39th Parliament, 2nd Session (October 16, 2007 - September 7, 2008)

Bill C-474

An Act to require the development and implementation of a Federal Sustainable Development Strategy and the development of goals and targets with respect to sustainable development in Canada, and to make consequential amendments to another Act

Adopted by the House on June 13, 2008

Report and Government Response

Report 7: Bill C-474, An Act to require the development and implementation of a National Sustainable Development Strategy, the reporting of progress against a standard set of environmental indicators and the appointment of an independent Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development accountable to Parliament, and to adopt specific goals with respect to sustainable development in Canada, and to make consequential amendments to another Act
  • Adopted by the Committee: June 2, 2008
  • Presented to the House: June 4, 2008
  • No Government Response requested


Webcast Televised Audio only In Camera Cancelled Modified Outside of Parliament Hill