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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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No. 4

Thursday, October 7, 2004

10:00 a.m.


No 4

Le jeudi 7 octobre 2004

10 heures

Prayers Prière
Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole Vice-président des comités pléniers

Pursuant to Order made Tuesday, October 5, 2004, the Speaker proposed that Mr. Proulx (Hull—Aylmer) be the candidate for the position of Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole.

Conformément à l’ordre adopté le mardi 5 octobre 2004, le Président propose que M. Proulx (Hull—Aylmer) soit le candidat au poste de vice-président des comités pléniers.

Accordingly, the motion “That Mr. Proulx (Hull—Aylmer) be appointed Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole” was deemed to have been moved and seconded.

En conséquence, la motion « Que M. Proulx (Hull—Aylmer) soit nommé vice-président des comités pléniers » est réputée proposée et appuyée.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.

La motion, mise aux voix, est agréée.

Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole Vice-président adjoint des comités pléniers

Pursuant to Order made Tuesday, October 5, 2004, the Speaker proposed that Ms. Augustine (Etobicoke—Lakeshore) be the candidate for the position of Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole.

Conformément à l’ordre adopté le mardi 5 octobre 2004, le Président propose que Mme Augustine (Etobicoke—Lakeshore) soit la candidate au poste de vice-présidente adjointe des comités pléniers.

Accordingly, the motion “That Ms. Augustine (Etobicoke—Lakeshore) be appointed Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole” was deemed to have been moved and seconded.

En conséquence, la motion « Que Mme Augustine (Etobicoke—Lakeshore) soit nommée vice-présidente adjointe des comités pléniers » est réputée proposée et appuyée.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.

La motion, mise aux voix, est agréée.

Daily Routine Of Business Affaires courantes ordinaires

Tabling of Documents

Dépôt de documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), the Prime Minister laid upon the Table, — Document entitled “Conflict of Interest and Post-employment Code for Public Office Holders”. — Sessional Paper No. 8525-381-02.

Conformément à l'article 32(2) du Règlement, le Premier ministre dépose sur le Bureau, — Document intitulé « Code régissant la conduite des titulaires de charge publique en ce qui concerne les conflits d'intérêts et l'après-mandat ». — Document parlementaire no 8525-381-02.

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Dépôt de projets de loi émanant des députés

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre), seconded by Mr. Broadbent (Ottawa Centre), Bill C-201, An Act to amend the Access to Information Act and to make amendments to other Acts, was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.

Conformément aux articles 68(2) et 69(1) du Règlement, sur motion de M. Martin (Winnipeg-Centre), appuyé par M. Broadbent (Ottawa-Centre), le projet de loi C-201, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et d'autres lois en conséquence, est déposé, lu une première fois, l'impression en est ordonnée et la deuxième lecture en est fixée à la prochaine séance de la Chambre.

Presenting Petitions

Présentation de pétitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, a petition certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions was presented as follows:

Conformément à l'article 36 du Règlement, une pétition certifiée correcte par le greffier des pétitions est présentée :

— by Mr. Williams (Edmonton—St. Albert), one concerning the income tax system (No. 381-0003).

— par M. Williams (Edmonton—St. Albert), une au sujet de l'impôt sur le revenu (no 381-0003).

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Silva (Davenport), seconded by Ms. Boivin (Gatineau), — That the following Address be presented to Her Excellency the Governor General:

La Chambre reprend l’étude de la motion de M. Silva (Davenport), appuyé par Mme Boivin (Gatineau), — Que l'Adresse, dont le texte suit, soit présentée à Son Excellence la Gouverneure générale :

To Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Chancellor and Principal Companion of the Order of Canada, Chancellor and Commander of the Order of Military Merit, Chancellor and Commander of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada.

À Son Excellence la très honorable Adrienne Clarkson, Chancelière et Compagnon principal de l'Ordre du Canada, Chancelière et Commandeur de l'Ordre du mérite militaire, Chancelière et Commandeur de l'Ordre du mérite des corps policiers, Gouverneure générale et Commandante en chef du Canada.



We, Her Majesty's most loyal and dutiful subjects, the House of Commons of Canada, in Parliament assembled, beg leave to offer our humble thanks to Your Excellency for the gracious Speech which Your Excellency has addressed to both Houses of Parliament;

Nous, sujets très dévoués et fidèles de Sa Majesté, la Chambre des communes du Canada, assemblée en Parlement, prions respectueusement Votre Excellence d'agréer nos humbles remerciements pour le gracieux discours qu'Elle a adressé aux deux Chambres du Parlement;

And of the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary Southwest), seconded by Mr. MacKay (Central Nova), — That the motion be amended by adding the following:

Et de l’amendement de M. Harper (Calgary-Sud-Ouest), appuyé par M. MacKay (Nova-Centre), — Que la motion soit modifiée par adjonction de ce qui suit :

“and we urge Your Excellency’s advisors, when implementing the details of their proposals, to review the Employment Insurance program to ensure that it remains well-suited to the needs of Canada’s workforce, to reduce and improve the fairness of taxes, to be unwavering in the application of fiscal discipline, to examine the need and options for reform of our democratic institutions, including electoral reform, and to rise above partisanship to address the public interest;

« et nous exhortons les conseillers de Votre Excellence, lors de la mise en œuvre des détails de leurs propositions, à revoir le programme d’assurance-emploi pour s’assurer qu’il demeure bien adapté aux besoins de la main-d’œuvre canadienne, à réduire les impôts et les rendre plus équitables, à appliquer sans compromis la discipline financière, à s’interroger sur la nécessité et la manière de réformer nos institutions démocratiques, y compris le système électoral pour s'élever au-dessus de la partisanerie pour servir l’intérêt public;

That Your Excellency’s advisors consider the inclusion of the following:

Que les conseillers de Votre Excellence considère d'inclure ce qui suit :

1. the establishment of an arm’s-length, but not privatized, tri-party commission to ensure Employment Insurance premiums are used only for workers' benefits;

1. l’établissement d’une commission tripartite autonome, mais non privatisée, pour veiller à ce que les cotisations d’assurance-emploi ne servent qu’à verser des avantages aux travailleurs;

2. the reduction of taxes for low and modest income families;

2. la réduction des impôts pour les familles à revenu faible et moyen;

3. the creation of an independent Parliamentary Budget Office to give regular advice on the fiscal forecasts of the government of Canada;

3. la création d’un service parlementaire indépendant du budget chargé de fournir régulièrement des avis sur les prévisions financières du gouvernement du Canada;

4. the establishment of a non-partisan, independent Citizens’ Assembly to examine changes to the electoral system, including proportional representation; and

4. l’établissement d’une assemblée de citoyens non partisane et indépendante afin d’examiner les modifications à apporter au système électoral, notamment la représentation proportionnelle;

5. measures to ensure that there be a vote in the House of Commons on any proposed continental missile defence treaty.”;

5. des mesures garantissant la tenue à la Chambre des communes d’un vote sur tout projet de traité de défense antimissile continental. »;

And of the subamendment of Mr. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), seconded by Mr. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean), — That the amendment be amended by adding after the word “treaty” the following:

Et du sous-amendement de M. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), appuyé par M. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean), — Que l'amendement soit modifié par adjonction, après le mot « continental », de ce qui suit :

“and we ask Your Excellency’s advisors to ensure that all measures brought forward to implement the Speech from the Throne, including those referred to above, fully respect the provinces’ areas of jurisdiction and that the financial pressures the provinces are suffering as a consequence of the fiscal imbalance be alleviated, as demanded by the Premier of Quebec.”.

« et nous demandons aux conseillers de Votre Excellence de prévoir que dans toutes les mesures visant à mettre en œuvre le discours du Trône, y compris dans celles ci-haut mentionnées, les compétences des provinces soient intégralement respectées et que les pressions financières qu’elles subissent en raison du déséquilibre fiscal soient allégées, tel que réclamé par le premier ministre du Québec. ».

The debate continued.

Le débat se poursuit.

Motions Motions

By unanimous consent, it was ordered, — That the debate on bovine spongiform encephalopathy this evening be interrupted, rather than terminated, at midnight, and that it be resumed at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 12, 2004, and concluded when no member rises to speak or at 6:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 13, 2004, whichever is earlier.

Du consentement unanime, il est ordonné, — Que le débat de ce soir sur l’encéphalopathie bovine spongiforme soit interrompu, plutôt que conclu, à minuit, et que le débat reprenne à 19 heures le mardi 12 octobre 2004 et se termine lorsqu’aucun député ne prendra la parole ou à 6 heures le mercredi 13 octobre, selon la première éventualité.

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Silva (Davenport), seconded by Ms. Boivin (Gatineau), in relation to the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne;

La Chambre reprend l’étude de la motion de M. Silva (Davenport), appuyé par Mme Boivin (Gatineau), relative à l'Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône;

And of the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary Southwest), seconded by Mr. MacKay (Central Nova);

Et de l’amendement de M. Harper (Calgary-Sud-Ouest), appuyé par M. MacKay (Nova-Centre);

And of the subamendment of Mr. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), seconded by Mr. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean).

Et du sous-amendement de M. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), appuyé par M. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean).

The debate continued.

Le débat se poursuit.

Motions Motions

By unanimous consent, it was ordered, — That this House demand that the prime minister instruct all federal government buildings immediately to lower all Canadian flags to half-mast to recognize the tragic death of Lieutenant (Navy) Chris Saunders yesterday on HMCS Chicoutimi.

Du consentement unanime, il est ordonné, — Que la Chambre enjoigne au premier ministre de demander à tous les immeubles fédéraux de mettre le drapeau canadien en berne en mémoire du lieutenant de vaisseau Chris Saunders, décédé tragiquement hier sur le sous-marin NCSM Chicoutimi.

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Silva (Davenport), seconded by Ms. Boivin (Gatineau), in relation to the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne;

La Chambre reprend l’étude de la motion de M. Silva (Davenport), appuyé par Mme Boivin (Gatineau), relative à l'Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône;

And of the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary Southwest), seconded by Mr. MacKay (Central Nova);

Et de l’amendement de M. Harper (Calgary-Sud-Ouest), appuyé par M. MacKay (Nova-Centre);

And of the subamendment of Mr. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), seconded by Mr. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean).

Et du sous-amendement de M. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), appuyé par M. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean).

The debate continued.

Le débat se poursuit.

Statements By Members Déclarations de députés

Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.

Conformément à l'article 31 du Règlement, des députés font des déclarations.

Oral Questions Questions orales

Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.

Conformément à l'article 30(5) du Règlement, la Chambre procède à la période de questions orales.

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Silva (Davenport), seconded by Ms. Boivin (Gatineau), in relation to the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne;

La Chambre reprend l’étude de la motion de M. Silva (Davenport), appuyé par Mme Boivin (Gatineau), relative à l'Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône;

And of the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary Southwest), seconded by Mr. MacKay (Central Nova);

Et de l’amendement de M. Harper (Calgary-Sud-Ouest), appuyé par M. MacKay (Nova-Centre);

And of the subamendment of Mr. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), seconded by Mr. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean).

Et du sous-amendement de M. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), appuyé par M. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean).

The debate continued.

Le débat se poursuit.

Motions Motions

By unanimous consent, it was ordered, — That, during the take-note debate on bovine spongiform encephalopathy, any member may, after notifying the Chair, divide his or her speaking time.

Du consentement unanime, il est ordonné, — Que, durant le débat exploratoire sur l’encéphalopathie bovine spongiforme, tout député puisse, après avoir avisé la Présidence, diviser son temps de parole.

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Silva (Davenport), seconded by Ms. Boivin (Gatineau), in relation to the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne;

La Chambre reprend l’étude de la motion de M. Silva (Davenport), appuyé par Mme Boivin (Gatineau), relative à l'Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône;

And of the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary Southwest), seconded by Mr. MacKay (Central Nova);

Et de l’amendement de M. Harper (Calgary-Sud-Ouest), appuyé par M. MacKay (Nova-Centre);

And of the subamendment of Mr. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), seconded by Mr. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean).

Et du sous-amendement de M. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), appuyé par M. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean).

The debate continued.

Le débat se poursuit.

Motions Motions

By unanimous consent, it was ordered, — That the First Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be deemed tabled and concurred in.

Du consentement unanime, il est ordonné, — Que le premier rapport du Comité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre soit réputé déposé et adopté.

Accordingly, Mr. Boudria (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell), from the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented the First Report of the Committee, which was as follows:

The Committee recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, that the list of members and associate members for Standing Committees of this House be as follows:

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

Members (12)

Sue Barnes
André Bellavance
Bernard Cleary
Jeremy Harrison
Nancy Karetak-Lindell
Gary Lunn
Pat Martin
Jim Prentice
Carol Skelton
David Smith
Lloyd St. Amand
Roger Valley

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Charlie Angus
Gérard Asselin
Larry Bagnell
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Jean Crowder
Nathan Cullen
John Cummins
Rodger Cuzner
Stockwell Day
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Charles Hubbard
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Marc Lemay
Yvon Lévesque
Tom Lukiwski
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Tony Martin
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics

Members (12)

Navdeep Bains
Ed Broadbent
David Chatters
Johanne Deschamps
Art Hanger
Russ Hiebert
Marlene Jennings
Mario Laframboise
Derek Lee
Carolyn Parrish
Michael Savage
David Tilson

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Marc Boulianne
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
Paul Crête
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Michel Gauthier
Yvon Godin
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Michel Guimond
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Pat Martin
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Anita Neville
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pauline Picard
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Tom Wappel
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Agriculture and Agri-Food

Members (12)

David Anderson
Charlie Angus
James Bezan
Claude Drouin
Wayne Easter
Roger Gaudet
David Kilgour
Larry Miller
Denise Poirier-Rivard
Gerry Ritz
Paul Steckle
Rose-Marie Ur

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Peter Adams
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
Dave Batters
André Bellavance
Leon Benoit
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Johanne Deschamps
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Yvon Godin
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Pierre Paquette
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Peter Stoffer
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Canadian Heritage

Members (12)

Charlie Angus
Gord Brown
Sarmite Bulte
Marlene Catterall
Wajid Khan
Maka Kotto
Marc Lemay
Deepak Obhrai
Pablo Rodriguez
Gary Schellenberger
Scott Simms
Merv Tweed

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Guy André
Dave Batters
Don Bell
Leon Benoit
Stéphane Bergeron
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Jean Crowder
Nathan Cullen
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
David Kilgour
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Louis Plamondon
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Peter Stoffer
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Citizenship and Immigration

Members (12)

Diane Ablonczy
David Anderson
Roger Clavet
Meili Faille
Hedy Fry
Helena Guergis
Rahim Jaffer
Inky Mark
Bill Siksay
Mario Silva
Andrew Telegdi
Lui Temelkovski

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Guy André
Dave Batters
Colleen Beaumier
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Diane Bourgeois
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
David Christopherson
Joe Comartin
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Odina Desrochers
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
Claude Drouin
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Raymonde Folco
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Francine Lalonde
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Pat Martin
Brian Masse
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Anita Neville
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Environment and Sustainable Development

Members (12)

Bernard Bigras
Nathan Cullen
Brian Jean
David McGuinty
Bob Mills
Denis Paradis
Yasmin Ratansi
Lee Richardson
Christian Simard
Alan Tonks
Jeff Watson
Bryon Wilfert

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Gérard Asselin
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Marc Boulianne
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Serge Cardin
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
Paul Crête
Jean Crowder
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Mark Holland
Charles Hubbard
Rahim Jaffer
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Maria Minna
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Russ Powers
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Gerry Ritz
Francis Scarpaleggia
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Peter Stoffer
Belinda Stronach
Paul Szabo
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich


Members (12)

Rona Ambrose
Don Bell
Guy Côté
Charles Hubbard
Yvan Loubier
John McKay
Maria Minna
Massimo Pacetti
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Monte Solberg
Judy Wasylycia-Leis

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Robert Bouchard
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
David Christopherson
Jean Crowder
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Johanne Deschamps
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mario Laframboise
Réal Lapierre
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Pierre Paquette
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Benoît Sauvageau
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Bill Siksay
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Fisheries and Oceans

Members (12)

Larry Bagnell
Raynald Blais
John Cummins
Rodger Cuzner
Loyola Hearn
Gerald Keddy
Bill Matthews
Shawn Murphy
Jean-Yves Roy
Peter Stoffer
Greg Thompson
Tom Wappel

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Gérard Asselin
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Marc Boulianne
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Serge Cardin
Colin Carrie
Robert Carrier
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Paul Crête
Jean Crowder
Nathan Cullen
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Yvon Godin
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Caroline St-Hilaire
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Members (12)

Maurizio Bevilacqua
Stockwell Day
Francine Lalonde
Lawrence MacAulay
Alexa McDonough
Dan McTeague
Ted Menzies
Pierre Paquette
Bernard Patry
Beth Phinney
Kevin Sorenson
Belinda Stronach

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
David Anderson
Guy André
Claude Bachand
Navdeep Bains
Dave Batters
Don Bell
André Bellavance
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Diane Bourgeois
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Sarmite Bulte
John Cannis
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Roger Clavet
John Cummins
Johanne Deschamps
Bev Desjarlais
Odina Desrochers
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Mark Eyking
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Marlene Jennings
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
David Kilgour
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Brian Masse
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
Maria Minna
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Darrel Stinson
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Paddy Torsney
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Government Operations and Estimates

Members (12)

Leon Benoit
Ken Boshcoff
Marcel Gagnon
Diane Marleau
Pat Martin
James Moore
Russ Powers
Joe Preston
Francis Scarpaleggia
Paul Szabo
Louise Thibault
Randy White

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Stéphane Bergeron
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
David Christopherson
Guy Côté
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Walt Lastewka
Guy Lauzon
Yvan Loubier
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
David McGuinty
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Benoît Sauvageau
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
John Williams
Lynne Yelich


Members (12)

Colleen Beaumier
Bill Blaikie
Bonnie Brown
Colin Carrie
Brenda Chamberlain
Nicole Demers
Ruby Dhalla
Steven Fletcher
James Lunney
Réal Ménard
Rob Merrifield
Robert Thibault

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
Stéphane Bergeron
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Paule Brunelle
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Guy Côté
Nathan Cullen
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Raymonde Folco
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Yvan Loubier
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Brian Masse
Alexa McDonough
Ted Menzies
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities

Members (12)

Peter Adams
Eleni Bakopanos
Jean-Claude D'Amours
Barry Devolin
Raymonde Folco
Paul Forseth
Christiane Gagnon
Ed Komarnicki
Yves Lessard
Gurbax Malhi
Tony Martin
Peter Van Loan

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Don Bell
Leon Benoit
Stéphane Bergeron
James Bezan
Alain Boire
France Bonsant
Garry Breitkreuz
Ed Broadbent
Gord Brown
Paule Brunelle
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
David Christopherson
Jean Crowder
Nathan Cullen
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Nicole Demers
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Hedy Fry
Marcel Gagnon
Cheryl Gallant
Yvon Godin
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Carole Lavallée
Judi Longfield
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Alexa McDonough
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Anita Neville
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Christian Simard
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Maurice Vellacott
Robert Vincent
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology

Members (12)

Serge Cardin
Michael Chong
Denis Coderre
Paul Crête
John Duncan
Brian Masse
Lynn Myers
Jerry Pickard
Andy Savoy
Werner Schmidt
Brent St. Denis
Bradley Trost

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Gérard Asselin
Larry Bagnell
Dave Batters
Don Bell
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Bernard Bigras
Marc Boulianne
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Robert Carrier
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
David Christopherson
Guy Côté
Jean Crowder
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Hedy Fry
Sébastien Gagnon
Cheryl Gallant
Yvon Godin
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Marlene Jennings
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mario Laframboise
Réal Lapierre
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Yvon Lévesque
Yvan Loubier
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Tony Martin
David McGuinty
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Beth Phinney
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Bill Siksay
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Caroline St-Hilaire
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Members (12)

Diane Bourgeois
Garry Breitkreuz
Joe Comartin
Paul DeVillers
Paul Harold Macklin
John Maloney
Richard Marceau
Anita Neville
Myron Thompson
Vic Toews
Mark Warawa
Paul Zed

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Bill Blaikie
Gord Brown
Paule Brunelle
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Hedy Fry
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Marlene Jennings
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mario Laframboise
Guy Lauzon
Derek Lee
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Serge Ménard
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Bill Siksay
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
David Tilson
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

National Defence and Veterans Affairs

Members (12)

Claude Bachand
Bill Blaikie
Rick Casson
Betty Hinton
Judi Longfield
Dave MacKenzie
Keith Martin
Lawrence O'Brien
Pat O'Brien
Gordon O'Connor
Gilles-A. Perron
Anthony Rota

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Bernard Bigras
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Robert Carrier
Bill Casey
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Roger Clavet
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Odina Desrochers
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Francine Lalonde
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Anita Neville
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
Marcel Proulx
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Caroline St-Hilaire
Darrel Stinson
Peter Stoffer
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Official Languages

Members (12)

Guy André
Françoise Boivin
Roy Cullen
Odina Desrochers
Marc Godbout
Yvon Godin
Guy Lauzon
Pierre Poilievre
Pablo Rodriguez
Andrew Scheer
Raymond Simard
Maurice Vellacott

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
Stéphane Bergeron
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Ed Broadbent
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Maka Kotto
Daryl Kramp
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Public Accounts

Members (12)

Dean Allison
Gary Carr
David Christopherson
Brian Fitzpatrick
Sébastien Gagnon
Mark Holland
Daryl Kramp
Walt Lastewka
Shawn Murphy
Benoît Sauvageau
John Williams
Borys Wrzesnewskyj

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Robert Bouchard
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Diane Marleau
Pat Martin
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Louise Thibault
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
Lynne Yelich

Status of Women

Members (12)

France Bonsant
Paule Brunelle
Jean Crowder
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Betty Hinton
Susan Kadis
Anita Neville
Beth Phinney
Russ Powers
Paddy Torsney
Lynne Yelich

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Diane Bourgeois
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Nicole Demers
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Ruby Dhalla
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Christiane Gagnon
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Alexa McDonough
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
Maria Minna
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams


Members (12)

Dave Batters
Raymond Bonin
John Cannis
Robert Carrier
Bev Desjarlais
Roger Gallaway
Jim Gouk
Jim Karygiannis
Rob Nicholson
Marcel Proulx
Andrew Scheer
Caroline St-Hilaire

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Colleen Beaumier
Don Bell
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Bernard Bigras
Françoise Boivin
Marc Boulianne
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
Paul Crête
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mario Laframboise
Réal Lapierre
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Brian Masse
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Yasmin Ratansi
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Christian Simard
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Peter Stoffer
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

The Committee further recommends, pursuant to Standing Order 104(4), that the list of associate members for the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be as follows:

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Ed Broadbent
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
Jean Crowder
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Michel Gauthier
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Monique Guay
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Richard Marceau
Inky Mark
Réal Ménard
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
Marcel Proulx
James Rajotte
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Raymond Simard
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

The Committee further recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104(3) and (4), that the list of members and associate members for Standing Joint Committees of this House be as follows:

Library of Parliament

Members (12)

Charlie Angus
Marc Boulianne
Gerry Byrne
Mark Eyking
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Susan Kadis
Réal Lapierre
Dominic LeBlanc
Raymond Simard
Darrel Stinson
Maurice Vellacott

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Guy André
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Louis Plamondon
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Scrutiny of Regulations

Members (12)

Rob Anders
Maurizio Bevilacqua
Robert Bouchard
Gurmant Grewal
Monique Guay
Art Hanger
Randy Kamp
Derek Lee
Paul Harold Macklin
Lynn Myers
Tom Wappel
Judy Wasylycia-Leis

Associate Members

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mario Laframboise
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Richard Marceau
Inky Mark
Serge Ménard
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

It is further recommended that a message be sent to the Senate to acquaint their Honours of the names of the members to serve on behalf of this House on the standing joint committees.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 1) is tabled.

En conséquence, M. Boudria (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell), du Comité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre, présente le premier rapport de ce Comité, dont voici le texte :

Le Comité recommande, conformément au mandat que lui confèrent les articles 104 et 114 du Règlement, que la liste des membres et membres associés des comités permanents de la Chambre figure comme suit :

Affaires autochtones et développement du Grand Nord

Membres (12)

Sue Barnes
André Bellavance
Bernard Cleary
Jeremy Harrison
Nancy Karetak-Lindell
Gary Lunn
Pat Martin
Jim Prentice
Carol Skelton
David Smith
Lloyd St. Amand
Roger Valley

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Charlie Angus
Gérard Asselin
Larry Bagnell
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Jean Crowder
Nathan Cullen
John Cummins
Rodger Cuzner
Stockwell Day
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Charles Hubbard
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Marc Lemay
Yvon Lévesque
Tom Lukiwski
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Tony Martin
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Accès à l'information, protection des renseignements personnels et éthique

Membres (12)

Navdeep Bains
Ed Broadbent
David Chatters
Johanne Deschamps
Art Hanger
Russ Hiebert
Marlene Jennings
Mario Laframboise
Derek Lee
Carolyn Parrish
Michael Savage
David Tilson

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Marc Boulianne
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
Paul Crête
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Michel Gauthier
Yvon Godin
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Michel Guimond
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Pat Martin
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Anita Neville
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pauline Picard
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Tom Wappel
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Agriculture et agroalimentaire

Membres (12)

David Anderson
Charlie Angus
James Bezan
Claude Drouin
Wayne Easter
Roger Gaudet
David Kilgour
Larry Miller
Denise Poirier-Rivard
Gerry Ritz
Paul Steckle
Rose-Marie Ur

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Peter Adams
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
Dave Batters
André Bellavance
Leon Benoit
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Johanne Deschamps
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Yvon Godin
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Pierre Paquette
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Peter Stoffer
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Patrimoine canadien

Membres (12)

Charlie Angus
Gord Brown
Sarmite Bulte
Marlene Catterall
Wajid Khan
Maka Kotto
Marc Lemay
Deepak Obhrai
Pablo Rodriguez
Gary Schellenberger
Scott Simms
Merv Tweed

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Guy André
Dave Batters
Don Bell
Leon Benoit
Stéphane Bergeron
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Jean Crowder
Nathan Cullen
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
David Kilgour
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Louis Plamondon
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Peter Stoffer
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Citoyenneté et immigration

Membres (12)

Diane Ablonczy
David Anderson
Roger Clavet
Meili Faille
Hedy Fry
Helena Guergis
Rahim Jaffer
Inky Mark
Bill Siksay
Mario Silva
Andrew Telegdi
Lui Temelkovski

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Guy André
Dave Batters
Colleen Beaumier
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Diane Bourgeois
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
David Christopherson
Joe Comartin
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Odina Desrochers
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
Claude Drouin
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Raymonde Folco
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Francine Lalonde
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Pat Martin
Brian Masse
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Anita Neville
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Environnement et développement durable

Membres (12)

Bernard Bigras
Nathan Cullen
Brian Jean
David McGuinty
Bob Mills
Denis Paradis
Yasmin Ratansi
Lee Richardson
Christian Simard
Alan Tonks
Jeff Watson
Bryon Wilfert

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Gérard Asselin
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Marc Boulianne
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Serge Cardin
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
Paul Crête
Jean Crowder
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Mark Holland
Charles Hubbard
Rahim Jaffer
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Maria Minna
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Russ Powers
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Gerry Ritz
Francis Scarpaleggia
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Peter Stoffer
Belinda Stronach
Paul Szabo
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich


Membres (12)

Rona Ambrose
Don Bell
Guy Côté
Charles Hubbard
Yvan Loubier
John McKay
Maria Minna
Massimo Pacetti
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Monte Solberg
Judy Wasylycia-Leis

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Robert Bouchard
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
David Christopherson
Jean Crowder
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Johanne Deschamps
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mario Laframboise
Réal Lapierre
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Pierre Paquette
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Benoît Sauvageau
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Bill Siksay
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Pêches et océans

Membres (12)

Larry Bagnell
Raynald Blais
John Cummins
Rodger Cuzner
Loyola Hearn
Gerald Keddy
Bill Matthews
Shawn Murphy
Jean-Yves Roy
Peter Stoffer
Greg Thompson
Tom Wappel

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Gérard Asselin
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Marc Boulianne
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Serge Cardin
Colin Carrie
Robert Carrier
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Paul Crête
Jean Crowder
Nathan Cullen
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Yvon Godin
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Caroline St-Hilaire
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Affaires étrangères et commerce international

Membres (12)

Maurizio Bevilacqua
Stockwell Day
Francine Lalonde
Lawrence MacAulay
Alexa McDonough
Dan McTeague
Ted Menzies
Pierre Paquette
Bernard Patry
Beth Phinney
Kevin Sorenson
Belinda Stronach

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
David Anderson
Guy André
Claude Bachand
Navdeep Bains
Dave Batters
Don Bell
André Bellavance
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Diane Bourgeois
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Sarmite Bulte
John Cannis
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Roger Clavet
John Cummins
Johanne Deschamps
Bev Desjarlais
Odina Desrochers
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Mark Eyking
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Marlene Jennings
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
David Kilgour
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Brian Masse
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
Maria Minna
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Darrel Stinson
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Paddy Torsney
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Opérations gouvernementales et prévisions budgétaires

Membres (12)

Leon Benoit
Ken Boshcoff
Marcel Gagnon
Diane Marleau
Pat Martin
James Moore
Russ Powers
Joe Preston
Francis Scarpaleggia
Paul Szabo
Louise Thibault
Randy White

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Stéphane Bergeron
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
David Christopherson
Guy Côté
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Walt Lastewka
Guy Lauzon
Yvan Loubier
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
David McGuinty
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Benoît Sauvageau
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
John Williams
Lynne Yelich


Membres (12)

Colleen Beaumier
Bill Blaikie
Bonnie Brown
Colin Carrie
Brenda Chamberlain
Nicole Demers
Ruby Dhalla
Steven Fletcher
James Lunney
Réal Ménard
Rob Merrifield
Robert Thibault

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
Stéphane Bergeron
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Paule Brunelle
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Guy Côté
Nathan Cullen
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Raymonde Folco
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Yvan Loubier
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Brian Masse
Alexa McDonough
Ted Menzies
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Développement des ressources humaines, développement des compétences, développement social et condition des personnes handicapées

Membres (12)

Peter Adams
Eleni Bakopanos
Jean-Claude D'Amours
Barry Devolin
Raymonde Folco
Paul Forseth
Christiane Gagnon
Ed Komarnicki
Yves Lessard
Gurbax Malhi
Tony Martin
Peter Van Loan

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Don Bell
Leon Benoit
Stéphane Bergeron
James Bezan
Alain Boire
France Bonsant
Garry Breitkreuz
Ed Broadbent
Gord Brown
Paule Brunelle
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
David Christopherson
Jean Crowder
Nathan Cullen
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Nicole Demers
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Hedy Fry
Marcel Gagnon
Cheryl Gallant
Yvon Godin
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Carole Lavallée
Judi Longfield
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Alexa McDonough
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Anita Neville
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Christian Simard
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Maurice Vellacott
Robert Vincent
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Industrie, ressources naturelles, sciences et technologie

Membres (12)

Serge Cardin
Michael Chong
Denis Coderre
Paul Crête
John Duncan
Brian Masse
Lynn Myers
Jerry Pickard
Andy Savoy
Werner Schmidt
Brent St. Denis
Bradley Trost

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Gérard Asselin
Larry Bagnell
Dave Batters
Don Bell
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Bernard Bigras
Marc Boulianne
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Robert Carrier
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
David Christopherson
Guy Côté
Jean Crowder
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Hedy Fry
Sébastien Gagnon
Cheryl Gallant
Yvon Godin
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Marlene Jennings
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mario Laframboise
Réal Lapierre
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Yvon Lévesque
Yvan Loubier
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Tony Martin
David McGuinty
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Beth Phinney
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Bill Siksay
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Caroline St-Hilaire
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Justice, droits de la personne, sécurité publique et protection civile

Membres (12)

Diane Bourgeois
Garry Breitkreuz
Joe Comartin
Paul DeVillers
Paul Harold Macklin
John Maloney
Richard Marceau
Anita Neville
Myron Thompson
Vic Toews
Mark Warawa
Paul Zed

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Bill Blaikie
Gord Brown
Paule Brunelle
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Hedy Fry
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Marlene Jennings
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mario Laframboise
Guy Lauzon
Derek Lee
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Serge Ménard
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Bill Siksay
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
David Tilson
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Défense nationale et anciens combattants

Membres (12)

Claude Bachand
Bill Blaikie
Rick Casson
Betty Hinton
Judi Longfield
Dave MacKenzie
Keith Martin
Lawrence O'Brien
Pat O'Brien
Gordon O'Connor
Gilles-A. Perron
Anthony Rota

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Bernard Bigras
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Robert Carrier
Bill Casey
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Roger Clavet
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Odina Desrochers
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Francine Lalonde
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Anita Neville
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
Marcel Proulx
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Caroline St-Hilaire
Darrel Stinson
Peter Stoffer
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Langues officielles

Membres (12)

Guy André
Françoise Boivin
Roy Cullen
Odina Desrochers
Marc Godbout
Yvon Godin
Guy Lauzon
Pierre Poilievre
Pablo Rodriguez
Andrew Scheer
Raymond Simard
Maurice Vellacott

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
Stéphane Bergeron
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Ed Broadbent
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Maka Kotto
Daryl Kramp
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Comptes publics

Membres (12)

Dean Allison
Gary Carr
David Christopherson
Brian Fitzpatrick
Sébastien Gagnon
Mark Holland
Daryl Kramp
Walt Lastewka
Shawn Murphy
Benoît Sauvageau
John Williams
Borys Wrzesnewskyj

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Robert Bouchard
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Peter Julian
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Diane Marleau
Pat Martin
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Louise Thibault
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
Lynne Yelich

Condition féminine

Membres (12)

France Bonsant
Paule Brunelle
Jean Crowder
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Betty Hinton
Susan Kadis
Anita Neville
Beth Phinney
Russ Powers
Paddy Torsney
Lynne Yelich

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Diane Bourgeois
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Nicole Demers
Bev Desjarlais
Barry Devolin
Ruby Dhalla
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Christiane Gagnon
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Jack Layton
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Alexa McDonough
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
Maria Minna
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Judy Wasylycia-Leis
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams


Membres (12)

Dave Batters
Raymond Bonin
John Cannis
Robert Carrier
Bev Desjarlais
Roger Gallaway
Jim Gouk
Jim Karygiannis
Rob Nicholson
Marcel Proulx
Andrew Scheer
Caroline St-Hilaire

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Colleen Beaumier
Don Bell
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Bernard Bigras
Françoise Boivin
Marc Boulianne
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
Paul Crête
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mario Laframboise
Réal Lapierre
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Brian Masse
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Yasmin Ratansi
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Christian Simard
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Peter Stoffer
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Le Comité recommande de plus, conformément au mandat que lui confère l’article 104(4) du Règlement, que la liste des membres associés du Comité permanent de la procédure et des affaires de la Chambre figure comme suit :

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Ed Broadbent
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
Joe Comartin
Jean Crowder
John Cummins
Libby Davies
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Michel Gauthier
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Monique Guay
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Richard Marceau
Inky Mark
Réal Ménard
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
Marcel Proulx
James Rajotte
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Raymond Simard
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Le Comité recommande de plus, conformément au mandat que lui confèrent les articles 104(3) et (4) du Règlement, que la liste des membres et membres associés des comités mixtes permanents de la Chambre figure comme suit :

Bibliothèque du Parlement

Membres (12)

Charlie Angus
Marc Boulianne
Gerry Byrne
Mark Eyking
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Susan Kadis
Réal Lapierre
Dominic LeBlanc
Raymond Simard
Darrel Stinson
Maurice Vellacott

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Guy André
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Gurmant Grewal
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Art Hanger
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Inky Mark
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Louis Plamondon
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Examen de la réglementation

Membres (12)

Rob Anders
Maurizio Bevilacqua
Robert Bouchard
Gurmant Grewal
Monique Guay
Art Hanger
Randy Kamp
Derek Lee
Paul Harold Macklin
Lynn Myers
Tom Wappel
Judy Wasylycia-Leis

Membres associés

Jim Abbott
Diane Ablonczy
Dean Allison
Rona Ambrose
David Anderson
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Garry Breitkreuz
Gord Brown
Colin Carrie
Bill Casey
Rick Casson
David Chatters
Michael Chong
John Cummins
Stockwell Day
Barry Devolin
Norman Doyle
John Duncan
Ken Epp
Diane Finley
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven Fletcher
Paul Forseth
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jim Gouk
Nina Grewal
Helena Guergis
Stephen Harper
Richard Harris
Jeremy Harrison
Loyola Hearn
Russ Hiebert
Jay Hill
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Dale Johnston
Gerald Keddy
Jason Kenney
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mario Laframboise
Guy Lauzon
Tom Lukiwski
Gary Lunn
James Lunney
Peter MacKay
Dave MacKenzie
Richard Marceau
Inky Mark
Serge Ménard
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Rob Moore
Rob Nicholson
Deepak Obhrai
Gordon O'Connor
Bev Oda
Brian Pallister
Charlie Penson
Pierre Poilievre
Jim Prentice
Joe Preston
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
John Reynolds
Lee Richardson
Gerry Ritz
Andrew Scheer
Gary Schellenberger
Werner Schmidt
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Monte Solberg
Kevin Sorenson
Darrel Stinson
Belinda Stronach
Greg Thompson
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Vic Toews
Bradley Trost
Merv Tweed
Peter Van Loan
Maurice Vellacott
Mark Warawa
Jeff Watson
Randy White
John Williams
Lynne Yelich

Il est en outre recommandé qu'un message soit transmis au Sénat afin d'informer les honorables sénateurs des noms des députés qui représenteront la Chambre au sein des comités mixtes permanents.

Un exemplaire des procès-verbaux pertinents (réunion no 1) est déposé.

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Silva (Davenport), seconded by Ms. Boivin (Gatineau), in relation to the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne;

La Chambre reprend l’étude de la motion de M. Silva (Davenport), appuyé par Mme Boivin (Gatineau), relative à l'Adresse en réponse au discours du Trône;

And of the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary Southwest), seconded by Mr. MacKay (Central Nova);

Et de l’amendement de M. Harper (Calgary-Sud-Ouest), appuyé par M. MacKay (Nova-Centre);

And of the subamendment of Mr. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), seconded by Mr. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean).

Et du sous-amendement de M. Duceppe (Laurier—Sainte-Marie), appuyé par M. Gauthier (Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean).

The debate continued.

Le débat se poursuit.

By unanimous consent, it was ordered, — That the subamendment be replaced with the following:

Du consentement unanime, il est ordonné, — Que le sous-amendement soit remplacé par ce qui suit :

“and we ask Your Excellency’s advisors to ensure that all measures brought forward to implement the Speech from the Throne, including those referred to above, fully respect the provinces’ areas of jurisdiction and that the financial pressures some call the fiscal imbalance be alleviated.”

« et nous demandons aux conseillers de Votre Excellence de prévoir que dans toutes les mesures visant à mettre en œuvre le discours du Trône, y compris dans celles ci-haut mentionnées, les compétences des provinces soient intégralement respectées et que les pressions financières que certains appellent le déséquilibre fiscal soient allégées. »

The debate continued.

Le débat se poursuit.

At 6:15 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 50(5), the Speaker interrupted the proceedings.

À 18 h 15, conformément à l'article 50(5) du Règlement, le Président interrompt les délibérations.

The question was put on the subamendment and it was agreed to by unanimous consent.

Le sous-amendement, mis aux voix, est agréé du consentement unanime.

Interruption Interruption

At 6:20 p.m., the sitting was suspended.

À 18 h 20, la séance est suspendue.

At 7:00 p.m., the sitting resumed.

À 19 heures, la séance reprend.

Government Orders Ordres émanant du gouvernement

At 7:00 p.m., pursuant to Order made Tuesday, October 5, 2004, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the following motion, — That this Committee take note of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. (Government Business No. 2)

À 19 heures, conformément à l'ordre adopté le mardi 5 octobre 2004, la Chambre se forme en comité plénier pour étudier la motion suivante, — Que le comité prenne note de l'encéphalopathie bovine spongiforme. (Affaires émanant du gouvernement no 2)

At midnight, the Committee reported that progress had been made.

À minuit, le comité fait rapport de l’état de la question.

Pursuant to Order made earlier today, the Committee will consider the motion again on Tuesday, October 12, 2004, at 7:00 p.m.

Conformément à l’ordre adopté plus tôt aujourd’hui, le comité reprendra l’étude de la motion le mardi 12 octobre 2004, à 19 heures.

Returns and Reports Deposited with the Clerk of the House États et rapports déposés auprès du greffier de la Chambre

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), papers deposited with the Clerk of the House were laid upon the Table as follows:

Conformément à l'article 32(1) du Règlement, des documents remis au Greffier de la Chambre sont déposés sur le Bureau de la Chambre comme suit :

— by Mr. Emerson (Minister of Industry) — Report of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, together with the Auditor General's Report, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004, pursuant to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Act, R.S. 1985, c. S-12, sbs. 20(2). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-381-36-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Natural Ressources, Science and Technology)

— par M. Emerson (ministre de l'Industrie) — Rapport du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada, ainsi que le rapport du Vérificateur général y afférent, pour l'exercice terminé le 31 mars 2004, conformément à la Loi sur le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada, L.R. 1985, ch. S-12, par. 20(2). — Document parlementaire no 8560-381-36-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de l'industrie, des ressources naturelles, des sciences et de la technologie)

— by Mr. Emerson (Minister of Industry) — Copy of the Rules amending the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Rules (JUS-602370), pursuant to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S. 1985, c. B-3, sbs. 209(2). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-381-284-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology)

— par M. Emerson (ministre de l'Industrie) — Copie des Règles modifiant les Règles générales sur la faillite et l'insolvabilité (JUS-602370), conformément à la Loi sur la faillite, L.R. 1985, ch. B-3, par. 209(2). — Document parlementaire no 8560-381-284-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de l'industrie, des ressources naturelles, des sciences et de la technologie)

— by Mr. Emerson (Minister of Industry) — Report of the Copyright Board for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004, pursuant to the Copyright Act, R.S. 1985 (4th Supp.), c. 10 , s. 12. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-381-555-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology)

— par M. Emerson (ministre de l'Industrie) — Rapport de la Commission du droit d'auteur pour l'exercice terminé le 31 mars 2004, conformément à la Loi sur le droit d'auteur, L.R. 1985 (4e suppl.), ch. 10, art. 12. — Document parlementaire no 8560-381-555-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de l'industrie, des ressources naturelles, des sciences et de la technologie)

— by Mr. Emerson (Minister of Industry) — Reports of the Copyright Board for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004, pursuant to the Access to Information Act and to the Privacy Act, R.S. 1985, c. A-1 and P-21, sbs. 72(2). — Sessional Paper No. 8561-381-546-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)

— par M. Emerson (ministre de l'Industrie) — Rapports de la Commission du droit d'auteur pour l'exercice terminé le 31 mars 2004, conformément à la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et à la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, L.R. 1985, ch. A-1 et P-21, par. 72(2). — Document parlementaire no 8561-381-546-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de la justice, des droits de la personne, de la sécurité publique et de la protection civile)

— by Mr. Emerson (Minister of Industry) — Reports of the National Research Council for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004, pursuant to the Access to Information Act and to the Privacy Act, R. S. 1985, c. A-1 and P-21, sbs. 72(2). — Sessional Paper No. 8561-381-639-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)

— par M. Emerson (ministre de l'Industrie) — Rapports du Conseil national de recherches pour l'exercice terminé le 31 mars 2004, conformément à la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et à la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, L. R. 1985, ch. A-1 et P-21, par. 72(2). — Document parlementaire no 8561-381-639-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de la justice, des droits de la personne, de la sécurité publique et de la protection civile)

— by Mr. Emerson (Minister of Industry) — Reports of the Standards Council of Canada for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004, pursuant to the Access to Information Act and to the Privacy Act, R. S. 1985, c. A-1 and P-21, sbs. 72(2). — Sessional Paper No. 8561-381-642-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)

— par M. Emerson (ministre de l'Industrie) — Rapports du Conseil canadien des normes pour l'exercice terminé le 31 mars 2004, conformément à la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et à la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, L. R. 1985, ch. A-1 et P-21, par. 72(2). — Document parlementaire no 8561-381-642-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de la justice, des droits de la personne, de la sécurité publique et de la protection civile)

— by Mr. Emerson (Minister of Industry) — Summary of the Corporate Plan for 2005-2009 of the Business Development Bank of Canada, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R. S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-381-833-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology)

— par M. Emerson (ministre de l'Industrie) — Sommaire du plan d'entreprise de 2005-2009 de la Banque de développement du Canada, conformément à la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques, L. R. 1985, ch. F-11, par. 125(4). — Document parlementaire no 8562-381-833-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de l'industrie, des ressources naturelles, des sciences et de la technologie)

— by Mr. Goodale (Minister of Finance) — Report of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, together with the Auditor General's Report, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004, pursuant to the Financial Institutions and Deposit Insurance System Amendment Act, R.S. 1985, c. 18 (3rd Supp.), s. 25. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-381-535-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Finance)

— par M. Goodale (ministre des Finances) — Rapport du Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières, ainsi que le rapport du Vérificateur général y afférent, pour l'exercice terminé le 31 mars 2004, conformément à la Loi sur les institutions financières et modifiant le système d'assurance-dépôts, L.R. 1985, ch. 18 (3e suppl.), art. 25. — Document parlementaire no 8560-381-535-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent des finances)

— by Mr. Goodale (Minister of Finance) — Report of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, together with the Auditor General's Report, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004, pursuant to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act, S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 34. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-381-797-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Finance)

— par M. Goodale (ministre des Finances) — Rapport de l'Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada, ainsi que le rapport du Vérificateur général y afférent, pour l'exercice terminé le 31 mars 2004, conformément à la Loi sur l'Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada, L.C. 2001, ch. 9, par. 34. — Document parlementaire no 8560-381-797-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent des finances)

— by Mr. McGuire (Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) — Report of the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, together with the Auditor General's Report, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R. S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 150(1). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-381-575-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology)

— par M. McGuire (ministre de l'Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique) — Rapport de la Société d'expansion du Cap-Breton, ainsi que le rapport du Vérificateur général y afférent, pour l'exercice terminé le 31 mars 2004, conformément à la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques, L. R. 1985, ch. F-11, par. 150(1). — Document parlementaire no 8560-381-575-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de l'industrie, des ressources naturelles, des sciences et de la technologie)

— by Mr. McGuire (Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) — Report of the Cape Breton Growth Fund Corporation, together with the Auditor General's Report, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 150(1). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-381-778-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology)

— par M. McGuire (ministre de l'Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique) — Rapport de la Corporation Fonds d'investissement du Cap-Breton, ainsi que le rapport du Vérificateur général y afférent, pour l'exercice terminé le 31 mars 2004, conformément à la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques, L.R. 1985, ch. F-11, par. 150(1). — Document parlementaire no 8560-381-778-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de l'industrie, des ressources naturelles, des sciences et de la technologie)

— by Mr. McGuire (Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) — Summaries of the Corporate Plan for 2004-2005 to 2008-2009 of the Cape Breton Growth Fund and of the Operating and Capital budgets for 2004-2005, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-381-827-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology)

— par M. McGuire (ministre de l'Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique) — Sommaires du plan d'entreprise de 2004-2005 à 2008-2009 de la Société du Fonds d'investissement du Cap-Breton et des budgets de fonctionnement et des immobilisations de 2004-2005, conformément à la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques, L.R. 1985, ch. F-11, par. 125(4). — Document parlementaire no 8562-381-827-02. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de l'industrie, des ressources naturelles, des sciences et de la technologie)

— by Mr. McGuire (Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) — Summaries of the Corporate Plan for 2004-2005 to 2008-2009 and of the Capital and Operating Budgets for 2004-2005 of the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R. S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). — Sessional Paper No. 8562-381-855-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology)

— par M. McGuire (ministre de l'Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique) — Sommaires du plan d'entreprise de 2004-2005 à 2008-2009 et des budgets de fonctionnement et d'immobilisation de 2004-2005 de la Société d'expansion du Cap-Breton, conformément à la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques, L. R. 1985, ch. F-11, par. 125(4). — Document parlementaire no 8562-381-855-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent de l'industrie, des ressources naturelles, des sciences et de la technologie)

— by Mr. Regan (Minister of Fisheries and Oceans) — Report of the operations under the Fisheries Development Act for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004, pursuant to the Fisheries Development Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-21, s. 10. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-381-292-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans)

— par M. Regan (ministre des Pêches et des Océans) — Rapport des travaux effectués en vertu de la Loi sur le développement de la pêche pour l'exercice terminé le 31 mars 2004, conformément à la Loi sur le développement de la pêche, L.R. 1985, ch. F-21, art. 10. — Document parlementaire no 8560-381-292-01. (Conformément à l'article 32(5) du Règlement, renvoi en permanence au Comité permanent des pêches et des océans)

Adjournment Ajournement

At 12:02 a.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until later today at 10:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).

À 0 h 2, le Président ajourne la Chambre jusqu'à plus tard aujourd'hui, à 10 heures, conformément à l'article 24(1) du Règlement.