Questions Related to Content of Bills / Estimates

Item anticipating passage of bill

Debates p. 2308


On a point of order, Mr. Nielsen (Yukon) questioned the procedural acceptability of Vote le under National Revenue in the Supplementary Estimates (C) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1984. He argued that $225,000 under the Vote was for a program which anticipated a decision of the House in relation to Bill C-16, the Customs and Excise Offshore Application Act, presently before the House. Mr. Speaker reserved his decision until later that day.


Can an item in a Vote anticipating the passage of legislation be included in a supplementary estimate?


No. The Vote must be reduced by an amount equal to that required for the item.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The Vote would: authorize a new program without the appropriate legislative authority. The rulings of the Chair since 1974 clearly emphasize that it is not procedurally correct to use an Appropriation Act to establish a new program.

Sources cited

Debates, June 12, 1981, pp. 10546-7; March 21, 1983, p. 23968.


Debates, March 21, 1984, p. 2286.