Preventing Illegal Entry into Canada

About the Audit


The OAG informed the RCMP on 6 June 2012 that they would be commencing an audit to determine “whether selected Government of Canada systems and practices to prevent illegal entry of people into Canada are working as intended”.   The audit focused on the RCMP and the CBSA.  Within the RCMP, particular emphasis was placed on assessing the Integrated Border Enforcement Teams (IBET) and Marine Security Enforcement Teams (MSET).  The OAG report includes one recommendation addressed to the RCMP as detailed below.  The RCMP agrees with the recommendation. 


Para #


Management Response in OAG audit report:




The RCMP should develop and fully implement a framework to measure and monitor the performance of its border law enforcement activities.


Agreed.  The RCMP will establish a working group with a mandate to review and propose changes to the existing RCMP Program Alignment Architecture (PAA) and Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), with a full implementation deadline of fiscal year 2015-16,  The revised PAA/PMF will reflect Federal Policing senior management team’s resource allocation decisions to be based on program requirements, resource availability, financial constraints, performance metrics, threat assessments, operational priorities and risks.



Management Action Plan

Target Completion Dates


1)      Establish systems and practices for the collection of information.  This will include systems in place to record and retrieve statistical data related to illegal entry into Canada.  The RCMP will also ensure practices are in place to capture within Records Management Systems to accurately reflect intercepting illegal entry into Canada.


Responsible Business Line(s):  Federal Coordination Center, Operational Information Management


2)      Develop and test a new Federal Policing Program Alignment Architecture (PAA) and Performance Measurement Framework (PMF).   The new PAA/PMF will be consistent with the new Federal Policing Service Delivery Model.


Responsible Business Line:  Federal Policing Strategic Policy and External Relations


March 2015








March 2016