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HUMA Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité permanent des ressources humaines, du développement des compétences, du développement social et de la condition des personnes handicapées

For immediate release



Ottawa, June 27, 2017 -

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities has begun a new study: “Advancing Inclusion and Quality of Life for Canadian Seniors.” The Committee agreed to conduct the study after Motion 106, entitled “Seniors,” proposed by Marc Serré (Member of Parliament for Nickel Belt), was adopted by the House of Commons on May 17, 2017. The motion asked the Committee to study increasing income security for vulnerable seniors, ensuring quality of life and equality for all seniors, and the development of a National Seniors Strategy.

The study has three major themes:

  • access to affordable, accessible housing (including aging in place);
  • income security for vulnerable seniors; and
  • community programs that promote social inclusion and recognize the social determinants of health.

‘’I am excited to get started on our new seniors study and hear from Canadians about how the government can find new solutions in order to improve quality of life for seniors,’’ said Bryan May, Member of Parliament for Cambridge and Chair of the Committee. ‘’I invite all Canadians who have expertise and interest in this area to get involved either by submitting a written brief or submitting your name to appear as a witness.”

The Committee invites people to request to appear as a witness, either as an individual or as an organization’s representative. Those who wish to appear should submit their request no later than Friday, 11 August, 2017.

The Committee also invites individuals and organizations to provide written submissions on one or more of the study’s themes, no later than Friday, 20 October, 2017. Submissions should specifically address one or more of the themes and should include specific recommendations on how to improve government services.

Those interested in making a request to appear as a witness or submitting a brief can do so online through the Committee's website or by contacting the Clerk of the Committee at More information regarding making an appearance as a witness can be found in the Guide for Witnesses Appearing Before House of Commons Committees. More information on the process for providing a written submission can be found in the Guide for Submitting Briefs to House of Commons Committees.

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For more information, please contact:
Julie Geoffrion, Clerk of the Committee
Tel: 613-996-1542