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NDDN Committee Report

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That a Cabinet Committee on Arctic Affairs, consisting of relevant Ministers and chaired by the Prime Minister, be created.

That in the development of future Arctic policies, this Committee engage the appropriate provincial, territorial and municipal authorities as well as appropriate representatives of Canada’s Indigenous Arctic peoples.

That the government ensure that the Inuit be included in scientific research projects pertaining to the Northern environment.

That the government do more to recognize the important historic contributions made by Canada’s Indigenous peoples to Arctic sovereignty and that, in light of the commitments made in the 2010 Throne Speech and concerns raised before this Committee, the government act on a priority basis to ensure the development and long term maintenance of viable Indigenous communities.

That the government include Nunavik in northern Quebec and Nunatsiavut in northern Newfoundland and Labrador at the 60th parallel in its Northern Strategy and other programs for the North.

That the government encourage the Council to consider the interests of other states that could have a significant future interest in the Arctic.

That the government re-establish the Office of Arctic Ambassador.

That the government, in order to strengthen the Council, encourage it to broaden its mandate and make matters of security part of that mandate.

That the government expedite the procurement of the Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships.

That the government expedite the building of the promised John G. Diefenbaker icebreaker to ensure delivery within 15 years.

That all foreign vessels entering Canada’s Arctic waters be required to report to NORDREG. This requirement should apply regardless of size or tonnage.

That the government provide proper infrastructure such as shore facilities, mapping and mandatory ice-experienced pilots etc, in order to ensure the safe passage of transiting vessels through Canada’s Arctic waters.

That the government allocate the necessary resources to enable the Canadian Coast Guard to effectively execute its mandate in the Arctic.

That the government fully fund the Radarsat Constellation Mission.

That the government give priority to resolving the dispute over the Beaufort Sea with the United States.

That the government take the lead, along with other Arctic States, in the development of international regimes governing activities in the Arctic, outside of national sovereign territories.

That the government vigorously use its influence in relevant multi-lateral and bi-lateral fora in order to prevent the militarization of the Arctic.