M-38 Amendments to the Standing Orders
43rd Parliament, 2nd Session
Motion Text
(a) the House (i) recognize that science and research are of critical importance to all Canadians, including, but not limited to, improving the health of Canadians, improving the environment, driving innovation and economic growth, and improving the quality of life of Canadians, (ii) recognize that science and research are more important than ever, as the economic, environmental and social challenges we face are greater, (iii) affirm its commitment to science, research and evidence-informed decision-making;
(b) effective from the beginning of the 44th Parliament, the Standing Orders be amended as follows:
(i) That Standing Order 104(2) be replaced with the following:
“Membership of standing committees.
(2) The standing committees, which shall consist of 10 members, and for which the lists of members are to be prepared, except as provided in section (1) of this standing order, shall be on:
(a) Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics;
(b) Agriculture and Agri-Food;
(c) Canadian Heritage;
(d) Citizenship and Immigration;
(e) Environment and Sustainable Development;
(f) Finance;
(g) Fisheries and Oceans;
(h) Foreign Affairs and International Development;
(i) Government Operations and Estimates;
(j) Health;
(k) Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities;
(l) Indigenous and Northern Affairs;
(m) Industry and Technology;
(n) International Trade;
(o) Justice and Human Rights;
(p) National Defence;
(q) Natural Resources;
(r) Official Languages;
(s) Procedure and House Affairs;
(t) Public Accounts;
(u) Public Safety and National Security;
(v) Science and Research;
(w) the Status of Women;
(x) Transport, Infrastructure and Communities; and
(y) Veterans Affairs.”
(ii) That Standing Order 108(2) be amended by adding after the words “in sections (3)(a), (3)(f), (3)(h)” the following: “, (3)(i)”; and
(iii) That the following subsection be added after Standing Order 108(3)(h):
“Science and Research.
(i) Science and Research shall include, among other matters, the review of and report on all matters relating to science and research, including any reports of the Chief Science Advisor, and any other matter which the House shall, from time to time, refer to the standing committee.”;
(c) the Clerk of the House be authorized to make any required editorial and consequential alterations to the Standing Orders as may be required; and
(d) the Clerk of the House be instructed to print a revised edition of the Standing Orders.
(a) the House (i) recognize that science and research are of critical importance to all Canadians, including, but not limited to, improving the health of Canadians, improving the environment, driving innovation and economic growth, and improving the quality of life of Canadians, (ii) recognize that science and research are more important than ever, as the economic, environmental and social challenges we face are greater, (iii) affirm its commitment to science, research and evidence-informed decision-making;
(b) effective from the beginning of the 44th Parliament, the Standing Orders be amended as follows:
(i) That Standing Order 104(2) be replaced with the following:
“Membership of standing committees.
(2) The standing committees, which shall consist of 10 members, and for which the lists of members are to be prepared, except as provided in section (1) of this standing order, shall be on:
(a) Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics;
(b) Agriculture and Agri-Food;
(c) Canadian Heritage;
(d) Citizenship and Immigration;
(e) Environment and Sustainable Development;
(f) Finance;
(g) Fisheries and Oceans;
(h) Foreign Affairs and International Development;
(i) Government Operations and Estimates;
(j) Health;
(k) Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities;
(l) Indigenous and Northern Affairs;
(m) Industry and Technology;
(n) International Trade;
(o) Justice and Human Rights;
(p) National Defence;
(q) Natural Resources;
(r) Official Languages;
(s) Procedure and House Affairs;
(t) Public Accounts;
(u) Public Safety and National Security;
(v) Science and Research;
(w) the Status of Women;
(x) Transport, Infrastructure and Communities; and
(y) Veterans Affairs.”
(ii) That Standing Order 108(2) be amended by adding after the words “in sections (3)(a), (3)(f), (3)(h)” the following: “, (3)(i)”; and
(iii) That the following subsection be added after Standing Order 108(3)(h):
“Science and Research.
(i) Science and Research shall include, among other matters, the review of and report on all matters relating to science and research, including any reports of the Chief Science Advisor, and any other matter which the House shall, from time to time, refer to the standing committee.”;
(c) the Clerk of the House be authorized to make any required editorial and consequential alterations to the Standing Orders as may be required; and
(d) the Clerk of the House be instructed to print a revised edition of the Standing Orders.
Latest Activity
- Wednesday, May 26, 2021
- Decision Made - Agreed To
- Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Reinstated from the Previous Session
- Monday, February 22, 2021
Placed in the Order of Precedence
- Tuesday, April 27, 2021
- Debated
- Tuesday, May 25, 2021
- Debated
- Wednesday, May 26, 2021
- Decision Made - Agreed To
Joint Seconders (2)
Jointly seconding a private Member's motion is a formal way for up to 20 Members to show support for the motion before it is called for debate. They are displayed in the order they were received by the Clerk of the House.
Jointly seconded on Thursday, April 22, 2021

Elizabeth May
Saanich—Gulf Islands
Jointly seconded on Friday, April 23, 2021

Paul Manly