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Reports and Disclosure

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Reports from the House of Commons

The expenditure reports for Members include the Summary of Expenditures that outlines the expenditures incurred by Members for salaries, travel, hospitality and contracts in a quarterly period. They also include detailed reports on travel, hospitality and contract expenditures. All expenditures are subject to the policies of the Board of Internal Economy.

For more information, see the frequently asked questions about the expenditure reports for Members.

The expenditure reports for Presiding Officers and House Officers include the Summary of Expenditures that outlines the expenditures incurred by Presiding Officers and House Officers for salaries, travel, hospitality and contracts in a quarterly period. They also include detailed reports on travel, hospitality and contract expenditures. All expenditures are subject to the policies of the Board of Internal Economy.

For more information, see the frequently asked questions about the expenditure reports for Presiding Officers and House Officers.

Parliamentary committees conduct studies based on the mandate given to them by the House of Commons. The Liaison Committee regularly presents its Report on Committee Activities and Expenditures, which includes expenditure information summarized by study and related to committee travel.

Members of Parliament travel in Canada and abroad to study issues related to the work of their committee. Committee travel expenditure reports disclose expenses broken down by travel activity and by individual or group.

Within 60 days of a delegation returning to Canada from abroad, a report discloses travel and hospitality expenses, broken down by individual or group, for each of the twelve parliamentary associations.

Parliamentary associations also host events and activities in Ottawa and elsewhere in Canada, hold annual general assemblies and meet occasionally. A report discloses their expenses, broken down by individual or group, every quarter, within 60 days of the end of the quarter.

The two Speakers travel both domestically and internationally on behalf of the Parliament of Canada and the related expenses are disclosed broken down by individual or group, every quarter, within 60 days of the end of the quarter. They also serve as hosts to other visiting foreign Speakers, meet with ambassadors and other foreign dignitaries, host Parliamentary Conferences in Canada and various events in Ottawa. The financial reports disclose expenses, broken down by individual or group, every quarter, within 60 days of the end of the quarter.

The financial reports for conferences hosted by the Parliament of Canada disclose travel and hospitality expenses, broken down by individual or group, every quarter, within 60 days of the end of the quarter.

In accordance with the Members By-law, a Member of the House of Commons may designate one person, other than the Member’s employee or another Member who is not the Member’s spouse, as their designated traveller. The Public Registry of Designated Travellers discloses each Member's designated traveller.

For more information, see the Public Registry of Designated Travellers frequently asked questions.

For information on the travel provisions available to Members in support of their parliamentary functions, consult the Travel chapter of the Members’ Allowances and Services Manual.

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The Strategic Plan provides an overview of the priorities of the House Administration. It also provides overall guidance for the Administration’s operations and for the prioritization of resources and activities. Progress against the plan is continuously monitored and reported on at the end of each year.

The expenditure reports for the House of Commons Administration include travel and hospitality expenses, as well as contracts over $10,000 for a quarterly period. These expenses and contracts are subject to the policies approved by the Clerk of the House of Commons.

For more information, see the current policies on travel, hospitality and procurement, as well as the frequently asked questions about the reports for the House of Commons Administration.

The Quarterly Financial Report of the House of Commons compares the year-to-date financial information at the end of each quarter of the current fiscal year with the year-to-date financial information from the end of the same quarter in the previous fiscal year. This report is prepared for the first three quarters of the fiscal year, ending June 30, September 30, and December 31.

The Annual Financial Report includes the audited financial statements for the House of Commons. It also includes an overview of the House of Commons’ financial performance for the fiscal year (ending on March 31); financial highlights for the year, with an analysis of deviations from the approved budgets; and comparative information from the previous year. For more information, see the 2023-2024 Annual Financial Report and the frequently asked questions for reports from the House of Commons Administration .

The Report to Canadians provides the public with an annual update on Members’ parliamentary activities. It also summarizes, based on the priorities in the Strategic Plan, the Administration’s accomplishments in support of Members and the institution. A financial report is also included.

The Members of the House of Commons – Workplace harassment and violence prevention policy applies to Members and House Officers as employers, as well as to their employees and research office employees. The Policy addresses harassment and violence prevention and explains the processes for resolving reported occurrences and for filing complaints. It also includes investigation and reporting requirements. Under the Policy, the Chief Human Resources Officer of the House of Commons must provide the Board of Internal Economy with an annual statistical report. The Policy and report do not cover situations between Members, which are addressed by the Code of Conduct for Members of the House of Commons: Sexual Harassment Between Members.

If a legal issue arises while Members are carrying out their parliamentary functions, the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel may, in certain situations, refer Members to outside counsel for representation. In such cases, Members may ask the Board of Internal Economy to reimburse their legal fees.

The Legal Fees Policy is in place to ensure that the process and procedures for the reimbursement of legal fees are widely understood, and to provide additional measures to ensure a harassment and violence-free workplace for employees and Members. The policy provides for the quarterly disclosure of information related to reimbursement claims.