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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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No. 98

Monday, January 29, 2007

11:00 a.m.


The Speaker informed the House that a vacancy had occurred in the representation in the House of Commons, for the Electoral District of Outremont, in the Province of Quebec, by reason of the resignation of Mr. Jean-C. Lapierre, and that, pursuant to paragraph 25(1)(b) of the Parliament of Canada Act, today he had addressed his warrant to the Chief Electoral Officer for the issue of a writ for the election of a member to fill the vacancy.

Board of Internal Economy

The Speaker informed the House that, pursuant to the Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act, S.C. 1997, c. 32, Mr. Van Loan (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform) has been appointed a member of the Board of Internal Economy to replace Mr. Nicholson (Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada).

Messages from the Senate

Messages were received from the Senate informing this House that the Senate has passed the following Bills to which the concurrence of the House is desired:

Private Members' Business

At 11:06 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 30(7), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members' Business.

The Order was read for the second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration of Bill C-280, An Act to Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (coming into force of sections 110, 111 and 171).

Ms. Demers (Laval), seconded by Ms. Faille (Vaudreuil-Soulanges), moved, — That the Bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration.

Debate arose thereon.

Pursuant to Standing Order 93(1), the Order was dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper.

Government Orders

The Order was read for the consideration of the amendments made by the Senate to Bill C-3, An Act respecting international bridges and tunnels and making a consequential amendment to another Act.

Mr. Toews (President of the Treasury Board) for Mr. Cannon (Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities), seconded by Mr. Hearn (Minister of Fisheries and Oceans), moved, — That the amendments made by the Senate to Bill C-3, An Act respecting international bridges and tunnels and making a consequential amendment to another Act, be now read a second time and concurred in.

Debate arose thereon.

Statements By Members

Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.

Oral Questions

Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.

Daily Routine Of Business

Tabling of Documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Lukiwski (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform) laid upon the Table, — Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to the following petitions:

— Nos. 391-0604, 391-0605, 391-0607 to 391-0609, 391-0612, 391-0613, 391-0615, 391-0616, 391-0618 to 391-0625, 391-0639, 391-0647, 391-0650, 391-0654, 391-0656, 391-0770 and 391-0771 concerning literacy. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-73-01;
— Nos. 391-0648, 391-0693, 391-0694, 391-0710, 391-1085 and 391-1089 concerning Kyoto Protocol. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-45-06;
— Nos. 391-0657 to 391-0660 and 391-0840 concerning the Canada Labour Code. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-60-04;
— Nos. 391-0676, 391-0706 and 391-1056 concerning unborn children. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-17-10;
— Nos. 391-0677 to 391-0680, 391-0682, 391-0685 to 391-0688, 391-0696 to 391-0702, 391-0727, 391-0742 to 391-0746, 391-0759, 391-0765, 391-0772, 391-0783, 391-0784, 391-0815, 391-0817, 391-0836, 391-0838, 391-0839, 391-1092 and 391-1093 concerning marriage. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-18-13;
— Nos. 391-0691 and 391-0725 concerning pesticides. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-54-02;
— Nos. 391-0695, 391-0707, 391-0739, 391-0741, 391-0756, 391-0758, 391-0778, 391-0803, 391-0833, 391-0837, 391-1059, 391-1065, 391-1066, 391-1077, 391-1086 and 391-1091 concerning the sexual exploitation of minors. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-10-11;
— No. 391-0709 concerning immigration. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-3-19;
— Nos. 391-0714, 391-0724 and 391-0800 concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-24-03;
— No. 391-0723 concerning gun control. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-20-02;
— Nos. 391-0749 to 391-0754, 391-0757, 391-0760, 391-0763, 391-0766 to 391-0768, 391-0779 to 391-0782, 391-0785 to 391-0790, 391-0797, 391-0799, 391-0805 to 391-0814, 391-0819, 391-0824, 391-0829 to 391-0831, 391-1071, 391-1072 and 391-1079 to 391-1082 concerning federal programs. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-74-01;
— Nos. 391-0755, 391-0762 and 391-0802 concerning the income tax system. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-6-08;
— No. 391-0769 concerning banks. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-75-01;
— No. 391-0775 concerning health care services. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-1-10;
— No. 391-0793 concerning transportation. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-28-08;
— Nos. 391-0801 and 391-1075 concerning sentences in the Criminal Code. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-76-01;
— No. 391-0816 concerning the parole system. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-77-01;
— Nos. 391-0818 and 391-1070 concerning housing policy. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-37-08;
— No. 391-0820 concerning museums. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-78-01;
— Nos. 391-0821 and 391-1057 concerning the Canada Post Corporation. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-29-05;
— No. 391-0823 concerning cruelty to animals. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-79-01;
— Nos. 391-0825 to 391-0828 concerning the Employment Insurance program. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-39-02;
— Nos. 391-0832, 391-1076, 391-1087 and 391-1094 concerning China. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-13-08;
— No. 391-1041 concerning the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-25-03;
— No. 391-1042 concerning the Criminal Code of Canada. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-11-10;
— No. 391-1043 concerning Canada's railways. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-63-02;
— No. 391-1055 concerning foreign aid. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-80-01;
— No. 391-1058 concerning Remembrance Day. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-69-02;
— Nos. 391-1060 and 391-1061 concerning alcoholic beverages. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-22-04;
— No. 391-1063 concerning pornography. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-50-03;
— No. 391-1064 concerning children's rights. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-81-01;
— Nos. 391-1073 and 391-1074 concerning the situation in Uganda. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-9-02;
— No. 391-1084 concerning social policies. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-59-02;
— No. 391-1088 concerning the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-32-02.

Presenting Reports from Interparliamentary Delegations
Pursuant to Standing Order 34(1), Mr. Allison (Niagara West—Glanbrook) presented the report of the Canadian Group of the Inter-parliamentary Union respecting its participation at the Annual Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations, held in New York, United States, on November 13 and 14, 2006. — Sessional Paper No. 8565-391-60-08.

Presenting Reports from Committees

Mr. Hanger (Calgary Northeast), from the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, presented the Seventh Report of the Committee (Bill C-252, An Act to amend the Divorce Act (access for spouse who is terminally ill or in critical condition), with an amendment). — Sessional Paper No. 8510-391-144.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 39 and 41) was tabled.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

— by Mr. Schellenberger (Perth—Wellington), one concerning marriage (No. 391-1095) and one concerning the sexual exploitation of minors (No. 391-1096);
— by Mrs. Smith (Kildonan—St. Paul), one concerning marriage (No. 391-1097) and one concerning the sexual exploitation of minors (No. 391-1098);
— by Ms. Savoie (Victoria), one concerning Kyoto Protocol (No. 391-1099);
— by Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North), one concerning alcoholic beverages (No. 391-1100).

Questions on the Order Paper

Mr. Lukiwski (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform) presented the answers to questions Q-115 to Q-117 and Q-124 to Q-130 on the Order Paper.

Pursuant to Standing Order 39(7), Mr. Lukiwski (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform) presented the returns to the following questions made into Orders for Return:

Q-118 — Mr. Cullen (Etobicoke North) — With regard to the decision of the Minister of Natural Resources to discontinue the funding of the Very Long Base Interferometry (VLBI) System: (a) what are the statistical or empirical data, the rationale and the evidence to support the discontinuation of the funding of this program; (b) what are the details of the cost benefit analysis or the financial estimates compiled for, or by the Department of Natural Resources relating to the cancellation or discontinuation or otherwise withdrawal of funding for the said program; (c) what information was provided to the Minister of Natural Resources or his staff by way of analysis prior to this decision; and (d) what recommendations were made by Natural Resources Canada to the Minister of Natural Resources, or his staff, relating to the decision to discontinue funding of this program? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-391-118.

Q-119 — Ms. McDonough (Halifax) — With respect to landmines, cluster bombs and other explosive devices: (a) how many civilian and military Canadian Forces (CF) members have been killed or injured annually since 1995, by landmines, cluster bombs and other explosive devices in (i) Afghanistan, (ii) other countries annually; (b) how many landmines have been removed annually since 1995, by (i) CF members, (ii) other personnel under contract with the government; (c) how many cluster bombs remain in Canada’s munitions stockpile and, if any, does the government intend on destroying these cluster bombs and, if so, what is its declared timetable for their destruction; and (d) what is the government’s policy on the use of cluster bombs? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-391-119.

Q-120 — Ms. Black (New Westminster—Coquitlam) — With regard to tender reference PW-TALC-002-13708 – Medium to Heavy Lift Helicopter: (a) how many submissions of statements of capacities did the government receive; (b) what were the names of the contractors which submitted statements of capacities; (c) what are the names of the aircraft submitted in the statements of capacities; (d) has the Boeing CH-47 Chinook been considered to be the only aircraft that met the mandatory capacity requirements prior to announcing the tender, and, if so, which other aircraft were considered before reaching the conclusion that the Boeing CH-47 Chinook was the only aircraft that met the mandatory capacity requirements; (e) if it has been established that the Boeing CH-47 Chinook was the only aircraft that met the mandatory capacity requirements, which criteria were used to make this decision; (f) when is the contract expected to be awarded; (g) what is the expected cost of this contract; (h) which companies gave presentations to the Department of National Defence and/or the Department of Public Works and Government Services in regards to medium to heavy lift helicopters before the announcement of the tender; (i) with which companies were the Department of National Defence and/or the Department of Public Works and Government Services in contact in regards to medium to heavy lift helicopters before the announcement of the tender; (j) where are the aircraft expected to be based; (k) will the decision on where to base the aircraft be dependant on the type of aircraft purchased; (l) have any officials from the Department of National Defence, the Department of Public Works and Government Services and/or the Canadian Forces requested a test flight of any of the proposed aircraft; (m) if test flights have been requested, which aircraft have or will be involved, and on which dates; (n) which product information handbooks did the government receive before the tender was announced; and (o) which product information handbooks has the government received since the tender was announced? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-391-120.

Q-121 — Mr. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie) — With regard to each of the grants and contributions awarded by Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions since the beginning of the fiscal year 2004-2005: (a) which were the recipient organizations; (b) on what dates were they awarded; (c) what were the amounts of the grants and contributions; (d) what were the names of the programs being supported; (e) in what federal ridings were the recipient organizations located; and (f) what was the nature of the grants and contributions? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-391-121.

Q-122 — Mr. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie) — With regard to the leases on the government’s building inventory from the beginning of the fiscal year 2003-2004 to November 2006, for each fiscal year, or month in the case of an incomplete fiscal year, and for each lease: (a) what are the names of the properties for which there were leases; (b) what are the addresses, municipalities and provinces of these properties; (c) the start and end of month dates; (d) the rentable space, in metres2; (e) the original annual contract rent; and (f) the names of the owners? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-391-122.

Q-123 — Mr. Martin (Sault Ste. Marie) — With respect to Passport Canada and the number of passport applications it receives and passports it issues at various centres across Canada: (a) which communities in Canada sharing a border with the United States, i.e. within 15 kilometres of the border, have full Passport offices and how many have Passport desks; (b) how many passport applications and how many passports were issued by Passport Canada in each of its Passport offices and Passport desks in the last reporting year; (c) for Passport Canada's Sault Ste. Marie region, how many passport applications and how many passports were issued in each year since 2000; and (d) for each community with Passport desks, what is the kilometre distance to the nearest Passport office? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-391-123.

Q-131 — Mr. Martin (Sault Ste. Marie) — With respect to Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), what projects, grants, contributions and any other funding support has HRSDC funded for the riding of Sault Ste. Marie since January 1, 2006? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-391-131.

Q-132 — Mr. Karygiannis (Scarborough—Agincourt) — With respect to the provision of humanitarian and reconstruction aid to Lebanon, what has the government, more specifically, the Minister of International Co-operation, done to provide assistance to the people of Lebanon to help them rebuild their lives and to provide assistance to the government of Lebanon to help it rebuild its infrastructure and help clean up the environmental damage? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-391-132.

Q-133 — Mr. Karygiannis (Scarborough—Agincourt) — With respect to the listing of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam as a terrorist organization, on April 8, 2006, what has the government done to ensure that law abiding Canadians of Tamil decent are not being subjected to undue scrutiny? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-391-133.
Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Cannon (Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities), seconded by Mr. Hearn (Minister of Fisheries and Oceans), — That the amendments made by the Senate to Bill C-3, An Act respecting international bridges and tunnels and making a consequential amendment to another Act, be now read a second time and concurred in.

The debate continued.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on division.

The Order was read for the second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities of Bill C-36, An Act to amend the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Act.

Mr. Solberg (Minister of Human Resources and Social Development), seconded by Ms. Oda (Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women), moved, — That the Bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.

Debate arose thereon.


By unanimous consent, it was resolved, — That the 27th Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be tabled and concurred in, and that the Committee membership changes contained in the Report take effect Tuesday, January 30, 2007.

Accordingly, Mr. Goodyear (Cambridge), from the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented the 27th Report of the Committee, which was as follows:

The Committee recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, the following changes to the lists of members of the following standing committees:

Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics

Glen Pearson for Paul Zed
Scott Reid for Jason Kenney
Robert Vincent for Jean-Yves Laforest

Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food

Barry Devolin for Gerry Ritz
Charles Hubbard for Robert Thibault

Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage

Colleen Beaumier for Mauril Bélanger
Diane Bourgeois for Luc Malo
Bonnie Brown for Sylvie Boucher
Andy Scott for Scott Simms

Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration

Omar Alghabra for Raymonde Folco
Raymond Gravel for Johanne Deschamps

Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development

David McGuinty for Mario Silva
Geoff Regan for John Godfrey
Anthony Rota for Pablo Rodriguez

Standing Committee on Finance

Robert Thibault for Michael Savage

Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans

Scott Simms for Gerry Byrne

Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development

Vivian Barbot for Diane Bourgeois
Ujjal Dosanjh for Keith Martin
Wajid Khan for Peter Van Loan

Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates

Raymond Simard for Omar Alghabra
Borys Wrzesnewskyj for Navdeep Bains

Standing Committee on Health

Bonnie Brown for Ruby Dhalla
Susan Kadis for Tina Keeper
Luc Malo for Nicole Demers

Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities

Ruby Dhalla for Bonnie Brown
Ken Dryden for Denis Coderre
Michael Savage for Jean-Claude D'Amours
Mario Silva for Geoff Regan

Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology

Maurizio Bevilacqua for Susan Kadis
Scott Brison for Jean Lapierre
Gerry Byrne for Belinda Stronach

Standing Committee on International Trade

Dean Allison for Helena Guergis
Navdeep Bains for Mark Eyking

Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights

Marlene Jennings for Sue Barnes

Standing Committee on National Defence

Denis Coderre for Carolyn Bennett
Keith Martin for Ujjal Dosanjh

Standing Committee on Natural Resources

Jacques Gourde for Christian Paradis
Mark Holland for Roy Cullen

Standing Committee on Official Languages

Michael Chong for Daniel Petit
Raymonde Folco for Raymond Simard
Luc Malo for Paule Brunelle
Richard Nadeau for Vivian Barbot

Standing Committee on Public Accounts

Paule Brunelle for Richard Nadeau
Pablo Rodriguez for Marcel Proulx
Judy Sgro for Yasmin Ratansi

Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security

Sue Barnes for Maurizio Bevilacqua
Roy Cullen for Mark Holland
Maria Mourani for Carole Freeman

Standing Committee on Status of Women

Nicole Demers for Maria Mourani
Yasmin Ratansi for Judy Sgro

Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities

Mauril Bélanger for Charles Hubbard
Joseph Volpe for David McGuinty
Paul Zed for Andy Scott

Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs

Albina Guarnieri for Anthony Rota

The Committee further recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, that the names of the following Members be added to the lists of associate members of the following standing committees:

Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics

Monique Guay
Michael Ignatieff

Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food

Michael Ignatieff

Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage

Michael Ignatieff
Luc Malo
Dan McTeague
Richard Nadeau

Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration

Vivian Barbot
Johanne Deschamps

Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development

Michael Ignatieff

Standing Committee on Finance

Robert Bouchard
Roy Cullen
Michael Ignatieff

Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development

Diane Bourgeois
Richard Nadeau

Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates

Paule Brunelle

Standing Committee on Health

Raymond Gravel
Michael Ignatieff

Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities

Raymond Gravel

Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology

Michael Ignatieff

Standing Committee on International Trade

Vivian Barbot

Standing Committee on National Defence

Vivian Barbot

Standing Committee on Natural Resources

Michael Ignatieff

Standing Committee on Official Languages

Vivian Barbot

Standing Committee on Public Accounts

Michael Ignatieff
Richard Nadeau

Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security

France Bonsant
Carole Freeman
Réal Ménard

Standing Committee on Status of Women

Michael Ignatieff

Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities

Michael Ignatieff

Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs

Raymond Gravel
Michael Ignatieff

The Committee further recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, that the names of the following Members be deleted from the lists of associate members of the following standing committees:

Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities

Nicole Demers

Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security

Paule Brunelle
Paul Crête
Roger Gaudet

Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs

Nicole Demers

The Committee further recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, the following changes to the lists of members of the following standing joint committees:

Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament

Gerry Byrne for Colleen Beaumier

Standing Joint Committee on Scrutiny of Regulations

France Bonsant for Robert Bouchard

The Committee further recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, that the name of the following Member be added to the list of associate members of the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament:

Richard Nadeau

The Committee further recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, that the name of the following Member be deleted from the list of associate members of the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament:

Vivian Barbot

The Committee further recommends, pursuant to Standing Order 107(5), that the following Member be added to the list of associate members of the Liaison Committee:

Pauline Picard

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 1) was tabled.

Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Solberg (Minister of Human Resources and Social Development), seconded by Ms. Oda (Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women), — That Bill C-36, An Act to amend the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.

The debate continued.

Returns and Reports Deposited with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), papers deposited with the Clerk of the House were deemed laid upon the Table on Wednesday, December 20, 2006:

— by Mr. Cannon (Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities) — Summaries of the Corporate Plan for 2006-2010 and the Operating and Capital Budgets for 2006 of the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-391-843-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities)
— by Mr. Cannon (Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities) — Interim Order Respecting Prohibited Items (JUS-10000-909), dated December 11, 2006, pursuant to the Aeronautics Act, S.C. 2004, c. 15, s. 11(3). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-391-926-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities)
— by Ms. Finley (Minister of Human Resources and Social Development) and Mr. Blackburn (Minister of Labour and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec) — Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-2009 for the Department of Human Resources and Social Development (including the Labour Program), pursuant to the Act to amend the Auditor General Act, S.C. 1995, c. 43, sbs. 24. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-391-925-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts)

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), papers deposited with the Clerk of the House were deemed laid upon the Table on Wednesday, January 17, 2007:
— by Mr. Clement (Minister of Health and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario) — Response of the government, pursuant to Standing Order 109, to the Third Report of the Standing Committee on Health, “Silicone Gel-filled Implants: Areas of Concern” (Sessional Paper No. 8510-391-59), presented to the House on Monday, September 18, 2006. — Sessional Paper No. 8512-391-59.
— by Mr. MacKay (Minister of Foreign Affairs) — Response of the government, pursuant to Standing Order 109, to the Second Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (Darfur) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-391-60), presented to the House on Wednesday, September 20, 2006. — Sessional Paper No. 8512-391-60.
— by Mr. MacKay (Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) — Reports of the Cape Breton Growth Fund Corporation for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2006, pursuant to the Access to Information Act and to the Privacy Act, R.S. 1985, c. A-1 and P-21, sbs. 72(2). — Sessional Paper No. 8561-391-915-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights)
— by Mr. Thompson (Minister of Veterans Affairs) — Statement on the Operations of the Returned Soldiers' Insurance Act for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2006, pursuant to the Act to amend the Returned Soldiers' Insurance Act, S.C. 1951, c. 59, s. 12. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-391-228-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs)
— by Mr. Thompson (Minister of Veterans Affairs) — Statement on the Operations of the Veterans Insurance Act for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2006, pursuant to the Veterans Insurance Act, R.S. 1970, c. V-3, sbs. 18(2). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-391-254-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs)
— by Mr. Van Loan (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform) — Orders in Council approving certain appointments made by the Governor General in Council, pursuant to Standing Order 110(1), as follows:
— P.C. 2006-1589. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-25-03. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics)
— P.C. 2006-1654. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-2-06. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food)
— P.C. 2006-1495 to P.C. 2006-1497 and P.C. 2006-1646 to P.C. 2006-1650. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-3-09. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)
— P.C. 2006-1498 to P.C. 2006-1507 and P.C. 2006-1652. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-14-10. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration)
— P.C. 2006-1475 to P.C. 2006-1477. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-7-05. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development)
— P.C. 2006-1644. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-9-08. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Finance)
— P.C. 2006-1472, P.C. 2006-1473 and P.C. 2006-1492 to P.C. 2006-1494. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-8-12. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development)
— P.C. 2006-1603 to P.C. 2006-1617. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-4-12. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates)
— P.C. 2006-1626 to P.C. 2006-1636 and P.C. 2006-1668. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-18-06. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Health)
— P.C. 2006-1480, P.C. 2006-1481, P.C. 2006-1489 to P.C. 2006-1491, P.C. 2006-1621, P.C. 2006-1622 and P.C. 2006-1639 to P.C. 2006-1643. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-16-09. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities)
— P.C. 2006-1478, P.C. 2006-1479 and P.C. 2006-1618. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-22-11. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology)
— P.C. 2006-1488. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-28-04. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on International Trade)
— P.C. 2006-1526, P.C. 2006-1637 and P.C. 2006-1638. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-30-05. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security)
— P.C. 2006-1482 to P.C. 2006-1487, P.C. 2006-1623 to P.C. 2006-1626 and P.C. 2006-1669. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-391-24-13. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities)
— by Mr. Van Loan (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform) — Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to the following petitions:
— Nos. 391-0561, 391-0684 and 391-0774 concerning the Canada Post Corporation. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-29-04;
— Nos. 391-0601, 391-0606, 391-0663 to 391-0666, 391-0681, 391-0728, 391-0792, 391-0795, 391-0796, 391-0798 and 391-1044 to 391-1054 concerning immigration. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-3-18;
— Nos. 391-0602 and 391-0776 concerning transportation. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-28-07;
— Nos. 391-0636 to 391-0638, 391-0643, 391-0649, 391-0651, 391-0653, 391-0655, 391-0690, 391-0704, 391-0726 and 391-0764 concerning a national child care program. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-5-11;
— Nos. 391-0669, 391-0689, 391-0777 and 391-0822 concerning genetic engineering. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-70-01;
— Nos. 391-0670, 391-0671, 391-0748, 391-0761, 391-0794, 391-0804 and 391-0834 concerning Afghanistan. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-16-05;
— No. 391-0675 concerning the seal industry. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-71-01;
— Nos. 391-0683, 391-0703, 391-0708, 391-0740 and 391-0773 concerning housing policy. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-37-07;
— Nos. 391-0692, 391-0705, 391-0729 to 391-0738, 391-0791, 391-0841 to 391-1040, 391-1062 and 391-1067 to 391-1069 concerning the automobile industry. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-56-04;
— Nos. 391-0711 to 391-0713 concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-24-02;
— Nos. 391-0715 to 391-0722 concerning China. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-13-07;
— Nos. 391-0747, 391-1078 and 391-1083 concerning the situation in Sri Lanka. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-66-02;
— No. 391-0835 concerning fur trade. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-72-01;
— No. 391-1090 concerning health care services. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-391-1-09.

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), papers deposited with the Clerk of the House were laid upon the Table as follows:

— by Mr. Bernier (Minister of Industry) — Report of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, together with the Auditor General's Report, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2006, pursuant to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Act, R.S. 1985, c. S-12, sbs. 20(2). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-391-36-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology)
— by Ms. Oda (Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women) — Summaries of the Corporate Plan for 2006-2007 to 2010-2011 and of the Operating and Capital Budgets for 2006-2007 of the Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R. S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-391-857-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)
— by Mr. Strahl (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board) — Copy of Order in Council P.C. 2006-1474, dated December 5, 2006, concerning grants to producers affected by the Golden Nematode Infested Places Order, pursuant to the Farm Income Protection Act, S.C. 1991, c. 22, sbs. 12(7). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-391-719-05. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food)
Petitions Filed with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, a petition certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions was filed as follows:

— by Mrs. Smith (Kildonan—St. Paul), one concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (No. 391-1101).
Adjournment Proceedings

At 6:30 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 38(1), the question “That this House do now adjourn” was deemed to have been proposed.

After debate, the question was deemed to have been adopted.


Accordingly, at 6:45 p.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).