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TRAN Committee Report

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Appendix A
List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

That Transport Canada report, within one year from the presentation of this report in the House of Commons, to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, on its progress in providing guidance to the regional offices, on the application of safety rules and regulations.

Recommendation 2

That the government mandate the Advisory Council on Railway Safety (ACRS) to be an integral component of the rule making process with participants from all interested parties and ensure that its decisions are formally integrated into Transport Canada's rule approval procedures.

Recommendation 3

That the government ensure adequate representation from railway labour organizations be part of the joint Transport Canada - Industry steering committee that is developing an action plan to address the Advisory Panel's recommendations.

Recommendation 4

That Transport Canada and the railroad companies develop, within one year of the presentation of this report in the House of Commons, an action plan for the implementation of SMS, including timelines for full implementation of the system.

Recommendation 5

That Transport Canada and the railroad companies develop a concrete assessment tool to continually monitor the implementation of SMS.

Recommendation 6

That Transport Canada ensure that union and non union railway employees are meaningfully involved and consulted at every stage of implementing the SMS.

Recommendation 7

That Transport Canada and the railway companies report their progress in adopting measures to facilitate the implementation of SMS to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities within six months of the presentation of this report in the House of Commons.

Recommendation 8

That Transport Canada ensure that a rigorous rail safety inspection process is in place, with adequate resources to properly administer this program.

Recommendation 9

That the government amend the Railway Safety Act to require federally regulated railway companies to include in their Safety Management Systems, an effective process for the non-punitive reporting by employees of safety issues and incidents, violations and non-compliance with safety rules and regulations.

Recommendation 10

That the government mandate the railway companies to work with their employees to develop Work/Rest Rules and fatigue management plans based upon the current science and operating experience of their employees.

Recommendation 11

That the railway companies file their fatigue management plans with Transport Canada and the department monitor the effective implementation of such plans.

Recommendation 12

That Transport Canada monitor the railway companies' training programs for new employees to ensure they meet the highest practicable standards.

Recommendation 13

That Transport Canada provide the leadership to implement new technologies for improving safety, with particular emphasis on railway crossings and track and wheel maintenance, and report its progress, within one year of the presentation of this report in the House of Commons, to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

Recommendation 14

That Transport Canada report to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, within two years of the presentation of this report in the House of Commons, on their progress and that of the railway companies in improving railway safety and the implementation of the Safety Management Systems and report annually thereafter.