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Section of the bas-relief entitled Jacques Cartier maps the shores of the St. Lawrence River.  

 The Organization

The mandate of the House Administration is to support Members by providing the infrastructure, services and advice they need to carry out their work as legislators and representatives in the Chamber, in committee, in caucus, in their Parliament Hill offices, and in their constituencies.

Supporting Members and the Institution

Graphic representation of the House Administration's mandate.

The Board of Internal Economy is the governing body of the House of Commons and oversees its financial management and administration on behalf of Members and Canadians.  It is chaired by the Speaker and composed of Members representing all recognized parties.

The Clerk of the House of Commons is the Secretary to the Board and, as the senior official of the Administration, reports to the Speaker.  Five service areas, employing the equivalent of 1,685 full-time workers, report to the Clerk:  Procedural Services; the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel; Information Services; Parliamentary Precinct Services and Corporate Services.

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