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(Meeting No. 4)


The Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food met at 9:15 o’clock a.m., this day, in Room 308,.West Block, the Chair, Joe McGuire, presiding.

Members of the Committee present: Leon E. Benoît, Rick Borotsik, Murray Calder, Jean-Guy Chrétien, Denis Coderre, John Harvard, Jay Hill, Larry McCormick, Joe McGuire, Dick Proctor, Paul Steckle and Rose-Marie Ur.

Acting Members present: Wayne Easter for Paul Bonwick; Charlie Penson for Jake E. Hoeppner.

Other Member present: Garry Breitkreuz.

In attendance: From the Parliamentary Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Sonya Dakers, Research Coordinator and Jean-Denis Fréchette, Economist.

Witnesses: (Roundtable format I) From Keystone Agricultural Producers: Leslie Jacobson, President. From the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities: Sinclair Harrison, President; Ron Gleim, Director. From Wild Rose Agricultural Producers: Neil Wagstaff, 2nd Vice-President. (Roundtable format II) From the Canadian Canola Growers Association: Bruce Dalgarno, President; Eugene Dextrase, Vice-President. From Flax Growers Western Canada: William Farley, Director. From Oat Producers of Alberta: Leo Meyer, Vice-President. From the Canadian Federation of Independent Business: Dan Kelly, Director, Provincial Affairs, Manitoba; Marilyn Braun, Director, Provincial Affairs, Saskatchewan.

The Committee resumed consideration of Bill C-4, An Act to amend the Canadian Wheat Board Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. (See Minutes of Proceeding and Evidence of Meeting No. 2, dated Tuesday, October 21, 1997)

Leslie Jacobson from Keystone Agricultural Producers made a statement and answered questions.

Sinclair Harrison and Ron Gleim from the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities made statements and answered questions.

Neil Wagstaff from Wild Rose Agricultural Producers made a statement and answered questions.

At 10:40 o’clock a.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 10:50 o’clock a.m., the sitting resumed.

Bruce Dalgarno from the Canadian Canola Growers Association made a statement and answered questions.

William Farley from the Flax Growers Western Canada made a statement and answered questions.

Leo Meyer from the Oat Producers of Alberta made a statement and answered questions.

Eugene Dextrase from the Canadian Canola Growers Association made a statement and answered questions.

Marilyn Braun and Dan Kelly from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business made statements and answered questions.

At 12:20 o’clock p.m., the Committee adjourned until 3:30 o’clock p.m. Wednesday, October 29, 1997.


Clerk of the Committee