Rules of Debate - Order and Decorum / Miscellaneous

Mover of motion cannot be seconder of amendment

Debates p. 506


During debate on the motion of Mr. Anguish (The Battlefords—Meadow Lake) for second reading of Bill C-203, an Act to declare Canada a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone, Mr. Waddell (Vancouver—Kingsway) proposed to move an amendment to the main motion and indicated that Mr. Anguish would be the seconder. The Deputy Speaker ruled immediately.


Can the mover of the main motion be the seconder of an amendment to that motion?


No. The mover of the main motion cannot be the seconder of an amendment to that motion.

Reasons given by the Deputy Speaker

The Member cannot be the seconder for the amendment since he is the mover of the main motion. [As no other Member could be found to second the amendment the Deputy Speaker was unable to put the amendment before the House.]

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Debates, January 17, 1984, pp. 500-7.

Beauchesne, 5th ed., pp. 99-100, c. 304; Bourinot, 4th ed., pp. 345-6.