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Thirty-fifth Parliament


Members of the House of Commons

Constituency Listing: NOVA SCOTIA (11)

Annapolis Valley--Hants: John Murphy (Liberal Party)
Cape Breton--East Richmond: Hon. David Dingwall (Liberal Party)
Cape Breton--The Sydneys: Russell MacLellan (Liberal Party)
Cape Breton Highlands--Canso: Francis G. LeBlanc (Liberal Party)
Central Nova: Roseanne Skoke (Liberal Party)
Cumberland--Colchester: Dianne Brushett (Liberal Party)
Dartmouth: Ron MacDonald (Liberal Party)
Halifax: Mary Clancy (Liberal Party)
Halifax West: Geoff Regan (Liberal Party)
South Shore: Derek Wells (Liberal Party)
South West Nova: Harry Verran (Liberal Party)

Parliamentary Internet Parlementaire
Last revised September 26, 1997