History, Art and Architecture Collection
ashtray (elevator)

ashtray (elevator)

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ashtray (elevator) Photo gallery for photo 1


Materials metal, unidentified
Dimensions (cm) 17.5 (Length)9.5 (Width)19.5 (Height)
Functions Household accessory
Barcode 603017
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The freedom to smoke tobacco in the Parliament building has wafted away, but the pungent fumes remain in this ashtray. Though smoking was never allowed in the Commons Chamber, it was permitted everywhere else, even within the close confines of the building’s elevators. This ashtray was originally installed either inside or just outside an elevator in the basement of Parliament. It has a flat back beneath a sleek, domed green metal exterior, with a removable tray for clean up. It was removed when non-smoking bylaws came into effect, most likely in the 1990s.