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Board of Internal Economy meeting

The Agenda includes information about the items of business to be dealt with by the Board and date, time and place of the meeting. The Transcript is the edited and revised report of what is said during the meeting. The Minutes are the official record of decisions made by the Board at a meeting.

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Meeting Minutes

Thursday, June 16, 2016

A meeting of the Board of Internal Economy of the House of Commons was held on Thursday, June 16, 2016, at 11:15 a.m., in Room 112-N, Centre Block.

In the Chair: The Honourable Geoff Regan, Speaker of the House of Commons

Present: The Honourables Judy Foote, Dominic LeBlanc and Andrew Leslie; Messrs. Andrew Scheer, Gordon Brown and Peter Julian

Acting Secretary to the Board: Marc Bosc, Acting Clerk of the House of Commons

Also Present: Daniel Paquette, Chief Financial Officer; Philippe Dufresne, Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel; Pierre Parent, Chief Human Resources Officer; André Gagnon, Acting Deputy Clerk; Patrick McDonell, Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms and Corporate Security Officer; Eric Janse, Clerk Assistant, Committees and Legislative Services Directorate; Colette Labrecque-Riel, Acting Clerk Assistant and Director General, International and Interparliamentary Affairs; Robin Kells, Secretariat; Guillaume La Perrière-Marcoux, Secretariat.


The minutes of the meeting of May 12, 2016 were adopted and approved for tabling.


The Board noted and discussed correspondence distributed since its last meeting.

The Board approved interim measures with respect to the travel policy for Members who represent constituencies located in northern and remote communities and requested an update on the interim measures for fall 2016.


The Board ratified a decision related to special accommodations for a Member of Parliament.


Dependant Travel

The Board discussed and approved a request for exception from a Member pertaining to the reimbursement of travel expenses for his dependant and directed the House Administration to report back to the Board in fall 2016 with guidelines for special accommodations for Members with dependants who have particular requirements.

Resettlement Expenses

The Board discussed and denied a request for exception from a Member pertaining to the reimbursement of tuition fees incurred outside Canada.


The Board discussed and denied a request for exception from a Member pertaining to telework for an employee.



The Board discussed the introduction of new security accreditation measures. The Board directed the House Administration to develop a full proposal and implementation plan and to report back in fall 2016.

Security Resources and Enhancements

The Board discussed security resources and enhancements and approved the request for additional permanent funding for the Corporate Security Office and temporary funding for HoC security enhancement initiatives.

The House Administration will report back to the Board in 18 months with an update.

Internal Audit

The Board approved the Internal Audit Charter and the Internal Audit Plan for 2016-2017 to 2018-2019.

Direct Deposit Enrolment

The Board noted the status of the implementation of direct deposit for payroll and reimbursement of expenses.


2015-2016 Year-End Financial Report for the House of Commons

The Board discussed and took note of the 2015–2016 year-end financial report for the House of Commons.

2016-2017 Preliminary Financial Status Report and Supplementary Estimates (B)

The Board discussed and took note of the House of Commons’ financial position for fiscal year 2016-2017 as at April 30, 2016. The Board also approved the Supplementary Estimates (B) for 2016–2017.

The Board also discussed and approved temporary funding for the Liaison Committee and the Special Committee on Electoral Reform. The Board directed the House Administration to report back on the Special Committee plan once a proper analysis is completed.

2015-2016 Annual Report on Committee Activities and Expenditures

The Board discussed and took note of the 2015-2016 Annual Report on Committee Activities and Expenditures to be tabled in the House.

Request for Additional Office Space for the International Secretariat of ParlAmericas

The Board discussed the request for additional office space for the International Secretariat of ParlAmericas and directed the House Administration to report back to the Board with a full analysis of requirements.


The Board discussed and approved the creation of a subcommittee whose mandate is to evaluate and make recommendations to the Board regarding Members’ requests for exceptions.

The meeting was adjourned.

Marc Bosc
Acting Secretary to the Board