HPFB COI Implementation Plan






I.                 Training



II.              Accessible Information and Awareness


III.           Monitoring and Reporting

Planned Activities

Integrate COI into training and on-boarding to ensure initial and sustained COI awareness


Provide manager training for COI management, advice, and discussion


Provide training related to the new Values and Ethics Code



New Values and Ethics Code (Code) launched at Health Canada and promoted through:

  • Distribution to employees
  • Manager Talking points


Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB) managers discuss COI with employees once a year at the Performance Discussion Process (PDP) as per HPFB COI Policy (Spring)

  • Supported by ADM reminders and COI talking points
  • HPFB intranet page with documents, forms, and examples
  • Reinforced through discussion of COI at Branch Operations Committee

Values and Ethics compliance is monitored through electronic pop-ups


COI compliance for HPFB monitored and reported on once a year (Spring) and is supported by an automated electronic system

  • Captures new hires in Branch
  • Allows for semi-annual review of compliance

Status Update as of August 31

Completed:  COI integrated into draft HPFB onboarding guide (July, 2012)


On schedule:  COI training deck developed for employees and managers (launch date of September 30, 2012)


Fall 2012:  Values and Ethics Training offered

Completed:  Values and Ethics Code launched and came into force (April 2, 2012)


Completed:  HPFB COI policy requiring annual COI confirmation approved and distributed to management along with link to Values and Ethics Code (May 31, 2012)


Completed:  ADM message and manager talking points sent to HPFB DGs to initiate COI discussions with their employees (May 31, 2012)


Completed:  COI case studies and intranet page developed with examples specific to drug reviewers and other COI risk areas (go live date of August 30, 2012)


Fall 2012:  Hard copies of the Values and Ethics Code to be distributed to employees

Completed:  Manual reporting process is in place.  (since November, 2011)


Completed: At mid-year review, 98% of Branch and 100% of drug reviewers confirmed their compliance with COI. (August, 2012)


March 2013:  Electronic tool is being developed to capture HPFB COI confirmations linked with employee HR information


Fall 2012:  Values and Ethics pop-up launched


Implementation Date

September, 2012 (except where otherwise indicated)



September, 2012 (except where otherwise indicated)




March, 2013