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AANO Réunion de comité

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Publication du jour précédent Publication du jour prochain
1st Session, 38th Parliament   1re Session, 38e législature

Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development   Comité permanent des affaires autochtones et du développement du Grand Nord
Meeting No. 18 Séance no 18
Tuesday, February 15, 2005 Le mardi 15 février 2005
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 11 h 00 à 13 h 00
Room 308, West Block   Pièce 308, édifice de l'Ouest
(992-1147)   (992-1147)

Orders of the Day   Ordre du jour
Effectiveness of the Government Alternative Dispute Resolution Process for Resolution of Indian Residential Schools Claims Efficacité du mode alternatif de règlement des conflits concernant les pensionnats autochtones
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 11 h 00 à 12 h 00
Witnesses Témoins
Aboriginal Healing Foundation Fondation autochtone de guérison
Michael DeGagné, Executive Director Michael DeGagné, directeur général
Wayne Spear, Senior Communications Officer Wayne Spear, agent de communication principal
Children of Shingwauk Alumni Association Children of Shingwauk Alumni Association
Michael A. Cachagee, Director Michael A. Cachagee, directeur
Indian Residential School Survivors Society Indian Residential School Survivors Society
Robert Joseph, Chief Robert Joseph, chef
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. 12 h 00 à 13 h 00
National Consortium of Residential School Survivors' Counsel National Consortium of Residential School Survivors' Counsel
Craig Brown Craig Brown
David Paterson Law Corporation David Paterson Law Corporation
David Paterson, Lawyer David Paterson, avocat
Cohen Highley LLP Cohen Highley LLP
Russell Raikes, Lawyer
Litigation Department
 Russell Raikes, avocat
Service du contentieux
Le greffier du Comité
Jean-Philippe Brochu ((613) 996-1173)
Clerk of the Committee
2005/02/11 4:01 p.m.   2005/02/11 16 h 01