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AANO Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
house of commons
K1A 0A6

Comité permanent des affaires autochtones et du développement du Grand Nord

For immediate release


Northerners' Perspectives for Prosperity

Ottawa, December 09, 2010 -

House of Commons Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Tables Report on Northern Economic Development.

Bruce Stanton, Chair of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, tabled today in the House of Commons the Committee’s report entitled Northerners’ Perspectives for Prosperity. The report sets out 35 recommendations reflecting the main views and concerns expressed by northern governments, Aboriginal groups, communities and businesses, as well as subject-matter experts on economic development in the northern territories.

To inform its study, the Committee held 26 meetings with 96 witnesses in Ottawa, as well as across the North through hearings in Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. During its travels in the North, Committee members gained firsthand knowledge of the unique views, challenges and concerns of northerners.

As described in the report, development in the North continues to be shaped by its abundant natural resources. Many people spoke of the promise of resource development and its potential for providing all Canadians with an enormous amount of wealth, but that this development must be guided by the interests and perspectives of northerners to ensure political, social and economic prosperity.

Bruce Stanton, M.P. for Simcoe North and Chair of the Committee, stated: “This unanimous report by the Committee reflects the aspirations and priorities of northerners. It is their vision towards a vital economy and stronger communities in Canada’s North.”

Committee Vice-Chair Todd Russell, M.P. for Labrador, noted that the report reflects the fact that northerners know what is best for northerners. They want a respectful partnership that understands their unique culture, way of life and their contributions to Canada. Mr. Russell stated that “Although the study concentrated on certain northern regions under the mandate of INAC, there are other northern areas which face similar challenges. The report will also be a valuable tool as they too pursue economic development opportunities.”

The Committee believes that the recommendations set out in this report will help to facilitate economic development in the North by promoting a supportive infrastructure, a capable labour force, healthy citizens and improved living standards, and empowered governments. Through these actions, northerners will be better equipped to realize their own potential and fully participate in the economic success of the country.

The report is posted on the Committee’s Web page on the Parliament of Canada Web site ( Copies can also be obtained from the Committee Clerk.

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For more information, please contact:
Graeme Truelove, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Tel: 613-996-1173