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Thirty-fifth Parliament

Federal Cabinet Ministers

Alphabetical Listing

Hon. David ANDERSON Minister of Transport
Hon. Lloyd AXWORTHY Minister of Foreign Affairs
Hon. Don BOUDRIA Minister for International Cooperation
and Minister responsible for Francophonie
Rt. Hon. Jean CHRÉTIEN Prime Minister
Hon. Sheila COPPS Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Canadian Heritage
Hon. David Charles DINGWALL Minister of Health
Hon. Stéphane DION President of the Queen's Privy Council for
Canada and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
Hon. Arthur C. EGGLETON Minister for International Trade
Hon. Joyce FAIRBAIRN Leader of the Government in the Senate and
Minister with special responsibility for Literacy
Hon. Alfonso GAGLIANO Minister of Labour and Deputy Leader of
the Government in the House of Commons
Hon. Ralph E. GOODALE Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Hon. Herbert Eser GRAY Leader of the Government in the House of
Commons and Solicitor General of Canada
Hon. Ron IRWIN Minister of Indian Affairs and
Northern Development
Hon. John MANLEY Minister of Industry, Minister for the Atlantic
Canada Opportunities Agency, Minister of
Western Economic Diversification and Minister
responsible for the Federal Office of
Regional Development - Quebec
Hon. Sergio MARCHI Minister of the Environment
Hon. Diane MARLEAU Minister of Public Works and
Government Services
Hon. Paul MARTIN Minister of Finance
Hon. Marcel MASSÉ President of the Treasury Board
Hon. Anne McLELLAN Minister of Natural Resources
Hon. Fred J. MIFFLIN Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
Hon. Pierre S. PETTIGREW Minister of Human Resources
Hon. Lucienne ROBILLARD Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Hon. Allan ROCK Minister of Justice and Attorney General
of Canada
Hon. Jane STEWART Minister of National Revenue
Hon. Douglas YOUNG Minister of National Defence and Minister
of Veterans Affairs

Last revised September 26, 1997
Parliamentary Internet Parliamentaire
