PROC Committee Meeting
Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.
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Minutes of Proceedings
The Committee resumed consideration of the motion moved by David Christopherson, on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, which read as follows:
That the Committee adopt the following procedures for in camera business:
That any motion to sit in camera should be debatable and amendable, and that the Committee may only meet in camera for the following purposes:
To review:
(a) wages, salaries and other employee benefits;
(b) contracts and contract negotiations;
(c) labour relations and personnel matters;
(d) a draft report;
(e) briefings concerning national security; and
That Minutes of in camera meetings should reflect the results of all votes taken by the Committee while in camera, including how each member votes when a recorded vote is requested, with the exception of report-writing.
The Committee resumed consideration of the amendment moved by Arnold Chan, on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, which read as follows:
That the motion be amended by
a) replacing the words “and amendable” with the words “for not more than three (3) minutes each for the mover and one (1) speaker from each recognized party”;
b) replacing the words “(e) briefings concerning national security; and” with the following:
“(e) briefings concerning national security;
(f) matters of Members’ privileges;
(g) discussion of witness lists; and
(h) any other reason, with the consent of the whole Committee or on consideration of the advice of the Clerk.”.
The Committee resumed consideration of the amendment moved by David Graham, on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, which read as follows:
That the motion be amended by adding after the words “That Minutes of in camera meetings should” the following: “, with the unanimous consent of the Committee”.
By unanimous consent, the motion and the amendments were withdrawn.
On motion of David Christopherson, it was agreed, — That the Committee may only meet in camera for the following purposes:
(a) to consider wages, salaries and other employee benefits;
(b) to consider contracts and contract negotiations;
(c) to consider labour relations and personnel matters;
(d) to consider a draft report or agenda;
(e) for briefings concerning national or parliamentary security;
(f) to consider matters where privacy or the protection of personal information is required;
(g) when conducting an inquiry pursuant to the Code of Conduct for Members of the House of Commons: Sexual Harassment;
(h) to receive legal, administrative or procedural advice from the House of Commons’ Administration; and
(i) for any other reason, with the unanimous consent of the Committee;
That the Chair may schedule all or portions of a meeting to be in camera for the reasons listed above;
That any motion to sit in camera shall be subject to a debate where the mover, and one member from each of the other recognized parties, be given up to three minutes each to speak to the motion; and that the mover shall then be given up to one minute to respond.
Blake Richards moved, — That, in relation to its study on the question of privilege related to the matter of the premature disclosure of the contents of Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make related amendments to other Acts (medical assistance in dying) and pursuant to the Handling and Safeguarding of Classified and Protected Information and Assets guidelines, and the requirement to maintain a distribution list of all SECRET information, the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs request that the Government provide a full distribution list of all persons who had access to any copies of the legislation on Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make related amendments to other Acts (medical assistance in dying) prior to its introduction, to the Committee no later than June 21st, 2016.
Debate arose thereon.
At 1:00 p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.