Great BritainIn the British Parliament, two sorts of committees began to evolve in the sixteenth century: small committees composed of no more than 15 members known as “select committees”, and large committees whose membership numbered between 30 and 40 called “standing committees”.[11] Bills were often considered in detail in select committees and only members appointed to these committees were allowed to participate. In contrast, it became common in standing committees to allow whoever attended to speak. These standing committees eventually evolved into “general” or “grand” committees comprising as many members as the House itself. During the reigns of James I (1603‑25) and Charles I (1625‑49), they became known as Committees of the Whole.[12] These committees were established as forums for discussing bills of great interest[13] and provided Members with the opportunity to speak to a question as often as they wanted.[14] A further reason for considering bills in this forum was the greater freedom of debate secured by the removal of the “constraining presence of the Speaker, who was at this period expected to look after the interests of the King”.[15] By the beginning of the eighteenth century, it had become common to refer all bills to grand committees for detailed discussion following second reading.[16] This development proved to be an efficient method of discussing matters of detail and, in the latter half of the century, for the House to establish its control over financial matters.[17] CanadaIn Canada, the colonial legislatures generally modelled their procedures on those of the British House. In 1792, the Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada adopted the British practice of resolving into a Committee of the Whole to consider legislation, or procedural and constitutional matters.[18] Beginning in 1817 in Lower Canada, four committees whose membership was composed of all Members were appointed at the commencement of each session and were directed by the Assembly to sit on certain days in each week. They were called the Grand Committees for grievances, courts of justice, agriculture and commerce. In 1840, after the union of Upper and Lower Canada, most of the parliamentary rules that had been in place in Lower Canada were adopted,[19] and the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada continued to do a significant part of its business in Committees of the Whole.[20] At Confederation in 1867, the House of Commons adopted the rules of the former Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, including the procedures and practices pertaining to Committees of the Whole.[21] Thus, all matters affecting trade, taxation or public revenue had to be first considered in a Committee of the Whole House before any resolution or bill could be passed by the House of Commons.[22] Addresses to the Crown were also frequently founded on resolutions first considered in a Committee of the Whole.[23] From 1867 to 1968, there were three types of committees composed of the membership of the whole House: the Committee of Supply, the Committee of Ways and Means and Committees of the Whole House. The Committee of Supply would debate each request for supply (interim supply, main estimates and supplementary estimates), item by item.[24] When that Committee recommended to the House that the supply requested be granted, and the House concurred, the Members went into the Committee of Ways and Means.[25] The Committee of Ways and Means would subsequently consider resolutions to authorize the expenditures from the Consolidated Revenue Fund;[26] once the resolutions were reported from the Committee of Ways and Means, and concurred in by the House, an appropriation bill based on the resolutions would then be introduced in the House.[27] The Committee of Ways and Means would also give preliminary authorization to taxation proposals outlined in the Minister of Finance’s budget.[28] A Committee of the Whole would routinely debate resolutions preceding bills involving the expenditure of public monies.[29] It would only debate the advisability of the measure proposed since the details of the bill would not yet be known. Debate could be very lengthy. After the resolution was approved, the House would proceed with the introduction and first reading of the bill.[30] A Committee of the Whole would also consider in detail most bills after second reading,[31] and other matters such as reports from committees appointed to review House rules and procedures,[32] and resolutions concerning international treaties and conventions.[33] Few bills were sent to standing or special committees for consideration. At that time, the work of standing and special committees was investigative, not legislative. Standing committees did not have the power to adopt clauses of a bill. If a standing or special committee had been directed to examine a bill and had reported it back to the House, the proposed text of the bill had to be reconsidered again, clause‑by‑clause, in a Committee of the Whole. It was the Committee of the Whole’s report that the House concurred in at report stage.[34] Only minor changes to Committee of the Whole proceedings were made during the first hundred years of Confederation. In 1910, the House adopted rules codifying the requirement for relevance during debate in a Committee of the Whole and empowered the Chairman of Committees of the Whole House to direct a Member who persisted in irrelevance or repetition to discontinue his or her speech, the rule being copied verbatim from the British House of Commons’ rules.[35] In 1955, the House concurred in a committee report recommending restrictions on the length of debate in a Committee of the Whole and on the motion for the House to resolve into Committee of Supply.[36] In October 1964, rules were adopted pertaining to the limitation of debate on a resolution preceding bills involving the expenditure of public monies, and to the rearrangement of the order of consideration of a bill in a Committee of the Whole.[37] In 1968, a special committee appointed to revise the rules of the House[38] criticized, among other things, the study of legislation in a Committee of the Whole. It argued such studies were too cumbersome and inefficient to handle the increased volume and complexity of legislation. The special committee recommended, first, the elimination of the preliminary resolution stage in a Committee of the Whole for taxation bills, and second, the reference of all bills, except those based on supply and ways and means motions, to standing committees, where the clauses could be meticulously examined. It also recommended that bills referred to standing committees not be reconsidered in a Committee of the Whole. In addition, it recommended that bills considered in a Committee of the Whole not be debatable at report stage, and that all speeches in that forum be limited to 20 minutes.[39] The House subsequently adopted new Standing Orders which implemented these recommendations.[40] In 1975, provisional amendments were made to the Standing Orders concerning supply proceedings whereby selected items in the estimates could be withdrawn from standing committees and examined in a Committee of the Whole.[41] This provisional Standing Order was continued for the following session through agreement,[42] but was not renewed thereafter. Changes to Committee of the Whole procedures occurred again in 1985 when the House amended its Standing Orders provisionally to reflect a recommendation made by the Special Committee on the Reform of the House of Commons. The Committee recommended that bills based on ways and means motions be referred to legislative committees, established specifically to examine bills in detail, rather than a Committee of the Whole. Only bills based on a supply motion to concur in estimates or interim supply would be referred to a Committee of the Whole.[43] This change was adopted permanently in 1987.[44] In March 2001, the House introduced two new Committee of the Whole procedures thus giving them a greater role in current House practice.[45] First, the House wanted to use the Committee of the Whole format for take-note debates, which had become more frequent since the mid-1990s.[46] Considering that take-note debates provided a good opportunity to solicit the views of Members on government policy, and that debates in Committee of the Whole were often less formal and partisan, a new Standing Order was adopted that allowed a Minister, following consultation with the House Leaders of the other parties in the House, to move a motion setting out the terms of a take-note debate in Committee of the Whole.[47] This procedure was suggested after two successful take‑note debates had been held in this manner in the spring of 2001.[48] The new Standing Order has been used frequently since its adoption, and take-note debates have covered a wide array of topics, from domestic policy to international issues.[49] Second, the House adopted a new Standing Order authorizing the Leader of the Opposition to refer consideration of the main estimates of no more than two departments or agencies to a Committee of the Whole.[50] The estimates are considered on the day appointed by the government. This new Standing Order enhances the importance and the visibility of the estimates review process. Consideration in Committee of the Whole permits a more meaningful examination of government estimates, while facilitating the participation of Members who are interested in the department or agency whose estimates are being considered. Conducting these televised proceedings in the Chamber confirms the financial oversight role of the House of Commons. The first of these debates was held in May 2002.[51] The following year, the House reduced the total time for consideration of each of the two sets of estimates from five hours to four, and changed the maximum length of time allowed for speeches.[52] [11] Standing committees in Britain should not be confused with the standing committees in the Canadian House of Commons today, which are similar in size to the British “select committees”. [12] Bourinot, Sir J.G., Parliamentary Procedure and Practice in the Dominion of Canada, 4th ed., edited by T.B. Flint, Toronto: Canada Law Book Company, 1916, pp. 391‑2. The earliest references to general committees and grand committees comprising the total membership of the House can be found during the reign of Elizabeth I (Wilding and Laundy, 4th ed., p. 152). [13] For example, bills imposing a tax or involving constitutional issues were frequent in Parliaments during the Stuart monarchy. [14] Redlich, J., The Procedure of the House of Commons: A Study of its History and Present Form, Vol. II, translated by A.E. Steinthal, New York: AMS Press, 1969 (reprint of 1908 ed.), p. 208. [15] Campion, G.F.M., An Introduction to the Procedure of the House of Commons, 3rd ed., London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1958, p. 27. See also Griffith, J.A.G. and Ryle, M., Parliament: Functions, Practice and Procedures, 2nd ed., edited by R. Blackburn and A. Kennon with Sir M. Wheeler-Booth, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2003, p. 384. [16] Redlich, Vol. II, p. 210. [17] Campion, 3rd ed., pp. 28‑9. [18] Nonetheless, the Upper Canada Assembly made wider use of its select committee system than Great Britain at the time and many bills were referred to select committees after second reading. O’Brien, G., “Pre-Confederation Parliamentary Procedure: The Evolution of Legislative Practice in the Lower Houses of Central Canada, 1792-1866”, Ph.D. thesis, Carleton University, 1988, p. 103. [19] O’Brien, p. 256. O’Brien notes that parliamentary procedure in Lower Canada was more comprehensive and better suited to a larger assembly than that in Upper Canada. [20] Bourinot, J.G., South Hackensack, New Jersey: Rothman Reprints Inc., 1971 (reprint of 1st ed., 1884), p. 414. [21] Bourinot, 1st ed., p. 212. [22] Bourinot, 1st ed., p. 416. [23] Bourinot, 1st ed., p. 416. [24] See, for example, Journals, October 27, 1967, pp. 418‑20. [25] See, for example, Journals, March 26, 1964, pp. 133‑4. [26] See, for example, Journals, March 26, 1964, p. 134; June 18, 1965, p. 278. [27] See, for example, Journals, March 26, 1964, p. 134. For further information on the Committee of Supply and the Committee of Ways and Means, see Chapter 18, “Financial Procedures”. [28] See, for example, Journals, April 29, 1964, pp. 266‑71; December 14, 1967, pp. 595‑600. [29] Resolutions relating to the expediency of introducing an appropriation bill and couched in general rather than specific terms would be proposed to the House and referred to a Committee of the Whole for consideration. [30] See, for example, Journals, July 3, 1961, pp. 795‑6; July 13, 1964, pp. 526‑7. [31] See, for example, Journals, November 13, 1964, p. 872; November 27, 1967, pp. 537‑8. [32] See, for example, Journals, April 29, 1910, pp. 535‑7; July 12, 1955, p. 881. [33] See, for example, Journals, May 1, 1925, pp. 234‑6; June 8, 1942, p. 367. [34] Stewart, J.B., The Canadian House of Commons: Procedure and Reform, Montreal and London: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1977, p. 85. See, for example, Journals, October 6, 1966, pp. 833‑4; March 1, 1967, pp. 1459‑60; March 15, 1967, p. 1538; March 16, 1967, pp. 1540, 1542; March 17, 1967, p. 1546; March 20, 1967, p. 1556; March 21, 1967, p. 1584. [35] Journals, April 29, 1910, pp. 535‑7, in particular p. 537. See also British House of Commons Standing Order 42. [36] Journals, July 12, 1955, pp. 881, 920, 922‑3, 928‑9. Speeches were limited to 30 minutes at a time, except for the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition, who had unlimited time, and the motion for the Speaker to leave the Chair was to be decided without debate or amendment. [37] Journals, October 9, 1964, pp. 779‑80. Debate on such resolutions was limited to one day. In addition, the length of speeches was reduced to no more than 20 minutes solely during consideration of such resolutions in a Committee of the Whole. Consideration of Clause 1 of a bill was postponed until all other clauses had been considered if Clause 1 contained only the short title of the bill. [38] Journals, September 24, 1968, p. 68. [39] Journals, December 6, 1968, pp. 429‑64, in particular pp. 432‑3, 436. The Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition continued to have unlimited time. [40] Journals, December 20, 1968, pp. 554‑79, in particular pp. 560, 562, 572‑3. [41] Journals, March 14, 1975, pp. 372‑6; March 24, 1975, p. 399. In its Second Report, the Standing Committee on Procedure and Organization had expressed the view that the examination of selected items in the estimates in a Committee of the Whole would permit the House to perform more effectively (Journals, March 14, 1975, p. 373). [42] Journals, October 12, 1976, p. 12. [43] Special Committee on the Reform of the House of Commons (the McGrath Committee), Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, December 19, 1984, Issue No. 2, pp. 3‑23, in particular p. 21. See, for example, Journals, December 20, 1984, p. 211; June 27, 1985, pp. 918‑9. [44] Journals, June 3, 1987, pp. 1002‑3, 1016. [45] See Journals, March 15, 2001, pp. 175-6; March 21, 2001, pp. 208-9, appointment of the Special Committee on the Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons. See also the First Report of the Committee, par. 26-29, 33-36, presented to the House on June 1, 2001 (Journals, p. 465) and concurred in on October 4, 2001 (Journals, pp. 691-3) by Special Order (Journals, October 3, 2001, p. 685). The Committee members devoted an entire section of their report to Committees of the Whole, and stated that greater use of Committees of the Whole should be considered in the future (par. 40). They also suggested extending the Committee of the Whole format to emergency debates (par. 30). [46] For further information on take-note debates and their history, see Chapter 15, “Special Debates”. [47] Standing Order 53.1. [48] The first take‑note debate was held on April 24, 2001, on the state of Canada’s resource industries, and the second took place on May 1, 2001, on proposals to modernize the Standing Orders. The new provisions in the Standing Orders were followed for the first time to schedule a debate on the upcoming World Trade Organization ministerial meeting. That debate was held on November 5, 2001 (Journals, April 23, 2001, p. 308; April 24, 2001, pp. 320, 322; May 1, 2001, pp. 342, 351; November 1, 2001, p. 781; November 5, 2001, p. 793). [49] See, for example, the debates held on January 29, 2003 (on the situation in Iraq, Journals, p. 341); April 6, 2006 (on agricultural issues, Journals, p. 29); April 10, 2006 (on Canada’s commitment in Afghanistan, Journals, p. 42). [50] Standing Order 81(4). For further information on the consideration of specific Votes in the main estimates in Committee of the Whole, see the section in this chapter entitled “Other Uses of Committees of the Whole”, and Chapter 18, “Financial Procedures”. [51] Journals, May 7, 2002, p. 1385. [52] Fourth Report of the Special Committee on the Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons, June 2003, par. 43, presented to the House on June 12, 2003 (Journals, p. 915) and concurred in on September 18, 2003 (Journals, p. 995). |