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CIMM Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité permanent de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration

For immediate release


Committee to conduct study on migration challenges and opportunities for Canada in the 21st century

Ottawa, September 28, 2018 -

To understand the global context of unprecedented levels of migration and recommend an appropriate Canadian response, in May 2018, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration (the Committee) embarked on a study on migration challenges and opportunities for Canada in the 21st century.

As part of this study, the Committee travelled to Tanzania and Uganda in June 2018 to understand how Canada can improve its own visa application processes and to learn about the realities of displaced persons who claim asylum while living in settlements or urban settings. The Committee also met with officials from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to examine the determination and referral processes for refugees who may eventually be resettled to Canada.

In the fall, the Committee hopes to gain a better understanding of key migration issues, including the root causes for displacement today as well as the impact that refugees have on host countries, including financial and other assistance. The Committee will also consider current responses to irregular migration by European and other developed countries to assess their potential relevance for Canada and to study best practices.

Specifically, the Committee will be examining Canada’s expected long-term needs and objectives and the emerging pressures on the immigration system from forced and voluntary migration. As part of its study, the Committee will consider whether any changes are needed to immigration policy and legislation.

Organizations and individuals who wish to provide their views and comments to the Committee are invited to submit a written brief through the Clerk of the Committee. The deadline for written submissions is 1 November 2018. Requests to appear can also be made on the Committee’s web page.

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For more information, please contact:
Evelyn Lukyniuk, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
Tel: 613-995-8525