Appendix A to the Audit Report





Issuing a Disposition Authorization for the Information Resources of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission










(30 April 2013)

Appendix A – Management Action Plan


In his Spring 2013 Report, the Auditor General recommended that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada and Library and Archives Canada (LAC) collaborate on the evaluation and disposition of the TRC’s information resources (recommendation 6.48). LAC agreed to work with the TRC to provide a disposition authorization before the conclusion of the TRC’s mandate in June 2014 and to provide any feedback requested by TRC on arrangements for records transfer to the National Research Centre. A detailed schedule is available in the Disposition Project Schedule - Appendix C.

Description of Actions

Issuing a disposition authorization for the records of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) begins with an analysis that is founded on an assessment of the importance of the TRC within Canadian society. This is done by analysing the TRC’s roles and responsibilities through LAC’s methodology and related tools for identifying records with historical value.

Through its analysis, LAC has determined that the TRC has a unique role and responsibility within Canadian society relating to truth, healing and reconciliation activities. The TRC fulfils this role in part through the broad participation of stakeholders, including survivors of the Indian Residential Schools (IRS) system, First Nations’ more broadly, the churches and various levels of government. As a result, the TRC is a key setting for interactions between survivors of the IRS system, First Nations, the churches and various levels of government. Therefore, the TRC’s activities redefine the fundamental assumptions that govern the historic, contemporary and future interactions between aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians.

LAC is currently collaborating actively with the TRC to translate this high-level assessment of the TRC’s importance into the identification of records with historical value. LAC has assigned an archivist with subject matter expertise in records relating to Aboriginal Canadians full-time to the project. The archivist draws on support from throughout LAC on an as-needed basis. The archivist is actively collaborating with the TRC.

Both parties have collaboratively identified the following deadlines and deliverables. While these differ somewhat from earlier timelines, they reflect a mutual understanding of the scope and scale of the TRC disposition project. They also fall within the timelines identified for the issuance of a disposition authority for TRC information resources.

Summary of Actions (details in Disposition Project Schedule - Appendix C)

Initial Evaluation (end of June): This will include an assessment of the role of the TRC and a preliminary identification of information resources with enduring value. Additionally, questions for TRC staff that are intended to test this preliminary identification of records with historical value will be drafted.   

Final Evaluation (end of July): The LAC archivist will interview TRC officials on-site at the TRC’s Winnipeg offices. Interviews will ensure that LAC fully understands the way the TRC’s activities are documented in its information resources.  Information gathered on site will then be incorporated into a final draft identification of information resources with enduring value.

Final Disposition Authorization (Fall 2013): The final draft identification of information resources with enduring value will be presented to TRC and LAC senior officials for review, comment and approval.

Appendix B – Risk ranking of recommendations


There is some overall risk to achieving the deliverables identified in the recommendation within the timeline. However, this risk is mitigated by the fact that LAC resources are already assigned to the evaluation project, the active on-going discussions with the TRC and that the timeline falls within LAC’s normal service standards for such projects.

Activity 3 - TRC Site Visit for Evaluation of IREVs - is the only activity with a heightened risk ranking. This risk, which is low, relates to the possibility that the appropriate TRC officials will not be available for consultation during the on-site visit. This risk is greatly mitigated by LAC and TRC’s active collaboration to develop the schedule for the on-site visit.

Appendix C – Disposition project schedule


The following is a detailed step-by-step schedule, with deliverables for issuing a Disposition Authorization to the TRC






Target Dates




  1. Initial Disposition Analysis


April 2013


June 2013




Complete first draft of Social Actor Analysis

-in this report, LAC will examine the role and mandate of the TRC in a pan-Canadian context. It is expected that the TRC will be validated as a key social actor in Canadian society necessitating an LAC appraisal to identify information resources of enduring or archival value




April 2013


May 2013



Validation and approval of Social Actor Analysis




May 2013


June 2013


  1. Initial Evaluation of TRC Information Resources for Enduring Value (IREV)


June 2013


June 2013




Complete initial draft of Evaluation of Information Resources with available information

-in this report, LAC will identify the IREVs that best document the function or influence of the TRC in Canadian society

-an information resource is any documentary material produced in published and unpublished form regardless of communications source, information format, production mode or recording medium.

-enduring value is “the quality of having continuing archival or historical usefulness or significance to Canadian society.”  

-several specific assessment criteria may come into play when an archivist evaluates information resources, such as the completeness and comprehensiveness of the body of information resources; the authenticity of the information resources (records); the uniqueness of the resource; the relationship to other information resources; extent (how  many); usability (legibility, etc); and physical condition




June 2013


June 2013




Review and confirm evaluation questions for TRC staff

-Knowing why and how records have been created and what business processes they are part of enable archivists to search for efficiencies in their evaluations and therefore avoid duplication in the identification of information resources of enduring value

-in support of this approach, the archivist will compose questions for nominated TRC staff members from each business area, as well as information resources and IT staff to clarify how information resources are organized




June 2013


June 2013


  1. TRC Site Visit for Evaluation of Information Resources of Enduring Value


July 2013


July 2013




Identification of staff from business areas for interviews




July 2013


July 2013




Send evaluation questions to TRC staff




July 2013






On-site visit of LAC archivist

-the visit will assist the archivist in understanding the nature and content of records generated in each business area as well as the physical nature and storage requirements of the information resources in order to make archival selections




July 2013


July 2013




Availability of TRC staff for consultations during on-site visit




July 2013


July 2013




Provision of on-site workspace for LAC archivist




July 2013


July 2013


  1. Final Evaluation and Assessment of TRC IREVs


July 2013


August 2013




Complete final draft of Evaluation of Information Resources




July 2013


July 2013



Submit completed report to Content Assessment for validation

-Content Assessment staff review the document to ensure the enduring value recommendations are suitable, sufficient, and sustainable




July 2013


July 2013




Content Assessment validates evaluation recommendations in Acquisition Recommendations report




July 2013


August 2013


  1. Finalize Disposition Package for Approval


August 2013


August 2013




Initial formatting and translation of disposition package items (Disposition Authorization, Letter of Agreement)




August 2013


August 2013




Final formatting and translation of disposition package items (Terms and Conditions)




August 2013


August 2013


6. Approval of Disposition Package


August 2013


September 2013




Provision of Disposition Package to TRC for review




August 2013


August 2013




Review of  Disposition Package/ Conveyance of Agreement




September 2013


September 2013




Review of  Disposition Package/ Conveyance of Agreement




August 2013


September 2013