Index of Proceedings

38th Parliament, 1st Session (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005) Latest Session

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Y

Index complete to meeting No. 50


Agenda and Procedure Subcommittee
⇒⇒Membership, Minutes of meeting No. 1
⇒⇒Report, first, future business, adopted, Minutes of meeting No. 2
Atkinson, Joan (Privy Council Office)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 24:1540-55, 1615-20, 1645-50, 1700


Beeman, Jennifer (Fédération des femmes du Québec)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1540-50, 1600, 1615-30
Beijing + 10, Conference
⇒⇒Study, 16:1605-1720
Berinstein, Juana (Workers' Action Center)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 46:1530-1655, 1705-10
Bessey, Darlene (YWCA Canada; Voluntary Sector Forum)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 11:1825-35, 1850-55, 1905
⇒⇒Women's Program, 31:1530, 1540, 1550, 1610, 1630, 1640, 1650-55
Bile, Maryan (Coalition nationale des organismes de femmes de minorités raciales et ethnoculturelles francophones)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 13:1115, 1130, 1140, 1155-1200, 1210
Bilson, Beth (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1535-1650
Binnington, Cynthia (Privy Council Office)
⇒⇒Estimates process, 13:1225, 1235-40, 1250
Bonsant, France (BQ--Compton--Stanstead)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1705
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1225
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1610; 20:1630-35; 21:1600; 22:1635-40; 23:1610-15; 24:1640
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1615-20; 36:1640-50, 1700; 38:1610-15
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1625-30; 33:1555, 1615; 48:1745
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1115; 02:1125; 03:1250-55; 31:1520-25
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1240-45; 08:1250; 09:1255; 11:1900, 2005; 12:1240; 13:1140
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1205; 06:1135, 1210-15; 39:1610
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1200, 1225
⇒⇒Women's Program, 14:1650; 30:1710, 1720; 31:1640
Bose, Anu (Coalition for Women's Equality; National Organization of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women of Canada)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 08:1230-35, 1250-55
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1120-35, 1215-20, 1230, 1240
Boudrias, Monique (Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 24:1530-40, 1550, 1600-05, 1620-40, 1650, 1700
Brault, Diane (Association féminine d'éducation et d'action sociale)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 49:1630, 1705-10
Brunelle, Paule (BQ--Trois-Rivières)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1630-40, 1705
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1150-55; 13:1230-35, 1250
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1545-50, 1615; 19:1540, 1610-15, 1630; 20:1555-1600; 21:1535, 1600; 22:1605; 23:1540-45, 1635; 24:1600-05, 1710-15
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1550-55, 1620, 1635; 36:1610-15; 37:1535-40, 1605; 38:1550
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1550-55; 33:1545-50, 1620
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1110-20, 1130; 02:1120, 1130; 14:1710; 19:1630; 39:1645, 1700
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1200-05; 08:1135; 09:1222; 10:1145-50, 1250; 11:1840-45, 2015; 12:1155; 13:1135-40
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1130; 06:1130-35, 1210; 39:1540
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1155-1200, 1220
⇒⇒Women's Program, 14:1615, 1650; 30:1615, 1805; 31:1550-1600, 1650
Bulte, Hon. Sarmite (Lib.--Parkdale--High Park)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 19:1555-1600, 1625-35; 20:1600-10, 1655; 22:1630-35; 23:1545-50; 24:1605-15
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 36:1545, 1620
⇒⇒Pay equity, 33:1550-55
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 19:1630-35; 39:1640, 1655-700; 40:1535, 1555, 1610-20; 41:1535
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 39:1545-55
⇒⇒Women's Program, 31:1600-05


Campbell, Darla (Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 11:1925-30, 2000-05, 2015-20
Canadian Heritage Department
⇒⇒Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, Votes 110 and 115 see Status of Women Canada
Carter, Diana (Child Care Human Resources Sector Council)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 42:1535, 1550-55, 1605-15, 1625-30, 1640
Certificate of nomination
⇒⇒Ievers, Florence see Status of Women Canada
Chair and vice-chairs, election see Procedure and Committee business
Charron, Bonnie (Committee Clerk)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 03:1245-50
Child care see Parental benefits
Cishecki, Melanie (MediaWatch)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 11:1815-20, 1840, 1850-55, 1905
Claxton, Jackie (Status of Women Canada)
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1135, 1150-55, 1210, 1232; 06:1230-35
⇒⇒Women's Program, 14:1540-1605, 1615, 1625-1705
Committee business see Procedure and Committee business
Cool, Julie (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 24:1715
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 47:1630
Cornellier, Hélène (Association féminine d'éducation et d'action sociale (AFEAS))
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 49:1635-40, 1710, 1720
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 11:1820-25, 1835-45, 1900, 1910
Côté, Andrée (National Association of Women and the Law)
⇒⇒Pay equity, 33:1525, 1540-1610, 1630
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 08:1210-15, 1240, 1250-55
Cotler, Hon. Irwin (Lib.--Mount Royal; Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada)
⇒⇒Pay equity, 48:1635-45, 1700-10, 1720-35, 1745-55
Coulter, Robert (Social Development Department)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 20:1555
Critchley, Debra (B.C. Rural Women's Network)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1540, 1615, 1625-35, 1650-55, 1705, 1725, 1735, 1750, 1800, 1825
Crow, Barbara (Canadian Women's Studies Association)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 08:1115, 1135-45, 1155-1200
Crowder, Jean (NDP--Nanaimo--Cowichan)(Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1645-50, 1705-10
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1205, 1230; 13:1240, 1250
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1555-1600, 1615; 19:1550, 1615-20, 1630-40; 20:1610-15, 1635-40; 21:1545-50, 1605, 1620; 22:1615-20, 1640-45, 1705; 23:1550-55, 1615, 1640; 24:1615-25, 1645-55; 26:1555
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1615-25, 1640-45, 1715
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1600, 1620-35; 36:1625-30, 1650; 37:1550-55, 1610; 42:1600, 1610, 1630-35; 46:1605-10, 1640; 47:1610-15; 49:1715-25
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1610-15, 1630-35; 33:1600-05, 1620, 1630-35; 48:1720-30, 1755-800
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1115-25, 1140; 02:1115, 1125-35; 03:1245-50; 07:1300; 19:1630-40; 31:1515-20; 39:1635, 1645-55, 1705; 40:1540, 1555, 1605, 1615, 1625; 43:1540, 1555
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1210, 1245, 1300; 08:1150, 1255; 09:1240; 10:1200, 1230; 11:1850-55; 12:1215, 1245; 13:1150-55, 1240, 1250
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1140-45, 1210; 06:1150, 1215-20; 26:1615-20; 39:1540, 1555-1600, 1615
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1205, 1235-40
⇒⇒Women's Program, 14:1620, 1655-1700; 30:1535, 1630-35, 1705, 1825; 31:1610, 1630


Dantzer, Ruth (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 24:1610-15, 1640, 1650-55, 1705-10
Day, Shelagh (Coalition for Women's Equality; Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 13:1120-25, 1135-1210
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1205, 1215, 1225, 1235-40
Delahanty, Julie (Canadian International Development Agency)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 20:1535-40, 1555, 1615, 1630, 1650
Demers, Nicole (BQ--Laval)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 42:1620, 1630; 46:1630-35; 49:1710
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 41:1535; 42:1645; 43:1535-40, 1550
DePape, Carmen (Committee Clerk)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 40:1630; 41:1535
Diamond, Bonnie (Coalition for Women's Equality)
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1110-20, 1145, 1155-1230, 1240-45
Dickson, Jennifer (Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Association)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 09:1145-55, 1215, 1222, 1235, 1245-1300
Diocson-Sayo, Cecilia (Philippine Women's Centre of B.C.)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1555, 1625, 1645, 1710, 1755, 1815
Dwyer-Renaud, Hélène (Status of Women Canada)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1520-30, 1540-50, 1600-15; 26:1545


Employment insurance see Parental benefits
Equality see Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations
Estimates, 2005-2006, Main see Status of Women Canada
Estimates process
⇒⇒Briefing session, 03:1105-1240; 13:1220-55


Fisher, Christine (Committee Clerk)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1110
Flageole, Richard (Auditor General of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1130, 1145-50, 1200-15
Fontana, Hon. Joe (Lib.--London North Centre; Minister of Labour and Housing)
⇒⇒Pay equity, 48:1650-55, 1715-25, 1735-45, 1755-800
Friedman, Pirjo (Women Entrepreneurs of Canada)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 11:1950-55, 2010-15
Frith, Rosaline (Citizenship and Immigration Department)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 19:1515-30, 1540-1625
Frulla, Hon. Liza (Lib.--Jeanne-Le Ber; Minister of Canadian Heritage and Minister responsible for Status of Women)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 26:1525-1555
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 06:1110-1235; 26:1600-40
Fry, Hon. Hedy (Lib.--Vancouver Centre)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1700, 1715
Funding through the Women's Program: Women's Groups Speak Out see Women's Program
Future business see Procedure and Committee business


Gabriel, Ellen (Quebec Native Women Inc.)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 09:1155-1205, 1230-35, 1245-50, 1300
Gagnon, Christiane (BQ--Québec)
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1605-10, 1635-40, 1705-10
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 42:1545-50, 1610, 1630; 46:1530, 1550-55, 1705; 47:1555-600, 1615; 49:1705-10, 1725
⇒⇒Pay equity, 48:1705-10, 1755
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 40:1545, 1555-600, 1620; 42:1645; 43:1545, 1555
⇒⇒Violence against aboriginal women, 44:1540
Galarneau, Louise (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 20:1555-1600, 1620-35
Genaille, Sheila D. (Métis National Council of Women Inc.)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 09:1120-35, 1210, 1230, 1240, 1255
Gender-based analysis
⇒⇒Study, 17:1515-1620; 19:1515-1625; 20:1520-1655; 21:1520-1620; 22:1520-1705; 23:1520-1645; 24:1525-1715; 26:1525-1600
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meeting No. 18; No. 27; No. 28
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, second, Gender-based Analysis: Building Blocks for Success, Minutes of meeting No. 28
Gender equality accountability mechanisms
⇒⇒Study, 45:1530-715
⇒⇒See also Gender-based analysis
Genge, Sue (Canadian Labour Congress)
⇒⇒Pay equity, 33:1530-45, 1555-1600, 1615-25
Genge Harris, Michelle (Women's Network Prince Edward Island)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1540, 1550-1605, 1615, 1630-35
Gervais-Vidricaire, Marie (Foreign Affairs Department)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1615-25, 1635-45, 1700-05, 1715
Girard, Lise (Association féminine d'éducation et d'action sociale)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1540-45, 1620, 1640, 1700, 1730, 1820
Government appointments see Status of Women Canada--Ievers
Green, Karen (Justice Department)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 22:1520-30, 1600, 1610, 1625, 1635, 1645-50
Grewal, Nina (CPC--Fleetwood--Port Kells)(Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1625
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1215
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1540-45; 19:1540, 1600-05, 1620; 20:1615; 22:1555-1600; 23:1520, 1530, 1540-50, 1600-30, 1640-45
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1610; 36:1630; 38:1540-45
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1535, 1545-50, 1600, 1610-40, 1650
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 40:1550, 1615
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1150; 08:1130; 09:1210; 10:1140; 11:1835, 2000; 12:1225; 13:1130
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1125, 1232; 06:1125; 39:1600-05
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1145, 1220-30, 1245
⇒⇒Women's Program, 14:1610; 31:1545
Guay, Monique (BQ--Rivière-du-Nord)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 10:1220-25
Guergis, Helena (CPC--Simcoe--Grey)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1655
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1235
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 23:1535-40, 1600
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 37:1555-1600; 38:1600-05, 1620-25
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1650; 48:1730-35
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1135; 03:1255; 39:1635, 1645, 1655, 1705
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 09:1250; 10:1205, 1240-45; 11:1905-10, 1955, 2025-30
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1155; 06:1130, 1155; 26:1600; 39:1535-40
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1220
Gusella, Mary (Canadian Human Rights Commission)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 23:1520-1645


Hamilton, Kathryn (Canadian Human Rights Commission)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 23:1530
Hancock, Joyce (Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women; Coalition of Provincial and Territorial Advisory Councils on the Status of Women)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 08:1105, 1130, 1140-55
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1545, 1615, 1630-35, 1655-1700, 1715, 1745, 1800, 1820
Harder, Sandra (Citizenship and Immigration Department)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 19:1535-1625
Harreman, Lori (Women's Legal Education and Action Fund)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 08:1220-30, 1245, 1255
Haworth-Brockman, Margaret (Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 10:1120-25, 1140-55, 1205-35, 1245
Hébert, Danielle (Fédération des femmes du Québec)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1135-40, 1155-1215, 1235-40, 1250
⇒⇒Women's Program, 31:1535, 1550-55, 1610, 1625, 1640, 1655
Hinton, Betty (CPC--Kamloops-Thompson--Cariboo)
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1210-15
Hotchkiss, Cheryl (Amnesty International)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 12:1110-15, 1215-20, 1240, 1255
Hughes, Dr. Karen (University of Alberta)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 38:1530-1635
Human rights see Gender-based analysis; Pay equity


Ievers, Florence (Status of Women Canada)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1605-10, 1620-1720
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1515, 1530-40, 1550-1600, 1610-20; 26:1600
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1105-1205, 1215-20, 1232; 06:1130, 1200, 1220; 26:1605, 1615-40; 39:1530-1635
⇒⇒Women's Program, 14:1535-40, 1610, 1620-25, 1635, 1655-1700
⇒⇒See also Status of Women Canada
Interim Report on the Maternity and Parental Benefits under Employment Insurance: the Exclusion of Self-employed Workers see Parental benefits


Jacobs, Beverly (Native Women's Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 09:1120, 1135-45, 1210, 1225-40, 1255
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1545, 1620, 1645, 1720, 1805, 1820
James, Bill (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 36:1530-1705
Jennings, Hon. Marlene (Lib.--Notre-Dame-de-Grâce--Lachine)
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 26:1620-25
John, Sungee (National Action Committee on the Status of Women)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 08:1120-30, 1140-55


Kadis, Susan (Lib.--Thornhill)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1640
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1550-55; 19:1625; 22:1610; 23:1605-10, 1640; 24:1635; 26:1545-50
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1530, 1550-640, 1650-715
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 38:1605-10; 42:1535, 1545, 1555-600, 1610-20, 1630-35, 1645; 46:1530, 1540, 1550-55, 1605-20, 1630, 1640-55, 1705-10; 47:1535-40, 1550, 1600, 1610-40; 49:1630, 1640, 1650, 1700-25
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1615-20; 33:1620; 48:1635, 1655, 1705-35, 1745-800
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1110-15; 02:1125; 07:1300; 39:1650; 40:1540; 41:1535; 42:1645; 43:1535-55; 44:1540
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1250, 1300; 08:1150; 09:1230-35; 10:1155-1200, 1245; 11:1845; 12:1200-05; 13:1205-10
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1135; 06:1200-10; 39:1620
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1210-15
⇒⇒Violence against aboriginal women, 44:1540-45
⇒⇒Women's Program, 31:1615-20
Karetak-Lindell, Nancy (Lib.--Nunavut)
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1700-05
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 46:1645-50; 49:1710
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 41:1535; 43:1545, 1555
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1755
Kass, Jamie (Child Care Human Resources Sector Council)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 42:1535-50, 1600-20, 1630-45
Komarnicki, Ed (CPC--Souris--Moose Mountain)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 46:1615-20, 1705


Laidlaw-Sly, Catharine (National Council of Women of Canada)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1115-25, 1150, 1205-10, 1220-45, 1255
Lakeman, Lee (Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 12:1140-50, 1200-05, 1215-20, 1230-45
Langevin, Louise (Status of Women Canada)
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1550-605, 1635-45, 1700, 1710
Laurendeau, Hélène (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 24:1625, 1640, 1700
Lavallée, Carole (BQ--Saint-Bruno--Saint-Hubert)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 26:1545
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 26:1605-10
Leslie, Lorraine (Women with Vision Magazine)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 11:1935-40, 1955-2015, 2025-30
Lévesque, Louis (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 22:1545-1640, 1650, 1700-05
Linklater, Les (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 20:1520-30, 1545, 1605-10, 1635, 1650
Lippman, Abby (Canadian Women's Health Network)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 10:1130-40, 1150-1200, 1210, 1220-30, 1240-50


MacDonald, Jane (Canadian Nurses Association)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 10:1115, 1140-1205, 1220-25, 1235-50
Macdonald, Ronald (Nova Scotia Barristers Society)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 49:1640-45, 1700-05
Marion, Marcelle (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 47:1535-640
Marshall, Kathy (Coalition for Women's Equality)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1550, 1650, 1820
Martin, Lise (Coalition for Women's Equality; Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 08:1110-15, 1130-55
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1135-45, 1200, 1220, 1240
Matsui, Hiromi (Canadian Coalition of Women in Science, Engineering, Trades and Technology)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 11:1940-45, 2000-05, 2015-20, 2030
McCallum, Hon. John (Lib.--Markham--Unionville; Minister of National Revenue)
⇒⇒Estimates process, 13:1220, 1230-55
McCardle, Laurie Ann (Women's Network PEI)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1535, 1550-55, 1605-15, 1625, 1635
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1550, 1630, 1815
McMurtry, Norah (Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1125-30, 1155, 1205-10, 1220, 1235, 1250
Mellon, Robert (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1105-25, 1150, 1205, 1215, 1225-40
Meredith, Daphne (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 24:1525, 1605, 1700
Michael, Lorraine (Women in Resource Development Inc.)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 11:1805-10, 1840-45, 1855
Minna, Hon. Maria (Lib.--Beaches--East York)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 19:1640
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1115-35; 19:1640
Monette, Marc (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1155, 1210, 1220-25, 1235-40


Neville, Anita (Lib.--Winnipeg South Centre)(Chair)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1605, 1625-1720
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1105, 1125-35; 13:1220-55
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1515, 1540-1620; 19:1515, 1540, 1550-1640; 20:1520, 1530-35, 1545-1605, 1615-30, 1640-55; 21:1520-1620; 22:1520, 1530, 1545, 1555-1650, 1700-05; 24:1525-30, 1540, 1550, 1600-25, 1635-45, 1655-1715; 26:1525, 1535-1555
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1650-55, 1715
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1535-40, 1550-1600, 1610-40; 36:1530, 1545, 1605-40, 1650-1705; 37:1520, 1530-35, 1545-1615; 38:1530, 1540-1635; 46:1620-30; 47:1600-05, 1625-30; 49:1710-15
⇒⇒Pay equity, 33:1525, 1540-1635; 48:1715-20
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1110-40; 02:1110-40; 03:1245-1255; 07:1300; 14:1710; 19:1630-40; 31:1515-25; 39:1635-1710; 40:1535-630
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1115, 1125, 1135, 1145-1300; 08:1105-20, 1130-35, 1145-50, 1200-05, 1215-20, 1230, 1240-1300; 09:1120, 1135, 1145, 1155, 1205-10, 1220-30, 1240-1300; 10:1115-20, 1130-1205, 1215-20, 1230-55; 11:1745, 1755, 1805-10, 1820-25, 1835-1910, 1925, 1935-40, 1950-2030; 12:1110-15, 1125-30, 1140-1255; 13:1105-20, 1130-1210
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1105, 1125-40, 1155-1220, 1232; 06:1110, 1125-40, 1150-1200, 1210-20, 1230-35; 26:1600-25, 1635-40; 39:1530-45, 1555-1635
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1110, 1145, 1155-1220
⇒⇒Women's Program, 14:1535, 1610-20, 1630-35, 1645-1705; 30:1535-1605, 1615-1745, 1755-1830; 31:1530-50, 1600, 1610-45, 1655-1700


Organization meeting see Procedure and Committee business


Paré, Myriam (Human Resources and Skills Development Department)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 36:1645-50, 1700
Parental benefits
⇒⇒Self-employed workers, study, 34:1535-1640; 36:1530-1705; 37:1520-1615; 38:1530-1635; 42:1535-645; 46:1530-710; 47:1535-640; 49:1630-725
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, fifth, Interim Report on the Maternity and Parental Benefits under Employment Insurance: the Exclusion of Self-employed Workers, Minutes of meeting No. 5
Parsons, Doreen (Women's Economic Equality (WEE) Society)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1550, 1645, 1815
Pate, Kim (Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 12:1125-30, 1155, 1210, 1225, 1235, 1250
Pay equity
⇒⇒Study, 32:1535-1650; 33:1525-1635; 48:1635-800
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meetings No. 37
Phillips, Rhys (Canadian Human Rights Commission)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 23:1530-35, 1545-55, 1605-10, 1640-45
Phinney, Beth (Lib.--Hamilton Mountain)
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1155-1205, 1215-25
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1110-40; 02:1135; 03:1245-55
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1205-10; 09:1225, 1255
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1125, 1215-20, 1232; 06:1220-30
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1215, 1230-35
Powers, Russ (Lib.--Ancaster--Dundas--Flamborough--Westdale)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1640-45, 1715
⇒⇒Estimates process, 13:1235
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 19:1605-10; 20:1620-30; 21:1540-45; 22:1645-50; 23:1620-30; 24:1655-1705
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1610-15
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1615; 37:1545-50; 38:1615-20; 42:1635-40; 47:1620-25
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1635-40; 33:1620-35
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1110, 1120-30; 02:1120-25; 14:1710; 31:1520-25; 40:1555, 1605, 1625-30; 43:1535, 1545
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1115, 1235-40; 08:1145; 09:1145; 12:1230-35
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 06:1140; 26:1610-15; 39:1605-10
⇒⇒Women's Program, 14:1630-35, 1645; 30:1635, 1735, 1745; 31:1635, 1655
Prentice, Dr. Susan (Child Care Coalition of Manitoba)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1555, 1610, 1620, 1635, 1700, 1710, 1720, 1740, 1815
Procedure and Committee business
⇒⇒Chair and vice-chairs, election, Minutes of meetings No. 1; No. 41
⇒⇒Future/routine business, 02:1110-1140; 03:1240-55; 04:1220; 07:1300; 14:1710; 19:1630-40; 31:1515-25; 39:1635-1710; 40:1535-630; 42:1645; 43:1535-555; 49:1710
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 4; No. 5; No. 6; No. 29; No. 32; No. 33; No. 35; No. 50
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1110-1140
⇒⇒Reports to House, dissenting opinion, appending, Minutes of meeting No. 50
⇒⇒Witnesses, appearing, budget, M. (Torsney), agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 44


Rankin, Pauline (Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's Studies)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 21:1520-1620
Ray-Ellis, Soma (Women Entrepreneurs of Canada)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 37:1520-1615
Regehr, Sheila (Status of Women Canada)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1610-15, 1655
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1155, 1220
Reports to House
⇒⇒First, Status of Women Canada, gender equality, financing, Minutes of meeting No. 16
⇒⇒Second, Gender-based analysis, Gender-based Analysis: Building Blocks for Success, Minutes of meeting No. 28
⇒⇒Third, Women's Program, Funding through the Women's Program: Women's Groups Speak Out, Minutes of meeting No. 32
⇒⇒Fourth, Pay equity, Moving Forward on the Pay Equity Task Force Recommendations, Minutes of meeting No. 37
⇒⇒Fifth, Parental benefits, Interim Report on the Maternity and Parental Benefits under Employment Insurance: the Exclusion of Self-employed Workers, Minutes of meeting No. 50
Richmond, Penni (Canadian Labour Congress)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 31:1530-35, 1545, 1625, 1640, 1700
Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations
⇒⇒Study, 07:1115-1300; 08:1105-1300; 09:1120-1300; 10:1115-1255; 11:1745-2030; 12:1110-1255; 13:1105-1210
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 15
⇒⇒See also Gender-based analysis; Gender equality accountability mechanisms; Parental benefits; Pay equity
Routine business see Procedure and Committee business--Future/routine business
Rowan-Campbell, Dorienne (Status of Women Canada)
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1540-600, 1615-20, 1630, 1645-55, 1705-10
Rumas, Richard (Committee Clerk)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 20:1655; 24:1710
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 38:1600
⇒⇒Pay equity, 33:1630
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 19:1630-35; 39:1655; 43:1535-40, 1550-55; 49:1710
Russell, Susan (Canadian Federation of University Women)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 11:1745-55, 1840, 1855, 1905


Sarin, Elizabeth (United Nations Platform for Action Committee Manitoba)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 13:1105-10, 1130, 1140, 1155, 1205-10
Savage, Michael (Lib.--Dartmouth--Cole Harbour)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 21:1555-1600
Scheer, Andrew (CPC--Regina--Qu'Appelle)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 36:1605-10, 1635
Scott, Katherine (Canadian Council on Social Development)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 31:1535, 1545, 1600-05, 1615-30, 1645-1700
Self-employed workers see Parental benefits
Shillington, Richard (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 49:1650-55, 1710-25
Shoen, Tina (Cowichan Women Against Violence)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 12:1130-35, 1205, 1225-30, 1245-50
Simon, Gasongi (Gina) (National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 12:1115-25, 1150, 1200-05, 1220, 1230-35, 1245-50
Simpson, Joni (Women's Community Economic Development Council)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 11:1755-1805, 1840, 1850-55
Sisters in Spirit campaign see Violence against aboriginal women
Smith, Joy (CPC--Kildonan--St. Paul)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1545; 21:1530-35, 1550-55; 22:1625; 24:1550-55; 26:1540, 1605
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1555-605
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1540-50, 1610; 37:1530-35, 1610; 38:1545-50, 1605, 1630; 42:1545, 1610-15, 1635; 46:1540-45, 1650; 47:1540-50, 1630-40; 49:1700-05, 1720-25
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1545-50, 1620-25; 33:1540-45, 1605-10, 1620; 48:1750-55
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 39:1640-45, 1700; 40:1540, 1550, 1600-10; 43:1540, 1550-55
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 26:1625, 1635-40; 39:1620-25
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1610, 1640-45
St. Amand, Lloyd (Lib.--Brant)
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 37:1610
St. Prix-Alexander, Deanna (Health Department)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 22:1530-45, 1600, 1615, 1625, 1650-1700
Status of Women Canada
⇒⇒Briefing session, 04:1105-1220; 06:1110-1235
⇒⇒Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, study, 26:1600-40
⇒⇒Gender equality, financing, report to House, first, Minutes of meeting No. 16
⇒⇒Ievers, Florence, Coordinator, nomination, Minutes of meeting No. 39
⇒⇒⇒Study, 39:1530-1635
Steinsky-Schwartz, Georgina (Status of Women Canada)
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1530-40, 1555, 1605-715
Stewart, Nell (Foreign Affairs Department)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1705
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1605-1720
⇒⇒Estimates process, briefing session, 03:1105-1240; 13:1220-55
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1515-1620; 19:1515-1625; 20:1520-1655; 21:1520-1620; 22:1520-1705; 23:1520-1645; 24:1525-1715; 26:1525-1600
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meeting No. 18; No. 27; No. 28
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1530-715
⇒⇒Parental benefits, self-employed workers, 34:1535-1640; 36:1530-1705; 37:1520-1615; 38:1530-1635; 42:1535-645; 46:1530-710; 47:1535-640; 49:1630-725
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1535-1650; 33:1525-1635; 48:1635-800
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meetings No. 37
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1115-1300; 08:1105-1300; 09:1120-1300; 10:1115-1255; 11:1745-2030; 12:1110-1255; 13:1105-1210
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 15
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada
⇒⇒⇒Briefing session, 04:1105-1220; 06:1110-1235
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, 26:1600-40
⇒⇒⇒Financing, report to House, first, Minutes of meeting No. 16
⇒⇒⇒Ievers, Florence, Co-ordinator, nomination, 39:1530-1635
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, briefing session, 05:1110-1245
⇒⇒Violence against aboriginal women, Sisters in Spirit campaign, 44:1540-45
⇒⇒Women's Program, funding, 14:1535-1705; 30:1535-1830; 31:1530-1700
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meetings No. 25
Suek, Bev (Women's Enterprise Centre)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1600, 1610, 1625, 1705, 1740-45, 1805-10


Taylor, Sharon (Wolseley Family Place)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1600-05, 1635-45, 1700, 1710, 1725, 1810
Thibault, Charlotte (Relais-Femmes)
⇒⇒Women's Program, 31:1530, 1545, 1555-1605, 1615, 1625-35, 1645, 1700
Third party stakeholders
⇒⇒Briefing session, 05:1110-1245
Torsney, Paddy (Lib.--Burlington)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1710-15
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1200, 1220, 1230-40; 13:1245-50
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1605-10; 19:1630-40; 20:1640-50; 21:1610-20
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1615, 1630-35, 1710-15
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1555-1600, 1630-35; 36:1635-40, 1655-1700; 37:1600-05; 38:1555-1600, 1610, 1620-35; 42:1555-600, 1615-20, 1645; 46:1555-605, 1655-705
⇒⇒Pay equity, 32:1600-05, 1640-50; 33:1610-35; 48:1715, 1735, 1755
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 02:1115-35; 03:1240-55; 14:1710; 19:1630-40; 31:1525; 39:1640-50, 1705; 40:1555, 1605-10, 1620-30; 44:1540
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 10:1215-20, 1235, 1245; 11:1900, 2005-10, 2025-30; 12:1235, 1245; 13:1145-50, 1245-50
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1125, 1200-05; 39:1540, 1630-35
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1135, 1240
⇒⇒Violence against aboriginal women, 44:1540-45
⇒⇒Women's Program, 30:1620-25, 1635, 1730-35, 1830; 31:1620-25
Tunis, Deborah (Social Development Department)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 20:1530-35, 1550-55, 1605, 1615, 1625, 1640-50


Violence against aboriginal women
⇒⇒Sisters in Spirit campaign, study, 44:1540-45
⇒⇒See also Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations
von Lau, Margaret (Needs Centre for War-Affected Families)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 13:1110, 1130, 1145, 1205-10


Watts, Diane (REAL Women of Canada)
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1145-55, 1210-15, 1230, 1240-45, 1255
Weber, Caroline (Health Department)
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 22:1530, 1615, 1645, 1655
Wileman, Tom (Auditor General of Canada Office)
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1135-50, 1205
Women's Program
⇒⇒Funding, study, 14:1535-1705; 30:1535-1830; 31:1530-1700
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meetings No. 25
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, third, Funding through the Women's Program: Women's Groups Speak Out, Minutes of meeting No. 32


Yelich, Lynne (CPC--Blackstrap)
⇒⇒Beijing + 10, Conference, 16:1630, 1655-1700, 1715
⇒⇒Estimates process, 03:1145-50, 1235-40; 13:1225, 1240-45
⇒⇒Gender-based analysis, 17:1600-05; 19:1630, 1640; 20:1545, 1650; 21:1525-30, 1615-20; 22:1650-55; 23:1530-40, 1605-10, 1625-30, 1640-45; 24:1625-30, 1710-15; 26:1535-40
⇒⇒Gender equality accountability mechanisms, 45:1625, 1655-700
⇒⇒Parental benefits, 34:1625-30; 38:1600; 47:1535, 1615-20, 1630; 49:1720-25
⇒⇒Pay equity, 48:1655-700
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1110-40; 07:1300; 14:1710; 19:1630, 1640; 31:1520; 39:1705; 40:1540, 1550-55, 1605-25; 41:1535; 43:1540, 1550-55
⇒⇒Roundtables to explore the concerns of women's organizations and equality-seeking organizations, 07:1225-30, 1255-1300; 08:1130, 1240-45; 09:1250; 10:1145, 1155, 1250; 11:1900, 1955; 12:1145-50; 13:1200-05, 1225
⇒⇒Status of Women Canada, 04:1125; 06:1230-35; 26:1625-40
⇒⇒Third party stakeholders, 05:1150
⇒⇒Violence against aboriginal women, 44:1540-45
⇒⇒Women's Program, 14:1635-45; 30:1650-1700, 1720, 1825; 31:1530, 1545, 1645-50