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Message from the Speaker

Every Parliament has its own spirit and character. New faces enter the Chamber for the first time; familiar ones take on different roles or move on to other opportunities. Yet these changes take place within a larger context: the House of Commons’ evolution over time.

Photo of Andrew Scheer, Speaker of the House of Commons

The House of Commons Administration is responsible for supporting that evolution and for making sure that parliamentary resources and infrastructure are suited to the realities of the day and are ready to adapt to the requirements of tomorrow.

As this evolution occurs, the House Administration is also responsible for supporting the enduring role of the institution itself: providing a sense of continuity from one Parliament to the next and reinforcing the tremendous significance of the House of Commons to Canadian society and democracy. We must always strike a balance between past, present and future.

The next Parliament will see an additional 30 Members of the House of Commons elected. As we carry out our work, we must ensure that Members of the House are equipped to serve Canadians efficiently, responsively and in the ways a modern 21st century nation expects, so they can represent their diverse constituencies and help shape the country’s vision and identity.

The plans outlined in this report will show that during the long-term rehabilitation of the Parliament buildings, Members will still have access to the space and resources they need to carry out their work. And by placing a priority on technological advancement and information technology security, Members and their constituents will be able to easily access information on parliamentary proceedings whenever and wherever they need it.

As Speaker of the House of Commons and Chair of the Board of Internal Economy that oversees the House Administration and governs the House of Commons I am pleased to present this Strategic Outlook for the 41st Parliament, and I look forward to seeing its plans come to fruition for the good of Members, the institution and all Canadians.

Andrew Scheer, M.P.
Speaker of the House of Commons


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