FAIT Committee Meeting
Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.
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Meeting No. 37
Thursday, May 29, 2003
The Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade met at 9:10 a.m. this day, in Room 371, West Block, the Chair, Bernard Patry, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Murray Calder, Aileen Carroll, Irwin Cotler, Hon. Art Eggleton, Mark Eyking, André Harvey, Hon. Diane Marleau, Keith Martin, Deepak Obhrai, Bernard Patry.
Acting Member present: Yves Rocheleau for Francine Lalonde.
In attendance: From the Parliamentary Research Branch, Library of Parliament: James Lee and Marcus Pistor, Research Officers.
Appearing: The Honourable Susan Whelan, Minister for International Cooperation.
Witnesses: From the Canadian International Development Agency: Paul Thibault, President. From the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade: Gaëtan Lavertu, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; Kathryn E. McCallion, Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Services, Passport and Consular Affairs; Jill Sinclair, Director General, International Security Bureau.
Pursuant to Standing Order 81(4) the Committee resumed consideration of the Main Estimates for 2003-2004 : Votes 20, 25, L30 and L35 under the Canadian International Development Agency, referred to the Committee on February 20, 2003.
The Chair called Vote 20.
The Minister made a statement and with Paul Thibault answered questions.
At 10:08 a.m., by unanimous consent Irwin Cotler moved, - That, the Committee
- in view of the worsening crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and of compelling evidence presented recently to it, calls upon the Government of Canada to intensify its efforts to reach agreement in the United Nations and through other multilateral channels, to act immediately and forcefully to bring an end to the fighting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to start a massive humanitarian relief effort and to engage the commitment of the international community to play its part in achieving long-term stability and development in the region;
- further urges the Government to seriously consider contributing a significant Canadian Forces and civilian police contingent to a new United Nations security force in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where Canada’s expertise in peacekeeping and post-conflict reconstruction and credibility in the region allow the possibility of a substantial contribution toward resolving this crisis;
notes the
implications for Canada’s involvement in other multilateral efforts but
believes that the urgency and magnitude of this humanitarian crisis must make
it a priority for the Government.
Debate arose.
By unanimous consent the motion was withdrawn and notice given for the next meeting of the Committee pursuant to the Order of the Committee of October 21, 2002 (24 hours notice).
Pursuant to Standing Order 39(5), the Committee proceeded to the consideration of the failure of the Ministry to respond to written question Q-197 on the Order Paper referred to the Committee on May 26, 2003, which reads as follows:
“Mr. Casson (Lethbridge) —
With regard to the announcement on October 8, 2002 of the $246.5 million aid
package for the softwood lumber industry: (a) what actual amounts have
been given out as of February 28, 2003 and to whom or to what groups; (b)
has Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) kept track of how many employees
are taking advantage of the enhanced program; (c) how much has it spent
on the enhanced program; (d) is HRDC monitoring the success of the
enhanced program and if so, by what criteria is success being measured; (e)
has Industry Canada given out any money under the Softwood Industry and
Community Adjustment Fund; (f) has Industry Canada received any
suggestions for workable ideas for community development and if so, has it or
will it be publishing these plans or ideas; (g) has Natural Resources
developed a plan for dealing with the pine beetle-killed wood and for
containing or eradicating the beetle; (h) has Natural Resources planned
how it will create both a centre of excellence for pulp and paper research and
a boreal forest research consortium; (i) will they be stand-alone
institutions or be connected with an existing school or other institution; and
(j) what will their mandate be and will this information be made public?”
After debate it was agreed, - That, the Ministry having tabled a response on May 27, 2003, the Committee adjourn consideration of the Order of Reference.
Pursuant to Standing Order 39(5), the Committee proceeded to the consideration of the failure of the Ministry to respond to written question Q-204 on the Order Paper referred to the Committee on May 26, 2003, which reads as follows:
“Mr. Rajotte (Edmonton
Southwest) — With regard to border crossings between Canada and the United
States since June 1, 2002: (a) what submissions have been made to the
government of the United States; (b) what forms did these submissions
take – verbal or written or both; (c) what was on the agenda at any face
to face meetings or conference calls; (d) what were the titles of any
written submissions; (e) what were the dates of the meetings and/or
written submissions; (f) what correspondence, if any, was sent directly
to the President of the United States or, if not, to which departments and/or
agencies of the United States government were the submissions made; (g)
have there been any submissions specifically dedicated to the possibility of a
second checkpoint; (h) have there been any submissions specifically
dedicated to the proposed 24 hour advance notice for commercial trade; (i)
has there been any discussion and/or memoranda within Canadian departments
concerning the possibility of sending a trade team or special envoy to the
United States with respect to border crossing, trade and/or trade corridors; (j)
have Canadian departments received verbal or written submissions from Canadian
industries concerning problems with the border, and if so, how many; and (k)
have Canadian departments received verbal or written submissions from Canadian
exporters concerning a possible decline in trade and/or exports with the United
After debate it was agreed, - That, the Ministry having tabled a response on May 27, 2003, the Committee adjourn consideration of the Order of Reference.
At 10:16 a.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 10:35 a.m., the sitting resumed.
Pursuant to Standing Order 81(4), and the Order of the House of February 26, 2003, the Committee resumed consideration of the Main Estimates for 2003-2004: Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, L30, L35, 40, 45, 50 and 55 under Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
The Chair called Vote 1.
Gaëtan Lavertu made a statement and with Kathryn E. McCallion answered questions.
At 11:38 a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Stephen Knowles
Clerk of the Committee