Library and Archives Canada

Management Action Plan

May 1, 2015



OAG Audit: Chapter 7 – Documentary Heritage of the Government of Canada


Tabled November 25, 2014





Management Action Plan



Management Response to the


Action(s) to be Taken

Estimated Completion Date


Status Update

7.17 Library and Archives Canada should ensure that disposition authorities of the federal government’s archival records are kept up to date. To accomplish this, it should develop a plan with achievable timelines for issuing and updating the necessary disposition authorities. It should also continue to engage with institutions and to monitor the adequacy of existing disposition authorities.


Our current disposition plan is not meeting its objectives. In the fall of 2014, Library and Archives Canada will approve a focused and accelerated plan to ensure full disposition coverage for the Government of Canada institutions by the end of the 2017–18 fiscal year. This plan will be implemented by a dedicated task force that will ensure the following:

  • updating disposition authorities against clear deadlines,
  • continuing to engage Government of Canada institutions, and
  • publishing a monitoring plan by December 2014.

1. Establish a dedicated task force to respond to recommendations 7.17 and 7.24.

November 2014

Librarian and Archivist of Canada


A small team of employees was formed in September 2014 to determine the approach for a dedicated task force to address the Auditor General’s recommendations.


The Task Force was established on November 1, 2014.

2. Develop a 3-year plan for disposition to ensure 100% of GC institutions have full and up-to-date disposition coverage

February 2015

Director General, Disposition and Discoverability Task Force


A new approach for issuing disposition authorizations was approved by LAC’s Management Board on October 7, 2014.


A more detailed 3-year plan to ensure that 100% of GC institutions have full and up-to-date disposition coverage was approved by LAC’s Acting Chief Operating Officer on February 10, 2015.

3. Develop a plan to monitor the adequacy of disposition authorizations.

December 2014

Director General, Disposition and Discoverability Task Force


The plan was approved by the Librarian and Archivist of Canada on December 19, 2014.


4. Engage with GC institutions regarding LAC’s new approach to its disposition program.

November 2017

Director General, Disposition and Discoverability Task Force


·      LAC consulted disposition managers from a dozen departments on the new approach for issuing disposition authorization in October 2014.

·      LAC’s Chief Operating Officer briefed the Chief Information Officer of the Government of Canada on this new approach in November 2014.

·      LAC communicated its disposition authorization monitoring plan to GC institutions by publishing it on LAC’s Disposition and Recordkeeping Portal on December 23, 2014.

·      The DG, Disposition and Discoverability Task Force made a presentation on LAC’s new approach to disposition to GC information management professionals at Recordkeeping (RK) Day on January 15, 2015.

·      LAC communicated its detailed 3-year disposition plan to GC institutions by publishing it on LAC’s Disposition and Recordkeeping Portal on February 24, 2015.

·      The DG, Disposition and Discoverability Task Force made a presentation on LAC’s new approach to disposition to the Committee on Information Management in Business on February 26, 2015.

5. Implement LAC’s 3-year disposition plan to ensure 100% of GC institutions have full and up-to-date disposition coverage

November 2017

Director General, Disposition and Discoverability Task Force


Ten new disposition authorizations were approved by LAC’s Chief Operating Officer in March 2015. As of May 1, 2015 the level of full and up-to-date disposition coverage for GC institutions is at ? 30%.

6. Operationalize the monitoring of disposition authorizations.

November 2017

Director General, Disposition and Discoverability Task Force


Preliminary approaches to monitoring are under discussion.

7.24 Library and Archives Canada should develop and implement a plan that establishes the approach, resources, budget with cost and efficiency gains estimates, and timelines to eliminate the backlog of government documentary heritage. Results on progress should be measured and reported to management on a regular basis.


In the fall of 2014, Library and Archives Canada will establish a dedicated task force and approve a plan to eliminate the Government of Canada’s documentary heritage backlog by December 2015. Reports on results and progress will be provided on a quarterly basis to Library and Archives Canada’s senior management.

1. Establish a dedicated task force to respond to recommendations 7.17 and 7.24.

November 2014

Librarian and Archivist of Canada


A small team of employees was formed in September 2014 to determine the approach for a dedicated task force to address the Auditor General’s recommendations.


The Task Force was established on November 1, 2014.

2. Develop a plan with targets to eliminate the 98,074 container Government of Canada documentary heritage backlog

November 2014

Director General, Disposition and Discoverability Task Force


The approach to eliminating the backlog was approved by LAC Management Board on October 7, 2014.

The implementation plan to eliminate the backlog was approved by the Chief Operating Officer on October 30, 2014.

3. Implement the backlog reduction plan and report on progress.

December 2015

Director General, Disposition and Discoverability Task Force


Progress on the backlog reduction is reported on a monthly basis.


% of backlog reduction by date:

·      35% as of December 1, 2014

·      42% as of January 6, 2015

·      47% as of February 2, 2015

·      52% as of March 2, 2015

·      63% as of April 1, 2015

·      70% as of May 1, 2015

7.34 Library and Archives Canada should:

·       develop a corporate digital strategy to allow the transition to an integrated digital environment that ensures the sustainability of its digital collection and

·       continue to engage with institutions to prepare them on how to transfer digital records in an appropriate format, so that it can determine the capacity required to accommodate future digital transfers.


By March 2015, Library and Archives Canada will have an approved digital strategy to firmly ground its acquisition, preservation, and access functions in the digital era. This digital strategy will build on Library and Archives Canada’s business model, reflecting the institution’s transition to an integrated digital environment.

1. Complete LAC’s digital strategy, which will include an implementation roadmap that outlines the activities required to ensure the acquisition of, sustainability of and access to LAC’s digital collections.

March 2015

Director General, Innovation and Digital Transformation


Approval in principle of LAC’s digital strategy by Management Board was received on March 30th, 2015.

2. Establish the business architecture to accommodate future digital transfers from institutions.


April 2016



The establishment of the business architecture to accommodate future digital transfers from institutions is underway.

3. Operationalize digital transfers from institutions.

April 2017



This action is subsequent to the establishment of the business architecture.

·      As part of its ongoing engagement with Government of Canada institutions, Library and Archives Canada issued new procedures in June 2014 for the transfer of digital documents.

·      In September 2014, Library and Archives Canada approved guidelines on recommended file formats for transfer.

4. Issue new procedures for the transfer of digital documents and guidelines on recommended file formats.


June 2014


Director General, Innovation and Digital Transformation



New procedures (June 2014) and guidelines (September 2014) were approved and issued to Government institutions on the recommended file formats and transfer of digital documents.


5. Issue new guidelines on recommended file formats.

September 2014


·      Library and Archives Canada will continue to work with Government of Canada institutions and central agencies to forecast the growing volume of digital documents. This will be used to establish the capacity requirements for Library and Archives Canada.


6. Assess the volume of digital records of enduring value expected to be transferred to LAC by conducting a study of 17 government departments.

March 2015

Director General, Evaluation and Acquisition


Study was developed and sent to a sample of 17 government departments.


7. Report on expected digital volume and capacity requirements.

September 2015


Analysis of responses is in progress. Review of related GC, national and international reports underway.

7.39 To support the fulfillment of its mandate, Library and Archives Canada should implement a program that ensures the acquisition and sustainability of digital records, and the provision of access of its collection by Canadians


In April 2015, Library and Archives Canada will begin a comprehensive digital transformation program. This will improve its digital stewardship function and ensure it continues to acquire, preserve, and provide Canadians with access to their digital collection.

1. Initiate digital transformation using LAC’s digital strategy implementation roadmap which outlines the activities required to ensure the acquisition of, sustainability of and access to LAC’s digital collections.

April 2015



Director General, Innovation and Digital Transformation


Following the approval in principle of LAC’s digital strategy by Management Board (received on March 30th, 2015), LAC began implementation of its digital transformation activities.


2. Create and resource the Digital Curation Initiative to manage digital activities across LAC.


May 2015


LAC is in the process of resourcing its Digital Curation Initiative which will manage the roadmap activities across the institution.

3. Establish the business architecture required to ensure the acquisition and preservation of digital records, and access to LAC collections by Canadians. 

April 2016



Work has already begun on several initial activities, including work planning, procurement and governance.

4. Develop a plan to acquire sufficient storage and processing capacity following the analysis of the volume of digital documents to be received from GC institutions.

April 2016



This action is dependent on the completion of the volume forecast of documents to be received from GC institutions.