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FINA Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Finance
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité permanent des finances

For immediate release


Canadians are Invited to Share Their Priorities for the 2018 Federal Budget

Ottawa, June 02, 2017 -

On 2 June 2017, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance launched its pre-budget consultations process for this year, and is inviting Canadians to participate in this important process. The process will result in a report to be tabled in the House of Commons in December 2017, and this report will be considered by the Minister of Finance as the 2018 federal budget is developed.

“The House Finance Committee’s pre-budget consultations process is a critical means by which Canadians are able to express their priorities for forthcoming budgets, and I’m pleased to be announcing the launch of the Committee’s consultations in advance of the 2018 budget,” said the Honourable Wayne Easter, P.C., M.P. for Malpeque and Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. “The pre-budget consultation process is a very important part of the Committee’s work, and Committee members are always impressed by the thoughtful and innovative proposals put forward by Canadians as potential budget measures.”

Consistent with last year’s theme of economic growth, and believing that more productive people and more productive and competitive businesses can lead to enhanced growth and prosperity, the Committee is interested in receiving written submissions and oral testimony on the topic of productivity and competitiveness. Specifically, the focus of submissions and testimony should be:

1. What federal measures would help Canadians to be more productive?

For example, what education and training, health, housing, and labour market participation and mobility measures would help Canadians to be as productive as possible in their workplaces and their communities?

2. What federal measures would help Canadian businesses to be more productive and competitive?

For example, what measures would help businesses to undertake research, innovation and commercialization, purchase advanced technology and equipment, invest in the training and development of their employees, participate in global value chains and increase their international market share?

The deadline for written submissions to the Committee is no later than Friday, 4 August 2017 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Submissions should be no longer than 2,000 words, including an executive summary. Only one submission per individual or organization, including any of its task forces, committees, etc., will be accepted; thus, individuals or organizations should not submit both individually and as part of a joint submission. Submissions that exceed this word limit or that fail to respect the stipulation that an individual or organization can make a submission individually or jointly, but not both, will not be considered by the Committee. Following translation, the submissions will be circulated to Committee members and posted on the Committee’s website. Written briefs must be submitted through the study's website.‎ ‎

In September, on behalf of Committee members, the Clerk of the Committee will extend invitations to selected groups and individuals to appear as witnesses during the pre-budget hearings. All those who make a submission will be considered as having made a request to appear. Priority will be given to individuals and groups that address productivity and competitiveness in their submissions, and have not yet – or have not recently – appeared before the Committee. Pending approval by the House of Commons, the Committee intends to hold hearings in Ottawa and in various locations across Canada. Once those locations and the hearing dates have been confirmed, the Committee will issue a news release.

More information about this year’s pre-budget consultations is available on the study’s website.

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For more information, please contact:
Suzie Cadieux, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Finance
Tel: 613-992-9753