DRAFTIndustry Canada Action Plan in response to Recommendations 45 and 65

Office of the Auditor General November 2013 Report - Chapter 2: Access to Online Government Services

OAG Recommendations

IC Management Response

Fall 2013


Expected Completion


Recommendation 45:

HRSDC, IC & VAC should each develop their own integrated strategies and plans for the delivery of services to Canadians which are cost effective and client focussed.


The Department is currently

developing an integrated strategy and plan for delivery of services to

business, focusing on the Department and the portfolio, and which can be expanded to include other federal organizations with a service-to business focus. In the 2014–15 fiscal year, this departmental plan will be fully implemented.

Service to Business strategy

The Assistant Deputy Minister of the Small Business, Tourism and Marketplace Services Sector (SBTMS) will become the champion for an integrated service delivery approach in the department.

Industry Canada will have a service to business strategy to improve the service experience for businesses when dealing with the federal government.

·         Industry Canada will align the integrated strategy with the Department’s corporate plan.

·         A plan for implementing the strategy will be developed and put in place.

March 2014

March 2015

Fall 2014

Fall 2014


SBTMS will be the lead with the input of other sectors including:  Chief Information Officer (CIO) Branch; Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO); Corporate Management Sector (CMS); Spectrum; and, Others

Recommendation 65:

Government departments should develop and use a standard methodology to identify and report on the costs of their delivery channels to support decision-making.


The Department agrees that by the 2015–16 fiscal year it will develop a standard methodology that can be used to identify and report on the costs of its delivery channels to support decision making, taking into consideration the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s guidance on costing and sharing best practices.

Tracking and Reporting on Service Delivery Costs

Industry Canada will provide guidance to its service delivery business units on how to attribute costs to their various delivery channels to support decision-making.

Using the guidance provided, Industry Canada business units will begin to attribute 2015-16 costs to delivery channels to enable reporting and analysis.

December 2014

April 2015

The Corporate Services Management (CSM) sector, in consultation with service delivery business units, will develop and communicate guiding principles.

Each ADM with service delivery business units (e.g. SBTMS, CIPO) is accountable for implementation of the guidance provided.