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OGGO Committee Report

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As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1

That, on a yearly basis, the Government of Canada publish disaggregated data on its workforce by employment equity groups (women, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities), by employee type (indeterminate, term, casual, and student) and by position level, and conduct an intersectional analysis by gender.

Recommendation 2

That the Public Service Commission of Canada develop, in collaboration with departments and agencies, initiatives to recruit recent graduates, and promote and advertise its recruitment programs for students and graduates to public service managers and the public.

Recommendation 3

That the Public Service Commission of Canada develop a standardized evaluation for hiring processes to be used by all departments and agencies, and that the results of those evaluations be made public.

Recommendation 4

That the Public Service Commission of Canada explore the feasibility of implementing an internal recourse mechanism in every department and agency through which employees can file complaints regarding hiring processes and ensure these mechanisms are consistent across the federal public service.

Recommendation 5

That the Government of Canada create a database of qualified candidates accessible to all departments and agencies and that it allow access to that database to be extended as often as necessary.

Recommendation 6

That the Government of Canada improve its screening and hiring tools and advertise all positions externally, while respecting the requirements of collective agreements, as appropriate, so that the entire Canadian public can apply.

Recommendation 7

That the Public Service Commission of Canada, in collaboration with departments and agencies, identify opportunities to reduce the length of the public service hiring process by at least 50%, and that the Public Service Commission of Canada collect and publicly disseminate data in its annual report on the average number of days it takes to complete each hiring step.