Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Action Plan to the

Report of the Auditor General of Canada – Fall, 2013

Chapter 8 - Disaster Relief for Producers—Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada




The Department’s Response

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Action Plan

Implementation  Date


Paragraph: 8.23. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada should analyze AgriRecovery processes, quantify and document impediments to timeliness, and take corrective action to meet the 45-day assessment target and the overall 10.5-month timeline for AgriRecovery. As part of this process, the Department should engage the provinces and Canada’s central agencies on how to deliver the AgriRecovery program faster.



Agreed. The Department agrees that the assessment process should be reviewed with stakeholders. AgriRecovery has provided timely and targeted assistance to help producers recover from disasters, with the majority of the value of payments being provided within the overall timelines. The Department recognizes the opportunities to improve the assessment process, particularly for the smaller initiatives, and will engage central agencies and provinces to further analyze impediments in the process, update our timeliness targets as required, and make process adjustments to meet these targets. The target date is March 2018


·         Regarding analyzing AgriRecovery processes, AAFC will analyze the administrative processes for disaster assessments, agreements and program documentation in order to quantify and document impediments to timeliness. This analysis will be conducted with the provinces as part of our policy framework discussions.


·         Regarding taking corrective action to meet timeliness targets, AAFC will work with provinces to improve AgriRecovery processes. This will include: (1) revising the timeliness performance measures for AgriRecovery under Growing Forward 2, (2) standardizing assessments and agreements, (3) upgrading its monitoring and reporting system, and (4) working with the provinces to explore options to address any impediments identified in the process review. These improvements will facilitate the improvement of AgriRecovery processes, including allowing for continuous monitoring and reporting on timeliness and for corrective actions to be taken as required.


·         Regarding central agency engagement, AAFC will discuss with Canada’s central agencies the processes for obtaining authorities for AgriRecovery initiatives. The objective will be to identify opportunities for process adjustments that may allow AAFC to better meet the targeted timelines.


March 2018











Paragraph: 8.29. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada should track and report on AgriRecovery timeliness in real time, and address initiatives that require corrective action.  



Agreed. The Department will track and report on AgriRecovery timelines on a real-time basis, and will address those initiatives requiring corrective action. The target date is March 2014



·           AAFC’s AgriRecovery reporting system has been enhanced to allow governments to better track and report on AgriRecovery performance indicators and timelines. The changes to the system will assist governments in tracking timeliness in real time and taking corrective actions as required.


March 2014






Paragraph: 8.44. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada should assess risk for each AgriRecovery initiative and streamline its administrative effort for smaller, lower-value initiatives.


Agreed. The Department will formally assess risks for each initiative. The Department will consult with provinces and central agencies with a view to streamlining the administrative processes based on risk. The target date is March 2018


·         Regarding assessing risk for each AgriRecovery initiative, AAFC will work with provinces to assess and document risks relating to the nature and size of potential initiatives as part of the disaster assessment process. This risk assessment will also include the potential for setting precedents and the potential to verify payments.


·         Regarding streamlining administrative efforts, AAFC will consult with the provinces as part of our policy framework discussions and Canada’s central agencies on options for streamlining administrative processes based on the level of risk. On this basis, administrative processes will be streamlined where possible.



March 2018




Paragraph: 8.46. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada should publicly communicate AgriRecovery’s performance against its timeliness targets.


Agreed. The Department will report against its timeliness targets on AgriRecovery in the Departmental Performance Report, starting with the 2013–14 fiscal year. The target date is December 2014


·         AAFC will report against its timeliness targets on AgriRecovery in the Departmental Performance Report, starting with the 2013-14 fiscal year.


December 2014