42nd Parliament, 1st Session (December 3, 2015 - September 11, 2019)

Migration Challenges and Opportunities for Canada in the 21st Century

Reports and Government Responses

Report 25: Adapting Canada's Immigration Policies to Today's Realities
  • Adopted by the Committee: June 5, 2019
  • Presented to the House: June 17, 2019
  • Government Response Requested
Report 23: New Tools for the 21st Century – The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the Global Compact for Refugees: An Interim Report
  • Adopted by the Committee: December 3, 2018
  • Presented to the House: December 6, 2018
The Committee is studying settlement services provided for newcomers. The study will focus on the range of services available and best practices in service delivery; criteria for measuring success; gathering information on the supply of and demand for services and their funding; and current partnerships with the provinces, territories and organizations providing services.

The Committee will study the global context of unprecedented levels of forced and voluntary migration, starting with the root causes, and leading to recommendations for an appropriate Canadian response.

In relation to Convention refugees, asylum-seekers and the internally-displaced, the Committee will study key issues including: social, economic and political instabilities leading to displacement; migration routes; safety and health concerns in transit and while in host countries; and the impact of refugees on host countries and their requests for financial and other assistance. It will also consider the UNHCR’s determination and referral processes and Canada’s engagement in these processes. The Committee will study Canada’s current responses to irregular migration as well as those by European and other developed countries to assess their potential impact on Canada and to gain best practices to improve the in-Canada determination process.

With respect to voluntary migration, the Committee will study Canada’s expected long-term needs and objectives, how the country competes globally, and will focus on the appropriate levels that need to be established to meet those needs and objectives.

Based on the above, the Committee will evaluate emerging pressures on the immigration system, identify gaps and make recommendations to ensure Canada’s immigration system fulfills its objectives.


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