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ETHI Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Minutes of Proceedings

42nd Parliament, 1st Session
Meeting No. 5
Thursday, March 10, 2016, 8:44 a.m. to 10:47 a.m.
Blaine Calkins, Chair (Conservative)

Library of Parliament
• Chloé Forget, Analyst
• Maxime-Olivier Thibodeau, Analyst
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
• Daniel Therrien, Privacy Commissioner of Canada
• Patricia Kosseim, Senior General Counsel and Director General, Legal Services, Policy, Research and Technology Analysis Branch
• Sue Lajoie, Director General, Privacy Act Investigations
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(h)(vi) and the motion adopted by the Committee on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, the Committee commenced its study of the Privacy Act.

Daniel Therrien made a statement and, with Sue Lajoie and Patricia Kosseim, answered questions.

The Committee proceeded to the consideration of matters related to Committee business.


Daniel Blaikie moved, — That the Committee request all briefing materials and memos prepared by the Treasury Board Secretariat for the President of the Treasury Board with regard to possible changes to the Access to Information Act; and that the Committee invite the President of the Treasury Board to appear before it to elaborate on the aforesaid information at his earliest convenience following receipt of this information by the Committee.

Debate arose thereon.


Joël Lightbound moved, — That the motion be amended by deleting the words “request all briefing materials and memos prepared by the Treasury Board Secretariat for the President of the Treasury Board with regard to possible changes to the Access to Information Act; and that the Committee”, and by replacing the words “the aforesaid information at his earliest convenience following receipt of this information by the Committee” with the words “possible changes to the Access to Information Act”.

After debate, the question was put on the amendment of Joël Lightbound and it was agreed to, by a show of hands: YEAS: 8; NAYS: 1.

The question was put on the motion, as amended, and it was agreed to, by a show of hands: YEAS: 9; NAYS: 0 and now reads as follows — That the Committee invite the President of the Treasury Board to appear before it to elaborate on possible changes to the Access to Information Act.

At 10:41 a.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 10:41 a.m., the sitting resumed in camera.

At 10:47 a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Michel Marcotte
Clerk of the Committee