:1115-1240; 61:1534; 62:1541
Cannis, John (Lib.--Scarborough Centre; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Industry)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 31:0940-45; 32:0935-40; 37:0930-35
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 57:1605-10; 61:1700
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:0906, 1010-15, 1030
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:1020-25, 1225-35; 12:0945-50; 16:1140; 24:1000, 1025, 1055-1115
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:0950-55; 44:1030
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 09:1000-10; 14:1650
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 40:1610
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0950-55
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1120
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:1025; 05:0940; 06:1605, 1705-10; 08:0935, 1005-15; 10:1050-55; 11:1650-55; 19:1050; 22:1035; 25:1010-20; 26:1650-55
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1140, 1155; 18:1010, 1130
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 60:1020, 1030
⇒⇒Space exploration, 49:1635
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1710
Cardin, Serge (BQ--Sherbrooke)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1105-10
⇒⇒Productivity, 11:1555-1600, 1635-45
Carrière, Marie (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1103-05
Carty, Dr. Arthur J. (National Research Council of Canada (NRC))
⇒⇒Productivity, 03:1533-1655
Cauchon, Hon. Martin (Lib.--Outremont; Minister of National Revenue and Secretary of State (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec))
⇒⇒Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, 51:1533-1625
⇒⇒Election, deliberations, 01:1103; 66:1536
Chamberlain, Brenda (Lib.--Guelph--Wellington)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1103-05, 1120-25
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:0930, 1050-55
Chandler, Harry (Competition Bureau, Industry Department)
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 09:0925-45, 1000
Charlebois, Ninon (Industry Department)
⇒⇒Productivity, 05:1015
Charron Fortin, Louise (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Productivity, 19:0920-35, 1005, 1015-20, 1055-1105
Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
⇒⇒Study, 04:0906
Chernecki, Robert (Canadian Auto Workers (CAW))
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1030-35, 1115, 1135, 1145-55
Colville, David (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC))
⇒⇒Productivity, 26:1517-1615
Competition see Consumer prices; Negative option marketing; Productivity; Shipbuilding
Competition Act
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 63; No. 64
⇒⇒⇒Study, 43:0906; 44:0905; 45:1533-1606; 46:0910; 47:1531; 48:0909; 50:0931; 52:0936; 53:1533; 54:1535-1652; 55:0909
Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276)--Gallaway
⇒⇒Study, 07:0908; 12:0904; 15:0905; 16:1103; 17:1536; 24:0909
Conacher, Duff (Democracy Watch)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:0905-15, 0925-30, 0945-1000
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 55:1007, 1015-50
Contests, lotteries, games of chance
⇒⇒Letter indicating prize conditional on prior payment, transmittal by Canada Post Corporation see Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229)
Consumer prices
⇒⇒Anti-competitive practices, study, 09:0912; 14:1530; 21:0902
Consumers see Contests, lotteries, games of chance; Government logos; Negative option marketing
Cook, Fiona (Canadian Pulp and Paper Association)
⇒⇒Productivity, 28:1050-55, 1120, 1140-55
Courtemanche, Sylvie (Canadian Association of Broadcasters)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:1016-25, 1105, 1140-50
Crampton, Paul (Canadian Chamber of Commerce; Davies, Ward & Beck, Barristers and Solicitors)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 53:1535-45, 1646-1705
Cullen, Roy (Lib.--Etobicoke North; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Finance)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 24:0910-20, 0935, 0955, 1025-35, 1045
⇒⇒Productivity, 23:1745-50
Curtis, John (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Productivity, 19:0905-20, 0950-1010, 1020-35, 1045, 1100


Daly, Professor Don (Individual Presentation; York University)
⇒⇒Productivity, 06:1535-45, 1555-1720
D'Auray, Johanne (Competition Bureau, Industry Department)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 24:0910-15, 0930, 0940, 1000
Davis, Louis (Justice Department)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 61:1610-15
de Savoye, Pierre (BQ--Portneuf)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0920, 0935-45
de Villers, Dr. André (Theratechnologies)
⇒⇒Productivity, 25:1050-55, 1110-15, 1201
Desrochers, Odina (BQ--Lotbinière; BQ--Lotbinière-L'Érable)
⇒⇒Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, 51:1555, 1605-15
Delvecchio, Rocco (Industry Department)
⇒⇒Productivity, 19:0935-45, 0955-1100
Drake, Peter (Canadian Bankers' Association; TD Financial Group)
⇒⇒Productivity, 22:0903-10, 1000-05, 1015, 1035-40
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 60:0925-35, 0950-1030, 1040, 1055-1100
Dubé, Antoine (BQ--Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 61:1545, 1600, 1645-50, 1700-05
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:1000-10, 1025-30, 1045, 1150-55, 1220-25; 24:1025-30, 1045, 1100, 1115
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 46:0950-1000, 1050-1100, 1115-25; 48:0950-55; 50:1020-30; 52:1015-25, 1110-15, 1125; 53:1646-50, 1715; 54:1600-10; 55:0940, 1010-15, 1025-30
⇒⇒Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, 51:1615-20
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 40:1600, 1655-1705
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:1010-15; 05:0930-40, 1015-25, 1040; 06:1605-10; 08:1020-25; 20:1635; 25:0955-1005; 26:1540-45; 28:0950-55, 1125-35
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1125-30; 18:0955-1005
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 27:1005-15
⇒⇒Space exploration, 49:1625
Duhamel, Hon. Ronald J. (Lib.--Saint Boniface; Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification)(Francophonie); Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification)(Francophonie) as of Oct. 17, 2000)
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1631-1730
Duncan, Dr. Gaylen (Information Technology Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Productivity, 26:1621-30, 1640-1715
Dunlop, Robert (Industry Department)
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 56:0910-1005, 1012-30


Earle, Gordon (NDP--Halifax West)
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 18:1140
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
⇒⇒Estimates, 2000-2001, main, study, 51:1533
Elder, David (Bell Canada)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 37:0910-1005
Elliott, Detective Staff Sergeant Barry (Project PhoneBusters)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 32:0902-20, 0930-1020
Elmhirst, Peter (Tourism Industry Association of Canada; Elmhirst's Resort)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 58:1539-45, 1555-1645
Evans, William Macdonald (Canadian Space Agency)
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:0906-20, 0935, 0945-1020


Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor)
⇒⇒Estimates, 2000-2001, main, study, 45:1628-1700
FedNor see instead Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor)
Financial institutions see Small and medium sized enterprises (SME)
Flageole, Richard (Auditor General of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0903-10, 0920-30, 0945-50, 1015-20
Foucault, André (Graphic Communications International Union)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 52:1120-25, 1140
Francis, Terry (Canadian Tourism Commission)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 57:1539-1630
Frank, Jim (Conference Board of Canada)
⇒⇒Productivity, 08:0908-20, 0955-1045, 1055
Franklyn, Peter (Osler Hoskin & Harcourt)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 17:1735-55, 1810-15
Friley, William A. Jr. (Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers; Triumph Energy Corporation)
⇒⇒Productivity, 23:1630-55


Gallaway, Roger (Lib.--Sarnia--Lambton)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0908-1030; 12:1110-15; 16:1130-40, 1255-1300; 17:1550-55, 1750-1800; 24:0945-55, 1021-25, 1045-50, 1100
Gambling see Contests, lotteries, games of chance
Garbarino, Bill (Bell Canada)
⇒⇒Productivity, 26:1630-1700, 1710-15
Gauvin, Richard (Syndicat des travailleurs du chantier naval de Lauzon)
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1055-1110, 1125-30, 1150-55
Gervais, Linda C. (Bell Canada)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 16:1245, 1300-05
Gibbons, Annette (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:1215, 1225-30; 24:0920-25, 0935, 0955
Glenn, John (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒References, former United States Senator
⇒⇒Space exploration, 49:1545-55, 1618-40
Government logos
⇒⇒Letters bearing representation, transmittal by Canada Post Corporation see Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229)
Greening, Deborah (Land of the Loon Resort and Jacobson Bay Outfitters)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 58:1545-1605, 1615-20, 1630-45
Grieve, Willie (TELUS Corporation)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 16:1215-55, 1305-15
Grover, Warren M. (Canadian Bar Association; Blake, Cassels and Graydon law firm)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 17:1731-35, 1745-1810
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 46:1032-40, 1050-1100, 1115-35
Guérette, Jean (Canadian Heritage Department)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:1045-50, 1130, 1145-55, 1220-25; 24:0910, 0925, 0940-45
Gustavson, John (Canadian Marketing Association)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 37:0915-1000


Hannam, Wendy (Canadian Bankers' Association; Bank of Nova Scotia)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 17:1550-55, 1720
Harris, Dr. Richard (Individual Presentation; Simon Fraser University)
⇒⇒Productivity, 20:1555-1630, 1640-50, 1700-05
Hart, Jim (Ref.--Okanagan--Coquihalla; CA--Okanagan--Coquihallaas of March 27, 2000; resigned July 19, 2000)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1115
Helliwell, Dr. John (Individual Presentation; University of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Productivity, 20:1532-45, 1620-30, 1640-55, 1705-10
Herron, John (PC--Fundy--Royal)
⇒⇒Productivity, 05:1025-35
Hill, Grant (Ref.--Macleod; CA--Macleod as of March 27, 2000)
⇒⇒Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, 51:1545-50, 1615
Hillard, Jennifer (Consumers' Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 15:0905-55
Hindle, Steve (Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPS))
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 59:0910-35, 0950-1020
Hodgson, Glen (Export Development Corporation (EDC))
⇒⇒Productivity, 05:0925, 0940
Holloway, Les (Canadian Auto Workers (CAW); Marine Workers Federation)
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1035-55, 1115-55
Horgan, Michael (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA))
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 41:1632-45, 1655-1710
Hough, Paul (BIOTECanada)
⇒⇒Productivity, 25:1035-50, 1105-10, 1120-25, 1215-20
Hubberstey, Caroline (Canadian Bankers' Association)
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 60:0935-40, 0950, 1030-50
Hunter, Lawson A.W. (Stikeman Elliott law firm)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 46:0925-1010, 1020-25


Ianno, Tony (Lib.--Trinity--Spadina; Parliamentary Secretary to President of Treasury Board until Aug. 31, 2000))
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 30:1035-45
Industry Ministry
⇒⇒Estimates, 2000-2001, main
⇒⇒⇒Study, 40:1530; 41:1536; 54:1654
⇒⇒⇒Votes 55 and 60 see Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
⇒⇒⇒Votes 115 and 120 see Western Economic Diversification
⇒⇒⇒See also Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor)
⇒⇒Document, "Sustaining Canada as an Innovative Society: An Action Agenda", study, 65:0913
⇒⇒Promotion, Auditor General Report (1999), Chp. 19, study, 13:0903-1021
⇒⇒See also Productivity; Shipbuilding
Isaacs, Colin (Institute for Sustainable Development; Contemporary Information Analysis Ltd.)
⇒⇒Productivity, 22:0940-50, 1000, 1015, 1035


Janigan, Michael (Public Interest Advocacy Centre)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:0915-45, 0955, 1005
Jennery, Nick (Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 55:0910-1000
Jennings, Marlene (Lib.--Notre-Dame-de-Grâce--Lachine)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 59:1050-1100; 61:1600-10, 1655
⇒⇒Chair, election, 66:1536
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0930-35, 1010, 1205-20; 12:1000-05, 1050-1100, 1145-50; 15:0925-30, 0940-45, 0955; 17:1710-15; 24:0930-40, 1040-45
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:1045-50; 45:1600; 48:1000-05, 1020-25, 1125-35, 1155; 50:1005-15; 52:1115-30; 54:1625-30; 55:1007-10, 1035-40
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 09:0945-1000, 1015; 21:1025-30
⇒⇒Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), 45:1650-55
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 40:1630-35, 1715-20
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0940-50, 1120-25; 65:0955-1000, 1020-30
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1115
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:1045-50; 05:0930, 0940, 1035; 08:0935; 10:1055; 11:1625-35; 19:1035-40; 28:1000-05, 1115-25
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 27:0955-1005; 30:1015-25; 56:0940-50, 1020-25; 60:1040-45
⇒⇒Space exploration, 49:1630
Johnston, Raymond (Chamber of Maritime Commerce)
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 18:0920-25, 0950, 1005-10, 1130
Jones, Jim (PC--Markham until July 5, 2000; CA--Markham as ofSept. 15, 2000)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0955; 12:0955, 1100-10; 15:0930; 24:0925, 1000, 1100
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 09:1020; 14:1555-1600, 1645-55; 21:0955-1000, 1020
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0935-40
⇒⇒Productivity, 05:0940, 1000-10, 1035-40; 06:1650-1700; 10:1040-45; 11:1615-20, 1635; 19:1025-35; 20:1650-1700; 22:1020-30, 1135-45; 23:1650-55, 1725-30; 25:1120-30; 26:1530, 1610, 1655-1700, 1715; 29:1550-1600, 1620-25
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 18:0955, 1130-35
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 30:1000-05, 1015, 1050-55
Jorré, Gaston (Competition Bureau, Industry Department)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:1005-10, 1025-30, 1100-05, 1115
Jovanovic, Miodrag (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Productivity, 05:0935-40, 1015-25, 1040


Kelen, Michael A. (Individual Presentation; Consumers' Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 21:0920-45, 1000, 1010, 1020-30
Kennish, Tim (Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 44:0910-40, 0950-1010, 1030
Kent, Tom (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 54:1535-1650
Keon Sirsly, Christena (VIA Rail Canada Inc.)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 59:1040-50, 1100-15, 1135
Kesselman, Dr. Jonathan R. (Individual Presentation; University of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Productivity, 20:1545-55, 1620, 1635-45, 1655-1700, 1710
Keyes, Robert (Canadian Council for International Business)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 50:0931-35, 1025-30, 1040


Lacombe, Gail (Consumers' Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 15:0905, 0915-40
Ladouceur, Nicole (Competition Bureau, Industry Department)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 31:0910-1005; 37:1020-25, 1120-25
Lafrenière, Gérald (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1125
Langlois, Micheline (Industry Department)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 24:1110-15
Lanteigne, Réjean (Canadian Shipowners Association)
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 18:0930-35
Lapointe, Hon. Charles (Office des congrès et du tourisme du Grand Montréal)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 59:1035-40, 1050-1100, 1115-35
⇒⇒References, former Member of Parliament
Lastewka, Walt (Lib.--St. Catharines)(Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 31:0925-30; 32:0950, 1000; 37:0955-1000, 1118-25
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 57:1615-20; 58:1605-20, 1635, 1645; 59:0950-55, 1100-05, 1130-35; 60:1140, 1150, 1240; 61:1545, 1555
⇒⇒Chair, election, 66:1536
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:0940-45, 1020-35, 1045
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:1025, 1200; 12:0935, 1130-35; 16:1130, 1240-45; 17:1555-1605, 1805
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:1010-15; 45:1540-45; 46:0910, 0920-25, 0935-40, 0950, 1000-15, 1025-32, 1125-30; 47:1531, 1540-45, 1555, 1605-10, 1625-30; 48:0909, 0920, 0930-40, 0950-1010, 1020-28, 1034, 1045, 1100, 1110, 1125, 1135-55; 53:1650-55
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 14:1550, 1655-1700; 21:0945-55, 1015-20
⇒⇒Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), 45:1655
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 40:1550-55, 1705-10; 41:1610-15, 1705-10
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0920-25, 0955-1000; 65:0913, 0925, 0935-40, 0950-1000, 1015-20, 1030-50
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1103-05, 1120-25
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:1005, 1100; 03:1635-45; 05:1010-15; 06:1640-50; 10:1010-15, 1025; 11:1610-15, 1650; 20:1625-30, 1700-05; 22:1125-35; 23:1645-50, 1720-25; 26:1545-50; 28:1150-55; 29:1530, 1540-50, 1625-35
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1050, 1145-55; 18:0945-55, 1140
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 27:0930-35, 1030-40; 56:0930-35, 0955, 1025; 60:0908, 0945-50, 1030-35
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1715-25
Laursen, Ron (Canadian Bankers' Association)
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 60:0915-25, 0940-50, 1010, 1030, 1045-50
LeBlanc, Paul (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA))
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 41:1635-40
Lefebvre, Robert S. (Canadian Space Agency)
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:0935-45, 0955-1000, 1025-35
Lem, Gail (Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 52:1035-1115, 1125-40
Lennie, Oryssia J. (Western Economic Diversification)
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1705-10
Lill, Wendy (NDP--Dartmouth)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 54:1615-25
Logan, Jane (Specialty and Premium Television Association)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:1025-30, 1110-15, 1145-50
Lowther, Eric (Ref.--Calgary Centre; CA--Calgary Centre as of March 27, 2000)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 37:0920, 0950-55, 1025
⇒⇒Chair, election, 66:1536


MacInnis, David Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers)
⇒⇒Productivity, 23:1650-55, 1745-50
Malhi, Gurbax Singh (Lib.--Bramalea--Gore--Malton--Springdale)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 37:0945-50
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 57:1600; 58:1555
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:1010
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0945; 12:1110
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 09:0935; 14:1645; 21:1005
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0930-35; 65:0950-55
⇒⇒Productivity, 06:1600-05; 08:1030-35; 10:0955-1000; 11:1635; 25:0950-55; 26:1610-15; 28:0945-50; 29:1615-20
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 27:0935-40; 30:0955
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1705-10
Manley, Hon. John (Lib.--Ottawa South; Minister of Industry; Minister of Foreign Affairs as of Oct. 17, 2000)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 61:1622-50
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 40:1530-1725
⇒⇒Space exploration, 49:1545
Marketing see Consumer prices; Contests, lotteries, games of chance; Government logos; Negative option marketing
Marr, Gary (Canadian Auto Workers (CAW); Marine Workers Federation)
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1029-30
Martin, Pat (NDP--Winnipeg Centre)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 31:0955-1000
Martin, Dr. Roger (Individual Presentation; University of Toronto)
⇒⇒Productivity, 22:1052-1105, 1120-55
Mayer, Anita (Public Policy Forum)
⇒⇒Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), 45:1545
McCracken, Michael (Informetrica)
⇒⇒Productivity, 08:0935-50, 1005-20, 1030, 1040-55
McFetridge, Professor Donald (Individual Presentation; Carleton University)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 44:0905-10, 0930-35, 0945-55, 1010-30
McKay, John (Lib.--Scarborough East)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 24:1055
McLennan, Dr. Barry D. (Coalition for Biomedical and Health Research)
⇒⇒Productivity, 25:1028-35, 1110-20, 1130, 1215-20
McTeague, Dan (Lib.--Pickering--Ajax--Uxbridge)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 32:1015-20; 37:1025-35
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0955-1000, 1145-50; 24:1035, 1045, 1105-15
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:0930-40, 1030-40; 44:0940-1010, 1025-30; 45:1545-50; 46:0920, 0940-50, 1015-25, 1100-15, 1130-40; 47:1545-55, 1610-25; 48:0930-40, 0955, 1010-20, 1045, 1055, 1110-25, 1140, 1150-55; 50:1030-40; 52:1000-10, 1025, 1105-10; 53:1655-1705; 54:1555-1600, 1640; 55:0925-35, 0950-55, 1040-45
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 09:0935-45, 1010-15; 14:1600-10, 1630-45, 1700; 21:0902-20, 0935-1035
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 40:1650; 54:1654
⇒⇒Productivity, 03:1645-55; 11:1550-55, 1645-50; 20:1640-50; 22:1150-55; 28:1015
⇒⇒Space exploration, 49:1620
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1650
McVay, David P. (Canadian Bankers' Association; Bank of Montreal)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 17:1545, 1600-10, 1701-05, 1715-25
Medical research see Space exploration
Mercer, Don (Competition Bureau, Industry Department)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 24:0925, 1110
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:1015, 1050, 1125
Métivier, Edmée (Canadian Bankers' Association; Royal Bank of Canada)
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 30:0910-25, 0955, 1015-1110
Miller, Irving (Industry Department)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 61:1615-20, 1700-15
Mills, Dennis J. (Lib.--Broadview--Greenwood; Lib.--Toronto--Danforth)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 45:1545-1600; 55:0925, 0935, 0945-50
Mitchell, Hon. Andy (Lib.--Parry Sound--Muskoka; Secretary of State (Rural Development)(Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario))
⇒⇒Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), 45:1628-1700
Morrison, David (Brewster Transportation and Tours)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 59:0902-10, 0920-1024, 1034
Morrison, Donald N. (Canadian Shipowners Association)
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 18:0925-50, 1000-05
Murnigham, Bill (Canadian Auto Workers (CAW))
⇒⇒Productivity, 25:0920-50, 1015-20
Murphy, Michael (Canadian Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 53:1533-35, 1655, 1705-10
⇒⇒Productivity, 10:0905-15, 0945, 1000-10, 1020-25, 1040-55
Murray, Ian (Lib.--Lanark--Carleton)(Acting Chair)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 59:0930-35, 1105-10
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:1000-05
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:1010-15, 1140-45; 12:1125-30; 24:1035
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 46:1005-15, 1110-15; 47:1605-10; 53:1710; 54:1610-15
⇒⇒Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, 51:1533, 1545-50, 1605, 1615, 1625
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 41:1555-1605
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1105
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:1015-20, 1100; 03:1630-35; 06:1615-30; 10:1035; 11:1600-05; 19:1010-15; 22:1005-10, 1145-50; 23:1735-40; 25:1005, 1115, 1205-10, 1220; 26:1530-40, 1705-10; 28:1020, 1105, 1135-40; 29:1605-10, 1630-35
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1135
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 60:1015-20
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1650-55
Musgrove, James (Lang Michener law firm)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 46:1040-1125, 1135-40
Mustard, Dr. Fraser (Canadian Institute for Advanced Research)
⇒⇒Productivity, 22:0925-40, 0955-1030
Myers, Jayson (Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada)
⇒⇒Productivity, 28:1030-50, 1105-40, 1150-1200
Myers, Lynne (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1125


Nadeau, Dr. Serge (Industry Department)
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:0925-1105
Negative option marketing
⇒⇒Prohibiting see Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276)
Normand, Hon. Gilbert (Lib.--Bellechasse--Etchemins--Montmagny--L'Islet; Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development))
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 41:1536-1610, 1620-25


Oliver, John P. (Individual Presentation; Maple Leaf Bio-Concepts)
⇒⇒Productivity, 25:1055-1110, 1120-30, 1201-15
Olson, David (Canada Post Corporation)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 37:1017-35, 1118-50
O'Neill, Tim (Canadian Bankers' Association; Bank of Montreal)
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 30:0925-1015, 1025-30, 1045-1110
Organization meeting
⇒⇒Deliberations, 01:1103
Orr, Dale (WEFA Canada Inc.)
⇒⇒Productivity, 10:0920-25, 0945-1005, 1015-20, 1030-55
Ouellet, Bernard (Western Economic Diversification)
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1645, 1705


Paquet, Professor Gilles (Individual Presentation; University of Ottawa)
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 14:1550-55, 1615-25, 1655
Parenteau, Lysline (Canadian Cable Television Association)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:1040, 1055
Parsley, Chris (Canadian Labour and Business Centre)
⇒⇒Productivity, 06:1625-30
Péan, Chantal (Industry Department)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 61:1705
Peeling, Gordon (Mining Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Productivity, 23:1640, 1655-1755
Penson, Charlie (Ref.--Peace River; CA--Peace River as of March 27, 2000) (Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 32:1005-10
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 59:0920-30, 1045; 61:1555, 1605-10, 1630-40, 1650, 1700
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:0935-40, 1005-10, 1025-30, 1040-45
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0925-30, 1015-20, 1130-40, 1205; 16:1120, 1230-40, 1300; 17:1605-10; 24:0915-40, 1021-40, 1100, 1110
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:0920-30, 1055-1100; 44:0930-40, 0955, 1005, 1025; 45:1540; 46:0935-45; 47:1540-45, 1555-1605, 1625-30; 48:0920-30, 1005-10, 1100-10, 1135-45; 50:0955-1005; 52:0955-1000, 1055-1105; 54:1545-55; 55:0920-25
⇒⇒Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), 45:1635-40
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0920
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 40:1535-50, 1640-45, 1715; 41:1545-55, 1632-40
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1103, 1110, 1120-25
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:0955-1000, 1030-35; 05:0925-30; 06:1555-1600, 1705; 08:0955-1005, 1050; 10:0940-50; 11:1545-50; 19:0945-1005, 1045-50; 20:1615-20; 22:0950-1005, 1035, 1115-25; 23:1640-45, 1655, 1715-20, 1740-45; 25:0950, 1005-10, 1105; 28:0935-45, 1105, 1115, 1140-50
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1110-20; 18:0940-45
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 27:0945-55; 30:0945-55, 1025-35, 1050, 1100-05; 56:0925-30, 0950-55; 60:0935-40
⇒⇒Space exploration, 49:1620
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1640-50
Pickard, Jerry (Lib.--Chatham--Kent Essex)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 57:1620-30; 58:1630-45; 59:1000-05; 60:1155, 1240; 61:1645, 1655
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0950; 17:1610, 1701-10, 1805-10; 24:1000, 1050-55
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 44:0955
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 14:1620-30; 21:1030-35
⇒⇒Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), 45:1640-45
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 41:1710-15
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0920, 1000-10; 65:0925, 0935-40
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1115-25
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:1035-40; 05:0955-1000; 06:1710-20; 08:1045-55; 11:1620-25, 1635; 19:0955-1005; 26:1600-05; 28:1005-15
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 27:1015-25; 30:1005-15; 56:0955-1005, 1025-30; 60:1000-15
Piragoff, Donald (Justice Department)
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:1035-40
Poirier, Dr. Alain (Canadian Space Agency)
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:1005-10
Poirier, Roger (Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 16:1225-30, 1240, 1305
Porter, Douglas (Nesbitt Burns Inc.)
⇒⇒Productivity, 22:1105-55
Postal service see Contests, lotteries, games of chance; Government logos
Primeau, Daniel (Export Development Corporation (EDC))
⇒⇒Productivity, 05:0940, 0950-55
⇒⇒Innovation and competitiveness
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 33; No. 34; No. 35; No. 36; No. 37; No. 38
⇒⇒⇒Study, 02:0904; 03:1533; 05:0905; 06:1533; 08:0908; 10:0905; 11:1534; 19:0905; 20:1532; 22:0903; 23:1629; 25:0901; 26:1517; 28:0907; 29:1530
⇒⇒See also Shipbuilding
Provencher, Luc (Business Development Bank of Canada)
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 27:0915-25, 0935-50, 1000, 1020-50
Quality of life see Space exploration


Redman, Karen (Lib.--Kitchener Centre; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of the Environment as of Sept. 1, 2000)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 31:0902-10, 0920, 0930, 0940, 0950-1010; 32:0950-55; 37:0920-25, 1005-10, 1135-45
Regional development see Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec; Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor); Western Economic Diversification
Renaud, Dr. Marc (Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC))
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 41:1605-10, 1620
Research and development see Space exploration
Richardson, John (Lib.--Perth--Middlesex)
⇒⇒Chair, election, 66:1536
Riis, Nelson (NDP--Kamloops, Thompson and Highland Valleys)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 61:1550-55, 1640-45
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:0955-1005, 1050-55, 1115; 54:1630-35
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 14:1610-15
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 40:1615-30, 1640; 41:1615-25, 1655-1705
⇒⇒Innovation, 65:0925-35, 1000-10, 1030-35, 1045-50
⇒⇒Productivity, 05:0945-50; 06:1630-35; 10:1025-30; 11:1605-10; 29:1535-40, 1550, 1610-15
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1140-45
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 27:0925-30, 1025-30, 1045-50
⇒⇒Space exploration, 49:1630
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1655-1705, 1720-25
Robinson, David (Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 53:1550-1600, 1710-15
Roscoe, Elizabeth (Canadian Cable Television Association)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:1030-40, 1055-1115, 1125, 1145-50
Ross, Duncan (Tourism Industry Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 58:1555-1600, 1610-40
Ross, Professor Thomas W. (Individual Presentation; University of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 46:0910-25, 0935-40, 0950-1025
Roy, Pierre (Specialty and Premium Television Association; Les Chaînes Télé-Astral)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:1030, 1145
Rumas, Richard (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 60:1150
⇒⇒Chair, election, 66:1536
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 24:0925, 1021
Rutherford, Sally (Canadian Federation of Agriculture)
⇒⇒Productivity, 28:0907-20, 0940-1010, 1025-30


Sanderson, Margaret F. (Charles River Associates Canada Limited)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 48:1034-45, 1100-45, 1155
Schmidt, Werner (Ref.--Kelowna; CA--Kelowna as of March 27, 2000)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 31:0915-25, 1000-05; 32:0930-35
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 16:1300-15; 17:1545-50, 1710-15, 1725, 1745-50
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:1015, 1025-30
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 09:0925-35, 0955-1000
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0910-20
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1103-10
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:1020-25, 1045; 25:0935-40; 26:1550-1600, 1640-50, 1710-15
Science and technology see Space exploration
Scott, Sheridan (Bell Canada)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 16:1152-55, 1214-15, 1235, 1245-1315
Sharpe, Andrew (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
⇒⇒Productivity, 08:0920-35, 1000, 1020-30, 1050
Shepherd, Alex (Lib.--Durham; Parliamentary Secretary to President of the Treasury Board as of Sept. 1, 2000)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 24:1050
⇒⇒Productivity, innovation and competitiveness study, 13:1029-1155; 18:0904
Simeoni, Peter (Auditor General of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0910-25, 0935-40, 0955-1010
Simpkins, Bill (Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers)
⇒⇒Productivity, 11:1535, 1550, 1610, 1625-35, 1645-50
Slater, David (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Productivity, 10:0925-40, 0950-55, 1005-20, 1030-40, 1050-55
Small and medium sized enterprises (SME)
⇒⇒Loans, study, 27:0907; 30:0909; 56:0909; 60:0908-1103
SME see instead Small and medium sized enterprises (SME)
Smith, Peter (Aerospace Industries Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Productivity, 25:0901-20, 0935-1020
Smith, Pierre-Louis (Canadian Association of Broadcasters; Groupe TVA Inc.)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:1020
Smith, Dr. Stuart (National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy)
⇒⇒Productivity, 22:0910-25, 0955, 1005, 1015-25, 1040
Solomon, John (NDP--Regina--Lumsden--Lake Centre)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0945-50
Space exploration
⇒⇒Science and technology experiments, quality of life contributions, study, 49:1544
Space station (aerospace) see Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4)
St-Julien, Guy (Lib.--Abitibi--Baie-James--Nunavik)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 53:1655, 1705
⇒⇒Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, 51:1550-1605, 1625
St-Pierre, Nathalie (Action Réseau Consommateur)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 16:1103-45
Stanbury, Professor W.T. (Individual Presentation; University of British Columbia)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 47:1531-1630
Stephens, Andrew (Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers)
⇒⇒Productivity, 11:1535-1655
Stinson, Steve (Canadian Pulp and Paper Association)
⇒⇒Productivity, 28:1055-1145
Strangway, Dr. David (Canada Foundation for Innovation)
⇒⇒Innovation, 65:0913-1050
Studies and inquiries
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229)
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 39
⇒⇒⇒Study, 31:0902; 32:0902; 37:0910
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 57:1539; 58:1539; 59:0902; 60:1115-1240; 61:1534; 62:1541
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:0906
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0908; 12:0904; 15:0905; 16:1103; 17:1536; 24:0909
⇒⇒Competition Act review
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 63; No. 64
⇒⇒⇒Study, 43:0906; 44:0905; 45:1533-1606; 46:0910; 47:1531; 48:0909; 50:0931; 52:0936; 53:1533; 54:1535-1652; 55:0909
⇒⇒Consumer prices, anti-competitive practices, 09:0912; 14:1530; 21:0902
⇒⇒Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec estimates, 2000-2001, main, 51:1533
⇒⇒Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor) estimates, 2000-2001, main, 45:1628-1700
⇒⇒Industry Ministry estimates, 2000-2001, main, 40:1530; 41:1536; 54:1654
⇒⇒⇒Document, "Sustaining Canada as an Innovative Society: An Action Agenda", 65:0913
⇒⇒⇒Promotion, Auditor General Report (1999), Chp. 19, 13:0903-1021
⇒⇒Productivity, innovation and competitiveness
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, No. 33; No. 34; No. 35; No. 36; No. 37; No. 38
⇒⇒⇒Study, 02:0904; 03:1533; 05:0905; 06:1533; 08:0908; 10:0905; 11:1534; 19:0905; 20:1532; 22:0903; 23:1629; 25:0901; 26:1517; 28:0907; 29:1530
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, productivity, innovation and competitiveness, 13:1029-1155; 18:0904
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), loans, 27:0907; 30:0909; 56:0909; 60:0908-1103
⇒⇒Space exploration, science and technology experiments, quality of life contributions, 49:1544
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification estimates, 2000-2001, main, 42:1631
Sustaining Canada as an Innovative Society: An Action Agenda see Innovation--Document
Swedlove, Frank (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:1040-45, 1135-45, 1200-35; 24:0915-30, 0945-1000


Tate, Alan (Graphic Communications International Union)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 52:1110
Taylor, Christopher (Canadian Cable Television Association)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:1100-10, 1125-30
Thomson, Tamra L. (Canadian Bar Association)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 17:1731, 1805
Topp, Brian (Credit Union Central of Canada)
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 27:0907-15, 0930-1020, 1030-50
Torsney, Paddy (Lib.--Burlington; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of the Environment until Aug. 31, 2000)
⇒⇒Chair, election, 66:1536
Tourism see Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5)
Tousignant, Philippe (Action Réseau Consommateur)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 16:1105-10
Trebilcock, Professor Michael (Individual Presentation; University of Toronto)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 48:0940-1025
Tremblay, Pierre (Public Works and Government Services Department)
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 61:1535-1610
Tremblay, Suzanne (BQ--Rimouski--Mitis; BQ--Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis)
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 40:1600-05
Tzanetakis, Peter (Canadian Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒Productivity, 10:0915-20, 1010, 1025


VanDuzer, Professor Anthony (Individual Presentation; University of Ottawa)
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 14:1530-1700
Villeneuve, Jean-Pierre (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 37:1020-25, 1135-45
von Finckenstein, Konrad (Competition Bureau, Industry Department)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:1035-40, 1130-1210, 1225, 1235
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:0906-1100, 1110-25
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 09:0912-1020


Ware, Professor Roger (Individual Presentation; Queen's University)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 52:0936-1030
Webber, Peter (Industry Department)
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 56:0925-30, 0950, 1000, 1025
Webster, Gary (Western Economic Diversification)
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1645, 1710-20
Western Economic Diversification
⇒⇒Estimates, 2000-2001, main, study, 42:1631
Whelan, Susan (Lib.--Essex)(Chair)
⇒⇒Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229), 31:0902, 0910-15, 0925-30, 0940-45, 0955-1010; 32:0902, 0915-20, 0930-1020; 37:0910-35, 0945-1011, 1017-37, 1118, 1125-50
⇒⇒Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 57:1539-40, 1550, 1600-30; 58:1539, 1545, 1555-1605, 1620-45; 59:0902, 0910, 0920, 0930, 0940, 0950-1005, 1020, 1034-50, 1100-10, 1120-35; 60:1115, 1125, 1135-58, 1240; 61:1534-35, 1545-1610, 1620-22, 1630, 1640-1715; 62:1541
⇒⇒Chair, election, 66:1536
⇒⇒Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-4), 04:0906, 0915-20, 0935-50, 1000-10, 1020-50
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 07:0908, 0925-35, 0945-1000, 1010-51, 1130, 1140-50, 1200-05, 1220-40; 12:0904-15, 0925-1009, 1016, 1025-30, 1040-50, 1100, 1110-15, 1125-50; 15:0905, 0915-55; 16:1103, 1120, 1130, 1140-46, 1152-58, 1214-15, 1225-1300, 1310-15; 17:1536, 1545-55, 1605-15, 1701, 1710-35, 1745-1815; 24:0909-1004, 1021-1115
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 43:0906, 0920, 0930, 0940, 0950-55, 1005-15, 1025-30, 1040-1125; 44:0905-10, 0930, 0940, 0950-1030; 45:1533, 1540-1606; 46:1032, 1040, 1050, 1100-40; 50:0931-35, 0955, 1005, 1015-20, 1030, 1040; 52:0936, 0950-1000, 1010-15, 1025-35, 1055, 1105-20, 1130-40; 53:1533, 1545-50, 1600-01, 1646-1715; 54:1535, 1545, 1555-1600, 1610-15, 1625-30, 1640-52; 55:0909-10, 0920-25, 0935-1015, 1025-50
⇒⇒Consumer prices, 09:0912, 0925, 0935-45, 0955-1000, 1010-20; 14:1530, 1545-1600, 1610-30, 1645-50, 1700; 21:0902-05, 0920, 0935, 0945, 0955, 1005-40
⇒⇒Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), 45:1628, 1635-1700
⇒⇒Industry Ministry, 40:1530-35, 1550, 1600-15, 1630, 1640, 1650-55, 1705-25; 41:1536, 1545, 1555, 1605-15, 1625-32, 1645-55, 1705-15; 54:1654
⇒⇒Innovation, 13:0903, 0910, 0920-40, 0950-1000, 1010-21
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1103-25
⇒⇒Productivity, 02:0904, 0910, 0920-30, 0955-1105; 03:1533, 1615-20, 1630-35, 1645, 1655; 05:0905, 0920-30, 0940-45, 0955-1015, 1025-40; 06:1533-35, 1545, 1555-1615, 1625-50, 1700-10, 1720; 08:0908, 0920, 0935, 0950-1005, 1015-20, 1030-55; 10:0905, 0920-25, 0940-1100; 11:1534-35, 1545-1625, 1635, 1645-55; 19:0905, 0920, 0935, 0945-1010, 1020-25, 1035, 1045-1105; 20:1532-35, 1545, 1555, 1615-50, 1700-10; 22:0903, 0910, 0925, 0940, 0950-1046, 1052, 1105, 1115-25, 1135-55; 23:1629-30, 1640-55, 1715-25, 1735-45, 1755; 25:0901, 0920, 0935, 0950-55, 1005-28, 1035, 1050-55, 1105-20, 1130-32, 1201-20; 26:1517, 1525-30, 1540-50, 1600-21, 1630, 1640-55, 1705-15; 28:0907, 0920, 0935, 0945-1030, 1050, 1105-15, 1125, 1135-1200; 29:1535-40, 1550, 1605-35
⇒⇒Shipbuilding, 13:1029-30, 1050-55, 1110-45, 1155; 18:0904-05, 0920-25, 0940-45, 0955-1013, 1130-40
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 27:0907, 0915, 0925-35, 0945, 0955, 1005-15, 1025-30, 1040-50; 30:0909, 0925, 0945, 0955-1015, 1025-1110; 56:0909-10, 0925-40, 0950-1006, 1012, 1020-30; 60:0935, 0945-50, 1000, 1015-20, 1030, 1040-1103
⇒⇒Space exploration, 49:1544-45, 1618-40
⇒⇒Western Economic Diversification, 42:1631, 1640-55, 1705-25
Wilkes, David (Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 55:0940-45, 1000
Williams, Dr. Dave (Canadian Space Agency; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA))
⇒⇒Space exploration, 49:1545-55, 1618-20, 1630, 1640
Winter, Professor Ralph (Individual Presentation; University of Toronto)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 48:0909-40, 1005, 1025
Wong, Stanley (Davis and Company)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 48:1045-1105, 1125-55
Wortsman, Arlene (Canadian Labour and Business Centre)
⇒⇒Productivity, 06:1533, 1545-55, 1605-15, 1630-35, 1645, 1720
Wylie, Andrée (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC))
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 12:1040-1100, 1115-45


Young, Alan (Canadian Bankers' Association)
⇒⇒Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276), 17:1536-1600, 1705-15, 1725
⇒⇒Small and medium sized enterprises (SME), 30:0909-10, 1025, 1040, 1055-1100; 60:0908-10, 0940-45, 1040


Zussman, David R. (Public Policy Forum)
⇒⇒Competition Act review, 45:1533-1605