Index of Proceedings

38th Parliament, 1st Session (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005) Latest Session

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W

Index complete to meeting No. 43


Adam, Dyane (Commissioner of Official Languages Office)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:1000-50
Adams, John (Fisheries and Oceans Department)
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 09:1535-1620
Adamus, Capt Dan (Air Line Pilots Association, International)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1705-10
Agenda and Procedure Subcommittee
⇒⇒Composition, M. (Scheer), agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 37
⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 10
⇒⇒⇒First, future business, agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 6
⇒⇒⇒Second, future business, agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 11
Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47)--Minister or Transport (Lapierre, J.)
⇒⇒Study, 42:0900-55, 1000-50
Air Liberalization and the Canadian Airports System see Air transportation--Liberalization, Report to House
Air transportation
⇒⇒Liberalization, study, 19:1530-630; 20:1640-725; 24:1545-825; 25:1535-640; 26:1535-700; 29:1530-700; 34:1530-625
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 27; No. 28
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, fourth, Air Liberalization and the Canadian Airports System, Minutes of meeting No. 28
Air transportation security see Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
⇒⇒Purchase and financing, asset-based framework/international registry see International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4)
Airlines see Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47); Air transportation; Flight attendants
Airport rent see Airports--Canadian system
⇒⇒Canadian system, study, 17:1535-630; 20:1530-725; 33:1530-610
⇒⇒Rents, increases, moratorium, M., agreed to, 09:1625-30
⇒⇒Security, briefing, 41:0910-1045
⇒⇒See also Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC)


Balnis, Richard (Canadian Union of Public Employees)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1745-1800
Baril, Gen Maurice (Canadian Air Transport Security Authority)
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 28:1550-1645
⇒⇒See also Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
Batters, Dave (CPC--Palliser)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 26:1610-15, 1645-55; 29:1620, 1645-55; 34:1540-45
⇒⇒Airports, 09:1630; 20:1605, 1615-20; 33:1605
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1555-600, 1645-55, 1720; 15:1550-600, 1715-20, 1730; 33:1605-10
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1625; 04:1610
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1720
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1605-10; 09:1630; 34:1625; 43:0915-20
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1650, 1700; 07:1635-45; 38:0945-50; 40:0955-1000
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1655-1700
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 39:1025-30
Béland, Claude (Canada Border Services Agency)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 34:1610-15
Bell, Don (Lib.--North Vancouver)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0945, 1045
⇒⇒Airports, 41:0945-55, 1040
⇒⇒Flight attendants, 42:1000
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 36:0910-15
⇒⇒Rail passenger service, 37:0905
⇒⇒Transport Department, 38:0940; 40:0945-50, 1035
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 39:0935-40, 1010-15, 1040-45
Benoit, Leon (CPC--Vegreville--Wainwright)
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 36:0910
Benson, Phil (Teamsters Canada)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1620-45
Bills referred
⇒⇒C-3.\ Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
⇒⇒C-4.\ International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
⇒⇒C-47.\ Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
Bissonnette, Guy (Teamsters Canada)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1625, 1640
Blanchard, Mireille-France (Industry Department)
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1530-40, 1600-05, 1620
Boating see Small vessel marine safety
Bonin, Raymond (Lib.--Nickel Belt)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0925-30, 1030-35
⇒⇒Air transportation, 19:1610; 24:1615, 1640; 25:1605, 1630; 26:1620; 29:1630; 34:1610
⇒⇒Airports, 20:1625-30; 41:0955, 1020-25
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.) (Bill C-3), 12:1535, 1545-50
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 28:1610-15, 1635, 1645
⇒⇒Flight attendants, 42:0955-1000
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1610, 1705, 1720
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1600-10, 1620; 04:1600
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1600, 1640-45; 19:1610
⇒⇒Pont de Québec, 42:1055
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1530-50, 1605; 11:1600; 15:1545; 34:1620-25; 36:0910-15; 43:0915-20
⇒⇒Rail passenger service, 37:0905-15
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 31:1535-40, 1600-10
⇒⇒Transport Department, 07:1620; 40:0935-40, 1020, 1030-35
Borges, Helena (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1655, 1710
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1615; 40:0915
Brandt, Brion (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Airports, 17:1625-30; 20:1530, 1620
Bridges see Pont de Québec
Burr, Kristine (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0900-20, 0930-55
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1636-40, 1650-1715
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1710-15


Cabinet Ministers see Marine safety
Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act
⇒⇒Legislation see Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)
Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
⇒⇒Study, 08:1535-1635; 09:1535-1620; 10:1530-50; 12:1535-50
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, second, Minutes of meeting No. 12
Canada Shipping Act, 2001
⇒⇒Legislation see Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
⇒⇒Baril, Gen Maurice, Chairperson, nomination, study, 28:1550-1645
Canadian National Railway (CN) see Hopper car fleet; Pont de Québec
Carrier, Robert (BQ--Alfred--Pellan)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0935-40, 1035-40
⇒⇒Air transportation, 20:1715; 24:1605, 1640-45, 1700, 1735, 1750-55, 1815; 25:1630; 26:1550-55, 1645; 29:1625-30; 34:1545-50, 1615-20
⇒⇒Airports, 09:1630-35; 17:1550-55, 1610; 20:1545, 1620, 1715; 33:1610; 41:1000-05, 1040
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.) (Bill C-3), 08:1550, 1600, 1610-15, 1625; 09:1535, 1545, 1615-20
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 28:1605, 1630
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1605-10, 1655; 15:1600-05, 1625-30, 1700, 1730
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 1615
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1710-15
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1655-1700
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1555; 09:1630-35; 33:1530; 34:1625; 36:0910; 43:0915, 0925
⇒⇒Rail passenger service, 37:0910
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 31:1535, 1555-1600
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1630, 1720; 07:1610; 38:0950-55; 40:1000-05, 1030-35
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1635
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 18:1610-15
Certificates of nomination
⇒⇒Baril, Gen Maurice see Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
⇒⇒Côté, Paul see VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Chair and vice-chairs, election see Procedure and Committee business
Chedore, Bill (Canadian Labour Congress)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1807-25
Cherry, James (Aéroports de Montréal (Dorval and Mirabel))
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1600-10, 1625-1730
Chouinard, Carole (Commissioner of Official Languages Office)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:1020
Churko, Bernie (Farmer Rail Car Coalition)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 15:1655-1705, 1715-25
Coles, Capt David (Air Canada Pilots Association)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 25:1635
Côté, Paul (VIA Rail Canada Inc.)
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 18:1535-645; 39:0905-1045
⇒⇒See also VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Crown corporations
⇒⇒Government appointments, board members and senior officers, skills and competence-related criteria, M., agreed to, in camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 22


Davies, Robert (Farmer-Industry Partnership)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 15:1550-1600, 1610-35
Dean, Rod (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Airports, 17:1535-40, 1555-1605, 1615, 1625; 20:1550, 1600-05
Denis, Marcel (Comité des 11 000 acres)
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1610, 1650
Desjarlais, Bev (NDP--Churchill; Ind.--Churchill effective October 18, 2005)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 19:1600-05; 20:1700-15; 24:1610-20, 1630-35, 1700-05, 1735-40, 1755-1800, 1815, 1825; 25:1600-05, 1635
⇒⇒Airports, 09:1625-30; 17:1555-1600, 1625-30; 20:1545-50, 1605, 1630-35, 1700-15; 33:1545-50,
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 08:1600-05, 1615, 1625-35; 09:1545-55, 1610-20; 10:1535-45; 12:1545-50
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 28:1605-10, 1630-35, 1645
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1600, 1620-25, 1655-1700, 1715-20; 15:1605-15, 1630-35, 1705-10, 1730-35; 33:1615-20
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1555-1600, 1610-20; 04:1545-1600
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1635-40, 1700; 19:1600-05
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1705-10, 1725
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1530-45, 1605; 09:1625-30; 15:1535-45; 33:1530
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 23:1555-1600, 1615-20
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1605-15, 1635, 1715-20; 07:1550-55, 1615-20, 1655
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1610-15, 1645, 1710-15
Divisions, recorded
⇒⇒Minister of Transport, failure to appear before Committee, second time, reporting to House, M. (Moore), 34:1620-25, agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 34
Duchesneau, Jacques (Canadian Air Transport Security Authority)
⇒⇒Airports, 41:0910-40, 1000-45
⇒⇒Air transportation, 29:1530-1700
⇒⇒Transport Department, 07:1530-35, 1545-50, 1600-1705
Dufour, Valérie (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Airports, 17:1545-50, 1600, 1610-25
Duncan, Mark (Canadian Air Transport Security Authority)
⇒⇒Airports, 41:0925, 0940-55, 1010, 1030, 1040
⇒⇒Transport Department, 07:1535-40, 1550-1605, 1615-30, 1640-1700


Estimates see Transport Department
Ethics code see Walsh, Jim
Éthier, Réjean (Comité des 11 000 acres)
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1615, 1655, 1710, 1725
Etoka, Georges (Committee Clerk)
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 12:1550
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1530-35; 34:1620; 36:0910
Everson, Warren (Air Transport Association of Canada)
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 04:1535, 1555


Facette, Jim (Canadian Airports Council)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 26:1620-700
Fisheries and Oceans Minister see Marine safety
Flight attendants
⇒⇒Number, reduction
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 21
⇒⇒⇒M., agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 13
⇒⇒⇒M. (St-Hilaire), 42:0955-1000, agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒See also Procedure and Committee business--Future business, in camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 12
Forster, John (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1640, 1700-10, 1720-30
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 23:1540-45, 1555, 1615-30
Future business see Procedure and Committee business


Gadula, Charles (Fisheries and Oceans Department)
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.) (Bill C-3), 08:1555-1605, 1625; 12:1540-45
Gallaway, Hon. Roger (Lib.--Sarnia--Lambton)(Chair)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 19:1530, 1545-50, 1600-15, 1625; 20:1640-45, 1655-1700, 1710-25; 24:1545, 1555, 1605-45, 1720, 1730-1807, 1815-25; 25:1535, 1545, 1555-1610, 1625, 1635-40; 26:1535-40, 1550-55, 1605, 1615-20, 1630, 1640-1700; 29:1530, 1545, 1600-1700
⇒⇒Airports, 17:1535, 1545-1600, 1610-30; 20:1530, 1540-50, 1600-45, 1655-1700, 1710-25; 33:1530-35, 1545-605; 41:0910
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.) (Bill C-3), 08:1545-50, 1600-35; 09:1535, 1545, 1555-1600, 1610; 10:1530-50; 12:1535-50
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 28:1550, 1600-20, 1630-45
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1530, 1545, 1555-630, 1636, 1645-720; 15:1545-635, 1642, 1650-735; 33:1610-20
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1530, 1540-1625; 04:1535-1615
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 08:1530-35; 11:1610, 1620-25, 1635-45, 1655-730; 19:1530, 1545-50, 1600-15, 1625
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1635-45, 1655-730
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1530-1610; 03:1530; 11:1600; 15:1535-45; 33:1530, 1615-620; 36:0910-15; 37:0915-20; 40:1040-45; 43:0915-25
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 23:1540-45, 1555-630; 31:1535-625
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1530, 1550-55, 1605-20, 1630-725; 07:1530-50, 1600-20, 1630-45, 1655-705; 38:0905-10, 0920-25, 0935-1000; 40:0910-15, 0925-30, 0940-1020, 1030-40
⇒⇒Rail passenger service, 37:0905-15
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1530, 1550, 1600-15, 1630-35, 1645-1720
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 18:1535, 1545-1615, 1625-30, 1640-45; 39:0905, 0915-20, 0930-35, 0945-1000, 1010-15, 1025-30, 1040-45
Gaspar, Fred (Air Transport Association of Canada)
⇒⇒Air Transportation, 20:1640-1720
⇒⇒Airports, 20:1640-1720
Gauthier, Denis (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Airports, 33:1540, 1555
Giassa, Natalie (Justice Department)
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1535-1600, 1610-15
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 03:1530
Godin, Yvon (NDP--Acadie--Bathurst)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0915-20, 0950, 1020-25, 1040-45
Goldberg, Howard P. (Canadian Airports Council)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 26:1650
Goldsworthy, Ross (Canadian National Railway Company)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1545-1605, 1625
Goodale, Hon. Ralph (Lib.--Wascana; Minister of Finance)
⇒⇒Airports, 33:1530-610
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 33:1610-20
Gouk, Jim (CPC--British Columbia Southern Interior)(Vice-Chair)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0900-05, 0915, 0925-55, 1000, 1010, 1020-50
⇒⇒Air transportation, 19:1610-15, 1625; 20:1645-55, 1725; 24:1600-05, 1625-30, 1645, 1655-1720, 1730; 25:1545-55, 1625; 26:1540-50, 1605, 1630-35; 29:1545-55, 1615-20; 34:1530, 1540-55, 1605-20
⇒⇒Airports, 09:1625-30; 17:1545-50, 1610-25; 20:1540-45, 1605, 1645-55, 1725; 33:1530, 1555; 41:0920-35, 0945-1005, 1015-45
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 09:1535, 1600, 1615-20 ; 10:1540-45
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 28:1550-1600, 1640-45
⇒⇒Flight attendants, 42:0955-1000
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1715-20; 15:1620, 1715
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1530, 1620; 04:1550, 1600, 1610
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1645, 1720; 19:1610-15, 1625
⇒⇒Pont de Québec, 42:1000, 1050-55
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1710-15
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 09:1625-35; 15:1535-45; 34:1620-25; 36:0910; 37:0915-20; 40:1040-45; 41:1045; 43:0915-20
⇒⇒Rail passenger service, 37:0905-10
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 23:1610; 31:1535-45
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1550-55, 1650, 1715; 07:1535-45, 1600, 1625, 1645-50; 38:0905, 0935-40; 40:0915-20, 0950-55, 1015-25, 1040
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1550
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 18:1535-40, 1625-30, 1640-45; 39:0915-20, 0945-1000, 1015
Government appointments see Canadian Air Transport Security Authority; Crown corporations; VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Grain transportation see Hopper car fleet
Gravitis-Beck, Brigita (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Airports, 17:1535, 1545-50, 1620; 20:1530-1630
Gray, Donald (Cassels, Brock and Blackwell)
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 04:1535-55
Grégoire, Marc (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1710; 40:0930, 0945-50, 1005, 1015-20, 1035
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1600, 1625, 1705-10, 1720
Grilli, Jacques (Canadian Air Transport Security Authority)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 29:1635-50


Hardisty, Capt Kent (Air Line Pilots Association, International)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1645-1720
Harrison, Jeremy (CPC--Desnethé--Missinippi--Churchill River)
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 31:1550-55, 1615-20
Harrison, Sinclair (Farmer Rail Car Coalition)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 15:1655, 1705-35
Hayes, Kevin (Canadian Labour Congress)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1815-25
Hopper car fleet
⇒⇒Study, 14:1530-720; 33:1605-20
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 16; No. 17
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, third, Minutes of meeting No. 17
Hubbard, Charles (Lib.--Miramichi)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0945
⇒⇒Airports, 41:0925, 0955, 1030-35
⇒⇒Flight attendants, 42:0955
⇒⇒Pont de Québec, 42:1050-55
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 37:0920; 43:0915-20
⇒⇒Rail passenger service, 37:0910
⇒⇒Transport Department, 38:0940
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 39:0950-55, 1015-25


International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre)
⇒⇒Study, 03:1530-625; 04:1535-615
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, first, Minutes of meeting No. 4


Janda, Richard (Institute of Air and Space Law)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 26:1535-55
Jasper, AB-Vancouver, BC rail passenger service see Rail passenger service--Jasper, AB-Vancouver, BC
Jean, Brian (CPC--Fort McMurray--Athabasca)
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 28:1620
Jetté, André (Comité des 11 000 acres)
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1620, 1650, 1715-20
Julian, Peter (NDP--Burnaby--New Westminster)
⇒⇒Airports, 41:0935-45, 1025-30, 1040
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 40:1040
⇒⇒Rail passenger service, 37:0905
⇒⇒Transport Department, 38:0920-25; 40:0930-40, 1005-10, 1025-35
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 39:0930-35, 1000-10, 1030-35


Karygiannis, Hon. Jim (Lib.--Scarborough-Agincourt)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 19:1625; 24:1635, 1710-15, 1740-45, 1755-1800, 1820-25; 25:1640; 26:1650-55; 29:1605, 1640-55
⇒⇒Airports, 09:1625-30
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 09:1555-1600, 1620; 10:1530-50; 12:1535-40, 1550
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1615, 1630; 15:1625, 1710-15, 1725
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1530, 1600, 1615-20; 04:1555-1600, 1610-15
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1655-1700, 1715-20; 19:1625
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1535-55, 1605-10; 03:1530; 09:1625-35; 33:1615
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 23:1600-05; 31:1545-50, 1605-20
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1615-20; 07:1540, 1600, 1615-20, 1640
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1630
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 18:1555-1605
Kavanagh, Paul (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1705
Keon Sirsly, Christena (VIA Rail Canada Inc.)
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 39:0950, 1005-15, 1025, 1035-40
Kieran, Yvette-Marie (Fisheries and Oceans Department)
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.) (Bill C-3), 08:1555, 1605, 1630-35; 09:1610-15
Kinney, Laureen (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1640-45, 1655, 1705-15, 1725


LaFlamme, Art (Air Line Pilots Association, International)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1700-15
Laframboise, Mario (BQ--Argenteuil--Papineau--Mirabel)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 19:1615-25
Lapierre, Hon. Jean (Lib.--Outremont; Minister of Transport)
⇒⇒Air Transportation, 19:1530-1625
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 19:1530-1625
⇒⇒Reference, failure to appear before Committee, second time, reporting to House, M. (Moore), 34:1620-25, agreed to, on recorded division, Minutes of meeting No. 34
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, fifth, Minutes of meeting No. 34
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1530-720; 38:0905-1000; 40:0910-45, 0955-1015
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1530-1640, 1650, 1700-20
Laporte, François (Teamsters Canada)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1625-30, 1640
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.) (Bill C-3), 08:1530
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 08:1530; 11:1645-55; 19:1615-25
Lauzon, Gilles (Justice Department)
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1530, 1540-1620
Lavallée, Peter (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1635-40, 1650-55, 1715-25
Lefebvre, Paul (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers in Canada)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1720-45
Liberal Party see Walsh, Jim


Macdonald, John Paul (Bombardier Aerospace)
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1620, 1645
Maloney, John (Lib.--Welland)
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1640-45
Margles, Susan (Finance Department)
⇒⇒Airports, 33:1550
Marine safety
⇒⇒Fisheries and Oceans Minister responsibilities, transfer to Transport Minister see Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)
⇒⇒See also Small vessel marine safety
Martin, Pat (NDP--Winnipeg Centre)
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 18:1550-1600, 1640
McAllister, David (Competition Bureau)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 25:1550, 1600
McDonald, Gerard (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 08:1535-1630
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 23:1550-1610, 1620-30; 31:1535-1625
McFadden, Scott (Thunder Bay International Airports Authority)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1545-1615
McGarr, Kevin (Canadian Air Transport Security Authority)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 29:1640
McLaughlin, Michael (Canadian Air Transport Security Authority)
⇒⇒Airports, 41:1030
⇒⇒Air transportation, 29:1645
⇒⇒Transport Department, 07:1545-50, 1625, 1635, 1650-55
Miller, Larry (CPC--Bruce--Grey--Owen Sound)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 29:1635-40
Miller, Paul (Canadian National Railway Company)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1600-30
Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC)
⇒⇒Land expropriated, returning, 11:1600-1730; 19:1530-1630
⇒⇒⇒M. (St-Hilaire), 08:1530-35, agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 8
Mobile equipment see International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4)
Moore, James (CPC--Port Moody--Westwood--Port Coquitlam)
⇒⇒Air Transportation, 19:1545-50
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 19:1545-50
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 33:1615; 34:1620-25
⇒⇒Transport Department, 38:0905-10; 40:1035
Morency, André (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1605; 40:0925-30, 0945, 1005
Morriss, Randy (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1635-40, 1650-1700, 1710-30
Murphy, Michael (Canadian Chamber of Commerce)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 26:1600-20


Nicholson, Hon. Rob (CPC--Niagara Falls)
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.) (Bill C-3), 08:1545-50, 1610; 10:1535-45; 12:1535-45
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1540-45, 1610; 04:1545-55, 1610
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 08:1530; 11:1620-25, 1720-25
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1530-1600
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1530, 1620-30; 07:1605-10
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1625-30, 1645, 1705


Oceans Act
⇒⇒Legislation see Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)
Order in Council appointments see Canadian Air Transport Security Authority; Crown corporations; VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Organization meeting see Procedure and Committee business


Pagliarello, Maria (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Airports, 17:1600; 20:1550-1600, 1630
Paquette, Roger (VIA Rail Canada Inc.)
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 39:0930, 1040-45
Pigeon, Jacques (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0905-55
⇒⇒Transport Department, 40:0930-35, 1025-30
Pont de Québec
⇒⇒Maintenance and restoration, M., agreed to, in camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 22
⇒⇒Testimony, hearing, Coalition pour la sauvegarde et la mise en valeur du pont de Québec and Canadian National Railway (CN), M., agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 32
⇒⇒⇒Witnesses, appearing, Canadian National Railway (CN), discussing rail safety, M., 42:1000, 1050-55, agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Study, 19:1635-730
⇒⇒Witnesses, appearing, Toronto Port Authority, M. (Julian), agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 40
Procedure and Committee business
⇒⇒Budget, adopting, air transportation, liberalization, study, travel, Minutes of meeting No. 35
⇒⇒⇒M. (Desjarlais), 33:1530, 1620, agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 33
⇒⇒Chair and vice-chairs, election, Minutes of meetings No. 1; No. 36
⇒⇒Future/routine business, 03:1530; 08:1530-35; 09:1625-35; 11:1600; 14:1530; 15:1535-45; 33:1530, 1615-20; 36:0910-15; 37:0915-20; 40:1040-45; 41:1045; 43:0915-25
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 2; No. 6; No. 12; No. 13; No. 16; No. 17; No. 22; No. 23; No. 30; No. 32; No. 35; No. 37; No. 39
⇒⇒Letter, to Transport Minister, flight attendants, number, reduction, M. (St-Hilaire), 42:0955-1000, agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒Minister, failure to appear before Committee, second time, reporting to House, M. (Moore), 34:1620-25, agreed to, on recorded division, Minutes of meeting No. 34
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, fifth, Minutes of meeting No. 34
⇒⇒Organization meeting, 01:1530-1610
⇒⇒Travel, authority, Minutes of meeting No. 17
⇒⇒Witnesses, appearing
⇒⇒⇒Canadian National Railway (CN), discussing rail safety and Pont de Québec, M., 42:1000, 1050-55, agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 42
⇒⇒⇒Toronto Port Authority, Minutes of meeting No. 40
⇒⇒⇒Transport Minister, Minutes of meeting No. 35


Quebec City bridge see Pont de Québec


Rail passenger service
⇒⇒Jasper, AB-Vancouver, BC route, VIA Rail expansion plans, ceasing, M. (Gouk), 37:0905-15, agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 37
Ranger, Louis (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1550-55, 1605-20, 1650, 1715-25; 40:0925, 0935, 1005-30, 1040
Rent, airport see Airports--Canadian system
Reports to House
⇒⇒First, International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), Minutes of meeting No. 4
⇒⇒Second, Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), Minutes of meeting No. 12
⇒⇒Third, Hopper car fleet, Minutes of meeting No. 17
⇒⇒Fourth, Air transportation, Air Liberalization and the Canadian Airports System, Minutes of meeting No. 28
⇒⇒Fifth, Transport Minister, failure to appear before committee, Minutes of meeting No. 34
⇒⇒Sixth, Transport Department, Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A), Minutes of meeting No. 40
Richard, Pierre (Canada Border Services Agency)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 34:1530-620
Robbins, Jim (Farmer Rail Car Coalition)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 15:1642-1735
Roussel, Donald (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 31:1550, 1600, 1620
Roy, Jean-Yves (BQ--Haute Gaspésie--La Mitis--Matane--Matapédia)
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 09:1600-05


Safety see Marine safety; Small vessel marine safety
Santos-Pedro, Victor (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 23:1555, 1620
Scarpaleggia, Francis (Lib.--Lac-Saint-Louis)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0940, 1025-30
⇒⇒Air transportation, 19:1605-10; 29:1610-15; 34:1550-55
⇒⇒Airports, 17:1600-10; 20:1610-15; 33:1550-55
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 08:1605-10, 1620-25; 09:1620; 10:1550
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 28:1620-30, 1645
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 15:1615-20; 33:1610
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 08:1530; 11:1710; 19:1605-10
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1710-15
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 15:1535-45; 34:1620-25; 43:0915-20
⇒⇒Rail passenger service, 37:0905-10
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 23:1605
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1710; 07:1600-05, 1630; 38:0925; 40:0935, 1000
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1615-20, 1715-20
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 18:1615-25
Scheer, Andrew (CPC--Regina--Qu'Appelle)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0930-35, 1010
⇒⇒Air transportation, 24:1655-700; 34:1555-605
⇒⇒Airports, 09:1630; 33:1600; 41:1005-10, 1035
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1625, 1710-15; 15:1620-25, 1650-55
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1605-10
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 11:1705-10
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1540, 1600; 09:1630; 43:0920
⇒⇒Rail passenger service, 37:0915
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, 23:1545-55, 1610-15; 31:1550, 1605-10
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1650-55; 07:1620-25, 1655-700; 40:0940-45
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1650-55, 1715
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 18:1605-10; 39:1025
Scott, Sheridan (Competition Bureau)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 25:1535-1605
Security see Airports
Shapiro, David (Air Canada)
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 04:1540, 1550-1600
Small vessel marine safety
⇒⇒Transport Canada Small Vessel Monitoring and Inspection Program, study, 23:1540-1630; 31:1535-1625
Smith, Joy (CPC--Kildonan--St. Paul)
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.) (Bill C-3), 08:1550
St. Amand, Lloyd (Lib.--Brant)
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1655-1700
St-Hilaire, Caroline (BQ--Longueuil--Pierre-Boucher)(Vice-chair)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0905-15, 0945-50, 1010-20
⇒⇒Air transportation, 19:1550-55; 20:1655-1700; 24:1630; 25:1555-1600, 1635; 26:1640; 29:1600-05
⇒⇒Airports, 17:1615; 20:1655-700; 33:1535-45; 41:0930-35, 0955-1000, 1015
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 08:1635; 10:1535-45
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 28:1600, 1645
⇒⇒Flight attendants, 42:0955
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1715
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1545
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), 08:1530; 11:1625-35, 1725-30; 19:1550-55
⇒⇒Pont de Québec, 42:1000, 1050-55
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1720-25
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1535, 1545, 1600; 15:1535-40; 36:0910; 40:1040; 41:1045; 43:0915-20
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1555-1605, 1630, 1705-10, 1720; 07:1530, 1545-50, 1610-15, 1635; 33:1530, 1620; 38:0910-20; 40:0925-30, 1010
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1600-05, 1705
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., 18:1545-50, 1630; 39:0920-25
Steckle, Paul (Lib.--Huron--Bruce)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1700
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:0900-55, 1000-50
⇒⇒Air transportation, liberalization, 19:1530-630; 20:1640-725; 24:1545-825; 25:1535-640; 26:1535-700; 29:1530-700; 34:1530-625
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 27; No. 28
⇒⇒⇒Canadian system, 17:1535-630; 20:1530-725; 33:1530-610
⇒⇒⇒Rents, increases, moratorium, agreed to, 09:1625-30
⇒⇒⇒Security, 41:0910-1045
⇒⇒Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 08:1535-1635; 09:1535-1620; 10:1530-50; 12:1535-50
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, Maurice Baril, Chairperson, nomination, 28:1550-645
⇒⇒Flight attendants, number, reduction, in camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 21
⇒⇒⇒M. (St-Hilaire), agreed to, 42:0955-1000
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1530-720; 33:1605-20
⇒⇒⇒In camera meetings, Minutes of meetings No. 16; No. 17
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1530-1625; 04:1535-1615
⇒⇒Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, QC), land expropriated, returning, 11:1600-1730; 19:1530-1630
⇒⇒⇒M. (St-Hilaire) agreed to, 1530-35
⇒⇒Pont de Québec, 42:1000, 1050-55
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meeting No. 22
⇒⇒Ports, 19:1635-730
⇒⇒Rail passenger service, Jasper, AB-Vancouver, BC route, VIA Rail expansion plans, ceasing, M. (Gouk), 37:0905-15
⇒⇒Small vessel marine safety, Transport Canada Small Vessel Monitoring and Inspection Program, 23:1540-1630; 31:1535-1625
⇒⇒Transport Department
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, 06:1530-725; 07:1530-705
⇒⇒⇒Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A), 40:0910-1040
⇒⇒⇒Policy, management and operation, 39:0905-1000
⇒⇒Transportation, 05:1530-1720
⇒⇒VIA Rail Canada Inc., Business Plan 2005-2006, 39:0905-1045
⇒⇒⇒Côté, Paul, President and Chief Executive Officer, nomination, 18:1535-645
Subcommittees see Agenda and Procedure Subcommittee
Sully, Ronald (Transport Department)
⇒⇒Transport Department, 06:1620, 1630, 1640-45, 1655, 1710-25; 40:0950, 1025
Szel, Marcella (Canadian Pacific Railway)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1530-45, 1600-30


Transport Department
⇒⇒Estimates 2004-2005, Main, 06:1530-725; 07:1530-705
⇒⇒Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A), 40:0910-1040
⇒⇒⇒Approval, M. (Bonin), agreed to, Minutes of meeting No. 40
⇒⇒⇒⇒Amdt. (Julian), negatived, Minutes of meeting No. 40
⇒⇒⇒Report to House, sixth, Minutes of meeting No. 40
⇒⇒Policy, management and operation, study, 38:0905-1000
⇒⇒See also Procedure and Committee business--Minister, failure to appear before Committee; Small vessel marine safety
Transport Minister see Lapierre, Hon. Jean; Marine safety
⇒⇒Policy, study, 05:1530-1720
⇒⇒See also Air transportation
Transportation Safety Board see Walsh, Jim
Tremblay, Johane (Commissioner of Official Languages Office)
⇒⇒Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 42:1020-25, 1040-45


Vancouver, BC-Jasper, AB rail passenger service see Rail passenger service--Jasper, AB-Vancouver, BC
VIA Rail Canada Inc.
⇒⇒Business Plan 2005-2006, study, 39:0905-1040
⇒⇒Côté, Paul, President and Chief Executive Officer, nomination, study, 18:1535-645
⇒⇒See also Rail passenger service
Vrany, Nada (Transport Department)
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1530-35, 1625


Wagner, Albert (Farmer-Industry Partnership)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 15:1545-1615, 1625-35
Walsh, Jim
⇒⇒Transportation Safety Board member, attendance at Liberal Party fundraising event, sitting at Prime Minister's table, ethics code violation
⇒⇒⇒In camera meeting, Minutes of meetings No. 22
⇒⇒⇒Removal, requesting, M. (Desjarlais), stood, Minutes of meeting No. 15
Weiss, Janet (Canadian Pacific Railway)
⇒⇒Hopper car fleet, 14:1600, 1610-20
Wilson, Capt Andy (Air Canada Pilots Association)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 25:1625-35
Wilson, Capt Kent (Air Canada Pilots Association)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 25:1610-40
Wrzesnewskyj, Borys (Lib.--Etobicoke Centre)
⇒⇒Air transportation, 20:1710-20
⇒⇒Airports, 20:1550-1605, 1710-20; 33:1605
⇒⇒Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 28:1615-20
⇒⇒Procedure and Committee business, 01:1555
Wu, James (Finance Department)
⇒⇒International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 03:1535, 1550