Index of Proceedings

36th Parliament, 1st Session (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999) Current Session

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Index complete to Meeting No. 1-126, 129-148


Abbey, Norman (Nanoose Conversion Campaign)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 35:1011-40
Abbott, Jim (Ref.--Kootenay--Columbia)
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1115
Adelson, Anne (Canadian Voice of Women for Peace)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 39:0915-30, 1025-35, 1050-55, 1105-10, 1145-50
Acheson, Professor Keith (Individual Presentation; Carleton University)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 96:1020-30, 1155-1200
Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee
⇒⇒⇒First, in camera meeting, No. 04
⇒⇒⇒Third, 21:1040-1100, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒Eighth, 87:1114
⇒⇒⇒Ninth, 115:0912
Agnew, Bruce (Discovery Institute (Seattle))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1505-10
Agriculture see Food security
Akram Zaki, Senator Muhammad (Pakistan Parliamentary Delegation; Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Kashmir Affairs and Northern Affairs, and Former Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan)
⇒⇒Pakistan, 64:1520-1620
Alarie, Hélène (BQ--Louis-Hébert)
⇒⇒Algeria, 58:1215, 1225
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0955
⇒⇒References, Member of the Canadian Parliamentary Delegation to Algeria
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 88:0955-1000, 1105
Albrecht, Dalton J. (IPSCO Inc.; MacMillan, Binch)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:0955-1015
⇒⇒Civil war, human rights issues
⇒⇒⇒M. (Turp), 21:1100-10, 1140-50, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒Study, 18:0909; 31:1048; 58:1129
⇒⇒Parliamentary delegation, meeting, study, 65:1535
Allaby, Stuart (Nova Scotia Natural Products Marketing Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 105:1040, 1110
Allmand, Warren (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1545-1605, 1615-40, 1650-1710
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:0910-20, 1040, 1100-05, 1120, 1135-40
⇒⇒References, former Member of Parliament
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:0902-30, 0940-1015
Almeida, Iris (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1605-10, 1655
Anderson, Jim (Individual Presentation; London Health Sciences Centre; Service Employees' International Union)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1440-45
Andersson, David (Pacific Corridor Enterprise Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1550-1600
Andreychuk, Hon. Senator Raynell (PC--Saskatchewan)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 97:1635-40
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, 82:1620
Angers, Lucie (Justice Department)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 138:0955, 1005-10
Anti-dumping see Imports
Anti-personnel mines see instead Land mines
APEC see instead Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)
Aragona, Giancarlo (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE))
⇒⇒Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)), 100:1112-50, 1200-20
Archambault, Michel (Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA))
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:0930-40, 1015-30, 1045-50
Archambault, Guy (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1650; 132:1517-20, 1535-55, 1610-15
Argue, John (Working Group on Poverty; Amnesty International)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1825-35, 1850
Armed conflict see War
Arms control see Nuclear weapons
Armstrong, Noel (Unitarian Church of Vancouver)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1455-1505, 1540
Arnold, Rick (Horizons of Friendship)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1405-25, 1530-35
Artibise, Alan (Cascadia Institute)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1500-05, 1520
Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), Summit meeting, Vancouver, B.C.
⇒⇒Protest, study proposal, M. (Mills, B.), 70:1005, negatived on recorded division
⇒⇒Security, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) use of pepper spray, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission investigation, legal assistance to student complainants, M. (Robinson), 72:0910, negatived on recorded division
Asnong, Edouard (Canadian Alliance of Agri-Food Exporters; Canadian Pork Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 98:0935, 0945
Assad, Mark (Lib.--Gatineau)
⇒⇒Lebanon, 140:1025
Assadourian, Sarkis (Lib.--Brampton Centre)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 115:0915-25, 0940, 0950-1000
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:1010-15, 1035; 58:1225; 65:1620-25, 1640-45
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1040; 72:0930-35
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0909-10, 0930, 0940
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1050; 13:1545, 1640-45
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:1025-30; 50:1025, 1110-15
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1519
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:1010
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 49:1705-10; 56:1100-10; 114:1610, 1715-20
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:0945, 1030, 1040-45, 1100-05, 1115-20, 1130-35, 1150
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:1000-05
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1100-05
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1225-30; 134:1535, 1545
⇒⇒Latin America, 29:1545, 1605-10
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:0945, 1005-10
⇒⇒Mexico, 25:1145-50
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0910, 1050-55; 24:1110; 27:0955, 1005-10; 34:1125-30; 35:1035, 1100-05; 39:1050, 1100-10; 59:1615, 1635-45, 1700; 61:1000-10; 67:1145, 1200; 97:1625-30
⇒⇒Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)), 100:1145-55
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 131:1000-15
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1125; 77:1000
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:0920-25, 1030-40
⇒⇒United Nations (UN), 92:1655
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, 82:1640
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1640-45; 88:1005-10; 90:0950; 93:1045, 1055; 99:1045-50; 103:0935, 1000, 1025-35, 1110-15, 1405-15, 1435-40; 105:1020, 1050-55, 1135; 107:0905, 1050-1100, 1400-05, 1425-30, 1440, 1455-1500; 109:0900, 0935, 1100-15, 1301, 1335-50; 133:1005-10
Atkins, Michael (Canadian Business Press)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1420-25, 1525
Audet, Michel (Quebec Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1410-35, 1450, 1510-15
Augustine, Jean (Lib.--Etobicoke--Lakeshore)
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:1040-45; 31:1105, 1130-35, 1200
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1035; 72:1000
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0950, 1015
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13:1650-55, 1755
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:1035, 1050-55
⇒⇒China, 17:1155-1200; 28:1625
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:1045
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0945-50
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0945; 49:1650; 56:1045, 1115; 114:1650-55
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1705
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1100, 1110
⇒⇒International development, 06:1025
⇒⇒International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 09:0955-1005
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1630-40
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 143:1655
⇒⇒Latin America, 29:1610-15
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:1025-30
⇒⇒Mexico, 25:1150-55; 62:1225-30
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1100
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:1020-25
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:1130-35; 24:1050-1105; 27:1030; 32:0955; 35:0955-1000; 39:1115-25; 54:1630; 61:1025-30; 97:1645
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1600
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 131:1010-30; 133:1130-50
⇒⇒References, see IN COMMON Mission in Southeast Asia
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, 84:1120-25, 1150
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 77:0955-1005
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:1045-50
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1145-50
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 93:1200; 99:1030, 1040; 122:1155, 1530, 1615, 1700-10, 1820, 1830-40, 1855, 1910, 1925-30, 1945, 2025; 123:0955, 1030-40, 1150-55, 1245, 1530, 1605, 1730, 1905-10; 126:1010, 1120, 1435-40, 1510; 131:1145-50
Axworthy, Hon. Lloyd (Lib.--Winnipeg South Centre; Minister of Foreign Affairs)
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1636-40, 1650-1720, 1730-35
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1005-20, 1050-1105, 1115-40, 1155-1210
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0842-0950; 49:1533-1720; 114:1525-1715
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1102-15, 1140-1235, 1245-1305
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1032-40, 1100, 1110-30
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 54:1535-1645
⇒⇒United Nations (UN), 92:1545-1700
Azubalis, Audronius (Seimas of Lithuania)
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:0950, 1000-05, 1015


Bachand, André (PC--Richmond--Arthabaska)
⇒⇒Algeria, 31:1125-30, 1200-05; 65:1600-05
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1035-40; 72:0955
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1140
⇒⇒European Free Trade Agreement, 69:1010-15
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 49:1620-25; 56:0906, 1030-35; 114:1620-30, 1710
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1630-45, 1655; 111:1240-50; 116:1600-05; 139:1550-55; 141:1516, 1530, 1550-1600; 143:1600-15; 147:1620-25
⇒⇒Latin America, 29:1600-05
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:0950-55
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:1055-1100; 24:1030-35; 27:0950-55; 33:1125-30; 54:1610-15; 97:1645-50
⇒⇒Pakistan, 64:1605-10
⇒⇒United Nations (UN), 92:1645
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 101:1645-50; 104:1015-20, 1105-10, 1340-45; 106:0940-50, 1055-1100, 1150, 1200, 1410-20, 1525-30; 108:0935-45, 1115-20, 1130, 1440-45, 1730-40; 110:0940, 1010-15, 1115-20, 1455-1510, 1605
Bailey, Mark (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:1010-15
Bakvis, Peter (Confédération des syndicats nationaux; Réseau québécois sur l'intégration continentale)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1420-25, 1455-1515; 110:1105-45
Bankruptcy see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28)
Barbolet, Herb (FarmFolk/CityFolk Society)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1435-40
Baril, Gérald (Canadian Council of Churches; Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 35:0915-20
Baril, General Maurice (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1150, 1300-05
Barlett, Richard (McCain Foods)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 109:0950-55, 1005-10
Barlow, Maude (Council of Canadians)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 93:0935-45, 1030, 1055-1105, 1125-35, 1205
Barnes, Peter (AT&T Canada Enterprises Inc.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1115-25, 1135, 1150-55
Barnes, Sue (Lib.--London West; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of National Revenue until July 9, 1998)
⇒⇒Export Development Corporation (EDC), 11:0940-45, 1035-40
Barrera, Patricia (Common Frontiers)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1350-1405, 1535
Barron, Robert (Council of Canadians)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1345-50, 1420
Barutciski, Milos (Canadian Council for International Business; Davies Ward & Beck)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1005-15, 1025
Bassett, Charles (Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA))
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13:1655
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 137:1540, 1555; 143:1545; 147:1540-45, 1605, 1620
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 32:0930-55, 1005
Bauer, Sandra (Individual Presentation; municipal councillor, District of Squamish)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1850-1900
Beattie, Bruce (Poultry and Dairy Industries of Alberta)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1311-30, 1340-45, 1355-1400, 1415-20
Beaulieu, Eugene (Individual Presentation; University of Calgary)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:0855-0905, 0925-35, 0945
Beaumier, Colleen (Lib.--Brampton West--Mississauga)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1125, 1135
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:1025-30; 31:1048-50, 1125-30, 1140-1205
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 72:0920-25
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1020-25; 13:1540, 1620-25, 1745, 1755-1800
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1520-25
⇒⇒China, 17:1048-50, 1105, 1115-20, 1130-1205; 28:1600-10, 1616
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:0908, 0915, 0925, 0935, 1025, 1035
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1005
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1121-25, 1135, 1145-55, 1205-10
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0842, 0855-0935, 0945-50; 56:1010-15, 1025
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1705
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:0945, 1100-10, 1140-50
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1537-50, 1605-10, 1620-30, 1640, 1650-1710
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1030-35, 1120
⇒⇒International development, 06:0945-55, 1010-15
⇒⇒International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 09:0916, 0930, 0940-45, 0955, 1005, 1015, 1025, 1035-40
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1537, 1550, 1605, 1615-30, 1640-50
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1630-35; 89:1645; 111:1300-05; 143:1600
⇒⇒Lebanon, 140:0911, 0930, 0940-45, 1000-10, 1025-30
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:0930-40, 0950-1005, 1015-30
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1040
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:1005, 1015-40, 1050-1115, 1125-45; 27:1010-15; 32:0925-30; 34:1005; 35:0950-55, 1055; 54:1620-25; 59:1535
⇒⇒Pakistan, 64:1555-1605
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 138:0936-1010
⇒⇒Romania, 53:1602, 1615, 1625-35, 1645
⇒⇒United Nations (UN), 92:1655
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 90:0940-45, 1010, 1035-40; 95:0935, 0950, 1005, 1015-20, 1035-40, 1110-55; 102:0955, 1010, 1025, 1035-45; 112:1015, 1030, 1040, 1055; 117:1020-25, 1050-1100; 120:0900, 1045-55, 1120-25, 1410-15, 1650; 121:0825, 0900, 0925-30, 1020-25, 1050, 1440-45; 124:0905, 1105-10, 1445; 125:1311, 1335-45, 1455; 136:1015-20
Bélair, Réginald (Lib.--Timmins--James Bay)
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:1120-25
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1120-25
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1540
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1110-15
Belch, Donald (Canadian Steel Producers Association; Stelco Inc.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 101:1545, 1640, 1655; 123:0935-45
Benbitour, Ahmed (Council of the Nation of Algeria)
⇒⇒Algeria, 65:1610-20
Benoit, Garry (Canadian Dehydrators Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1122-45
Benoit, Leon E. (Ref.--Lakeland)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1130-40
Bercovich, Joan (Canadian Bar Association)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 136:1040, 1205
Berlyn, Judith (Canadian Peace Alliance; Westmount Initiative for Peace)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:1010-25, 1105-15, 1130, 1140
Bernier, Gilles (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to the Republic of Haiti)
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:0911-1040
⇒⇒⇒Former Member of Parliament
⇒⇒⇒See also Haiti
Berlin see Embassies and consulates
Bernier, Professor Ivan (Individual Presentation; Laval University)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 96:1005-20, 1100-05, 1115-20, 1135-45; 104:0933-1040
Bertin, Marc-Yves (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0920, 0955
Bertrand, Robert (Lib.--Pontiac--Gatineau--Labelle; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of National Defence as of July 18, 1998)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:0915, 0940, 1005, 1015-25, 1035, 1045-50, 1105-10, 1145-50; 13:1538-45, 1615-25, 1640-1730, 1745-50
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1650, 1700, 1710-15, 1730-35
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 114:1710
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1150; 143:1645-50
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1545, 1555, 1600-15
Bessaieh, Boualem (Council of the Nation of Algeria)
⇒⇒Algeria, 65:1535-1610, 1625, 1640-45
Bills referred
⇒⇒C-35. Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act
Blaikie, Bill (NDP--Winnipeg--Transcona)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13:1625
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 49:1630-40; 56:1015-25; 129:0925-35, 0950-55
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 131:0945-1000
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1630-35; 96:1115-25; 102:1100-05; 119:1000-05, 1105-10, 1235-40, 1420, 1530, 1625; 122:1010-15, 1140-45, 1205, 1235-40, 1530, 1710, 1810, 1830-35, 2015-25; 123:1025-30, 1225-35, 1520-30, 1710-20
Blanchard, Dr. Bill (Alberta Friends of Medicare Society)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1610, 1620-25, 1640
Bloom, Glen (Patent and Trademark Institute of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 112:1015-30, 1140, 1150-55
Bombois, Marc (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1840-50
Bonwick, Paul (Lib.--Simcoe--Grey)
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0950-55
Border, Canada-United States
⇒⇒Visa information card, United States Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act, sec. 110, Canadian citizens/trade, impact, study, 15:0909
Bosnia and Herzegovina
⇒⇒And Croatia, delegation, meeting, no recording, No. 40
⇒⇒International Stabilization Force (SFOR), National Defence and Veterans' Affairs Standing Committee
⇒⇒⇒Joint in camera meeting, No. 10
⇒⇒⇒Study, 12:0913; 13:1538
Boudria, Hon. Don (Lib.--Glengarry--Prescott--Russell; Leader of the Government in the House of Commons)
⇒⇒Algeria, 58:1130-40, 1150-55, 1205-30
⇒⇒References, Member of the Canadian Parliamentary Delegation to Algeria
Boumaza, Bachir (Council of the Nation of Algeria)
⇒⇒Algeria, 65:1535
Bourbeau, Alain (Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1445, 1651-1740
Bouvier, Jean-Guy (Syndicat des producteurs de lait de Lanaudière)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1440-1505
Boyd, Phil (Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1710-15, 1725
Bradfield, Mike (Individual Presentation; Dalhousie University)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 107:1336-1410
Bradford, Meriel V.M. (Téléglobe Inc.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 112:0950-1005, 1035-50, 1115-25, 1155
Brandenburg, Fred (Ontario Soybean Growers' Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:0915-25, 1000-05, 1040
Brison, Scott (PC--Kings--Hants)
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:1000-10
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0930-40, 0950-55
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1100-05; 13:1615-20, 1715, 1755
⇒⇒Export Development Corporation (EDC), 11:0950-1000, 1035
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0930-35
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:0945-55, 1050, 1110, 1125
⇒⇒International development, 06:1015-20
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1115
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:0935-45
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1540, 1555-1600
Brodeur, Jean (Coopérative fédérée de Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1130, 1205
Broeska, Robert (Canadian Oilseed Processors Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1130-45, 1230, 1240
Bronson, Diana (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:0920, 0930-40, 0950, 1000-05
Brown, Bev (National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 103:1055-1130
Brown, Larry (National Union of Public and General Employees)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1100-10, 1200
Brown, Dr. Peter (Natural Resources Department)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 32:1010
Browne, Dennis (Centre for Trade Policy and Law)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 96:0945-1005, 1125-30
Bruce, Susan (People Empowering Themselves Against Poverty)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1435-40, 1515-20, 1535
Bruno, Gerry (Canadian Airports Council)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 133:1115-40
Brush, Wayne (Magna International Inc.)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:0955, 1015
Bryans, Dr. Alex M. (Physicians for Global Survival)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0955-1000
Bryans, Margaret (Canadian Federation of Students of Manitoba)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1610-15
Bryden, John (Lib.--Wentworth--Burlington)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 116:1605
Buchanan, Grant (WIC Premium Television)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1435-45
⇒⇒Delegation, meeting, in camera meeting, No. 51
Bulmer, Ronald W. (Fisheries Council of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 117:0925-35, 0955-1000, 1040-45, 1055-1100
Bulte, Sarmite (Lib.--Parkdale--High Park)
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 129:0955
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1645; 96:1125-30, 1140; 98:1045; 101:1710-15; 103:0932-35, 0945-1005, 1015-20, 1035-44, 1055-1130, 1335-40, 1350-55, 1405, 1415, 1425, 1435-40; 105:0958-1000, 1015-20, 1030-55, 1110-15, 1125-40; 107:0904-10, 0920, 0945, 1010, 1025, 1045-1105, 1115-1202, 1336, 1350, 1400-10, 1425, 1435-1500; 109:0900, 0915-20, 0930-35, 0945-1015, 1024, 1045-50, 1105-25, 1301, 1315, 1325-1410; 112:0930; 113:1100-05, 1130-35; 120:0900-05, 0925-50, 1000-05, 1020-55, 1115-40, 1155-1205, 1302, 1310, 1320-25, 1335, 1345, 1355-1410, 1420-40, 1450-55, 1505, 1515-20, 1530-57, 1605, 1620-35, 1645-55, 1801, 1810, 1820-40, 1850, 1900, 1910-22, 1935-40, 1955, 2005, 2015, 2025, 2035, 2045, 2055, 2110; 121:0825, 0845-0936, 0945-50, 1000-10, 1020-30, 1045-55, 1110, 1120-25, 1135, 1145, 1155-1205, 1304-15, 1325, 1340, 1350-1400, 1410-16, 1430-50, 1500-20, 1530, 1540, 1550-1600, 1610-20, 1630-1700; 124:0902-05, 0915-25, 0935-40, 0950, 1005-30, 1040-45, 1100-15, 1122, 1135-50, 1310-45, 1355-1415, 1430-56, 1514-25, 1540-50, 1600-30, 1640; 125:0834-35, 0855, 0905, 0920, 0930-35, 0945-55, 1005-20, 1030, 1050-1110, 1120-50, 1311-35, 1345-50, 1400-24, 1434-35, 1445-1500; 133:1000-10, 1030
Burma see instead Myanmar
Buteux, Paul (Individual Presentation; Centre for Defence and Security Studies, University of Manitoba)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 24:0945-1010, 1025-40, 1050-1100
Butler, General Lee (United States Delegation, Middle Powers Initiative)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 97:1555-1620, 1630-35, 1645-55


Calder, Murray (Lib.--Dufferin--Peel--Wellington--Grey)
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1205
⇒⇒European Free Trade Agreement, 69:1000
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0940
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 129:0915
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 139:1545
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 88:1005-10; 93:1105-10; 95:1110-15; 98:1115-25, 1135, 1155; 124:0905, 0925-35, 1030-40, 1140-45, 1325-30, 1405-10, 1445-50, 1620, 1630-35; 125:0835, 0935-40, 1005-10, 1035, 1110-30, 1140-45, 1315-20, 1345-1410, 1420, 1455
Callard, Cynthia (Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 113:1015-25, 1050-1100
Calvin, George (National Farmers Union)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1345-1415
⇒⇒Delegation, meeting, study, 74:1112
Campbell, Professor Bonnie (Individual Presentation; Université du Québec à Montréal)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:1345-55, 1435-40, 1510
Campbell, Bruce (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 102:0955-1010, 1045, 1055-1100, 1110, 1120-25, 1135-40
Campbell, Don (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 49:1615, 1700; 114:1710-15
Campbell, Michael (McCain Foods)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 109:0920-30, 0950, 1005-10
Canada-United States relations
⇒⇒Briefing session, in camera meeting, No. 42
⇒⇒See also Border, Canada-United States Customs--Preclearance; Immigration--Preclearance
Canadian Business Centre
⇒⇒Mexico, closure/revenues, 114:1705
Canadian Council for International Co-operation see International development
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
⇒⇒Estimates, 1998-1999, main, 50:1005
⇒⇒⇒Expenditures and Performance Report, study, 19:0934
⇒⇒⇒India and Pakistan, priorities as a result of nuclear weapons tests, M. (Grewal), 62:1235, stood; 63:1200-05, stood; as amended, 66:1030-35, agreed to
Canadian International Trade Tribunal see Imports--Anti-dumping
CANDU nuclear reactors
⇒⇒International sales, Turkey, M. (Assadourian), 35:1100-10, stood
Cannis, John (Lib.--Scarborough Centre; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Industry as of Sept. 1, 1999)
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1120; 72:0920, 1000
⇒⇒Colombia, 03:1640
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 114:1635-40
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:1025-30
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1640, 1650, 1700
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1640-45
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 89:1635-45; 116:1610; 139:1610-15; 143:1555
⇒⇒Myanmar, 38:1615-20
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 39:1110-15; 59:1645-55; 67:1150
⇒⇒Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)), 100:1205-10
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, 82:1625-30
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1705; 113:1055-1100
Carbonneau, Claudette (Confederation of National Trade Unions (CNTU))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1355-1410, 1435, 1450-1500
Caron, Jacqueline (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 131:0930-35, 0945, 0955-1035
Carrière, Claude (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 90:0935
Carroll, Aileen (Lib.--Barrie--Simcoe--Bradford)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 130:1605-10
Carroll, Jim (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 99:0905-20, 0945-50, 1025, 1035, 1045-50
Carter, Dr. Peter (Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1110-25, 1135, 1155-1200
Catterall, Marlene (Lib.--Ottawa West--Nepean)
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1520
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1220
Central African Republic
⇒⇒United Nations peacekeeping mission, Canadian participation, study, 44:1636
Cerilli, Al (Congress of Union Retirees of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1505-35
⇒⇒Election, deliberations, 71:1519
Chambers, Professor E.J. (Individual Presentation; Western Centre for Economic Research)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:0950, 1010, 1020, 1030
Chan, Hon. Raymond (Lib.--Richmond; Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific))
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:0908-1040
Chapados, Annie (Barreau du Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1528-45, 1605-35
Chater, Brian (Canadian Independent Record Production Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1425-35
Chiapas state see Mexico
Child abduction
⇒⇒International/transborder abductions, Human Rights and International Development Sub-Committee report, in camera meeting, No. 41
Children see War
⇒⇒Human rights issues, study, 17:1048; 28:1517
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 35:1030
Chinese community see Indonesia
Chrétien, Jean-Guy (BQ--Frontenac--Mégantic)
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:0935-50, 1020
Christie, Jean (Rural Advancement Foundation International)
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1015-30, 1125
CIDA see instead Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Civil war see Algeria; Sudan
Clancy, Mary (Consul General of Canada to New England)
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:0905-1030
⇒⇒⇒Former Member of Parliament
⇒⇒⇒See also New England--Consul General of Canada
Clark, Peter (Appraisal Institute of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1355-1400, 1425
Clark, Peter (Grey, Clark, Shih and Associates; Krupp Fabco Inc., Maksteel, Titan Tool and Die Ltd., and Magna International Inc.)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:0940-55, 1010-15, 1050, 1100
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 95:1005-20, 1045-50, 1105-10, 1120-30, 1140-55
Clark, Stuart (Canadian Foodgrains Bank)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1341-55, 1415
Clarke, Tony (Polaris Institute)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 93:0945-55, 1040-50, 1100-05, 1130-35, 1200
Clarkson, Professor Stephen (Individual Presentation; University of Toronto)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:0902-15, 0955, 1005-20
Cleghorn, Bruce (North Atlantic Council (NAC); Non-Proliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom)
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1555-1600
Cloutier, Denis (Chambre de commerce de la Municipalité régionale du comté des Maskoutains)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1505-10, 1540
Clouthier, Hec (Lib.--Renfrew--Nipissing--Pembroke)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1145; 13:1705, 1715-25
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 130:1600; 137:1545; 139:1520, 1530-1600, 1610-20
Cloutier, Marie-France (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1705
Cohen, Professor Leonard (Individual Presentation; Simon Fraser University)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:0935-40, 1000-50, 1105-20, 1140, 1155-1200
Cohen, Shaughnessy (Lib.--Windsor--St. Clair; deceased Dec. 9, 1998)
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1020-25, 1055, 1115
Collins-Williams, Terry (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1015-20, 1030-35, 1105-20
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 86:1030; 88:1035, 1100, 1110-20
⇒⇒Minister of Foreign Relations, Hon. Maria Emma Mejia Velez, meeting, study, 03:1617
Computer systems
⇒⇒Year 2000 (Y2K) programming problems, international aspects, preparedness, 114:1545
Constantinescu, Emil (President of Romania)
⇒⇒Romania, 53:1602-15, 1625-45
Cooke, Cynthia (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1445-55, 1525-30
Coombs, Kevin (Fisheries Association of Newfoundland and Labrador)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 103:1350-55, 1420-25, 1440
Coombes, Peter (End the Arms Race)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 39:1010-20, 1045, 1155-1200
Core, John (Dairy Farmers of Canada; Supply Management Commodities of Ontario)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 98:0945-55, 1040-45, 1055-1100, 1110, 1120-25; 123:1555-1605, 1700-05, 1720-30
Corneau, Hélène (Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA))
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 116:1550, 1615, 1625; 118:1535, 1600-05; 141:1525-30
Coroy, Lieutenant-Colonel Victor A. (Conference of Defence Associations)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 34:0925-35, 1050
Corporate taxation see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28)
Cosbey, Aaron (International Institute for Sustainable Development)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:0837-45, 0940, 0955-1000, 1020-25
Côté, Lise (Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1435-40
Côté, René (Individual Presentation; Université du Québec à Montréal)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1339-45, 1355-1415, 1425-30
Countervailing duties see Imports--Anti-dumping
Court, Charles (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1600-05, 1645, 1655-1700
Crabbe, Lieutenant-General R.R. (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13:1645, 1705-35
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1650-55, 1710, 1720-30
Crawley, Alexander (Sandy) (Canadian Conference of the Arts)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 96:0940-45, 1135, 1145
Crête, Paul (BQ--Kamouraska--Rivière-du-Loup--Témiscouata--Les Basques)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 116:1620-25; 139:1535-40
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 104:1040-1130
Crime see Crimes against humanity; War crimes
Crimes against humanity see International Criminal Court (ICC)
Croatia see Bosnia and Herzegovina--And Croatia
Cruden, Charles (Manitoba Society of Seniors Inc.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1605-10
Cullen, Roy (Lib.--Etobicoke North; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Finance as of Sept. 1, 1999)
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1520
Culpeper, Roy (North-South Institute; (IN COMMON Mission in Southeast Asia)
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:0908-1010, 1017-25
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, 84:1110-20, 1150, 1200-15
⇒⇒International programs, 114:1540
Currie, Neil (Canadian Egg Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 117:1025-30
Curry, Laurie (Food and Consumer Products Manufacturers of Canada (Toronto))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:0905-10, 0950, 1015-20, 1035, 1045
⇒⇒Preclearance, Canada-United States reciprocity see Preclearance Act (Bill S-22)
Czech Republic
⇒⇒Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security delegation, meeting, no recording, No. 05


Dagys, Rimantas Jonas (Seimas of Lithuania)
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:0955-1000, 1015-25
Dale, Bob (National Union of Public and General Employees)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1145
Davies, Libby (NDP--Vancouver East)
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, 84:1125-30, 1200
Davies, Derwyn (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1455-1505, 1520
Daynard, Terry (Ontario Corn Producers' Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:0955, 1005-15, 1025, 1035-45
De Bané, Hon. Senator Pierre (Lib.--De la Vallière)
⇒⇒Algeria, 58:1145, 1210, 1220-30
⇒⇒References, Member of the Canadian Parliamentary Delegation to Algeria
De Merchant, Stephen (New Brunswick Milk Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 109:1330-35
De Tilly, Mario (Industrial Commissioner, Saint-Hyacinthe Region)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1510-40, 1550
Dean, Elsie (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1922-35
Deasy, Austin (Member of the Parliament of Ireland (Dáil))
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1600-05, 1625-30, 1640, 1650
Debien, Maud (BQ--Laval East)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1155; 115:0925-35, 1005-10
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:1035, 1050; 31:1155; 65:1635-40
⇒⇒Cameroon, 74:1125, 1135
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1700, 1735
⇒⇒China, 17:1115-20; 28:1545-50
⇒⇒Colombia, 03:1630
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:1017-20, 1035
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1120
⇒⇒European Union, 55:1615
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 129:0955
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:1035
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1550, 1630-35, 1705-10
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1115, 1200
⇒⇒International development, 06:1030-35
⇒⇒International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 09:1025, 1035
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 89:1705-10
⇒⇒Lebanon, 140:0945, 1000, 1010
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:1015
⇒⇒Mexico, 25:1140; 62:1205-15
⇒⇒Myanmar, 38:1545-55, 1625-30
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:1110-15, 1130; 27:1020-25; 32:1005-10; 33:1120-25; 35:1025-30, 1055; 54:1635-45; 59:1655
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1545
⇒⇒Pakistan, 64:1550-55
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 131:1025; 133:1125-30; 138:0936-55
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1115
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:1025-30
⇒⇒War, children involvement, 43:1545
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 86:1025; 88:0930-35, 1055-1100; 90:0910, 0935, 0945-50, 1050, 1100-05; 93:1030-40, 1155-1200; 95:1055-1100, 1150; 101:1715-20; 102:1050, 1135-45; 104:1030-35, 1100, 1120, 1215, 1225, 1335, 1345, 1355; 106:1050-55, 1105-10, 1140-45, 1405, 1415, 1450, 1500, 1520-25, 1535-40; 108:1000-10, 1110-20, 1150-55, 1205, 1445, 1515, 1635, 1725; 110:0930-35, 1005-15, 1105-15, 1125, 1440-50, 1510-20, 1610; 112:1110-25; 117:1025, 1035-40; 119:0950-55, 1115, 1230-35, 1415, 1520-25, 1620-25; 122:1000-05, 1135, 1230-35, 1515-30, 1545, 1645-50, 1820-25, 1835, 2005-15; 123:1015-20, 1135, 1225, 1505-20, 1555, 1705-10, 1905, 1915; 126:0955-1000, 1010, 1120, 1150, 1420-25; 131:1115-20, 1155; 133:1040-45; 135:1650-1705
Deeks, William (Mining Association of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1655-1700, 1715
Defence equipment see Land mines
DeLong, Ralph (Nova Scotia Egg and Pullet Producers Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 105:1035-45, 1125-30
Delors, Jacques (Individual Presentation; UNESCO'S International Committee on Education for the 21st Century; European Communities Commission)
⇒⇒European Union, 55:1525-1620
Dempster, Hugh (Individual Presentation; Anglican Church)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1520-30, 1540
Desrochers, Odina (BQ--Lotbinière)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 98:0914-15, 1010, 1035-45
Destrijker, Félix (Canadian Egg Marketing Agency)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 117:0935-45
Developing countries see Foreign debt (developing countries)
Development aid
⇒⇒Funding, cutbacks, M. (Robinson), 19:1055, agreed to
⇒⇒North-South Institute, Canadian Development Report (1998), study, 66:0908
⇒⇒See also Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); Latin America
Dewar, Donald R. (Keystone Agricultural Producers)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1145-55, 1230, 1250
Dhavernas, Daniel (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 118:1610
Di Iorio, Joseph A. (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1155-1210
Dillon, John (Common Frontiers; Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1355-1400, 1525
Dingledine, Paul (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:0925-35, 0950-1015, 1025-30, 1040-50
Diplomats see Consul General of Canada in New England
Disability benefits see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28)
Disarmament see Nuclear weapons
Djibril, The Right Honourable Cavaye Yeguie (President of the National Assembly of Cameroon)
⇒⇒Cameroon, 74:1112-40
Dobbin, Murray (Council of Canadians)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1505-15, 1545
Docter, Hamal (Cahoots Theatre Projects)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1450-55, 1525-30
Dungate, Mike (Chicken Farmers of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1635-1700, 1710, 1725
Dupras, Daniel (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 90:0945
Dupuis, Richard (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1125, 1145, 1155, 1210-15
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1705-10
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 88:1130
Dyson, Dr. Rose (Canadians Concerned About Violence in Entertainment)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1855-1910, 1950, 2015-25


Earle, Gordon (NDP--Halifax West)
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1130-35, 1205
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 114:1610-20
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1230-35; 116:1630; 130:1610; 132:1555; 134:1610; 139:1540; 141:1545, 1605-10; 143:1555-1600; 147:1605
East Timor
⇒⇒Canadian involvement, study, 148:1005
Economic conditions see Southeast Asia
Economic development see Latin America
EDC see instead Export Development Corporation (EDC)
Edwards, Gordon (Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 33:1025-40, 1115-30
Edwards, Jim (Economic Development Edmonton)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1045-50, 1100, 1110
⇒⇒References, former Member of Parliament
Edwards, Lucie (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0915; 49:1650-1700; 56:1055; 114:1655, 1705
Eggleton, Hon. Arthur C. (Lib.--York Centre; Minister of National Defence)
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1640-55, 1700-10, 1720-25, 1735
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1020-35, 1045-55, 1105-10, 1120-35, 1145-1205, 1215
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1120-30, 1140-50, 1200-10, 1220-40, 1250-1305
Eidintas, Alfonsas (Lithuanian Ambassador to Canada)
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:1010
Elliot, Geoffrey (Air Transport Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 136:1130-1200, 1225-30
Elwell, Christine (Sierra Club of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1210-15, 1225, 1235-40
Embassies and consulates
⇒⇒Berlin, Germany, private sector financing, 114:1705
Emerson, David (Free Trade Lumber Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:0945-1030
Emett, Ann (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1930-45, 1955-2005
Employment equity see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department--Staff
Enarson, Dale (Poultry and Dairy Industries of Alberta)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1311-25, 1335, 1345-50, 1400-15
Engineer, Soonoo (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; World Conference on Religion and Peace)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1440-50
Enns, Hon. Harry J. (Minister of Agriculture, Government of Manitoba)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1035-1120
Epstein, William (NGO Committee on Disarmament; Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs at the United Nations)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 39:0930-50, 1035-40, 1055, 1110-45, 1155, 1205
Equity shares see instead Stocks (equity shares)
⇒⇒Riigikogu parliamentary delegation, meeting, study, 91:1121
European Free Trade Agreement
⇒⇒Public consultation process, study, 69:0909
European Parliament
⇒⇒Delegation, meeting, no recording, No. 68
European Union
⇒⇒Canada, relations, study, 55:1523
Export Development Corporation (EDC)
⇒⇒President, A. Ian Gillespie, order-in-Council appointment study, 11:0911


Farlinger, Shirley (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1720-30, 1810-20, 1830-35
Fedchun, Gerry (Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1610-15, 1640, 1650-55
Fehr, Pamela (Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 112:0915-25
Fenton, Lyle (Individual Presentation; municipal councillor, District of Squamish)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1900-15
Ferguson, The Reverend Chris (United Church of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1440-1500, 1535
Fergusson, Dr. Jim (Individual Presentation; Centre for Defence and Security Studies, University of Manitoba)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 27:0908-15, 0940-50, 1000-30
Ferretti, Janine (North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:0905-15, 1005-10
Ferrier, Andrew (Canadian Sugar Institute)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1605-15, 1730
Finestone, Hon. Sheila (Lib.--Mount Royal; resigned Aug. 10, 1999)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1120-25, 1200; 115:0915-40, 0950
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 72:0915, 0925, 0935, 0950-1005
⇒⇒China, 17:1130-40
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1155-1205
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1705
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:1010-20, 1035
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1620-25
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 89:1720; 116:1615-20; 132:1540-50, 1605-10; 137:1555-1605; 139:1600-10, 1620; 143:1540, 1550, 1640; 147:1605-15
⇒⇒Lebanon, 140:1010-20, 1030
⇒⇒Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)), 100:1215-20
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 133:1108, 1115-50; 136:1040, 1125, 1150-1200
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, 84:1155-1205
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 77:0935, 0945-50
⇒⇒United Nations (UN), 92:1650-55
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 88:0935-45, 1035, 1050, 1100, 1110-30; 90:0940-50, 1010, 1025-1105; 93:1145-50, 1205-10; 95:0950-55, 1005, 1050-1105, 1120-25; 98:1010; 99:0910, 0950-1000, 1020-35, 1055; 102:0940, 1010, 1045-1145; 117:1025, 1045-1100; 131:1135-40, 1150-55; 133:1025-40; 135:1630-40, 1650, 1705-10; 136:1015-35
Finlayson, Jock (Business Council of British Columbia)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1420-45
Fitzgerald, Senator Tom (Parliament of Ireland (Seanad))
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1550-55
Flavell, C.J. Michael (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 99:0920-35, 0950, 1005-10, 1020, 1040
Fleming, Elizabeth (Provincial Council of Women)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:0935
Fogal, Connie (Canadian Action Party)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1801-10
Folco, Raymonde (Lib.--Laval West)
⇒⇒Algeria, 31:1130, 1140, 1200; 58:1155-1200, 1215, 1230
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0950, 1005-10
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:0950-1000, 1010, 1040-45
⇒⇒European Free Trade Agreement, 69:1015
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 49:1640-45; 56:1105-10
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:1015
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1130
⇒⇒International development, 06:1035-40
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1045
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 35:0912; 39:1010
⇒⇒References, Member of the Canadian Parliamentary Delegation to Algeria
⇒⇒Romania, 53:1635-40
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:1100
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 104:1025, 1125-30, 1235-40, 1355; 106:1000, 1100, 1145-1200, 1410, 1425-30, 1445-55, 1535-40; 108:1010-15, 1130-35, 1625-35, 1725-30; 110:1115, 1125-30
Food see World Food Day
Food security
⇒⇒Study, 46:0900
Forcese, Craig (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:0925, 0950, 1000-10
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department
⇒⇒Estimates, 1998-1999, main, study, 49:1533; 56:0906
⇒⇒Estimates, 1999-2000, main, study, 114:1524; 129:0835
⇒⇒Programs, expenditures and Performance Report, study, 16:0842
⇒⇒⇒Minorities, representation/employment equity, 114:1650-55
⇒⇒⇒Recruitment/attrition rate, 114:1545, 1655-1700
⇒⇒See also National unity
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Ministry
⇒⇒Estimates, 1998-1999, main
⇒⇒⇒Votes 1, 5 and 10 see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department
⇒⇒⇒Votes 20 and 25 see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
⇒⇒Estimates, 1999-2000, main, Vote 1 see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department
Foreign aid see instead International development
Foreign debt (developing countries)
⇒⇒Forgiveness, 114:1715
Foreign policy see East Timor; Human security; Sierra Leone; Sudan
Fortin, Jacynthe (Collectif pour une loi sur l'élimination de la pauvreté)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1020-40
Foster, Clifton (Alberta Barley Commission)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1115, 1130-40
Fraser, Peter (Pacific Corridor Enterprise Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1520-30, 1550
Fraser, Robert (Canadian Environment Industry Association; Environmental Exporters Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:0945
Fréchette, Serge (Individual Presentation; Thomas & Davies law firm)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 101:1545-1600, 1640-45, 1700-20
Frenette, Michel (Amnistie internationale)
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:0910-20, 0945, 1030-35
Fried, Jonathan (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1645; 86:0912-1045; 88:1015
Friesen, Robert (Canadian Federation of Agriculture)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 98:0915-35, 1025-35, 1050, 1100-20, 1130-35, 1145-55
Future business
⇒⇒Deliberations, in camera meetings, No. 04; No. 08; No. 22; No. 48; No. 73


Gagné, Professor Gilbert (Individual Presentation; Concordia University and University of Ottawa)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:1355-1405, 1445-50, 1510-15, 1525
Gagnier, Daniel (Alcan Aluminum Limited)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:0920-35, 1040-45
Gallaway, Roger (Lib.--Sarnia--Lambton)
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1540
Gardiner, Susan (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 138:1010
Gardner, L. Terrell (Science for Peace)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 34:0935-50, 1030, 1105
Garon, Jacques (Conseil du patronat du Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1347-50
Gaumond, Dennis (Council of Canadians)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1338-45, 1425-30
Gemayel, Amine (Former President of Lebanon)
⇒⇒Lebanon, 140:0911-1030
Gendreau, Professor Ysolde (Individual Presentation; University of Montreal)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:1410-20, 1455-1505, 1515
Genocide see International Criminal Court (ICC)
George, Shirley-Ann (IBM Canada Ltd.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 99:0835-40, 0955-1000, 1015, 1045-50; 123:1055-1100, 1130-40, 1155
Germain, Daniel (Association coopérative d'économie familiale de Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 104:1147-1245
Germany see Embassies and consulates--Berlin
Gero, John (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 90:1005-1100
Gertler, Ann (International Peace Bureau)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 34:1005-20, 1030, 1055-1100, 1130
Gillespie, A. Ian (Export Development Corporation (EDC))
⇒⇒Export Development Corporation (EDC), 11:0911-1045
⇒⇒References see Export Development Corporation (EDC)
Girard, Raphael (Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 118:1555-1600, 1615
Giroux, Bernard (Ambassador of Canada to the Union of Myanmar)
⇒⇒Myanmar, 38:1528-1630
⇒⇒References see Myanmar
Gooch, Stanley (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to the United Mexican States)
⇒⇒Mexico, 25:1122-1210
⇒⇒References see Mexico
Goose, Stephen (International Campaign to Ban Landmines)
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1032, 1045-50, 1100-05, 1120
Goresky, Dorothy (Unitarian Church of Vancouver)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1450-55
Goulet, Catherine (Council of Canadians)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1758-1800, 1850
Government appointments see Export Development Corporation (EDC); Haiti; International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development; International Development Research Centre (IDRC); Mexico; Myanmar; New England--Consul General of Canada
Grafstein, Hon. Senator Jerahmiel S. (Lib.--Metro Toronto)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 97:1615-20
Graham, Bill (Lib.--Toronto Centre--Rosedale)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1114-1215; 115:0912-1010
⇒⇒Algeria, 58:1129-30, 1140-45, 1155-1200, 1215, 1225-35; 65:1535, 1550, 1600, 1620, 1635-45
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1005, 1015-25, 1035-1105, 1115-25; 72:0910-1010
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0909-10, 0920-1030
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:0913-20, 0935, 1000, 1035-40, 1100, 1120-30, 1140, 1155-1205; 13:1538-50, 1600, 1610, 1635-40, 1655, 1705, 1715, 1740-1800
⇒⇒Cameroon, 74:1112-40
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:0934-35, 0950-1000, 1015-1100; 50:1020, 1030, 1040, 1050-55, 1105-30
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1636, 1705-15, 1735
⇒⇒China, 28:1517-20, 1530, 1545, 1600, 1610, 1616-30
⇒⇒Colombia, 03:1617, 1625-30, 1650-1700
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:0950, 1000-10, 1017, 1025-45
⇒⇒European Free Trade Agreement, 69:0909-10, 0940-45, 0955-1030
⇒⇒European Union, 55:1523, 1535-40, 1550-55, 1605, 1615-20
⇒⇒Export Development Corporation (EDC), 11:0911-30, 0940, 0950, 1005-45
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0945-55
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 49:1533, 1550-55, 1605, 1620, 1630-35, 1645-1720; 56:0906-09, 0921, 0945-55, 1030, 1045, 1055-1120; 114:1524-25, 1545-55, 1610, 1620-25, 1635-1720; 129:0835, 0850, 0905, 0915, 0925, 0935-1000
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1700-15
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:0911, 0925-45, 0955-1005, 1015-20, 1030-1100, 1110-40
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:0908, 0920, 0930, 0940, 0955-1025, 1035-45
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:0908-10, 0920, 0930, 0940, 0950-55, 1005, 1015-1205
⇒⇒International development, 06:0909-10, 0925, 0935, 0945, 0955, 1005-10, 1020-40, 1050-1100
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1535, 1545-1600, 1610-35, 1645-50, 1700; 89:1536, 1545, 1555-1605, 1615-25, 1635-50, 1700-20; 111:1102, 1135-55, 1205-10, 1220-25, 1235-40, 1250-1305; 116:1519-20, 1530, 1550-1635; 118:1520-25, 1535-1615; 130:1540, 1610; 132:1517-20, 1535-1615; 134:1521; 137:1530, 1540-45; 143:1519, 1525-30, 1540, 1550-1600, 1615-25, 1645-55; 147:1605, 1620, 1630
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1032, 1040, 1050-1130
⇒⇒Mexico, 25:1122, 1135-1210; 62:1129-40, 1155-1205, 1215, 1235
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1007, 1015-30, 1040-50, 1100
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:0905-15, 0925, 0935, 0945, 0955-1030
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1517, 1520-25, 1535-40, 1550
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0910-15, 0925-35, 0950; 24:0910, 0925, 0940-45, 1000-05, 1015, 1030, 1040-1110; 27:0908, 0915, 0935-1035; 34:0935, 0945-50, 1000-1130; 35:0912-15, 0925-30, 0940, 0950-55, 1005-11, 1020-1110; 39:0915, 0925-50, 1000, 1010, 1020-25, 1035-50, 1100, 1110-25, 1135-1205; 54:1535, 1550-1635, 1645-1700; 59:1605-25, 1635-45, 1655-1705; 61:0910, 0925-1000, 1010-55; 67:1047, 1105-30, 1140-1200; 97:1530-35, 1545, 1555, 1605-55
⇒⇒Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)), 100:1112, 1125, 1135, 1145-1220
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1538-1600
⇒⇒Pakistan, 64:1520-25, 1545-55, 1605-25
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 131:0912, 0925-30, 0940-45, 0955-1040; 133:1108, 1115-50; 136:1040-45, 1119-20, 1130, 1150-1230
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, 84:1059-1100, 1115-30, 1140, 1150-1220
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:0911, 0920, 0935-40, 0955-1040, 1050-1100, 1110-25; 77:0913-35, 0945-1005
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:0908, 0920-25, 0935, 0955, 1010-20, 1030-35, 1045-50, 1100-05
⇒⇒United Nations (UN), 92:1544-45, 1610, 1620, 1630, 1640-1700
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, 82:1610-15, 1625-30, 1640-45
⇒⇒War, children involvement, 43:1529-30, 1540-50
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1011-15, 1030-35, 1045, 1055-1100, 1110-1200
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1536, 1600-05, 1615, 1630-1715; 86:0912, 0925, 0935-40, 0950-55, 1005-15, 1025-45; 88:0907, 0920, 0930-35, 0945-1005, 1015, 1035, 1045-1130; 90:0909-10, 0925-1010, 1025-35, 1050-1105; 93:0910, 0920, 0930-45, 0955, 1010-20, 1030-1210; 96:0920-25, 0935-45, 1005, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1050-55, 1105-15, 1125, 1135-1200; 98:0914-25, 0935-45, 0955-1000, 1010, 1020-1115, 1125-55; 99:0835-0910, 0920, 0930-1000, 1010-55; 101:1541-45, 1600-10, 1625-35, 1645, 1655-1720; 102:0938-40; 104:1115-20, 1147, 1205-10, 1225-45, 1305, 1320-55; 106:0902, 0915, 0925, 0935-1010, 1020-25, 1040, 1050-1113, 1123, 1130, 1140-1208, 1339, 1355, 1405-10, 1420-1540, 1550; 108:0902, 0920-25, 0935, 0945-1000, 1010-17, 1023, 1035, 1045-1115, 1130-55, 1205-11, 1347-55, 1410, 1420-1520, 1528, 1545, 1600-41, 1651, 1705, 1720-30, 1740; 110:0905, 0925-50, 1000, 1010-15, 1025-31, 1049, 1100-47, 1345, 1355, 1405-10, 1420, 1430-40, 1450-1533, 1542; 112:0909-10, 0925-35, 0945-55, 1005, 1100-10, 1125-55; 113:1015-25, 1040-45, 1055-1115, 1125-55; 117:0913-25, 0935, 0945, 0955, 1005, 1015-25, 1035-1100; 119:0837, 0845-0905, 0915-20, 0935, 0950, 1000-15, 1025-28, 1035, 1050, 1100-20, 1130, 1140-55, 1205-10, 1220-40, 1250-58, 1341, 1350-1400, 1410-45, 1455, 1505, 1515-50, 1600-30; 122:0902, 0910-20, 0940, 0950-1000, 1010-25, 1045, 1100, 1110, 1125-45, 1155-1210, 1220, 1230-46, 1348-55, 1405, 1420-25, 1435-40, 1455-1500, 1515, 1525-50, 1600, 1610, 1620, 1630-1700, 1710-20, 1730, 1745-55, 1810, 1945-55, 2005-15, 2025; 123:0910-20, 0935, 0945, 0955-1030, 1045-1105, 1115, 1125, 1135-40, 1150-1225, 1235-48, 1344-50, 1400, 1410-25, 1435, 1445-1505, 1520-37, 1543, 1550-55, 1605, 1620, 1635, 1645-1705, 1725, 1758-1800, 1820-25, 1840-1905, 1915, 1925-30; 126:0905-15, 0925, 0940, 0950-1020, 1030-54, 1110-25, 1140, 1150-1211, 1338, 1345-50, 1400, 1410-1510; 131:1103-20, 1130-1200; 133:0906, 0925, 0935, 0945-50, 1000-15, 1025-45, 1055-1103; 135:1536, 1550-55, 1610-50, 1705-10; 136:0910, 0930, 0940-45, 1000, 1010-35
Graham, John (Individual Presentation; Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:0920-35, 1020-30, 1100-10, 1135, 1145-50, 1200
Graham, Thomas (United States Delegation, Middle Powers Initiative)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 97:1535-45, 1615, 1625, 1635-45
Graham, Dr. Thomas (United States Delegation, Middle Powers Initiative; Rockefeller Foundation)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 97:1605
Grand, Camille (Individual Presentation; École spéciale militaire de St-Cyr Coëtquidan)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 67:1047-1155
Grant, Peter S. (McCarthy Tétreault, Barristers and Solicitors)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1400, 1510-20, 1530-35
Grant-Cummings, Joan (National Action Committee on the Status of Women)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1840-55, 1950-55, 2010-15
Green, Lorne (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 32:0905-15, 0940-1000, 1010-15
Greene, Michael A. (Canadian Bar Association)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 136:1040, 1120-30, 1200-30
Grewal, Gurmant (Ref.--Surrey Centre)
⇒⇒Algeria, 31:1105-15
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0920-25
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1050-55; 13:1655-1700
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:0955-1000; 50:1020-30, 1115-25
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1730
⇒⇒China, 17:1105-15, 1155
⇒⇒Export Development Corporation (EDC), 11:1015-30
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0950
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 56:0950-1000, 1100, 1110-20
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:1040-45
⇒⇒International development, 06:0935, 0945, 1055
⇒⇒International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 09:1005, 1015
⇒⇒Latin America, 29:1540-50
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:0935-40
⇒⇒Mexico, 62:1235
⇒⇒Myanmar, 38:1540; 47:1050-55
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:1000-05
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0910, 1015-20, 1030; 32:0940-45; 33:1110-15; 35:0925-30, 1020-25; 59:1535; 61:1010-25
⇒⇒Romania, 53:1615
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1120-25
Grey, Josephine (Low Income Families Together)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1825-40, 1900-05
Grieve, Willie (BCT.TELUS)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:0905-40
Griffiths, Franklyn (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 33:1100-10, 1120, 1130
Grisdale, Debbie (Physicians for Global Survival)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0910
Gromoff, Brian (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:0948-50, 1005, 1015-20
Grose, Ivan (Lib.--Oshawa)
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1120
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:1025
Guay, Monique (BQ--Laurentides)
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:1015-20
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13:1645-50, 1720
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:1055; 50:1030-40
⇒⇒International development, 06:0925-30
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 118:1600; 143:1645
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:0955
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:1050-55
Guévremont, Ronald (Syndicat des employé(e)s et magasins et de bureauxde la S.A.Q.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1045-1110
Gunn, Joe (Canadian Council of Churches; Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 35:0925-30, 0950-55
Gustafson, Hon. Senator Leonard J. (PC--Saskatchewan)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 98:1135-40, 1150


⇒⇒Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada, Gilles Bernier, Order-in-Council appointment, study, 21:0911
Hammond, Barry M. (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1455
Hanger, Art (Ref.--Calgary Northeast)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1045, 1200; 13:1635-40, 1725-30
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1650-55, 1715-25, 1735
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1040-45, 1145-50
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1135-40, 1210, 1255-1300; 147:1600-05, 1625-30
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1525-30
Hanson, Dr. Arthur (International Institute for Sustainable Development)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:0850-0905, 0940-50, 1005, 1015-25
Harcourt, Mike (Cascadia Institute)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1450-1500, 1515-20, 1550
Harms, Neil (International Atomic Energy Agency)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 59:1600-15
Harmstone, Christine (Friends of Burma)
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1020
Harris, George (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1550, 1600-05
Hart, Jim (Ref.--Okanagan--Coquihalla)
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1655-1700
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 89:1650-1700; 134:1550-55
Hart, Michael (Centre for Trade Policy and Law)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1005-20, 1030-40, 1050-55, 1110-20, 1135-40
Harvard, John (Lib.--Charleswood--Assiniboine; Charleswood St. James--Assiniboia as of June 18, 1998; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food until July 9, 1998)
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0920-25
Harvey, André (PC--Chicoutimi)
⇒⇒European Union, 55:1555-1600
Harvey, Elaine (Unitarian Universalist Association and Canadian Unitarian Council)
⇒⇒Pakistan, 63:1020-30, 1150-55
Hatzipantelis, Maria London Coalition for Fair Trade)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1455-1510
Hearne, Jezrah (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1325-40
Hecnar, David (Canadian Council for International Business; Canadian Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1100-05
Heinbecker, Paul (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1535-1600, 1615-20, 1630-1700; 89:1536-45, 1555-1605, 1625-40, 1705-15
Henault, Lieutenant-General Raymond R. (National Defence Department (DND))
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1055-1100, 1110
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 89:1545-55, 1605, 1615-1700, 1715; 116:1530-1630; 118:1525-55, 1605-10; 130:1520-30, 1540-1610; 132:1520-30, 1540, 1555-1620; 134:1525-30, 1545-1605; 137:1520-30, 1550-55, 1605-10; 139:1520-30, 1540-1600, 1610-20; 143:1525-45; 147:1525-35, 1555-1610, 1620-30
Henry, Colonel A. Sean (Conference of Defence Associations)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 34:1025-30, 1045-50, 1100-05, 1120-30
Heppner, Kevin (National Coalition of the Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB); Karen Human Rights Group)
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1030, 1045-50
Herman, Lawrence (Individual Presentation; Cassels, Brock, Blackwell law firm)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:0920-35, 1010, 1040-50, 1100, 1120
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 93:0920-35, 1025-30, 1050-1105, 1145-50
Hilchie, Janice (Clerk of the Committee)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 115:0940
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1519-20
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1538
Hill, Larry (Canadian Wheat Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1210-20, 1240
Hill, Peter (Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 105:1045-1105, 1115-40
Hodgkinson, Dr. John (Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB))
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 32:1000
Hoeppner, Jake E. (Ref.--Portage--Lisgar)
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0925
Holt, Bill (Canadian Council for the Americas)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1500-15, 1525-30, 1540
Hong Kong
⇒⇒World War II prisoners of war, Japanese treatment, compensation
⇒⇒⇒M. (Graham), as amended, 66:1025, 1035-40, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒M. (Sauvageau), as amended, 21:1110-40, agreed to
Holm, Wendy (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1620-30, 1645, 1655-1700
Houde, Bernard (Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association of Canada; Merck Frosst Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:0945-50, 1005-15, 1025-30
Hughes Anthony, Nancy (Canadian Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:0900-10, 1000-05, 1020-30, 1050
Human rights see Algeria; China; Crimes against humanity; Indonesia; International Criminal Court (ICC); Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia); Mexico--Chiapas state; Sudan; United Nations (UN)--Security Council; United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office; War crimes
Human Rights and International Development Sub-Committee see Child abduction
Human security
⇒⇒Conference, May 17-18, 1999, Canadian participation, 114:1540
⇒⇒Issues, 114:1650, 1700
⇒⇒See also Land mines; United Nations (UN)--Security Council
Hunger see Food security
Hunter, Lawson (Stikeman, Elliot)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1640-45, 1705-15
Hushion, Jacqueline (Canadian Publishers' Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1345-50


Iankelevic, Eric (Canadian Council for International Business)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1105-15, 1125-30, 1140-50
IDRC see instead International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Iftody, David (Lib.--Provencher; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development as of July 18, 1998)
⇒⇒Mexico, 62:1230
Iglesias, Enrique (Inter-American Development Bank)
⇒⇒Latin America, 29:1537-1625
⇒⇒Preclearance, Canada-United States reciprocity see Preclearance Act (Bill S-22)
⇒⇒Anti-dumping and countervailing duties, Canadian International Trade Tribunal responsibilities see Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35)
IN COMMON Mission in Southeast Asia
⇒⇒Augustine, Jean, delegate, 84:1120
Income tax see Trade--Inventory
India see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)--Programs; Nuclear weapons
⇒⇒Human rights, treatment of ethnic Chinese, study, 83:0908
Inter-American Development Bank see Latin America--Economic development
International Agreement to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines see Land mines
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
⇒⇒President, Kathleen Mahoney, Order-in-Council appointment, study, 94:1537
International Criminal Court (ICC)
⇒⇒Establishment, Canadian policy
⇒⇒⇒M. (Graham), 66:1025, 1045; 67:1155-1200
⇒⇒⇒Study, 63:0908
International development
⇒⇒Canadian Council for International Co-operation publication, The Reality of Aid, 1997, study, 06:0909
⇒⇒See also Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
⇒⇒President, Maureen O'Neil, Order-in-Council appointment, study, 09:0916
International justice see International Criminal Court (ICC)
International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment Sub-Committee see Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)
⇒⇒Briefing session, in camera meetings, No. 26; No. 36
⇒⇒Parliamentary delegation, meeting, study, 145:1537
Isaacs, Colin (Canadian Environment Industry Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:0905-45
Isabelle, The Hon. Silikam (Member of the Assembly and Secretary of the Bureau of the National Assembly of Cameroon)
⇒⇒Cameroon, 74:1135


Jack, Dennis (Ontario Corn Producers' Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:0940-50
Janes, Lorne (Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 103:0935-1005
Janigan, Michael (Public Interest Advocacy Centre)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 99:0845, 0955, 1005
Jannuzzi, Giovanni (North Atlantic Council (NAC))
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1550-55, 1605-10
Jansen, John (B.C. Council of Marketing Boards; Milk Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1640-45
Japan see Hong Kong
Jeffcott, Bob (Maquila Solidarity Network)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1425-40
Jennison, Don (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1820-25
Jingsheng, Wei (Laogai Research Foundation)
⇒⇒China, 28:1520-1610, 1616-30
Johnson, Jack (Nova Scotia Milk Producers Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 105:1000-40, 1100-15, 1125, 1135-40
Johnson, Olive (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1340-50
Johnson, Ross (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1315-25
Johnston, Don (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1850-55
Jordan, Jim (Defence of Canadian Liberty Committee)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1810-20
Juneau, Jean-Pierre (Canadian Ambassador to the European Union; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒European Union, 55:1523-25, 1545
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 136:0910-1035
Jurkowski, Brigadier-General D.M. (National Defence Department (DND))
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 141:1520-25
Justice see International justice


Käbin, Tiit (Riigikogu, Republic of Estonia)
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1130, 1140-45, 1200
Kapteyn, Cor (Ontario Broiler Hatching Egg and Chick Commission)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1725
Kaufman, Alan (Canadian Courier Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1545-50
Keighley, Jef (Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1302, 1310-55, 1405-30
Kenny, Garry (Inter-Church Coalition on Africa)
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:0935-45, 1015, 1040, 1100
Keon, Jim (Canadian Drug Manufacturers Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:0910-20
Kerr, Steven (Concerned Citizens)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1910-30, 1955, 2025
Kerton, Dr. Robert (Consumers' Association of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 95:0950-1005, 1045, 1055, 1115, 1125-35, 1145, 1155
Kessel, Alan (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:0920-30, 1045-1100, 1110-25, 1140
Keyes, Stan (Lib.--Hamilton West; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Transport until July 9, 1998)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 138:0950, 1005-10
Kindred, Professor Hugh (Individual Presentation; Dalhousie University)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 107:0905, 0920-45, 1045, 1105-15, 1135-40, 1155-1200
King, Rear Admiral J.A. (National Defence Department)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13:1545-50, 1645, 1735
Kinsella, Hon. Senator Noel A. (PC--Fredericton-York-Sunbury)
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, 82:1635
Kirton, Professor John (Individual Presentation; University of Toronto)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:0940-50, 1015, 1025
Klassen, John (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒European Free Trade Agreement, 69:0915-45, 1000-30
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 88:1015-1130
Klopstock, Paul (Canadian Peace Alliance; Les artistes pour la paix)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:1005-10, 1110, 1140
Kock, Irene (Nuclear Awareness Project)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 33:1050-1100, 1130
Kohnke, James (Pacific Corridor Enterprise Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1540-50
Kopas, Ramon (Manitoba Society of Seniors Inc.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1605
Koscielniak, Dr. Shane (Individual Presentation; TRIUMF-UBC)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:2035-45
Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
⇒⇒Conflict, human rights violations/North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) involvement, 114:1530-35, 1545-50, 1600-1700, 1710, 1720
⇒⇒⇒Study, 75:1535; 89:1536; 111:1102; 116:1519; 118:1520; 130:1517; 132:1517; 134:1521; 137:1520; 139:1520; 141:1516; 143:1519; 147:1520
Kotyk, Randy (People Empowering Themselves Against Poverty)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1440-45
Kriz, Brian (Alberta Barley Commission)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1100-05, 1115, 1125-30, 1140
Kuhn, Al (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1450-55
Kuitenbrouwer, Winnie (Langara Students' Union Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1610-20


Labelle, Huguette (Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA))
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:1025; 50:1035, 1055
Laberge, Gilbert (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1540-45, 1620-25
Lafleur, Claude (Coopérative fédérée de Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1123-1205
Laliberté, Luc (Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1545-1600, 1610-25
Laliberte, Rick (NDP--Churchill River)
⇒⇒Myanmar, 38:1550, 1625
Lalonde, Francine (BQ--Mercier)
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1050, 1155
Lampert, Gerry L. (Business Council of British Columbia)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1416-20, 1435-40
Lancop, Robert G. (Industry Department)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1110-15
Lanctôt, Yves (Réseau québécois sur l'intégration continentale)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:1049-1100, 1110-15, 1125
Land mines
⇒⇒International Agreement to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines, study, 08:1032
Langlois, Sue (National Farmers Union; Catholic Rural Life Conference (London))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1350-1400, 1415
Lanoszka, Anna (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 107:0905, 1025-45, 1055, 1105, 1155
LaPerrière, Jean Jr. (Syndicat des employé(e)s de magasins et bureaux de la S.A.Q.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1005-10, 1040, 1050, 1105-10
Laquerre, Patrice (Réseau québécois sur l'intégration continentale)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:1050-55, 1125, 1135-40
Larson, Roger L. (Canadian Fertilizer Institute)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 117:0913-25, 1000-10, 1030-35, 1045-50
Last, Rebecca (Canadian Environment Industry Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:0925-35
Latin America
⇒⇒Economic development, Inter-American Development Bank role, study, 29:1537
Laurin, René (BQ--Joliette)
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 114:1700-05
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1220-25; 116:1610-15; 118:1605-10; 130:1550-55; 132:1520-25, 1550-1600, 1620; 137:1610-15; 143:1550, 1610-15, 1635-50, 1700
Laurinkus, Mecys (Seimas of Lithuania)
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:0940-45, 1000-15, 1025-30
Laverdure, Claude (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Algeria, 31:1048-1200
Lavier, Thomas (Individual Presentation; McGill University)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:1542-1610
Lavigueur, Guy (Inter-American Development Bank)
⇒⇒Latin America, 29:1615
Le Blanc, Gilles (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 77:0915-20, 0930-50
Le Bouthillier, Professor Yves (Individual Presentation; University of Ottawa)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 24:0910-25, 1015-20, 1030, 1040-45, 1055
LeBane, Jeff (Citizenship and Immigration Department)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 132:1530-35, 1545, 1605; 134:1530, 1545, 1605; 137:1535-40, 1600; 139:1530, 1540, 1605; 141:1525
⇒⇒Middle East peace process, relationship, study, 140:0911
Lebel, Ghislain (BQ--Chambly)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 134:1555-1600
Leduc, Yves (Dairy Farmers of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 98:1155
Lee, Marc (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1000-05, 1020-30, 1040-50, 1105-15
Léger, Jean-Pierre (Les Rôtisseries St-Hubert Ltée)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1543, 1555
Legge, Eugene (Newfoundland Chicken Producers Supply-Management Group)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 103:1005-40
Leir, Michael (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0910-1025
Leithead, Gary (Alberta Forest Products Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1415-55
Lévesque, Micheline (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1007
Lill, Wendy (NDP--Dartmouth)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 105:1000, 1035-45, 1130-35; 107:0905, 1005, 1050, 1115, 1125, 1140, 1405, 1445
Lippert, Owen (Fraser Institute)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 112:0935-45, 1040, 1055-1100, 1135-40
⇒⇒Seimas (Assembly) delegation, meeting, study, 30:0930
Logan, Glenn (Alberta Barley Commission)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1030-35
Logan, Jane (Speciality and Premium Television Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 112:1005-15, 1050-1105, 1125
Loubier, Yvan (BQ--Saint-Hyacinthe--Bagot)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 93:1030-35, 1110-15, 1155; 106:0902-1005
Louis, Roderick (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1915
Loungnarath, Professor Vilaysoun (Individual Presentation; University of Montreal)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:1420-30, 1450, 1500-05, 1515-30
Lovett, John (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1400-10
Lussier-Price, Ginette (Ordre des comptables agréé(e)s du Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1600-05, 1615-20
Luwanla-Eli, Prince Marciano (Custodian of the Equatorian People of the Sudan)
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:0925-35, 1015-20, 1045-50
Lysyshyn, Ralph (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 54:1650-1700; 59:1535-1600, 1615-50, 1700-05


MacDonald, Hon. David (Global Network on Food Security)
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1011-15, 1130-40, 1150
MacDonald, Ken (Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1005-10
MacNab, Doris (British Columbia Voice of Women)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1530, 1540-45
Mahoney, Kathleen (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1537-40, 1550, 1620, 1630, 1640-55
⇒⇒References see International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
MAI see instead Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)
Maisonneuve, Brigadier-General J.O.M. (National Defence Department (DND); Kosovo Verification Mission)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 147:1535-40, 1610-15
Makaryshyn, John (BCT.TELUS)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:0915-20
Manga, Sylvestre (Individual Presentation; Université du Québec à Montréal)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1345-1430
Mann, Howard (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 101:1610-35, 1705
Manning, Preston (Ref.--Calgary Southwest; Leader of the Opposition)
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1045-50
Marchi, Hon. Sergio (Lib.--York West; Minister for International Trade; resigned Aug. 3, 1999)
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 56:0906, 0921-1105; 129:0835-0950
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1536-1710; 88:0907-1015
Märja, Talvi (Riigikogu, Republic of Estonia)
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1130-35, 1205
Mark, Inky (Ref.--Dauphin--Swan River)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1655-1705
Marleau, Hon. Diane (Lib.--Sudbury; Minister for International Cooperation and Minister responsible for Francophonie until Aug. 2, 1999)
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:0935-1055; 50:1005-1125
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1130-35
Marsden, Sandra (Canadian Sugar Institute)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1615-20
Martin, Keith (Ref.--Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca)
⇒⇒China, 28:1616-20
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 116:1605-10; 118:1535-40; 143:1530-35
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1125
⇒⇒Lebanon, 140:0930-35
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 77:0915-25
⇒⇒War, children involvement, 43:1540-45
Martin, Pat (NDP--Winnipeg Centre)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 143:1640, 1655
Martin, Paul (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Department)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 90:0910-1005
Mason, Peggy (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 24:0925-45, 1010-25, 1050-55
Massé, Henri (Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1350-55, 1425, 1440-50, 1500, 1510-15
Matas, David (Amnesty International)
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:0950-55, 1040-45, 1115-20
Matte, Francine (Stikeman, Elliot)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1550-1610, 1700-05
McAskie, Carolyn (Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA))
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1215
McBrearty, Lawrence (United Steelworkers of America)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1110-25, 1145-55
McCabe, Michael (Canadian Association of Broadcasters)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1350, 1510-15
McCalla, Alex F. (World Bank)
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0905-50
McCall-Howard, Penny (Canadian Federation of Students--Nova Scotia Component)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 107:1425-45, 1455-1500
McCaskill, Anne (Individual Pesentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 96:1030-50, 1105-15, 1130-1200
McClounie, William (Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:0925-35, 1005, 1030
McCombs, Damien (Individual Presentation; Students Against the Multilateral Agreement on Investment; Activists Against Apathy)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1620-25
McCool, Terry (Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada; Eli Lilly Canada Inc.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 110:0950-1010, 1020-25
McCormick, Larry (Lib.--Hastings--Frontenac--Lennox and Addington)
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0930-35
McCreery, Liam (Ontario Soybean Growers' Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1005-25, 1045
McGill, Hunter (Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA))
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 139:1530-35, 1605-10
McGuire, Joe (Lib.--Egmont; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food as of July 18, 1998)
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0900-25, 0935
McKay, John (Lib.--Scarborough East)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 116:1625; 118:1550-55
McLaughlin, Darrill (National Farmers Union - New Brunswick District Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 109:1030-55, 1105-15
McLean, Duncan (Confederation of Canadian Unions)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1302-10, 1325, 1355-1400, 1410, 1425-30
McLeod, The Very Reverend Bruce (Canadian Council of Churches)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 35:0930-35
McMaster, Don (Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA))
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:1055-1100
McNamara, Robert S. (United States Delegation, Middle Powers Initiative)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 97:1545-55, 1555, 1620-25, 1645-50
McNiven, Professor James (Individual Presentation; Dalhousie University)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 107:0905, 0945-1010, 1030, 1100-05, 1115-20, 1130-45, 1155
McRae, Donald (Individual Presentation; University of Ottawa)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 101:1600-10, 1635, 1650-1715
McWhinney, Ted (Lib.--Vancouver Quadra; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs until July 9, 1998)
⇒⇒Algeria, 31:1205; 58:1230
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1050, 1105-15
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0940, 0955, 1020-25
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1035-40; 13:1625-35, 1750-55
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:1055; 50:1125
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:1030-40
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 49:1720
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:1045, 1055-1105, 1125-40, 1150
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1035, 1105-10, 1135-40, 1155-1205
⇒⇒International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 09:1040
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1130
⇒⇒Myanmar, 38:1610-15
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:0925, 0955-1015
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1610-15
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0910, 1115-20; 24:1045-50, 1100-10; 32:1010; 34:0950, 1120-25; 35:1035-45, 1105; 54:1535
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1545
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:0955
Mejia Velez, The Honourable Maria Emma (Minister of Foreign Relations, Government of Colombia)
⇒⇒Colombia, 03:1617-1700
⇒⇒References see Colombia
Melnyk, Michelle (National Farmers Union)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1050-55, 1125
Ménard, Réal (BQ--Hochelaga--Maisonneuve)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 141:1525-35
Mendes, Errol (Human Rights Research and Education Centre)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 102:1025-45, 1100, 1110-15, 1130, 1140-45
Menzies, Ted (Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1035-50, 1120-25, 1145
Mercier, Paul (BQ--Terrebonne--Blainville)
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1150
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, 84:1150-55
Meva'a m'Eboutou, Michel (Secretary-General of the General Assembly of Cameroon)
⇒⇒Cameroon, 74:1125-30
Mevik, Leif (North Atlantic Council (NAC))
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1535
⇒⇒Canadian Ambassador, Stanley Gooch, Order-in-Council appointment, study, 25:1122
⇒⇒Chiapas state, human rights, socio-political issues, study, 62:1129
⇒⇒See also Canadian Business Centre
Meyer, Marion (Mennonite Central Committee Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1345-50, 1410-15
Meyer, Paul (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 118:1520-25, 1540-55, 1610
Middle East see Lebanon
Middleton, Mel (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:0955-1010, 1030-40, 1050, 1100
Miller, Jim (Discovery Institute (Seattle))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1510-15
Mills, Bob (Ref.--Red Deer)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 115:0915, 0930, 0940, 1005
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:0909-10, 0920-50, 1000, 1010-15, 1025-40, 1050-55; 58:1145-50
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1005-15, 1025, 1045, 1120; 72:0920-40, 1000-05
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1000, 1035, 1155; 13:1550, 1600, 1730-40, 1755
⇒⇒Cameroon, 74:1120
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:1040-45, 1055
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1520-25
⇒⇒China, 28:1530-40
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:0915-25, 1005-10, 1030-40
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1110-15
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1121-25
⇒⇒European Union, 55:1540
⇒⇒Export Development Corporation (EDC), 11:0920-30
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0910-15
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0855-0905; 49:1550-55; 114:1545-55, 1645-50, 1715-20
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1705
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:0925-35, 1005-10, 1055, 1105, 1125, 1140-45
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1545, 1650-55
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1030-40, 1155-1205
⇒⇒International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 09:0930-35
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1550-1600
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1545-55; 89:1555-1600; 116:1550; 130:1600-05; 143:1550, 1630-35, 1645-55; 147:1555
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1050
⇒⇒Latin America, 29:1537-40, 1550-1625
⇒⇒Mexico, 25:1135-40, 1200-05; 62:1200-05, 1230
⇒⇒Myanmar, 38:1528, 1540-1630; 47:1025
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:0915-20, 0950, 1000, 1025-30
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 24:1005-10, 1040, 1110; 27:0935; 34:0911, 0925, 1020; 54:1535, 1550-1600, 1625-30, 1645-55; 59:1620-25, 1645, 1700; 61:0935-45, 1050; 67:1115-25, 1155; 97:1605-10
⇒⇒Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)), 100:1135
⇒⇒Pakistan, 64:1545-50
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:0925, 0955, 1010-15
⇒⇒United Nations (UN), 92:1610-15, 1655
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1120, 1150-55
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 88:1045-55
Mills, Susan (Agriculture and Agri-Food Department)
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1100-10, 1135, 1155-1200
Miner, William M. (Centre for Trade Policy and Law)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 98:1010-25, 1035, 1045-50, 1115, 1140-50
Minna, Hon. Maria (Lib.--Beaches--East York; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration until July 9, 1998; Minister for International Cooperation as of Aug. 3, 1999)
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1035-40, 1050-55, 1135-45, 1155-1205
Minorities see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department--Staff
Minty, Isabel (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1940-55
Mirus, Professor Rolf (Individual Presentation; University of Alberta)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:0940-50, 1015-45, 1025
Moist, Paul (Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1400-35
Moore, Bruce (Partners in Rural Development)
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1035-45, 1115-20, 1145, 1200
Morgan, David R. (Veterans Against Nuclear Arms)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0935-50, 1050, 1135
Morris, Valinda (Provincial Council of Women)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:0920-35, 0950
Müller, Dr. Harald Peace Research Institute of Frankfurt, Germany)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 61:0910-25, 0940-1015, 1025-40, 1050
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)
⇒⇒International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment Sub-Committee report, in camera meeting, No. 20
Munson, William (Information Technology Association of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 99:0900-05, 1030-35
Murray, John (Alternatives North)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1310-40
⇒⇒Canadian Ambassador Bernard Giroux, Order-in-Council appointment, study, 38:1528
⇒⇒Democracy, promotion, M. (Beaumier), 66:1035, agreed to
⇒⇒Issues, study, 47:1007
Myers, Dr. Jayson (Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 95:0935-50, 1040-45, 1100-15, 1130, 1140, 1150-55; 112:0910-15, 0925, 1040-45, 1110-15, 1130-35, 1145-50
Mykle, Arne (B.C. Council of Marketing Boards)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1610-20, 1635-40, 1700


Nagai, Rob (Langara Students' Union Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1605-10
National Defence and Veterans' Affairs Standing Committee see Bosnia and Herzegovina; North Atlantic Council (NAC)
National unity
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, role, 114:1625, 1635
NATO see instead North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Neamtz, Wayne (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 77:0940
Neil, Gary (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:0950-1020
Neill, Albert (New Brunswick Milk Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 109:1345-50, 1400-05
Nestor, Eiki (Riigikogu, Republic of Estonia)
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1135, 1145, 1155-1210
Neuheimer, Joel (Canadian Pulp and Paper Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 117:0945-55, 1010-25, 1040, 1055-1100
New England
⇒⇒Consul General of Canada, Mary Clancy, Order-in-Council appointment, study, 14:0905
Newcombe, Hanna (Peace Research Institute--Dundas)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 34:0950-1005, 1030-35, 1050-55, 1115-20
Nicholson, Cecily (Oxfam Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1400-20
Nielsen, Heino (Ontario Liquor Boards Employees' Union)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1045-1100, 1130-40
North Atlantic Alliance see North Atlantic Council (NAC)
North Atlantic Council (NAC)
⇒⇒Delegation, joint meeting with National Defence and Veterans' Affairs Standing Committee, 07:1517
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
⇒⇒Future, study, 07:1517
⇒⇒See also Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia); North Atlantic Council (NAC); Stabilization Force (SFOR)
North-South Institute see Development aid
Notenbomer, Tina (Poultry and Dairy Industries of Alberta)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1311
Nuclear reactors see CANDU nuclear reactors
Nuclear weapons
⇒⇒Non-proliferation, arms control/disarmament, Canadian policy
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 22; No. 60; No. 74; No. 78; No. 79; No. 80; No. 81; No. 85
⇒⇒⇒Study, 23:0910; 24:0910; 27:0908; 32:0905; 33:1025; 34:0911; 35:0912; 39:0915; 59:1535; 61:0910; 67:1047; 97:1530
⇒⇒⇒India, study, 54:1535
⇒⇒⇒Pakistan, condemnation, M. (Folco), 56:1105-10, agreed to
⇒⇒⇒See also see Canadian International Developmente Agency (CIDA)--Programs


O'Brien, Pat (Lib.--London--Fanshawe)
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1005, 1020, 1035-1220
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 89:1536, 1645-50; 111:1102, 1115-20, 1130-35, 1150, 1200-20, 1230, 1245-55, 1305; 130:1517-20, 1530-1610; 134:1521-35, 1545-55, 1605-10; 137:1520, 1530-45, 1555-1610, 1620; 141:1516-35, 1545-50, 1600; 143:1610-15, 1625-1700; 147:1520-25, 1535-1630
Obhrai, Deepak (Ref.--Calgary East)
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 129:0940-50
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 136:1155-1215
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 104:1000-05, 1050-55, 1205, 1320-30; 106:0925-30, 1040-50, 1130-35, 1355-1400, 1445, 1455-1500, 1515-20; 108:0920-25, 1045-1100, 1420, 1610-20; 110:0925-30, 1000-05, 1100-05, 1430-40, 1605; 122:0955, 1125-30, 1220-25, 1635, 1810-20, 1945-55; 123:1010-15, 1125-30, 1220-25, 1455-1505, 1650-1705, 1855-1905; 126:0950-55, 1110-20, 1145-50, 1410, 1420, 1505; 131:1110; 135:1610-15; 136:0930-35
O'Connell, Sean (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1305-15
O'Day, Ellie (Pacific Music Industry Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1030-55
Odell, Marion (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1745-55
O'Farrell, Glenn (Canadian Association of Broadcasters)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1350-1400
O'Kennedy, Michael (Member of the Parliament of Ireland (Dáil))
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1555-1600, 1610-15, 1625-50
Ollikka, Cory (National Farmers Union)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1600-10, 1635-40, 1650-55
O'Neil, Brian (Oxfam Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 107:1410-25, 1435-50
O'Neil, Maureen (International Development Research Centre (IDRC))
⇒⇒International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 09:0916-1040
⇒⇒References see International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Oosterveld, Valerie (Women's Caucus on Gender Justice in the International Criminal Court)
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:0955-1005, 1045, 1120-25
Order-in-Council appointments see Government appointments
O'Reilly, John (Lib.--Victoria--Haliburton; Haliburton--Victoria--Brock as of June 18, 1998)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13:1700-05
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1705-10
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1200-05
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1215-20
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE))
⇒⇒Secretary General, Giancarlo Aragona, meeting, study, 100:1112
Organization meeting
⇒⇒Deliberations, 01:1538
O'Rielly, Alastair (Fisheries Association of Newfoundland and Labrador)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 103:1336-1440
Orr, Jim (Horizons of Friendship; Deputy Reeve for Hastings County)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1405, 1425
O'Shea, Brian (Member of the Parliament of Ireland (Dáil))
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1620-25, 1645
Ostling, Kristen (Campaign for Nuclear Phaseout)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 33:1025, 1040-50, 1115, 1125-30
Ostry, Sylvia (Individual Presentation; Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:0915-25, 0935-40, 0955-1000, 1010, 1020
Otunnu, Dr. Olara (United Nations Special Representative and Under-Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict)
⇒⇒War, children involvement, 43:1530-50
Oymen, Onur (North Atlantic Council (NAC))
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1540-45


⇒⇒Parliamentary delegation, meeting, study, 64:1520
⇒⇒See also Canadian International Developmente Agency (CIDA)--Programs; Nuclear weapons--Testing
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
⇒⇒Executive Committee delegation, in camera meeting, No. 52
Palestinian Legislative Council
⇒⇒Delegation, meeting, no recording, No. 45
Palubinskas, Feliksas (Seimas of Lithuania)
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:0930-1005, 1015-30
Pannu, Dr. Raj (Legislative Assembly of Alberta; New Democratic Party of Alberta)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1514-40
Paradis, André (Ligue des droits et libertés)
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:0920-25, 0945-50, 1050-55
Paradis, Denis (Lib.--Brome--Missisquoi; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation and Minister responsible for Francophonie as of Jan. 26, 1999; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation as of July 16, 1999; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs as of Sept. 1, 1999)
⇒⇒Algeria, 58:1215-25
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:1000-05
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:0955-1000, 1040, 1055, 1140
⇒⇒Mexico, 25:1155-1200
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 54:1645
Park, Arnold (McCain Foods)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 109:0900-1024
Parker, David J. (Edmonton Friends of the North Environment Society (EFONES))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1550-1600, 1620-40
Parker, Eunice (Council of Canadians)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:2045-55
Partners for Peace see Peace
⇒⇒Regional services/application process/security, 114:1710
Patenaude, François (Individual Presentation; Université du Québec à Montréal)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 106:1010-25, 1055, 1110
Patry, Bernard (Lib.--Pierrefonds--Dollard; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development until July 9, 1998)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1150, 1200; 115:0930, 1000
⇒⇒Cameroon, 74:1130-35
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1200
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1145
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 129:0935-40
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:0955
⇒⇒Lebanon, 140:1000-05, 1030
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 138:0940-50, 1005
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1645-50
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 104:0933, 1000-15, 1025-40, 1050-55, 1105-31, 1147, 1225, 1235, 1320-25, 1345-50; 106:0955, 1200-05, 1420-25, 1540; 108:0945, 1050, 1120-30, 1135-40, 1455-1500, 1625-30; 110:0940-45, 1005, 1015-25, 1125-35, 1505-10, 1520-30, 1600-10; 135:1640-45; 136:1000-05
Pattison, Hon. Seamus (Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Ireland (Dáil))
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1537-50, 1600, 1610, 1620-35
⇒⇒Partners for Peace program, 114:1715
Peacekeeping see Central African Republic
Pedersen, Randy (Greenpeace)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1445-50, 1505
Peeling, Albert (Defence of Canadian Liberty Committee)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1820-25
Peeling, Gordon (Mining Association of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1615-50, 1700, 1715
Peers, The Most Reverend Michael G. (Canadian Council of Churches; Anglican Church of Canada)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 35:0915-30
Penna, Phillip (Canadian Uranium Alliance)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 39:0950-1000, 1055-1100, 1110, 1150-55
Penner, Dave (Manitoba Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1220-25
Penson, Charlie (Ref.--Peace River)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1115-45, 1155; 115:0920, 0930-1005
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 72:0920, 0935-40
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0920, 1015-20
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1520
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:1010, 1040
⇒⇒European Free Trade Agreement, 69:0940-45, 1005
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0950; 129:0850-0905, 0950-1000
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:1045-50, 1110
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1155-1205
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1005-20, 1045, 1055-1105, 1115
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1605-15; 86:0925, 0935-40, 0955, 1015, 1025-35; 88:0920-25, 0950-55; 90:0910, 0925-30, 0945, 0955-1005, 1030-35, 1050-1100; 93:1015-20, 1030, 1055-1105; 95:1035-40, 1050, 1110, 1125-30; 96:1050-1100, 1145; 98:0940, 1025-30, 1110-15, 1150; 99:0930-40, 1035-40; 101:1630-35, 1705; 102:0938-40, 1035-45; 112:0925-30, 1030-40, 1105; 113:1040-45, 1110, 1125-30, 1145-50; 117:0913, 0955-1005, 1020; 119:0855, 0935-50, 1100-05, 1225-30, 1410-15, 1515-20; 124:0905, 0915, 1005-20, 1100-05, 1135-40, 1355-1405, 1430-35, 1450, 1520-25, 1605-15, 1630; 125:0835, 0920-30, 1010-20, 1030, 1100-05, 1130-45, 1311, 1325-35, 1345, 1410-20; 131:1105-10, 1150
"Peppergate" see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)
Peric, Janko (Lib.--Cambridge)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 89:1700-05; 111:1250
Perron, Gilles-A. (BQ--Saint-Eustache--Sainte-Thérèse; Rivière-des-Mille-Îles as of June 18, 1998)
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 49:1655-1710
Petsikas, George (Air Transport Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 136:1205-10
Phillip, Chief Stewart (Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:2055-2110
Pickard, Jerry (Lib.--Kent--Essex; Chatham--Kent Essex as of June 18, 1998; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Public Works and Government Services until July 9, 1998)
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 72:0935-40
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1520
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1710-15
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1537, 1545-50
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1235-40
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 77:0920-25
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, 82:1630-35
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 95:1135-40; 96:0909-10; 119:1015, 1025, 1110-15, 1240-45, 1425-30, 1535, 1625-30; 122:1015, 1650-1700; 123:0900, 1045-50, 1140, 1235-40, 1705-34, 1758, 1915-25; 126:1020-25, 1035-45, 1145, 1200, 1430-35; 131:1130-45
Pilon, Robert (Association québécoise de l'industrie du disque, du spectacle et de la vidéo (ADISQ))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1035-55, 1105-25, 1135-55
Piragoff, Don (Justice Department)
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1110, 1125-30
Plewes, Betty (Canadian Council for International Cooperation; IN COMMON Mission in Southeast Asia)
⇒⇒International development, 06:0910-45, 0955, 1010-45, 1055-1100
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, 84:1100-10, 1120-25, 1145, 1220
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 102:0940-55, 1050-55, 1105-10, 1120-40
PLO see instead Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Ploughman, Burf (Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 103:0945-50, 1005
Plumptre, Timothy G. (Scotiabank)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1054-1120
Poirier, Patricia (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1705-10
Pollen, Amy (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1935-40
Porter, Bruce (Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1800-20, 1910-15
Poverty see Food security
Pratt, David (Lib.--Nepean--Carleton)
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1055
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 89:1630, 1710-15; 130:1545-50; 132:1605, 1615-20; 137:1605; 141:1600-10; 143:1650
Preclearance Act (Bill S-22)--Minister of Foreign Affairs (Axworthy, L.)
⇒⇒Study, 131:0912-1040; 133:1108-1150; 136:1040-1230; 138:0936
Préfontaine, Daniel C. (Individual Presentation; International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, University of British Columbia)
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:0940-50, 1125-35
Preston, Bob (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1545-50
Preston, David (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 131:0912-40, 0950-1015, 1025-35; 138:0936-40, 0950-1010
Price, David (PC--Compton--Stanstead)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1025-30
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1725-35
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 89:1625-35; 111:1200-05; 118:1550; 130:1545; 132:1555-1600, 1610; 134:1545-50; 147:1615-20
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1555
Prisoners of war see Hong Kong
Private sector see Embassies and consulates--Berlin
Proctor, Dick (NDP--Palliser)
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0940-45
⇒⇒Mexico, 62:1150-55, 1230-35
Proud, George (Lib.--Hillsborough; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Veterans Affairs until July 9, 1998)
⇒⇒Central African Republic, 44:1700, 1735
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 130:1540; 134:1605; 147:1550-55
Proulx, Yvon (Union des producteurs agricoles du Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 98:1000-10, 1035-45, 1105, 1145-55
Prud'homme, Hon. Senator Marcel (Ind.--La Salle)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 97:1645
Pullen, John (Congress of Union Retirees of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1515
Puta-Chekwe, Chisanga (OXFAM Canada)
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1030-35


Quinlan, Sir Michael (Ditchley Foundation of the United Kingdom)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 61:0925-40, 0955-1000, 1020-25, 1040-50


Randall, Stephen (Individual Presentation; University of Calgary)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:0835-55, 0920, 0930-45
Rauf, Tariq (Indvidual Presentation; Centre for Non-Proliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 27:0915-40, 0950-1030
Ready, Robert (Industry Department)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 86:1045
Reality of Aid, 1997, The see International development--Canadian Council for International Co-operation
Reddick, Andrew (Public Interest Advocacy Centre)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 99:0845-55, 0935-40, 0950-1005, 1015-30, 1040-50
Reed, Julian (Lib.--Halton; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Trade; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs from July 18, 1998 to Aug. 31, 1999)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 115:0912, 0930, 0940-45, 1000-05
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1040-45; 72:0935, 1005
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:1020, 1035-40; 50:1055-1105
⇒⇒China, 17:1145-50; 28:1625
⇒⇒Colombia, 03:1655
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:1010-17
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1155
⇒⇒Export Development Corporation (EDC), 11:0925, 1005-10
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0935-45; 56:1115-20; 129:0915-25
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1705
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:1130
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1545, 1620-25
⇒⇒International development, 06:0955, 1100
⇒⇒International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 09:1015-20
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1615-20
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1610-15; 118:1605; 139:1555-1600; 143:1640-45
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:1020
⇒⇒Mexico, 62:1220-25
⇒⇒Myanmar, 38:1550-55
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:1105; 34:1100, 1115; 35:1105; 39:1040-50, 1100; 59:1700
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 138:0945-50
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, 84:1140-50
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1125-30
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1705; 86:1005-10; 93:1120-25; 99:0955-1005; 102:1110-15, 1145; 112:1125-35; 117:1025-30; 136:1015
Regehr, Ernie (Canadian Council of Churches; Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 35:0940-45, 1000-05
Reid, Elizabeth (Alberta Friends of Medicare Society)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1540-50, 1600-15
Rémillard, Stéphane (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 104:1305-25, 1335-45, 1355
Rice, Martin (Canadian Alliance of Agri-Food Exporters; Canadian Pork Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 98:0935-45, 1050, 1120, 1150
Richardson, John (Lib.--Perth--Middlesex; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of National Defence until July 9, 1998)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1110, 1120; 13:1610-15, 1755
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 130:1555-1600
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1545-50
Riddell, Dale A. (Agri-Industry Trade Group)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1020-30, 1105-15, 1125, 1135
Riddle, Dr. Dorothy (Service-Growth Consultants Inc.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:0905-35
Ridley, David (Hospital Employees' Union)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1635-55
Robertshaw, Stan (Individual presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:2005-15
Robichaud, Serge (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1955-2005
Robinson, Bill (Project Ploughshares)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0925-35, 1020-30, 1045-50, 1110, 1140-45
Robinson, Darryl (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1050-55, 1145-50
Robinson, Mary (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights)
⇒⇒References see United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, 82:1610-45
Robinson, Svend J. (NDP--Burnaby--Douglas)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1125-30, 1150-55, 1205-15; 115:0912-20
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:0950-55, 1030
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1025-35, 1050, 1100-05, 1115-20; 72:0910-30, 0940, 0955-1005
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:0935, 0950, 1015-25, 1050-55; 50:1040-50
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1519-20
⇒⇒China, 17:1120-30, 1200-05
⇒⇒Colombia, 03:1650-5
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:0935-50, 1000-05, 1025-40
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1100, 1125, 1205-20
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0900, 0920-40, 0950
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1705-10
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:1050-55, 1120-25, 1135-45
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:0940-1000, 1030-45
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 94:1610-15, 1650
⇒⇒International development, 06:1005-10
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1620-30; 89:1615-20; 111:1150-1200; 116:1550-1600; 118:1545-50, 1610
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1110-15
⇒⇒Mexico, 62:1215-20
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1540-45
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:1040-45; 35:0912, 0940-50, 1030-40, 1100-05; 97:1605, 1610, 1640
⇒⇒Romania, 53:1630-35
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, 84:1059-1100
⇒⇒United Nations (UN), 92:1630-40
Robitaille, Jacques (Association des manufacturiers de bois de sciage du Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:0945-55
Robotham, Ron (Roll'n Oilfield Industries Inc.)
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:0945-55, 1020-25, 1040-45
Roche, Douglas (Canadian Pugwash Group and Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0915-25, 1020, 1035-1105, 1115-35
⇒⇒References, former Member of Parliament
Rocheleau, Yves (BQ--Trois-Rivières)
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1120, 1155
⇒⇒Delegation, meeting, study, 53:1602
Rosenblum, Simon (World Federalists of Canada)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 34:0911-25, 1020-25, 1040-45, 1110, 1130
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1210-45
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)
Ruchkall, Richard (Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1620-35
Rumsey, Suzanne (Inter-Church Committee for Human Rights in Latin America)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1450-1500
Runnalls, David (International Institute for Sustainable Development)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 95:1020-35, 1045-55, 1120-30, 1145-50
Russell, Professor Brian (Individual Presentation; Dalhousie University)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 107:1010-25, 1100, 1130-35, 1150
Rutherford, Sally (Canadian Federation of Agriculture)
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1045-1100
Ryan-Bacon, Wendy (Canadian Council of Professional Engineers)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 113:1025-50, 1105-10


Saada, Jacques (Lib.--Brossard--La Prairie; Parliamentary Secretary to Solicitor General of Canada as of July 18, 1998)
⇒⇒Mexico, 62:1130-40, 1205-25
Samdup, Carole (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1010-15
Saroli, Pat (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1030-35; 77:0915, 0925, 0940-45
Sartison, His Excellency Bishop Telmar (Canadian Council of Churches; Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 35:0930-40, 0955
Sarwar Cheema, Colonel Ghulam (Pakistan Parliamentary Delegation; Member of the National Assembly and Former Minister of Defence, Pakistan)
⇒⇒Pakistan, 64:1610-15, 1625
Saunderson, Brian (Canadian Alliance of Agri-Food Exporters (Agricore))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1120-30, 1230-40
Sauvageau, Benoît (BQ--Repentigny)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1135, 1155-1200
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:1035-40; 31:1140-45
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 72:0945
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0925
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13:1755-1800
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 50:1130
⇒⇒China, 17:1135-40
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:0925-30, 1010, 1025-35
⇒⇒European Free Trade Agreement, 69:0945-1000
⇒⇒European Union, 55:1550
⇒⇒Export Development Corporation (EDC), 11:0930-40, 1030
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0915-20
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0950; 49:1630; 56:0906, 1000-10, 1105; 129:0905-15, 0950, 1000
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:1040, 1050, 1115-40
⇒⇒Latin America, 29:1550-1600
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:0940-50
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:0925-35, 0955-1000
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1520-25
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:1125-30, 1145; 27:0940-50; 97:1620-25
⇒⇒Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)), 100:1125-30
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1538, 1545-55
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1020-25, 1035-40, 1055; 77:0915, 0925-1005
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 85:1615-20, 1705-10; 86:0955-1000, 1040-45; 90:0930-35, 1000-05, 1035-40; 96:1105, 1115; 98:1100-05, 1150-55; 99:1010-15; 101:1635-40; 104:1005-10, 1055-1100, 1210, 1330; 106:0935, 1050-55, 1110, 1140, 1430, 1445-50, 1540; 108:0925-35, 1100-05, 1205, 1425-35, 1445, 1620-30; 110:0930-35, 1005, 1110-15, 1140, 1520, 1605-10; 112:0935, 1040-50; 113:1045-50; 117:1005-15, 1025, 1050; 120:0900, 0925-30, 1030-40, 1130-35, 1345-55, 1425, 1545-50, 1940; 121:0825, 0850-55, 0920-30, 1010-15, 1025, 1145-55, 1430-35, 1550, 1640-45; 124:0905, 0920, 1020-30, 1040-45, 1330-40, 1410, 1435-45, 1525-40, 1615, 1625-30; 125:0835, 0930-35, 0955-1000, 1311, 1420, 1445-1500; 131:1110-15, 1150; 133:0945, 1015; 135:1615-30; 136:0945-50, 1020-25
Sauvé, Pierre (Individual Presentation; Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); Harvard Kennedy School, Brookings Institution)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 135:1550-1610, 1625-30, 1640-1700
Savi, Toomas (Riigikogu, Republic of Estonia)
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1121-30, 1140, 1155-1205
Sayle, Lydia (British Columbia Voice of Women)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1530-35, 1545
Saywell, Dr. William (Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:0945-50
Schabas, Professor William (Individual Presentation; Université du Québec à Montréal)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1120-30, 1140-55
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:0930-40, 1100, 1125
Schenkels, John (New Brunswick Milk Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 109:1320-25, 1335-50, 1405-10
Schmidt, Werner (Ref.--Kelowna)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:0900, 0925-30, 1020-25, 1125-30, 1335-45, 1455, 1515, 1535-40, 1645-50; 121:0825, 0845-50, 0910-15, 0925, 1005, 1045-55, 1135-45
Schmitz, Gerald (Committee Researcher)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1130-1200; 115:0925-35, 0950
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1710-15
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 107:1045; 131:1115, 1125, 1150-1200
Schott, Jeffrey (Individual Presentation; Institute for International Economics)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 135:1536-50, 1610-35, 1645-50, 1700-10
Schwanen, Daniel (C.D. Howe Institute)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 96:0920-25, 1105, 1120-25
Schwartzkopf, Olga (B.C. Environmental Network)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:2015-35
Scrimshaw, Sandelle (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Sudan, 57:0908-20, 1025-30, 1050, 1100
Seeley, Dr. Douglas (Individual Presentation; Inter-Dynamics P/L.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1140-1205
Séguin, Robert A. (National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada))
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1025-30, 1100
Serageldin, Ismail (World Bank)
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0900-05, 0915-55
Sexsmith, Bob (London and District Labour Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1140-55, 1205-10
Seymoar, Dr. Nola Kate (International Centre for Sustainable Cities)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:0825-0900
SFOR see instead Stabilization Force (SFOR)
Shannon, Gerald E. (Shannon and Associates)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 93:0955-1020, 1100, 1115, 1140-45, 1155, 1210
Sharpe, Ian (Canadian Federation of Students--Nova Scotia Component)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 107:1425-35, 1500
Shaw, Steve (Canadian Airports Council)
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 133:1108-15, 1125-30, 1140-50
Shenstone, Barbara (CARE Canada)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:0940-1000, 1015, 1055-1100, 1115-20, 1135-40, 1155-1200
Shrybmen, Steven (West Coast Environmental Law Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1055-1110, 1135-1200
Sibul, Heiki (Riigikogu, Republic of Estonia)
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1205
Sierra Leone
⇒⇒Conflict, Canadian diplomatic initiatives at United Nations (UN) Security Council, 114:1535-40, 1650
Sinclair, Neil (Inter-Church Uranium Committee Educational Co-operative)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 39:1000-10, 1025, 1040-45, 1200
Sinclair, Scott (Ministry of Employment and Investment, Government of British Columbia)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:0925
Situ, Marianne (Public Works and Government Services Department)
⇒⇒China, 28:1625
Slomp, Jan (National Farmers Union)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1340-45, 1400, 1410-15
Slovak Republic
⇒⇒Delegation, meeting, no recording, No. 37
Smallwood, Joan (Special Committee on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, and MLA for Surrey--Whalley, Province of British Columbia)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:0905-45
Smith, Jean (People Against the MAI)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1730-45
Smith, Muriel (United Nations Association in Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:0915-20, 1010-15
Smith, Patricia (Competition Bureau, Industry Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 113:1130-35
Smythe, Professor Elizabeth (Individual Presentation; Concordia University College of Alberta)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:0950-1020, 1030-35
Solana, His Excellency Javier (North Atlantic Council (NAC); North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO))
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1517-35, 1545-55, 1605-10
Soloway, Julie (Individual Presentation; Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:0950-55, 1025
Somerville, Janet (Canadian Council of Churches)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 35:0912-15, 0925, 0935, 0945-50, 1005
Sorg, Annelise (Canadian Marine Environment Protection Society)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1125-35, 1155
Southeast Asia
⇒⇒Economic crisis, study, 84:1059
⇒⇒See also IN COMMON Mission in Southeast Asia
Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35)--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)
⇒⇒Study, 76:0911; 77:0913
Speer, Robert (New Brunswick Milk Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 109:1301-30, 1345, 1355, 1405-10
Speller, Bob (Lib.--Haldimand--Norfolk--Brant; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Trade as of July 18, 1998)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1115, 1125, 1210; 115:0945-50, 1000-05
⇒⇒Algeria, 31:1105-20, 1150, 1200
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1050-55; 72:1000-05
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0940-45
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 50:1005, 1125
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1519
⇒⇒European Free Trade Agreement, 69:0910-15, 0940, 0950-1010, 1025-30
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0950
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:1055, 1115-20
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1105-10
⇒⇒Latin America, 29:1620-25
⇒⇒Lithuania, 30:1000-05
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:0945-1000
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 32:0905, 0915, 0940-45, 0955-1015; 33:1025, 1040, 1050, 1100-30; 35:1050-1100
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1540-55
⇒⇒Pakistan, 64:1615
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 77:0920, 0950, 1000-05
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 88:1130; 93:1035, 1135-40; 96:1140; 98:0940, 1040, 1125-30, 1150; 101:1645, 1655; 102:0940; 103:0935, 0950-1000, 1035-40, 1115-20, 1130, 1415-20; 105:1000, 1030, 1055-1110; 107:0905, 1050-55, 1110, 1130, 1405, 1435, 1450-1500; 109:0900, 0935-45, 1010-15, 1301, 1330, 1350-1400; 112:1055-1100; 117:1055; 120:0935-40, 1055-1105, 1200-05, 1310, 1400-05, 1430, 1515, 1801; 121:0825, 0855-0900, 0930-35, 1000-05, 1155, 1645-50; 124:0905, 0935-40, 1015, 1105, 1440-45, 1615-30; 125:0835, 1120, 1130, 1311, 1405, 1450-55; 133:1045-50; 135:1705
Spurgeon, Paul (Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1030-35, 1055-1100, 1110-15, 1130-35, 1155
Stabilization Force (SFOR) see Bosnia and Herzegovina
Steidle, Doreen (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 129:0905-10
Stein, Ken (Cultural Industries Sectoral Advisory Group on International Trade (SAGIT))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 96:0909-20, 1055-1100, 1135-45
Stewart, Hon. Senator John B. (Lib.--Antigonish-Guysborough)
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1125-30
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 97:1530, 1615-20, 1635, 1655
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, 82:1620, 1630-35
Stinson, Darrel (Ref.--Okanagan--Shuswap)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 111:1205-10
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 133:1108
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 103:0935, 0945, 1015-20, 1030, 1100-10, 1125, 1355, 1435; 105:1000, 1020, 1135-40; 107:0905-10, 1135, 1350-55; 109:0900, 0920, 0935, 1045-50, 1100-05, 1301, 1315-20; 120:0900, 0925, 1320-30; 121:0825, 0950-1000, 1025, 1430-35, 1630-40; 133:0935-40
St-Jacques, Diane (PC--Shefford)
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 50:1050-55
⇒⇒Mexico, 62:1155-1200
Stobo, Gerry (Canadian International Trade Tribunal)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1035-40, 1050-55, 1110, 1120
Stocker, Dr. Harold (Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB))
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 32:1010
Stocks (equity shares)
⇒⇒Loss trading between affiliated persons see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28)
Stoddart, Jack (Association of Canadian Publishers)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1410-15, 1500-05, 1535
Stoicescu, Grigore-Kalev (Estonian Ambassador to Canada)
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1145-1205
Stolp, John (Supply Management Commodities of Ontario)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1715
Strahl, Chuck (Ref.--Fraser Valley)
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 72:0940-45, 1005
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:0920-30, 1005-10
Strauss, Uri (Individual Presentation; Students Against the Multilateral Agreement on Investment; Activists Against Apathy)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1557-1605
Studies and inquiries
⇒⇒⇒Civil war, human rights issues, 18:0909; 31:1048; 58:1129
⇒⇒⇒Parliamentary delegation, meeting, 65:1535
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), summit meeting, Vancouver, B.C.,
⇒⇒⇒Protest, study propsal, M. (Mills, B), 70:1005
⇒⇒⇒Security, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) use of pepper spray, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission investigation, legal assistance to student complainants, M. (Robinson), 72:0910
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, visa information card, United States Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act, sec. 110, Canadian citizens/trade, impact, 15:0909
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina
⇒⇒⇒And Croatia, delegation, meeting, no recording, No. 40
⇒⇒⇒International Stabilization Force (SFOR), National Defence and Veterans' Affairs Standing Committee
⇒⇒⇒Joint in camera meeting, No. 10
⇒⇒⇒⇒Study, 12:0913; 13:1538
⇒⇒Bulgaria, delegation, meeting, in camera meeting, No. 51
⇒⇒Cameroon, delegation, meeting, 74:1112
⇒⇒Canada-United States relations, briefing session, in camera meeting, No. 42
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 1998-1999, main, 50:1005
⇒⇒⇒Programs, expenditures and Performance Report, 19:0934
⇒⇒Central African Republic, United Nations peacekeeping mission, Canadian participation, 44:1636
⇒⇒Child abduction, international/transborder abductions, Human Rights and International Development Sub-Committee report, in camera meeting, No. 41
⇒⇒China, human rights issues, 17:1048; 28:1517
⇒⇒Colombia, Minister of Foreign Relations, Hon. Maria Emma Mejia Velez, meeting, 03:1617
⇒⇒Czech Republic, Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security delegation, meeting, no recording, No. 05
⇒⇒Development aid, North-South Institute, Canadian Development Report (1998), 66:0908
⇒⇒East Timor, Canadian involvement, 148:1005
⇒⇒Estonia, Riigikogu parliamentary delegation, meeting, 91:1121
⇒⇒European Free Trade Agreement, public consultation process, 69:0909
⇒⇒European Union, Canada, relations, 55:1523
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0900
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 1998-1999, main, 49:1533; 56:0906
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 1999-2000, main, 114:1524; 129:0835
⇒⇒⇒Programs, expenditures and Performance Report, 16:0842
⇒⇒Haiti, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada, Gilles Bernier, Order-in-Council appointment, 21:0911
⇒⇒Indonesia, human rights, treatment of ethnic Chinese, 83:0908
⇒⇒International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, President, Kathleen Mahoney, Order-in-Council appointment, 94:1537
⇒⇒International development, Canadian Council for International Co-operation publication, The Reality of Aid, 1997, 06:0909
⇒⇒International Development Research Centre (IDRC), President, Maureen O'Neil, Order-in-Council appointment, 09:0916
⇒⇒Iraq, briefing session, in camera meeting, No. 26; No. 36
⇒⇒Ireland, Parliamentary delegation, meeting, 145:1537
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), conflict, human rights violations/North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) involvement, 75:1535; 89:1536; 111:1102; 116:1519; 118:1520; 130:1517; 132:1517; 134:1521; 137:1520; 139:1520; 141:1516; 143:1519; 147:1520
⇒⇒Land mines, International Agreement to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines, 08:1032
⇒⇒Latin America, economic development, Inter-American Development Bank role, 29:1537
⇒⇒Lebanon, Middle East peace process, relationship, 140:0911
⇒⇒Lithuania, Seimas (Assembly) delegation, meeting, 30:0930
⇒⇒⇒Canadian Ambassador, Stanley Gooch, Order-in-Council appointment, study, 25:1122
⇒⇒⇒Chiapas state, human rights, socio-political issues, 62:1129
⇒⇒Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment Sub-Committee report, in camera meeting, No. 20
⇒⇒⇒Canadian Ambassador Bernard Giroux, Order-in-Council appointment, 38:1528
⇒⇒⇒Issues, 47:1007
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, Mary Clancy, Order-in-Council appointment, 14:0905
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), future, 07:1517
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons
⇒⇒⇒Non-proliferation, arms control/disarmament, Canadian policy
⇒⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 22; No. 60; No. 74; No. 78; No. 79; No. 80; No. 81; No. 85
⇒⇒⇒⇒Study, 23:0910; 24:0910; 27:0908; 32:0905; 33:1025; 34:0911; 35:0912; 39:0915; 59:1535; 61:0910; 67:1047; 97:1530
⇒⇒⇒Testing, India, 54:1535
⇒⇒Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)), Secretary General, Giancarlo Aragona, meeting, 100:1112
⇒⇒Pakistan, Parliamentary delegation, meeting, 64:1520
⇒⇒Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Executive Committee delegation, in camera meeting, No. 52
⇒⇒Palestinian Legislative Council, delegation, meeting, no recording, No. 45
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 131:0912-1040; 133:1108-1150; 136:1040-1230; 138:0936
⇒⇒Romania, delegation, meeting, 53:1602
⇒⇒Slovak Republic, delegation, meeting, no recording, No. 37
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, economic crisis, 84:1059
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:0911; 77:0913
⇒⇒Sudan, civil war, human rights issues, 57:0908
⇒⇒United Nations (UN), Security Council, Canadian seat, human security issues, 92:1544
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, High Commissioner, Mary Robinson, meeting, 82:1610
⇒⇒War, children, involvement, 43:1529
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1011
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), negotiations, Canada position
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 142; No. 144; No. 146
⇒⇒⇒Study, 85:1536; 86:0912; 88:0907; 90:0909; 93:0910; 95:0935; 96:0909; 98:0914; 99:0835; 101:1541; 102:0938; 103:0932; 104:0933; 105:0958; 106:0902; 107:0904; 108:0902; 109:0900; 110:0905; 112:0909; 113:1015; 117:0913; 119:0837; 120:0900; 121:0825; 122:0902; 123:0900; 124:0902; 125:0834; 126:0905; 131:1103-1200; 133:0906-1103; 135:1536; 136:0910-1035
⇒⇒Civil war, human rights issues, 114:1540
⇒⇒⇒Study, 57:0908
Sullivan, Kathleen (Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1543-55, 1650-55, 1715-20, 1730
Sundgaard, Don (Poultry and Dairy Industries of Alberta)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1311, 1320, 1330-40, 1405-10
Swan, William (Manitoba Milk Producers)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1205-10, 1230
Swenarchuk, Michelle (Canadian Environmental Law Association)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1200-10, 1225-45


Tackarbaw, David (National Coalition of the Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB); Information Centre of Karen National Union)
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1035
Tait, Fred (National Farmers Union)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 119:1155-1205, 1230, 1240-55
Taxation see Corporate taxation
Taylor, Hon. Senator Nicholas W. (Lib.--Bon Accord)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 98:1130
Taylor, Sarah (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:1005, 1025
Théberge, Enrico (ACEF Rive-Sud de Québec)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 104:1245-1305, 1325-35, 1345-55
Thomas, David (Council of Canadians)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1415
Thompson, Professor Dixon (Individual Presentation; University of Calgary)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:0905-20, 0930-35
Thomson, John (Canadian Magazine Publishers Association; Canadian Geographic Society and Canadian Geographic Magazine)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:1415-20, 1505, 1525
To, Michael (Federation for a Democratic China)
⇒⇒China, 17:1048-50, 1150-55; 28:1517-20, 1616
Tomlinson, Brian (Canadian Council for International Cooperation)
⇒⇒International development, 06:0940-55, 1020, 1040-55
Toner, Conrad (National Farmers Union - New Brunswick District Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 109:1024-30, 1045-1105, 1115-25
⇒⇒Inventory, income tax valuation see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28)
⇒⇒See also Border, Canada-United States; CANDU nuclear reactors; European Free Trade Agreement; World Trade Organization (WTO)
Tremblay, Stéphan (BQ--Lac-Saint-Jean)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 93:1125-30; 95:1140-45; 102:1120
Trouton, Dr. Konia (Physicians for Global Survival)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0950-1005, 1100
Tung, Dr. Thaun (National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB); United Nations Liaison Office)
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1040-45, 1055
Turkey see CANDU nuclear reactors
Turp, Daniel (BQ--Beauharnois--Salaberry)
⇒⇒Agenda and Procedure Sub-Committee, 87:1114-30, 1140-1215; 115:0930-45, 0955, 1005
⇒⇒Algeria, 18:0940, 0950, 1050-55; 31:1115-25, 1200-05; 58:1200-05; 65:1550-1600
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1005, 1015-20, 1050, 1100, 1120; 72:0925, 0945-50
⇒⇒Border, Canada-United States, 15:0910, 0945-1000, 1010-20
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12:1005-10, 1150, 1205; 13:1600-10, 1710, 1720-25, 1750-55
⇒⇒Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 19:0935, 1000-10, 1055-1100; 50:1105-10
⇒⇒Chair, election, 71:1520-25
⇒⇒China, 17:1155
⇒⇒Development aid, 66:1045
⇒⇒Estonia, 91:1125, 1135-45, 1155, 1205
⇒⇒European Free Trade Agreement, 69:1015-30
⇒⇒Food security, 46:0935
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 16:0910-20; 49:1605-20; 114:1525, 1555-1610, 1705
⇒⇒Future business, 92:1710-15
⇒⇒Haiti, 21:1020-30, 1040, 1055-1110, 1145
⇒⇒Indonesia, 83:0930-45, 1015-25, 1035-45
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1045-50, 1125-30, 1140
⇒⇒International development, 06:1040-50, 1100
⇒⇒International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 09:0945, 0955
⇒⇒Ireland, 145:1605-10, 1645
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1555-1605, 1615, 1625, 1635, 1645-1700; 89:1605, 1615, 1625, 1715; 111:1140-45; 116:1519, 1550-55, 1615-25, 1635; 118:1520, 1540, 1550, 1600-05; 130:1530-35; 132:1535-40, 1610-20; 134:1535-40, 1610; 137:1545-1600, 1615-20; 147:1550, 1625
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1055-1100
⇒⇒Latin America, 29:1615-20
⇒⇒Mexico, 62:1140-50, 1210-25
⇒⇒Myanmar, 38:1550, 1605-10, 1620-25; 47:1030-40
⇒⇒New England, Consul General of Canada, 14:1015-20
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1600-05
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 23:0910, 1030-40, 1125, 1135; 24:1015-30, 1055, 1105-10; 32:0945-55; 34:1035-45, 1100; 35:0930-35, 1040-55, 1105; 39:1020-30, 1050, 1100-05, 1120-35, 1150-1200; 54:1535, 1600-05, 1625, 1650-1700; 59:1625-30, 1640, 1655-1705; 61:0950-1000; 67:1125-40, 1155-1200
⇒⇒Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)), 100:1150-1200
⇒⇒Preclearance Act (Bill S-22), 131:0930-45, 1025-35; 133:1115, 1130-35; 136:1155, 1210-30
⇒⇒Romania, 53:1625
⇒⇒Southeast Asia, 84:1130-40, 1155-1215
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:1035-45; 77:0930-35, 0950-1005
⇒⇒United Nations (UN), 92:1545, 1620-30, 1700
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, 82:1615
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1135-40
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 99:0940-55, 1035, 1050-55; 101:1610, 1630-35, 1700, 1715-20; 102:1025, 1045-50, 1100, 1110, 1120, 1130-45; 103:0935, 0945-50, 1005, 1020-25, 1035, 1105-30, 1340, 1355-1415, 1425-40; 105:1000, 1020-30, 1045, 1115-30, 1140; 107:0905, 1000-05, 1030, 1045-1105, 1115-30, 1145-1200, 1355-1405, 1435-50, 1500; 109:0900, 0915-20, 0945-1015, 1050-1105, 1115-25, 1301, 1325-40, 1405-10; 112:0910, 0930; 113:1050-55; 131:1120-30, 1150-55; 133:1010-15, 1030, 1045, 1100; 136:1020-30


United Nations (UN)
⇒⇒Security Council, Canadian seat, human security issues, 114:1535-40, 1550-55
⇒⇒⇒Study, 92:1544
⇒⇒See also Central African Republic; Sierra Leone
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office
⇒⇒High Commissioner, Mary Robinson, meeting, study, 82:1610
United States
⇒⇒Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act, sec. 110 see Border, Canada-United States
⇒⇒See also Canada-United States relations


Valeri, Tony (Lib.--Stoney Creek; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Finance until Aug. 31, 1999)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:0911-20, 1025, 1115-20
Valiquette, Gilles (Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 108:1023-30, 1100, 1125-30
Valleau, Professor John (Individual Presentation; University of Toronto)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1755-1810, 1825-30
Van Loon, Jean (Canadian Steel Producers' Association)
⇒⇒Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35), 76:0935-40, 1015-20, 1120-25
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 101:1541-45, 1640
Vancouver, B.C. see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)
Veerkamp, Mark (Canadian Federation of Students)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1625-30
Venne, Pierrette (BQ--Saint-Bruno--Saint-Hubert)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13:1720-25
Veterans see Hong Kong
Vinet, Suzanne (Agriculture and Agri-Food Department)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 86:0950-55
Visas see Border, Canada-United States
Vogel, Shawna (Economic Development Edmonton)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 124:1050-1110
von Finckenstein, Konrad (Competition Bureau, Industry Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 113:1115-55
Von Richthofen, Dr. Hermann (North Atlantic Council (NAC))
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1550


Wagstaff, Dr. Kenneth (Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB))
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 32:0915-25, 0955-1000, 1010-15; 59:1615, 1640, 1650-1700
Walker, Allan (McCain Foods)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 109:0945
Walker, H.E. Peter (High Commissioner of Canada to India; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Nuclear weapons, 54:1615-20, 1650-55
Walsh, Robin (OXFAM-Canada)
⇒⇒World Food Day, 02:1125, 1140-45, 1155
Wanczura, Angela (Education & Training Employees Association; Local 99 of the College Institute Educators' Association of British Columbia)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1835-40
⇒⇒Children, involvement, study, 43:1529
⇒⇒See also Civil war; Prisoners of war; World War II
War crimes see International Criminal Court (ICC)
Warren, Gil (London and District Labour Council)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:1125-50, 1200-05
Watson, Peter (Alberta Economic Development Authority)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1434-1500
Watt, Fergus (World Federalists of Canada)
⇒⇒International Criminal Court (ICC), 63:1005, 1015-20, 1140-50
Wayne, Elsie (PC--Saint John)
⇒⇒East Timor, 148:1105-10, 1215
Weapons see Nuclear weapons
Weekes, John (Ambassador of Canada to the World Trade Organization)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 133:0906-1025, 1035-1100
Weingarten, Michael (Canadian Drug Manufacturers Association; Apotex International Inc.)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 123:0915
Weston, Ann (North-South Institute)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 102:1010-25, 1040-45, 1115-25, 1135, 1145
Whelan, Hon. Senator Eugene (Lib.--)
⇒⇒United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office, 82:1630
White, Randy (Ref.--Langley--Abbotsford)
⇒⇒Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), 70:1005, 1055-1100, 1115
White, Robert (Canadian Labour Congress (CLC))
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 122:1025-45, 1125-35, 1145, 1155-1205
White, Ted (Ref.--North Vancouver)
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 118:1555
Whitelaw, Jim (Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 126:0935-40, 1025-35, 1045
Wiebe, Dan (B.C. Council of Marketing Boards; Turkey Marketing Board)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1635, 1645-50
Wilkinson, Stuart (Patent and Trademark Institute of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 112:1025-30
Williams, Jody (International Campaign to Ban Landmines)
⇒⇒Land mines, 08:1040-55, 1110, 1120
Williams, Megan (Canadian Conference of the Arts)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 96:0925-35
Win, Dr. Sein (Prime Minister, National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB))
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1007-15, 1045, 1055-1100
Winham, Professor Gil (Individual Presentation; Dalhousie University)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 107:0905-20, 1050-1100, 1120-35, 1145-50
Winter, John (Pacific Corridor Enterprise Council; B.C. Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1530-40
Wolfe, Professor Robert (Individual Presentation; Queen's University)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 93:0910-20, 1020-25, 1035-40, 1110, 1125, 1135, 1150-55, 1205-10
Woo, Yuen Pau (Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:0950-1000, 1030, 1045, 1100-05, 1115-25
Wooldridge, Tony (Poultry and Dairy Industries of Alberta)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 125:1311, 1350-55, 1405-10
World Food Day
⇒⇒Study, 02:1011
World Trade Organization (WTO)
⇒⇒Negotiations, Canada position
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, No. 142; No. 144; No. 146
⇒⇒⇒Study, 85:1536; 86:0912; 88:0907; 90:0909; 93:0910; 95:0935; 96:0909; 98:0914; 99:0835; 101:1541; 102:0938; 103:0932; 104:0933; 105:0958; 106:0902; 107:0904; 108:0902; 109:0900; 110:0905; 112:0909; 113:1015; 117:0913; 119:0837; 120:0900; 121:0825; 122:0902; 123:0900; 124:0902; 125:0834; 126:0905; 131:1103-1200; 133:0906-1103; 135:1536; 136:0910-1035
World War II see Hong Kong
Worth, Gary (Pulp, Paper and Woodworkers of Canada)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 120:1302, 1310, 1335, 1345, 1400-05, 1430
Wright, David (North Atlantic Council (NAC))
⇒⇒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 07:1605
Wright, Jim (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13:1645, 1655, 1710-15, 1735-45
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 114:1625-30
⇒⇒Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 75:1550, 1605-10, 1620-25, 1640-55; 89:1555-1615, 1625, 1635-40, 1700-05, 1720; 116:1520-30, 1550-1635; 130:1517-20, 1535-40, 1555-1610; 134:1521-25, 1535-45, 1600-10; 137:1530-45, 1555-1620; 139:1520, 1535-1600, 1615; 141:1516-25, 1535-1610; 143:1519-35, 1545-1610; 147:1520-25, 1550-1600, 1610-30
Wright, Robert G. (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department)
⇒⇒Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 56:1000, 1045, 1055; 129:0855
WTO see instead World Trade Organization (WTO)
Wu, Harry (Laogai Research Foundation)
⇒⇒China, 17:1050-1205


Y2K see instead Year 2000 (Y2K)
Yaron, Gil (Individual Presentation)
⇒⇒World Trade Organization (WTO), 121:1350-1400
Yawnghwe, Harn (National Coalition of the Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB); European Office for the Development of Democracy in Burma)
⇒⇒Myanmar, 47:1025-30, 1040, 1055-1100
Year 2000 (Y2K) see Computer systems
Youth International Internship Program
⇒⇒Background, 114:1540
Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of see Kosovo province (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
Yugoslavia, former see Bosnia and Herzegovina


Zerdani, Mériem (Council of the Nation of Algeria)
⇒⇒Algeria, 65:1625-45 t