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FINA Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Finance
house of commons
K1A 0A6

Comité permanent des finances

For immediate release


Canada: Competing to Win

Ottawa, December 07, 2006 -

(8 December 2006) - Today, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance tabled its pre-budget report for 2006 entitled Canada: Competing to Win. The Report contains 43 recommendations based on the Committee’s cross-country and Ottawa-based hearings held in September and October.

The report reflects the testimony received by the Committee from more than 400 groups and individuals who made presentations related to the 2006 pre-budget theme of competitiveness.

Mr. Brian Pallister, M.P., Chair of the Committee, said: “I am confident that the implementation of the recommendations contained in our report would put Canada on the path to the productivity growth and competitiveness that are needed for our future. Our recommendations cover a wide variety of areas, but are all directed toward making our people, our communities and our businesses competitive as we head into a future that is characterized by rapid technological change and the emergence of new economic powers.”

“We have made recommendations about health, education, and incentives to work and to save that will ensure our people are productive. Recommendations about Canada’s infrastructure and the environment, as well as about charitable giving, volunteerism and support for our arts and cultural sector will help to ensure competitive communities. Finally, businesses would be more competitive with the adoption of our recommendations in such areas as corporate taxation, support for R&D and innovation, regulation and international trade,” continued Mr. Pallister.

Mr. Pallister concluded: “I know that my Committee colleagues join me in thanking all of the groups and individuals – coast to coast – who took the time to share with us their insights about the federal taxation, spending and other measures that should be taken as we seek to make Canada as competitive as we can, and should, be. Without their valuable insights, the Committee would, quite simply, be unable to do the work required as we seek to provide input on the priorities for the next federal budget.”

The Committee’s report can be found on the web at

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For more information, please contact:
Mr. Brian Pallister, Chair, House Finance Committee: 613-995-9511
Ms. Elizabeth Kingston, Clerk, House Finance Committee: 613-992-9753