e-4351 (Public safety)
Original language of petition: English
Petition to the Government of Canada
- The Authorization Guidelines for Consumer and Display Fireworks, was revised by U.S. scientists, and found that in “2.3.3 List of Chemicals Normally Precluding Authorization - The following chemicals are normally not allowed in fireworks”, the wording “normally” is wrong. Lead, chromium, arsenic, and carcinogens should never be allowed;
- The chemical analysis is worrisome: 0.5% of the total weight of a consumer display could be lead or arsenic. That weight includes the casing and everything. That much lead or arsenic in the generated aerosol would be toxic to inhale;
- Dr. Terry Gordon, a professor in the Department of Medicine and a member of the Division of Environmental Medicine, states that although people are only exposed to these substances for a short time each year, they are much more toxic than the pollutants we breathe every day”;
- A study by the Canadian Environmental Law Association and the Ontario College of Family Physicians states that the surface has only been scratched in understanding how detrimental toxic environmental it is;
- The federal government has the constitutional authority to control air pollution, primarily through its powers to protect public health and safety and to regulate transboundary effect;
- Supplying financial support to provinces to buy fireworks harm the environment; and
- Animal organizations already stressed financially receive a big amount of hurt animals. International Protection for Animals reported too many injuries to animals and birds due to fireworks.
Response by the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources
Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): THE HONOURABLE JONATHAN WILKINSON, P.C., M.P.
While fireworks have been part of celebrations across Canada for more than 100 years, some communities are exploring new ways to enhance their firework shows or replace fireworks entirely with a light show. The Government of Canada supports light shows in community events provided all relevant regulations are followed. The Government of Canada will also continue to allow firework displays that are conducted in accordance with the Explosives Act and the Explosives Regulations, 2013, and will continue to work to ensure that fireworks can be safely enjoyed while minimizing their impact on the environment and human health, including:
- Evaluating all fireworks before they are placed on the Canadian market using the Authorization Guidelines for Consumer and Display Fireworks, which detail the strict acceptance criteria for fireworks.
- Assessing all chemical compositions in fireworks to ensure there are no prohibited chemicals such as lead, chromium, arsenic, and other carcinogens.
- Regularly testing fireworks at the Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory to ensure they meet the strict criteria in the Guidelines. During these tests, the sound levels for the fireworks are routinely measured to confirm they are under advised noise thresholds.
- Inspecting all display firework shows to confirm they are conducted in full compliance with the Explosives Regulations, 2013 to ensure the safety of the public and firework operators.
The Government of Canada is committed to the well-being of our communities and will continue to work to ensure the responsible and safe use of fireworks without excluding light shows and other means of celebration.
- Open for signature
- March 16, 2023, at 2:43 p.m. (EDT)
- Closed for signature
- July 14, 2023, at 2:43 p.m. (EDT)
- Presented to the House of Commons
Laurel Collins
February 5, 2024 (Petition No. 441-02083) - Government response tabled
- March 20, 2024