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Status of House Business

The Status of House Business provides cumulative information on the status of business before the House during a session. The document is updated after each sitting.

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43rd Parliament, 2nd Session   (September 23, 2020 - August 15, 2021)  Current Session
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Status of House Business

AT DISSOLUTION (Sunday, August 15, 2021)

PART I – Government Orders

Government Bills (Commons)

This section contains all public bills sponsored by the government which originated in the House of Commons. Bills in this section are numbered from C-1 to C-200.
C-1The Prime MinisterAn Act respecting the administration of oaths of office
Introduced and read the first time — September 23, 2020
C-2The Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability InclusionAn Act relating to economic recovery in response to COVID-19
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — September 24, 2020
Introduced and read the first time — September 24, 2020
C-3The Minister of JusticeAn Act to amend the Judges Act and the Criminal Code
Introduced and read the first time — September 25, 2020
Debated at second reading — October 2, 7 and 8, 2020
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights— October 19, 2020
Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-5 ) — October 30, 2020
Order respecting proceedings at report stage and third reading stage — November 16, 2020
Concurred in at report stage with further amendments — November 16, 2020
Debated at third reading — November 16 and 20, 2020
Read the third time and passed — November 23, 2020
Passed by the Senate — May 6, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No.  8) — May 6, 2021
C-4RThe Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability InclusionAn Act relating to certain measures in response to COVID-19
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — September 25, 2020
Introduced and read the first time — September 28, 2020
Order respecting proceedings at all stages — September 29, 2020 (See Government Business No. 1)
Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to a committee of the whole; deemed considered in committee of the whole; deemed reported without amendment; deemed concurred in at report stage; deemed read the third time and passed — September 29, 2020
Passed by the Senate — October 2, 2020
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 12) — October 2, 2020
C-5The Minister of Canadian HeritageAn Act to amend the Bills of Exchange Act, the Interpretation Act and the Canada Labour Code (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation)
Introduced and read the first time — September 29, 2020
Debated at second reading — October 23 and 30, 2020
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage— November 2, 2020
Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-25 ) — November 25, 2020
Order respecting proceedings at report stage and third reading stage — May 28, 2021
Deemed concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; deemed read the third time and passed — May 28, 2021
Passed by the Senate — June 3, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 11) — June 3, 2021
C-6The Minister of JusticeAn Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy)
Introduced and read the first time — October 1, 2020
Debated at second reading — October 26 and 27, 2020
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights— October 28, 2020
Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-50 ) — December 11, 2020
Order respecting proceedings at report stage and third reading stage — April 16, 2021
Debated at report stage; deemed concurred in at report stage with a further amendment — April 16, 2021
Debated at third reading — April 16, May 31, June 7 and 21, 2021
Time allocation at third reading stage — Notice — June 11, 2021
Read the third time and passed — June 22, 2021
C-7The Minister of JusticeAn Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)
Introduced and read the first time — October 5, 2020
Debated at second reading — October 9, 19, 21, 27 and 28, 2020
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights— October 29, 2020
Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-26 ) — November 25, 2020
Debated at report stage — November 27, 30 and December 2, 2020
Order respecting proceedings at report stage — December 2, 2020
Concurred in at report stage — December 3, 2020
Debated at third reading — December 4, 8, 9 and 10, 2020
Read the third time and passed — December 10, 2020
Passed by the Senate (with amendments) — February 17, 2021
Motion respecting Senate amendments — Debated — February 23 and March 11, 2021; adopted — March 11, 2021
Closure — Notice — March 9, 2021; adopted — March 11, 2021
Senate agreed to House amendments and did not insist on its amendments — March 17, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 2) — March 17, 2021
C-8The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and CitizenshipAn Act to amend the Citizenship Act (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's call to action number 94)
Introduced and read the first time — October 22, 2020
Debated at second reading — November 2, 23 and December 10, 2020
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs— December 10, 2020
Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-57 ) — February 5, 2021
Deemed concurred in at report stage — June 1, 2021
Order respecting proceedings at report stage and third reading stage — June 1, 2021
Debated at third reading; deemed read the third time and passed — June 3, 2021
Passed by the Senate — June 10, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 13) — June 21, 2021
C-9RThe Minister of FinanceAn Act to amend the Income Tax Act (Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy and Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy)
Ways and Means motion No. 1 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-432-1) — Adopted — November 2, 2020
Introduced and read the first time — November 2, 2020
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Minister of Finance — November 4, 2020
Order respecting proceedings at all stages — November 4, 2020
Debated at second reading — November 4, 2020
Read the second time and referred to a committee of the whole; considered in committee of the whole; deemed reported without amendment — November 5, 2020
Debated at report stage; deemed concurred in at report stage; deemed read the third time and passed — November 6, 2020
Passed by the Senate — November 19, 2020
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 13) — November 19, 2020
C-10The Minister of Canadian HeritageAn Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts
Introduced and read the first time — November 3, 2020
Debated at second reading — November 18, 19, December 10, 11, 2020 and February 5, 2021
Order respecting proceedings at second reading stage — February 16, 2021
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage ; adopted — February 16, 2021
Time allocation at committee stage — Notice — June 3, 2021; adopted — June 7, 2021
Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-157 ) — June 14, 2021
Certain inadmissible amendments adopted by the committee declared null and void and, by order of the Speaker, withdrawn from the bill as reported to the House and the bill reprinted accordingly — June 15, 2021
Order respecting proceedings at report stage and third reading stage — June 21, 2021 (See Government Business No. 10)
Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed — June 21, 2021
C-11RThe Minister of Innovation, Science and IndustryAn Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act and the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry — November 16, 2020
Introduced and read the first time — November 17, 2020
Debated at second reading — November 24, 2020, March 26 and April 19, 2021
C-12RThe Minister of Environment and Climate ChangeAn Act respecting transparency and accountability in Canada's efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050
Introduced and read the first time — November 19, 2020
Debated at second reading — November 25, 26, 2020, March 10, April 16, 27 and May 3, 2021
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change — November 30, 2020
Time allocation at second reading stage — Notice — April 26, 2021; adopted — April 27, 2021
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development— May 4, 2021
Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-154 ) — June 11, 2021
Order respecting proceedings at report stage and third reading stage — June 22, 2021 (See Government Business No. 9)
Passed by the Senate — June 29, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 22) — June 29, 2021
C-13The Minister of JusticeAn Act to amend the Criminal Code (single event sport betting)
Introduced and read the first time — November 26, 2020
Statement by Speaker regarding the rule of anticipation — February 18, 2021
C-14RThe Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of FinanceAn Act to implement certain provisions of the economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 30, 2020 and other measures
Introduced and read the first time — December 2, 2020
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance — December 7, 2020
Debated at second reading — January 25, 26, 27, February 2, 16, 19, 22 and 26, 2021
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance— March 8, 2021
Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-97 ) — March 24, 2021
Concurred in at report stage — April 12, 2021
Debated at third reading — April 12, 13 and 14, 2021
Read the third time and passed — April 15, 2021
Passed by the Senate — May 5, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 7) — May 6, 2021
C-15The Minister of JusticeAn Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Introduced and read the first time — December 3, 2020
Debated at second reading — February 17 and April 15, 2021
Time allocation at second reading stage — Notice — April 13, 2021; adopted — April 15, 2021
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs— April 19, 2021
Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-118 ) — April 26, 2021
Concurred in at report stage — May 12, 2021
Debated at third reading — May 12 and 14, 2021
Time allocation at third reading stage — Notice — May 13, 2021; adopted — May 14, 2021
Read the third time and passed — May 25, 2021
Passed by the Senate — June 16, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 14) — June 21, 2021
C-16RThe President of the Treasury BoardAn Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021(Appropriation Act No. 4, 2020-21)
Main Estimates 2020-21 — Concurred in — December 7, 2020 (See Business of Supply No. 3)
Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a committee of the whole; considered in committee of the whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed — December 7, 2020
Passed by the Senate — December 10, 2020
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 15) — December 10, 2020
C-17RThe President of the Treasury BoardAn Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021(Appropriation Act No. 5, 2020-21)
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2020-21 — Concurred in — December 7, 2020 (See Business of Supply No. 4)
Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a committee of the whole; considered in committee of the whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed — December 7, 2020
Passed by the Senate — December 10, 2020
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 14) — December 10, 2020
C-18RThe Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International TradeAn Act to implement the Agreement on Trade Continuity between Canada and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade — December 8, 2020
Introduced and read the first time — December 9, 2020
Debated at second reading — January 28 and 29, 2021
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on International Trade— February 1, 2021
Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-75 ) — March 8, 2021
Order respecting proceedings on March 9, 2021 — March 9, 2021
Order respecting proceedings at report stage and third reading — March 9, 2021
Deemed concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading — March 9, 2021
Read the third time and passed — March 10, 2021
Passed by the Senate — March 16, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 1) — March 17, 2021
C-19The President of the Queen's Privy Council for CanadaAn Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (COVID-19 response)
Introduced and read the first time — December 10, 2020
Debated at second reading — March 8, 26, May 7 and 10, 2021
Time allocation at second reading stage — Notice — May 7, 2021; adopted — May 10, 2021
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs— May 11, 2021
Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-182 ) — June 21, 2021
C-20The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of FinanceAn Act to amend the Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador Additional Fiscal Equalization Offset Payments Act
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — February 3, 2021
Introduced and read the first time — February 3, 2021
C-21The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency PreparednessAn Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms)
Introduced and read the first time — February 16, 2021
Debated at second reading — February 26, April 23 and May 28, 2021
C-22The Minister of JusticeAn Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
Introduced and read the first time — February 18, 2021
Debated at second reading — March 24 and April 13, 2021
C-23The Minister of JusticeAn Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Identification of Criminals Act and to make related amendments to other Acts (COVID-19 response and other measures)
Introduced and read the first time — February 24, 2021
C-24RThe Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability InclusionAn Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act (additional regular benefits), the Canada Recovery Benefits Act (restriction on eligibility) and another Act in response to COVID-19
Introduced and read the first time — February 25, 2021
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion — February 25, 2021
Debated at second reading — March 8 and 11, 2021
Order respecting proceedings in committee, at report stage and at third reading stage — March 11, 2021
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities; reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-79 ) — March 11, 2021
Deemed concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; deemed read the third time and passed — March 12, 2021
Passed by the Senate — March 17, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 3) — March 17, 2021
C-25The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of FinanceAn Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, to authorize certain payments to be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and to amend another Act
Introduced and read the first time — March 25, 2021
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance — March 25, 2021
C-26RThe President of the Treasury BoardAn Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021(Appropriation Act No. 6, 2020-21)
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2020-21 — Concurred in — March 25, 2021 (See Business of Supply No. 6)
Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a committee of the whole; considered in committee of the whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed — March 25, 2021
Passed by the Senate — March 30, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 4) — March 30, 2021
C-27RThe President of the Treasury BoardAn Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022(Appropriation Act No. 1, 2021-22)
Interim supply for the year ending March 31, 2022 — March 25, 2021 (See Business of Supply No. 8)
Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a committee of the whole; considered in committee of the whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed — March 25, 2021
Passed by the Senate — March 30, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 5) — March 30, 2021
C-28The Minister of Environment and Climate ChangeAn Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to make related amendments to the Food and Drugs Act and to repeal the Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Virtual Elimination Act
Introduced and read the first time — April 13, 2021
C-29The Minister of LabourAn Act to provide for the resumption and continuation of operations at the Port of Montreal
Introduced and read the first time — April 27, 2021
Order respecting proceedings at all stages — April 28, 2021 (See Government Business No. 5)
Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to a committee of the whole; deemed considered in committee of the whole; deemed reported with an amendment; deemed concurred in at report stage; deemed read the third time and passed — April 28, 2021
Passed by the Senate — April 30, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 6) — April 30, 2021
C-30RThe Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of FinanceAn Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 19, 2021 and other measures
Ways and Means motion No. 9 (Sessional Paper No. 8570-432-9) — Adopted — April 30, 2021
Read the first time — April 30, 2021
Debated at second reading — May 5, 6, 7, 11, 25, 26 and 27, 2021
Read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance— May 27, 2021
Reported with amendments (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-146 ) — June 7, 2021
Debated at report stage — June 10, 11, 14, 16, 18 and 21, 2021
Time allocation at report stage and third reading stage — Notice — June 10, 2021; adopted — June 14, 2021
Concurred in at report stage — June 21, 2021
Debated at third reading — June 22, 2021
Read the third time and passed — June 23, 2021
Passed by the Senate — June 29, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 23) — June 29, 2021
C-31The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency PreparednessAn Act to amend the Criminal Records Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
Introduced and read the first time — June 10, 2021
C-32The Minister of Economic Development and Official LanguagesAn Act to amend the Official Languages Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts
Introduced and read the first time — June 15, 2021
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages — June 16, 2021
C-33RThe President of the Treasury BoardAn Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022(Appropriation Act No. 2, 2021-22)
Main Estimates 2021-22 — Concurred in — June 17, 2021 (See Business of Supply No. 7)
Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a committee of the whole; considered in committee of the whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed — June 17, 2021
Passed by the Senate — June 21, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 15) — June 21, 2021
C-34RThe President of the Treasury BoardAn Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022(Appropriation Act No. 3, 2021-22)
Supplementary Estimates (A), 2021-22 — Concurred in — June 17, 2021 (See Business of Supply No. 10)
Read the first time; read the second time and referred to a committee of the whole; considered in committee of the whole; reported without amendment; concurred in at report stage; read the third time and passed — June 17, 2021
Passed by the Senate — June 21, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 16) — June 21, 2021
C-35The Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability InclusionAn Act to reduce poverty and to support the financial security of persons with disabilities by establishing the Canada disability benefit and making a consequential amendment to the Income Tax Act
Introduced and read the first time — June 22, 2021
Royal recommendation — Notice given by the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion — June 22, 2021
C-36The Minister of JusticeAn Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act and to make related amendments to another Act (hate propaganda, hate crimes and hate speech)
Introduced and read the first time — June 23, 2021

Government Bills (Senate)

This section contains public bills sponsored by the government which originated in the Senate. Bills in this section are numbered from S-1 to S-200.
S-2The Minister of Foreign AffairsAn Act to amend the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act
Message received from the Senate — January 25, 2021
Read the first time — February 25, 2021
S-3The Minister of Natural ResourcesAn Act to amend the Offshore Health and Safety Act
Message received from the Senate — February 16, 2021
Read the first time — February 25, 2021
Debated at second reading; read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources — April 30, 2021
Reported without amendment (Sessional Paper No.  8510-432-128 ) — May 11, 2021
Concurred in at report stage; debated at third reading; read the third time and passed — May 27, 2021
Written declaration; royal assent (Chapter No. 10) — June 3, 2021
S-4The President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Intergovernmental AffairsAn Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts
Message received from the Senate — June 1, 2021

Business of Supply

This section contains information relating to the business of supply, mainly: supply period, allotted days, opposition motions, estimates, and interim supply. The information in this section is grouped and numbered for reference only.
No. 1 — The President of the Treasury Board — Order for Supply
Order respecting the consideration of the business of supply — September 23, 2020
No. 2 — Supply period ending December 10, 2020
Total number of allotted days set at nine — September 23, 2020
First allotted day — Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Special committee on anti-corruption — Notice — October 15, 2020
Debated — October 20, 2020
Negatived — October 21, 2020
Second allotted day — Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Health (COVID-19 pandemic) — Notice — October 20, 2020
Debated — October 22, 2020
Adopted as amended — October 26, 2020 (See PART IV — Standing Committees — HESA)
Documents from the government tabled by the Speaker — December 16, 2020; January 20 and 29; February 5, 19 and 26; March 12 and 26; April 16, 23 and 30; May 7, 14 and 28; June 4, 11 and 18, 2021
Third allotted day — Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Official apology from the Prime Minister — Notice — October 27, 2020
Debated — October 29, 2020
Negatived — November 2, 2020
Fourth allotted day — Mr. Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) — Consequences of the pandemic on Canadian workers and businesses — Notice — October 30, 2020
Debated — November 3, 2020
Adopted — November 4, 2020
Fifth allotted day — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Tax measures to support Canadians — Notice — November 3, 2020
Debated — November 5, 2020
Negatived — November 16, 2020
Sixth allotted day — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Foreign policy toward China — Notice — November 12, 2020
Debated — November 17, 2020
Adopted — November 18, 2020
Letter from the government tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8530-432-3 ) — January 25, 2021
Seventh allotted day — Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Support to health care workers — Notice — November 27, 2020
Debated — December 1, 2020
Adopted — December 2, 2020
Eighth allotted day — Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Status update on COVID-19 vaccines — Notice — December 1, 2020
Debated — December 3, 2020
Order respecting the recorded division further deferred — December 7, 2020
Adopted — December 7, 2020
Ninth and final allotted day — Mr. Poilievre (Carleton) — Measures to support Canadian businesses — Notice — December 4, 2020
Debated — December 7, 2020
Negatived — December 7, 2020
Mr. Fortin (Rivière-du-Nord) — Official apology from the Prime Minister — Notice — September 23, 2020
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Official apology from the Prime Minister — Notice — September 23, 2020
Mr. Thériault (Montcalm) — Canada Health Transfer — Notice — September 23, 2020
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Canada Health Transfer — Notice — September 23, 2020
Ms. Chabot (Thérèse-De Blainville) — Official language of Quebec — Notice — September 23, 2020
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Official language of Quebec — Notice — September 23, 2020
Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — Special committee on anti-corruption — Notice — October 15, 2020
Mr. Poilievre (Carleton) — Special committee on anti-corruption — Notice — October 15, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Special committee on anti-corruption — Notice — October 15, 2020
Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Relationship with China — Notice — October 15, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Relationship with China — Notice — October 15, 2020
Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — Huawei — Notice — October 15, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Huawei — Notice — October 15, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Health (COVID-19 pandemic) — Notice — October 20, 2020
Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — Huawei — Notice — October 20, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Huawei — Notice — October 20, 2020
Mr. Doherty (Cariboo—Prince George) — National suicide prevention hotline — Notice — October 30, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — National suicide prevention hotline — Notice — October 30, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — National suicide prevention hotline — Notice — October 30, 2020
Mr. Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) — Consequences of the pandemic on Canadian workers and businesses — Notice — October 30, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Consequences of the pandemic on Canadian workers and businesses — Notice — October 30, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Consequences of the pandemic on Canadian workers and businesses — Notice — October 30, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Consequences of the pandemic on Canadian workers and businesses — Notice — October 30, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Consequences of the pandemic on Canadian workers and businesses — Notice — October 30, 2020
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Wealth and profiteer tax — Notice — November 3, 2020
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Long-term care — Notice — November 3, 2020
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — Long-term care — Notice — November 3, 2020
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Daycare — Notice — November 3, 2020
Ms. Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe) — Daycare — Notice — November 3, 2020
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Opioid use — Notice — November 3, 2020
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — Opioid use — Notice — November 3, 2020
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Dental care — Notice — November 3, 2020
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — Dental care — Notice — November 3, 2020
Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) — Amendments to the Standing Orders — Notice — November 3, 2020
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Amendments to the Standing Orders — Notice — November 3, 2020
Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (money laundering) — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (money laundering) — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (money laundering) — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (money laundering) — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. McLean (Calgary Centre) — Keystone XL — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Keystone XL — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Keystone XL — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Keystone XL — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska) — Official languages — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Official languages — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Official languages — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Foreign policy toward China — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Foreign policy toward China — Notice — November 12, 2020
Mr. Ste-Marie (Joliette) — Support to health care workers — Notice — November 27, 2020
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Support to health care workers — Notice — November 27, 2020
Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — Status update on COVID-19 vaccines — Notice — December 1, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Status update on COVID-19 vaccines — Notice — December 1, 2020
Ms. Rood (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) — Assistance to the agri-food sector — Notice — December 1, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Assistance to the agri-food sector — Notice — December 1, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Assistance to the agri-food sector — Notice — December 1, 2020
Mrs. McLeod (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) — Indigenous communities — Notice — December 1, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Indigenous communities — Notice — December 1, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Indigenous communities — Notice — December 1, 2020
Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (money laundering) — Notice — December 1, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (money laundering) — Notice — December 1, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (money laundering) — Notice — December 1, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Measures to support Canadian businesses — Notice — December 4, 2020
Mr. Cumming (Edmonton Centre) — Measures to support Canadian businesses — Notice — December 4, 2020
Mr. Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) — Measures to support Canadian businesses — Notice — December 4, 2020
Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — Pandemic ethics — Notice — December 4, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Pandemic ethics — Notice — December 4, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Pandemic ethics — Notice — December 4, 2020
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Dividing Bill C-14 — Notice — December 4, 2020
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Dividing Bill C-14 — Notice — December 4, 2020
Mr. Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) — Dividing Bill C-14 — Notice — December 4, 2020
No. 3 — Main Estimates 2020-21
Laid upon the table; deemed referred to several standing committees — September 30, 2020
Votes 1, 5, and 10 under Department of Fisheries and Oceans — Deemed withdrawn from the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans; referred to a committee of the whole — November 2, 2020
Order respecting proceedings in committee of the whole; considered in committee of the whole; deemed reported — November 24, 2020
Votes 1, 5, and 10 under Department of Health — Deemed withdrawn from the Standing Committee on Health; referred to a committee of the whole — November 2, 2020
Order respecting proceedings in committee of the whole — November 24, 2020
Considered in committee of the whole; deemed reported — November 26, 2020
Vote 1 under Invest in Canada Hub — First report of the Standing Committee on International Trade — November 5, 2020
Vote 1 under Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada, Vote 1 under Canadian Human Rights Commission, Vote 1 under Courts Administration Service, Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Justice, Votes 1 and 5 under Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs, Vote 1 under Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and Vote 1 under Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada — Second report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights — November 5, 2020
Vote 1 under Canadian High Arctic Research Station, Votes 1, 5, 10 and L15 under Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Norther Affairs and Votes 1, 5, and 10 under Department of Indigenous Services — First report of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs — November 16, 2020
Vote 1 under Office of the Auditor General — First report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts — November 18, 2020
Vote 1 under Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages — First report of the Standing Committee on Official Languages — November 23, 2020
Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Veterans Affairs and Vote 1 under Veterans Review and Appeal Board — First report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs — November 25, 2020
Vote 1 under Canada Council for the Arts, Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Vote 1 under Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Vote 1 under Canadian Museum of History, Vote 1 under Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, Vote 1 under Canadian Museum of Nature, Vote 1 under Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Canadian Heritage, Votes 1 and 5 Library and Archives of Canada, Vote 1 under National Arts Centre Corporation, Vote 1 under National Film Board, Votes 1 and 5 under National Gallery of Canada, Vote 1 under National Museum of Science and Technology, Vote 1 under Telefilm Canada and Vote 1 under The National Battlefields Commission — First report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage — November 25, 2020
Votes 1 and 5 under Department for Women and Gender Equality — First report of the Standing Committee on Status of Women — November 25, 2020
Vote 1 under House of Commons, Vote 1 under Leaders' Debates Commission, Vote 1 under Office of the Chief Electoral Officer and Vote 1 under Parliamentary Protective Service — Fourth report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs — November 25, 2020
Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of Citizenship and Immigration and Vote 1 under Immigration and Refugee Board — First report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration — November 26, 2020
Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, L25 and L30 under Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Vote 1 under International Development Research Centre and Vote 1 under International Joint Commission (Canadian Section) — First report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development — November 27, 2020
Vote 1 under Canada Post Corporation, Vote 1 under Canada School of Public Service, Vote 1 under Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat, Vote 1 under Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board, Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Public Works and Government Services, Votes 1 and 5 under National Capital Commission, Vote 1 under Office of the Governor General's Secretary, Vote 1 under Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, Vote 1 under Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, Vote 1 under Privy Council Office, Vote 1 under Public Service Commission, Vote 1 under Senate, Votes 1 and 5 under Shared Services Canada and Votes 1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30 and 35 under Treasury Board Secretariat — First report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates — November 27, 2020
Votes 1 and 5 under Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Votes 1 and 5 under Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Canadian Space Agency, Vote 1 under Canadian Tourism Commission, Vote 1 under Copyright Board, Votes 1, 5, 10, L15 and L20 under Department of Industry, Votes 1, and 5 under Department of Western Economic Diversification, Votes 1 and 5 under Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, Votes 1 and 5 under Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, Votes 1, 5 and 10 under National Research Council of Canada, Votes 1 and 5 under Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Votes 1 and 5 under Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Vote 1 under Standards Council of Canada and Vote 1 under Statistics Canada — Second report of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology — November 27, 2020
Votes 1 and 5 under Canada Border Services Agency, Vote 1 under Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Vote 1 under Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Votes 1 and 5 under Correctional Service of Canada, Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Vote 1 under National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat, Vote 1 under Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada, Vote 1 under Parole Board of Canada, Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Vote 1 under Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee and Vote 1 under Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians — First report of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security — November 27, 2020
Vote 1 under Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Votes 1 and 5 under Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization, Vote 1 under Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety and Votes 1 and 5 of Department of Employment and Social Development — First report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities — November 27, 2020
Vote 1 under Canadian Dairy Commission, Vote 1 under Canadian Grain Commission and Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food — Second report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food — November 27, 2020
Votes deemed reported — All votes except those already reported — November 27, 2020
Concurred in — December 7, 2020 (See Bill C-16)
No. 4 — Supplementary Estimates (B), 2020-21
Laid upon the table; deemed referred to several standing committees — October 22, 2020
Vote 1b under Canadian Human Rights Commission, Vote 1b under Courts Administration Service, Vote 1b under Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and Vote 1b under Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada — Third report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights — November 5, 2020
Votes 1b and 5b under Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Votes 1b and 5b under Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Votes 1b, 5b and 10b under Department of Health and Votes 1b, 5b and 10b under Public Health Agency of Canada — First report of the Standing Committee on Health — November 23, 2020
Votes 1b and 5b under Department of Veterans Affairs — Second report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs — November 25, 2020
Vote 1b under Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Vote 1b under Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, Votes 1b and 5b under Department of Canadian Heritage and Vote 5b under Library and Archives of Canada — First report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage — November 25, 2020
Vote 1b under House of Commons and Vote 1b under Leaders' Debates Commission — Fifth report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs — November 25, 2020
Votes 1b, 5b and 10b under Department of Citizenship and Immigration and Vote 1b under Immigration and Refugee Board — Second report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration — November 26, 2020
Votes 1b and 5b under Canada Border Services Agency, Vote 1b under Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Vote 1b under Correctional Service of Canada, Votes 1b and 5b under Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Vote 1b under Parole Board of Canada, Votes 1b and 5b under Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Vote 1b under Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee — Second report of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security — November 27, 2020
Votes 1b, 5b and 10b under Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs and Votes 1b and 10b under Department of Indigenous Services — Fourth report of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs — November 30, 2020
Votes deemed reported — All votes except those already reported — December 2, 2020
Concurred in — December 7, 2020 (See Bill C-17)
No. 5 — Supply period ending March 26, 2021
First allotted day — Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country) — Special committee on the economic relationship between Canada and the United States — Notice — February 2, 2021
Debated — February 4, 2021
Adopted — February 16, 2021
Second allotted day — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Religious minorities in China — Notice — January 25, 2021
Debated — February 18, 2021
Adopted as amended — February 22, 2021
Third allotted day — Ms. Larouche (Shefford) — Financial situation of the elderly — Notice — February 23, 2021
Debated — February 25, 2021
Adopted — March 8, 2021
Fourth allotted day — Mr. Fast (Abbotsford) — Measures to support Canadian workers (tourism and loans to airlines) — Notice — March 4, 2021
Debated — March 9, 2021
Adopted — March 10, 2021
Fifth allotted day — Mr. Singh (Burnaby South) — Removing profit from long-term care — Notice — March 9, 2021
Debated — March 22, 2021
Negatived — March 23, 2021
Sixth allotted day — Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — Plan for reopening the economy — Notice — March 18, 2021
Debated — March 23, 2021
Negatived — March 24, 2021
Seventh and last allotted day — Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — Instructions to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics and to the Standing Committee on National Defence — Notice — March 23, 2021
Debated; adopted as amended — March 25, 2021
Mr. O’Toole (Durham) — Religious minorities in China — Notice — January 25, 2021
Mr. Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) — Religious minorities in China — Notice — January 25, 2021
Mr. O’Toole (Durham) — Dividing Bill C-14 — January 25, 2021
Mr. Poilievre (Carleton) — Dividing Bill C-14 — Notice — January 25, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Dividing Bill C-14 — Notice — January 25, 2021
Mr. O’Toole (Durham) — Line 5 pipeline — Notice — February 2, 2021
Mr. McLean (Calgary Centre) — Line 5 pipeline — Notice — February 2, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Line 5 pipeline — Notice — February 2, 2021
Mr. O’Toole (Durham) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (appointment process for the governor general) — Notice — February 2, 2021
Mr. Berthold (Mégantic—L'Érable) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (appointment process for the governor general) — Notice — February 2, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (appointment process for the governor general) — Notice — February 2, 2021
Ms. Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (appointment process for the governor general) — Notice — February 2, 2021
Mr. O’Toole (Durham) — Special committee on the economic relationship between Canada and the United States — Notice — February 2, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Special committee on the economic relationship between Canada and the United States — Notice — February 2, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — COVID-19 vaccine contracts — Notice — February 16, 2021
Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — COVID-19 vaccine contracts — Notice — February 16, 2021
Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — COVID-19 vaccine contracts — Notice — February 16, 2021
Mr. Fortin (Rivière-du-Nord) — Process to amend the Canadian Constitution — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Process to amend the Canadian Constitution — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Process to amend the Canadian Constitution — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mrs. Vignola (Beauport—Limoilou) — Supply contracts for the COVID-19 vaccine — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Supply contracts for the COVID-19 vaccine — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Supply contracts for the COVID-19 vaccine — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Lemire (Abitibi—Témiscamingue) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (development and production of a vaccine) — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Simard (Jonquière) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (development and production of a vaccine) — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (development and production of a vaccine) — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (development and production of a vaccine) — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Financial situation of the elderly — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Financial situation of the elderly — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Fortin (Rivière-du-Nord) — Special committee on the judicial appointment process — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Special committee on the judicial appointment process — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Special committee on the judicial appointment process — Notice — February 23, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Measures to support Canadian workers (tourism and loans to airlines) — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Cumming (Edmonton Centre) — Measures to support Canadian workers (tourism and loans to airlines) — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) — Measures to support Canadian workers (tourism and loans to airlines) — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South) — Measures to support Canadian workers (tourism and loans to airlines) — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) — Measures to support Canadian workers (tourism and loans to airlines) — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) — Measures to support Canadian workers (tourism and loans to airlines) — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Measures to support Canadian workers — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Fast (Abbotsford) — Measures to support Canadian workers — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Cumming (Edmonton Centre) — Measures to support Canadian workers — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) — Measures to support Canadian workers — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South) — Measures to support Canadian workers — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) — Measures to support Canadian workers — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) — Measures to support Canadian workers — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South) — Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Report on the efficacy of federal economic response measures — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Fast (Abbotsford) — Report on the efficacy of federal economic response measures — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Kelly (Calgary Rocky Ridge) — Report on the efficacy of federal economic response measures — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — March 4, 2021
Ms. Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — March 4, 2021
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Removing profit from long-term care — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — Removing profit from long-term care — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Profit ban included in national standards for long-term care — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Singh (Burnaby South) — Profit ban included in national standards for long-term care — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — Profit ban included in national standards for long-term care — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Establishment of a publicly owned Crown corporation to produce vaccines and critical drugs — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Singh (Burnaby South) — Establishment of a publicly owned Crown corporation to produce vaccines and critical drugs — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — Establishment of a publicly owned Crown corporation to produce vaccines and critical drugs — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Measures to support small businesses — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Singh (Burnaby South) — Measures to support small businesses — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Johns (Courtenay—Alberni) — Measures to support small businesses — Notice — March 9, 2021
Mr. Blaney (Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (National Shipbuilding Strategy) — Notice — March 11, 2021
Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — Instruction to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (National Shipbuilding Strategy) — Notice — March 11, 2021
Mr. Cumming (Edmonton Centre) — Plan for reopening the economy — Notice — March 18, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Plan for reopening the economy — Notice — March 18, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Plan for reopening the economy — Notice — March 18, 2021
Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) — Sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — March 18, 2021
Ms. Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) — Sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — March 18, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — March 18, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — March 18, 2021
Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — Powers of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner — Notice — March 18, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Powers of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner — Notice — March 18, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Powers of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner — Notice — March 18, 2021
Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — Measures against the sexual exploitation of minors — Notice — March 23, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Measures against the sexual exploitation of minors — Notice — March 23, 2021
Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) — Instructions to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics and to the Standing Committee on National Defence — Notice — March 23, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Instructions to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics and to the Standing Committee on National Defence — Notice — March 23, 2021
No. 6 — Supplementary Estimates (C), 2020-21
Laid upon the table; deemed referred to several standing committees — February 16, 2021
Votes 1c, 5c, 10c, 15c and 20c under Department of Citizenship and Immigration — Third report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration — March 12, 2021
Vote 1c under Courts Administration Service, Votes 1c and 5c under Department of Justice, Votes 1c and 5c under Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs and Vote 1c under Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada — Seventh report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights — March 12, 2021
Votes 1c, 5c and 10c under Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food — Third report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food — March 12, 2021
Votes 1c, 5c and 10c under Department of the Environment and Vote 1c under Parks Canada Agency — Second report of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development — March 12, 2021
Votes 1c and 5c under Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Vote 5c under Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Votes 1c and 10c under Department of Health and Votes 1c, 5c and 10c under Public Health Agency of Canada — Fourth report of the Standing Committee on Health — March 22, 2021
Votes 1c and 10c under Department of Natural Resources — First report of the Standing Committee on Natural Resources — March 22, 2021
Vote 1c under Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and Votes 1c, 5c, 10c and 15c under Department of Employment and Social Development — Fourth report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities — March 22, 2021
Vote 5c under Department for Women and Gender Equality — Third report of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women — March 22, 2021
Votes deemed reported — All votes except those already reported — March 22, 2021
Concurred in — March 25, 2021 (See Bill C-26)
No. 7 — Main Estimates 2021-22
Laid upon the table; deemed referred to several standing committees — February 25, 2021
Departmental Plans — Laid upon the table; deemed referred to the appropriate standing committees — February 25, 2021
Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of Citizenship and Immigration and Vote 1 under Immigration and Refugee Board — Fourth report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration — March 12, 2021
Vote 1 under Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada, Vote 1 under Canadian Human Rights Commission, Vote 1 under Courts Administration Service, Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Justice, Votes 1 and 5 under Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs, Vote 1 under Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and Vote 1 under Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada — Sixth report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights — March 12, 2021
Vote 1 under Office of the Auditor General — 13th report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts — March 22, 2021
Votes 1 and 5 under Department for Women and Gender Equality — Fourth report of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women — March 22, 2021
Votes 1 and 5 under Canada Border Services Agency, Vote 1 under Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Vote 1 under Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Votes 1 and 5 under Correctional Service of Canada, Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Vote 1 under National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat, Vote 1 under Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada, Vote 1 under Parole Board of Canada, Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Vote 1 under Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee and Vote 1 under Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians — Fifth report of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security — March 25, 2021
Vote 1 under Canadian High Arctic Research Station, Votes 1, 5, 10 and L15 under Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs and Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of Indigenous Services — Seventh report of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs — March 26, 2021
Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Veterans Affairs and Vote 1 under Veterans Review and Appeal Board — Fifth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs — April 16, 2021
Vote 1 under Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, Vote 1 under Canadian Transportation Agency, Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of Transport, Vote 1 under Marine Atlantic Inc., Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Office of Infrastructure of Canada, Vote 1 under The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited, Vote 1 under The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc., Vote 1 under VIA Rail Canada Inc. and Vote 1 under Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority — First report of the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities — April 26, 2021
Vote 1 under Invest in Canada Hub — Fifth report of the Standing Committee on International Trade — April 27, 2021
Votes 1 and 5 under Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Votes 1 and 5 under Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of Health, Vote 1 under Patented Medicine Prices Review Board and Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Public Health Agency of Canada — 12th report of the Standing Committee on Health — May 3, 2021
Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Finance — Deemed withdrawn from the Standing Committee on Finance; referred to a committee of the whole — May 3, 2021
Order respecting proceedings in committee of the whole — May 25, 2021
Considered in committee of the whole; deemed reported — May 26, 2021
Votes 1, 5 10, 15, 20, L25 and L30 under Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development — Deemed withdrawn from the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development; referred to a committee of the whole — May 3, 2021
Orders respecting proceedings in committee of the whole — May 25 and 28, 2021
Considered in committee of the whole; deemed reported — May 31, 2021
Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of the Environment, Votes 1 and 5 under Impact Assessment Agency of Canada and Votes 1 and 5 under Parks Canada Agency — Fifth report of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development — May 25, 2021
Vote 1 under Canadian Dairy Commission, Vote 1 under Canadian Grain Commission and Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food — Sixth report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food — May 28, 2021
Vote 1 under Canada Post Corporation, Vote 1 under Canada School of Public Service, Vote 1 under Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat, Vote 1 under Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board, Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Public Works and Government Services, Votes 1 and 5 under National Capital Commission, Vote 1 under Office of the Governor General's Secretary, Vote 1 under Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, Vote 1 under Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, Vote 1 under Privy Council Office, Vote 1 under Public Service Commission, Vote 1 under Senate, Votes 1 and 5 under Shared Services Canada and Votes 1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30 and 35 under Treasury Board Secretariat — Third report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates — May 28, 2021
Votes 1, 5, 10 and 15 under Department of National Defence — Extension of consideration by the Standing Committee on National Defence — Notice — May 26, 2021
Deemed adopted — May 28, 2021
Vote 1 under Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Vote 1 under Canadian Energy Regulator, Vote 1 under Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of Natural Resources and Vote 1 under Northern Pipeline Agency — Fourth report of the Standing Committee on Natural Resources — May 31, 2021
Vote 1 under Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying, Vote 1 under Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner, Votes 1 and 5 under Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada and Vote 1 under Office of the Senate Ethics Officer — First report of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics — May 31, 2021
Votes deemed reported — All votes except those already reported or whose consideration has been extended — May 31, 2021
Concurred in — June 17, 2021 (See Bill C-33)
No. 8 — Interim supply for the year ending March 31, 2022
Concurred in — March 25, 2021 (See Bill C-27)
No. 9 — Supply period ending June 23, 2021
First allotted day — Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Access to COVID-19 vaccines — Notice — April 27, 2021
Debated — April 29, 2021
Negatived — May 3, 2021
Second allotted day — Ms. Bergen (Portage—Lisgar) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — April 30, 2021
Debated — May 4, 2021
Negatived — May 5, 2021
Third allotted day — Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Elections during a pandemic — Notice — May 11, 2021
Debated — May 13, 2021
Adopted — May 25, 2021
Fourth allotted day — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Documents related to the transfer of Ebola and Henipah viruses to the Wuhan Institute of Virology — Notice — May 28, 2021
Debated — June 1, 2021
Adopted — June 2, 2021
Documents from the government tabled by the Speaker — June 11, 2021
Fifth allotted day — Mr. Singh (Burnaby South) — Action towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples — Notice — June 1, 2021
Debated — June 3, 2021
Adopted — June 7, 2021
Documents tabled by the government — June 17, 2021
Sixth allotted day — Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — Housing policy — Notice — June 4, 2021
Debated — June 8, 2021
Adopted — June 9, 2021
Seventh allotted day — Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Amendment to section 45 of the Constitution and Quebec, a French-speaking nation — Notice — June 11, 2021
Debated — June 15, 2021
Adopted — June 16, 2021
Eighth and final allotted day — Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) — Censure of the Minister of National Defence — Notice — June 15, 2021
Debated — June 17, 2021
Adopted — June 17, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Extension of tax returns deadline — Notice — April 23, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Extension of tax returns deadline — Notice — April 23, 2021
Mr. Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South) — Extension of tax returns deadline — Notice — April 23, 2021
Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — Access to COVID-19 vaccines — Notice — April 27, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Access to COVID-19 vaccines — Notice — April 27, 2021
Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — April 27, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — April 27, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — April 30, 2021
Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — April 30, 2021
Ms. Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — April 30, 2021
Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — April 30, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Allegations of sexual misconduct in the military — Notice — April 30, 2021
Ms. Harder (Lethbridge) — Government plan to regulate social media — Notice — April 30, 2021
Mr. Rayes (Richmond—Arthabaska) — Government plan to regulate social media — Notice — April 30, 2021
Mr. Moore (Fundy Royal) — Government plan to regulate social media — Notice — April 30, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Government plan to regulate social media — Notice — April 30, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Government plan to regulate social media — Notice — April 30, 2021
Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Election of Iran to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women — Notice — April 30, 2021
Ms. Sahota (Calgary Skyview) — Election of Iran to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women — Notice — April 30, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Election of Iran to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women — Notice — April 30, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Election of Iran to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women — Notice — April 30, 2021
Ms. Larouche (Shefford) — Recommendations of the External Review into Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment in the Canadian Armed Forces — Notice — May 11, 2021
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Recommendations of the External Review into Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment in the Canadian Armed Forces — Notice — May 11, 2021
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Recommendations of the External Review into Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment in the Canadian Armed Forces — Notice — May 11, 2021
Mr. Thériault (Montcalm) — Elections during a pandemic — Notice — May 11, 2021
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Elections during a pandemic — Notice — May 11, 2021
Ms. Chabot (Thérèse-De Blainville) — Response of the Canada Revenue Agency to the COVID-19 pandemic — Notice — May 11, 2021
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Response of the Canada Revenue Agency to the COVID-19 pandemic — Notice — May 11, 2021
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Response of the Canada Revenue Agency to the COVID-19 pandemic — Notice — May 11, 2021
Mrs. Desbiens (Beauport-Côte-de-Beaupré-Île d'Orléans-Charlevoix) — Financing of cultural development in Quebec — Notice — May 11, 2021
Mr. Blanchet (Beloeil—Chambly) — Financing of cultural development in Quebec — Notice — May 11, 2021
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Financing of cultural development in Quebec — Notice — May 11, 2021
Mr. Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) — Documents related to the transfer of Ebola and Henipah viruses to the Wuhan Institute of Virology — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Documents related to the transfer of Ebola and Henipah viruses to the Wuhan Institute of Virology — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Documents related to the transfer of Ebola and Henipah viruses to the Wuhan Institute of Virology — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — Documents related to the transfer of Ebola and Henipah viruses to the Wuhan Institute of Virology — Notice — May 28, 2021
Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — Benchmarks and criteria for the safe lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) — Benchmarks and criteria for the safe lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) — Benchmarks and criteria for the safe lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Benchmarks and criteria for the safe lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Benchmarks and criteria for the safe lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Anti-Asian racism — Notice — May 28, 2021
Ms. Shin (Port Moody—Coquitlam) — Anti-Asian racism — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Anti-Asian racism — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Anti-Asian racism — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Origin of COVID-19 — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Origin of COVID-19 — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Origin of COVID-19 — Notice — May 28, 2021
Ms. Shin (Port Moody—Coquitlam) — Origin of COVID-19 — Notice — May 28, 2021
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Action towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples — Notice — June 1, 2021
Mr. Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) — National passenger transportation strategy — Notice — June 1, 2021
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — National passenger transportation strategy — Notice — June 1, 2021
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Canada Recovery Benefit program — Notice — June 1, 2021
Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) — Canada Recovery Benefit program — Notice — June 1, 2021
Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — Banking services during the COVID-19 pandemic — Notice — June 1, 2021
Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) — Banking services during the COVID-19 pandemic — Notice — June 1, 2021
Mr. Masse (Windsor West) — Banking services during the COVID-19 pandemic — Notice — June 1, 2021
Mr. Fast (Abbotsford) — Tax policy — Notice — June 4, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Tax policy — Notice — June 4, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Tax policy — Notice — June 4, 2021
Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — Tax policy — Notice — June 4, 2021
Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — Quarantine hotels — Notice — June 4, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Quarantine hotels — Notice — June 4, 2021
Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — Quarantine hotels — Notice — June 4, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Housing policy — Notice — June 4, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Housing policy — Notice — June 4, 2021
Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — Housing policy — Notice — June 4, 2021
Mr. Therrien (La Prairie) — Amendment to section 45 of the Constitution and Quebec, a French-speaking nation — Notice — June 11, 2021
Ms. Normandin (Saint-Jean) — Amendment to section 45 of the Constitution and Quebec, a French-speaking nation — Notice — June 11, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Censure of the Minister of National Defence — Notice — June 15, 2021
Ms. Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) — Censure of the Minister of National Defence — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — Censure of the Minister of National Defence — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Censure of the Minister of National Defence — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — House recalls for rulings on questions of privilege — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — House recalls for rulings on questions of privilege — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — House recalls for rulings on questions of privilege — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Documents related to the origin of COVID-19 — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Documents related to the origin of COVID-19 — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Documents related to the origin of COVID-19 — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. Cumming (Edmonton Centre) — Progress report on job creation commitment in budget 2021 — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. Fast (Abbotsford) — Progress report on job creation commitment in budget 2021 — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. O'Toole (Durham) — Progress report on job creation commitment in budget 2021 — Notice — June 15, 2021
Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — Progress report on job creation commitment in budget 2021 — Notice — June 15, 2021
No. 10 — Supplementary Estimates (A), 2021-22
Laid upon the table; deemed referred to several standing committees — May 27, 2021
Votes 1a, 5a and 10a under Department of Natural Resources — Fifth report of the Standing Committee on Natural Resources — May 31, 2021
Vote 1a under Department of Citizenship and Immigration — Sixth report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration — June 8, 2021
Votes deemed reported — All votes except those already reported — June 14, 2021
Concurred in — June 17, 2021 (See Bill C-34)

Ways and Means

This section contains all motions relating to the raising of revenue through taxation and to the government's budgetary policy. The motions in this section are numbered sequentially.
No. 1The Minister of Finance — Ways and means motion to amend the Income Tax Act
Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8570-432-1); Order of the day designated — October 30, 2020
Adopted — November 2, 2020 (See Bill C-9)
No. 2The Minister of Finance — Budgetary policy
Order of the day designated — March 23, 2021
Presentation — April 19, 2021
Debated — April 20, 21, 22 and 26, 2021
Adopted — April 26, 2021
No. 3The Minister of Finance — Ways and Means motion to amend the Income Tax Act and other related legislation
Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No.  8570-432-3 ); order of the day designated — April 19, 2021
No. 4The Minister of Finance — Ways and Means motion to amend the Excise Tax Act
Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No.  8570-432-4 ); order of the day designated — April 19, 2021
No. 5The Minister of Finance — Ways and Means motion to amend the Excise Act, 2001 and other legislation
Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No.  8570-432-5 ); order of the day designated — April 19, 2021
No. 6The Minister of Finance — Ways and Means motion to introduce an Act to implement a Tax on Select Luxury Goods
Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No.  8570-432-6 ); Order of the Day designated — April 19, 2021
No. 7The Minister of Finance — Ways and Means motion to introduce an Act to implement a Digital Services Tax
Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No.  8570-432-7 ); Order of the Day designated — April 19, 2021
No. 8The Minister of Finance — Ways and Means motion to introduce an Act to implement a Tax on Unproductive Use of Canadian Housing by Foreign Non-resident Owners
Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No.  8570-432-8 ); Order of the Day designated — April 19, 2021
No. 9The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance — Ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 19, 2021 and other measures
Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No.  8570-432-9 ); Order of the Day designated — April 28, 2021
Adopted — April 30, 2021(See Bill C-30)

Government Business

This section contains all government motions which the government requested to be placed under this heading in the Order Paper. The motions in this section are numbered sequentially upon notice.
No. 1The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — Proceedings on the bill entitled An Act relating to certain measures in response to COVID-19 — Notice — September 25, 2020
Debated — September 28 and 29, 2020
Closure — Notice — September 28, 2020; adopted — September 29, 2020
Adopted — September 29, 2020(See Bill C-4)
No. 2The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — The status of the French language in Montréal
Order respecting proceedings on November 25, 2020, pursuant to Standing Order 53.1; order respecting proceedings in committee of the whole — November 19, 2020
Debated in committee of the whole — November 25, 2020
No. 3Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — G-3, Concurrence in the report of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner entitled “Maloney Report”
Debated under Routine Proceedings; transferred to Government Business — December 11, 2020 (See PART V — Other Business No. 6)
No. 4The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — The alarming increase of gender-based violence in Canada
Order respecting proceedings on March 25, 2021, pursuant to Standing Order 53.1; order respecting proceedings in committee of the whole — March 25, 2021
Debated in committee of the whole — March 25, 2021
No. 5The Minister of Labour — Proceedings on a bill entitled An Act to provide for the resumption and continuation of operations at the Port of Montreal — Notice — April 25, 2021
Debated — April 27 and 28, 2021
Closure — Notice — April 27, 2021; adopted — April 28, 2021
Adopted as amended — April 28, 2021(See Bill C-29)
No. 6The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — Discovery of the remains of 215 children at a former residential school in British Columbia
Order respecting proceedings on June 1, 2021, pursuant to Standing Order 53.1; order respecting proceedings in committee of the whole — May 31, 2021
Debated in committee of the whole — June 1, 2021
No. 7The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — Members not seeking re-election to the 44th Parliament
Order respecting proceedings on June 15, 2021, pursuant to Standing Order 53.1; order respecting proceedings in committee of the whole — June 3, 2021
Debated in committee of the whole — June 15, 2021
No. 8The Minister of Public Services and Procurement — Extension of sitting hours in June, pursuant to Standing Order 27
Debated — June 9 and 10, 2021
Adopted as amended — June 14, 2021
No. 9The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — Proceedings on Bill C-12, An Act respecting transparency and accountability in Canada's efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050 — Notice — June 11, 2021
Debated — June 21 and 22, 2021
Adopted — June 22, 2021
Closure — Notice — June 21, 2021; adopted — June 22, 2021
No. 10The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons — Proceedings on Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts — Notice — June 11, 2021
Debated — June 14 and 21, 2021
Closure — Notice — June 14, 2021; adopted — June 21, 2021
Adopted — June 21, 2021

R Recommended by the Governor General